syntax file updates and fixes. addition of fortran syntax file

Этот коммит содержится в:
Paul Sheer 2000-02-18 11:13:10 +00:00
родитель a781e15fca
Коммит cbb0435c9e
11 изменённых файлов: 378 добавлений и 136 удалений

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ ALLSYNTAX = \
changelog.syntax \
diff.syntax \
diffc.syntax \
fortran.syntax \
html.syntax \
java.syntax \
latex.syntax \

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@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ context default
keyword /\* brown/22
keyword \*/ brown/22
keyword '\\\{abtnvfr\}' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\\{"abtnvfr\}' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\\{0123\}\{01234567\}\{01234567\}' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\'' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\\\' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\0' brightgreen/16
keyword '\{\s!"#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~абвгдежзийклмноп░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀рстуфхцчшщъыьэюяЁёЄєЇїЎў°∙·√№¤■ \}' brightgreen/16
keyword '\{\s!"#$%&()\*\+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~абвгдежзийклмноп░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀рстуфхцчшщъыьэюяЁёЄєЇїЎў°∙·√№¤■ \}' brightgreen/16
keyword > yellow/24
keyword < yellow/24
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ context default
keyword , brightcyan/14
keyword : brightcyan/14
keyword ; brightmagenta/19
keyword #define\[\t\s\]\[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789\]\[\t\s\]0x\[0123456789abcdefABCDEF\] brightred/18
context exclusive /\* \*/ brown/22
context // \n brown/22

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@ -1,37 +1,26 @@
# yawn
# Highlighting for various diffs including those generated by CVS
# Comments to Pavel Roskin <pavel_roskin@geocities.com>
context default
keyword linestart @@*@@ green/16
keyword linestart @@*@@ cyan/16
keyword linestart Index:\s brown/12
keyword linestart \s black/0 white/26
keyword linestart \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* cyan/16
keyword linestart \*\*\**\*\*\*\* cyan/16
keyword linestart ---*---- cyan/16
context exclusive linestart @@*@@ \n brightcyan/8
context exclusive linestart Index:\s \n black/0 white/26
context linestart diff \n white/26 red/9
context linestart --- \n brightmagenta/20
context linestart +++ \n brightmagenta/20
context linestart + \n brightgreen/6
context linestart \+\+\+ \n brightmagenta/20
context linestart \*\*\* \n brightmagenta/20
context linestart === \n brown/12
context linestart \+ \n brightgreen/6
context linestart > \n brightgreen/6
context linestart - \n brightred/18
context linestart A \n white/26 black/0
context linestart B \n white/26 black/0
context linestart C \n white/26 black/0
context linestart D \n white/26 black/0
context linestart E \n white/26 black/0
context linestart F \n white/26 black/0
context linestart G \n white/26 black/0
context linestart H \n white/26 black/0
context linestart I \n white/26 black/0
context linestart J \n white/26 black/0
context linestart K \n white/26 black/0
context linestart L \n white/26 black/0
context linestart M \n white/26 black/0
context linestart N \n white/26 black/0
context linestart O \n white/26 black/0
context linestart P \n white/26 black/0
context linestart Q \n white/26 black/0
context linestart R \n white/26 black/0
context linestart S \n white/26 black/0
context linestart T \n white/26 black/0
context linestart U \n white/26 black/0
context linestart V \n white/26 black/0
context linestart W \n white/26 black/0
context linestart X \n white/26 black/0
context linestart Y \n white/26 black/0
context linestart Z \n white/26 black/0
context linestart < \n brightred/18
context linestart ! \n yellow/24
context linestart ? \n brown/12
context linestart RCS\s \n brown/12
context linestart retrieving\s \n brown/12
context linestart Only\s \n yellow/24 black/0
context linestart Common\s \n yellow/24 black/0

syntax/fortran.syntax Обычный файл
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@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# ---------------------------------------------------
# fortran.syntax
# FORTRAN language syntax highlighting template.
# Provides syntax highlighting rules for the
# FORTRAN programming language.
# Author: John Theal
# Email: jtheal@renegadelinuxbox.dhs.org
# December 7, 1999
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Heavily modified by Paul Sheer <psheer@obsidian.co.za>.
context default
# boolean and logical expressions / operators
keyword .and. brightred/orange
keyword .eq. brightred/orange
keyword .eqv. brightred/orange
keyword .false. brightred/orange
keyword .ge. brightred/orange
keyword .gt. brightred/orange
keyword .le. brightred/orange
keyword .lt. brightred/orange
keyword .ne. brightred/orange
keyword .neqv. brightred/orange
keyword .not. brightred/orange
keyword .or. brightred/orange
keyword .true. brightred/orange
keyword whole lge brightred/orange
keyword whole lgt brightred/orange
keyword whole lle brightred/orange
keyword whole llt brightred/orange
# declarations
keyword whole block brightcyan/17
keyword whole character brightcyan/17
keyword whole common brightcyan/17
keyword whole complex brightcyan/17
keyword whole data brightcyan/17
keyword whole dimension brightcyan/17
keyword whole double brightcyan/17
keyword whole external brightcyan/17
keyword whole format brightcyan/17
keyword whole implicit brightcyan/17
keyword whole integer brightcyan/17
keyword whole intrinsic brightcyan/17
keyword whole logical brightcyan/17
keyword whole none brightcyan/17
keyword whole parameter brightcyan/17
keyword whole precision brightcyan/17
keyword whole real brightcyan/17
# general programming syntax
keyword whole assign brightgreen/15
keyword whole call brightgreen/15
keyword whole continue brightgreen/15
keyword whole do brightgreen/15
keyword whole else brightgreen/15
keyword whole elseif brightgreen/15
keyword whole end brightgreen/15
keyword whole enddo brightgreen/15
keyword whole endif brightgreen/15
keyword whole for brightgreen/15
keyword whole goto brightgreen/15
keyword whole if brightgreen/15
keyword whole pause brightgreen/15
keyword whole return brightgreen/15
keyword whole stop brightgreen/15
keyword whole then brightgreen/15
keyword whole to brightgreen/15
keyword whole while brightgreen/15
# headers
keyword whole entry brightgreen/15
keyword whole function yellow/21
keyword whole program yellow/21
keyword whole subroutine yellow/21
# I/O functions
# may have optional equal signs after them: 'keyword ='
keyword whole access brightmagenta/20
keyword whole backspace brightmagenta/20
keyword whole blank brightmagenta/20
keyword whole close brightmagenta/20
keyword whole direct brightmagenta/20
keyword whole endfile brightmagenta/20
keyword whole err brightmagenta/20
keyword whole exist brightmagenta/20
keyword whole file brightmagenta/20
keyword whole fmt brightmagenta/20
keyword whole form brightmagenta/20
keyword whole formatted brightmagenta/20
keyword whole inquire brightmagenta/20
keyword whole iostat brightmagenta/20
keyword whole name brightmagenta/20
keyword whole named brightmagenta/20
keyword whole nextrec brightmagenta/20
keyword whole number brightmagenta/20
keyword whole open brightmagenta/20
keyword whole opened brightmagenta/20
keyword whole print brightmagenta/20
keyword whole read brightmagenta/20
keyword whole rec brightmagenta/20
keyword whole recl brightmagenta/20
keyword whole rewind brightmagenta/20
keyword whole sequential brightmagenta/20
keyword whole status brightmagenta/20
keyword whole unformatted brightmagenta/20
keyword whole unit brightmagenta/20
keyword whole write brightmagenta/20
# mathematical functions
keyword whole abs yellow/24
keyword whole acos yellow/24
keyword whole aimag yellow/24
keyword whole aint yellow/24
keyword whole alog yellow/24
keyword whole alog10 yellow/24
keyword whole amax0 yellow/24
keyword whole amax1 yellow/24
keyword whole amin0 yellow/24
keyword whole amin1 yellow/24
keyword whole amod yellow/24
keyword whole anint yellow/24
keyword whole aprime yellow/24
keyword whole asin yellow/24
keyword whole atan yellow/24
keyword whole atan2 yellow/24
keyword whole acos yellow/24
keyword whole cabs yellow/24
keyword whole cexp yellow/24
keyword whole char yellow/24
keyword whole clog yellow/24
keyword whole cmplx yellow/24
keyword whole conjg yellow/24
keyword whole cos yellow/24
keyword whole cosh yellow/24
keyword whole ccos yellow/24
keyword whole csin yellow/24
keyword whole csqrt yellow/24
keyword whole dabs yellow/24
keyword whole dacos yellow/24
keyword whole dasin yellow/24
keyword whole datan yellow/24
keyword whole datan2 yellow/24
keyword whole dble yellow/24
keyword whole dcos yellow/24
keyword whole dcosh yellow/24
keyword whole dfloat yellow/24
keyword whole ddmim yellow/24
keyword whole dexp yellow/24
keyword whole dim yellow/24
keyword whole dint yellow/24
keyword whole dlog yellow/24
keyword whole dlog10 yellow/24
keyword whole dmax1 yellow/24
keyword whole dmin1 yellow/24
keyword whole dmod yellow/24
keyword whole dnint yellow/24
keyword whole dsign yellow/24
keyword whole dsin yellow/24
keyword whole dsinh yellow/24
keyword whole dsqrt yellow/24
keyword whole dtan yellow/24
keyword whole dtanh yellow/24
keyword whole equivalence yellow/24
keyword whole exp yellow/24
keyword whole float yellow/24
keyword whole iabs yellow/24
keyword whole ichar yellow/24
keyword whole idim yellow/24
keyword whole idint yellow/24
keyword whole ifix yellow/24
keyword whole index yellow/24
keyword whole int yellow/24
keyword whole isign yellow/24
keyword whole len yellow/24
keyword whole log yellow/24
keyword whole log10 yellow/24
keyword whole max yellow/24
keyword whole max0 yellow/24
keyword whole max1 yellow/24
keyword whole min yellow/24
keyword whole min0 yellow/24
keyword whole min1 yellow/24
keyword whole mod yellow/24
keyword whole rand yellow/24
keyword whole sign yellow/24
keyword whole sin yellow/24
keyword whole sinh yellow/24
keyword whole sngl yellow/24
keyword whole sqrt yellow/24
keyword whole tan yellow/24
keyword whole tanh yellow/24
keyword ( brightcyan/15
keyword ) brightcyan/15
keyword , brightcyan/14
keyword \+ yellow/24
keyword - yellow/24
keyword \* yellow/24
keyword / yellow/24
keyword = yellow/24
keyword linestart ! black/0 yellow/24
keyword linestart \* black/0 yellow/24
keyword linestart c black/0 yellow/24
keyword linestart C black/0 yellow/24
keyword linestart \s\s\s\s\s\* yellow/24 red/9
keyword linestart \s\s\s\s\s\s black/0 brightcyan/blue3
keyword linestart 0\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 1\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 2\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 3\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 4\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 5\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 6\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 7\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 8\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart 9\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart \s\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart \s\s\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart \s\s\s\{0123456789\s\}\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
keyword linestart \s\s\s\s\{0123456789\s\}\s white/26 brightcyan/2
# comments and quotes
keyword '*' green/6
context exclusive linestart ! \n brown/22
context exclusive linestart \* \n brown/22
context exclusive linestart c \n brown/22
context exclusive linestart C \n brown/22

Просмотреть файл

@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ context default
keyword , brightcyan/14
keyword : brightcyan/14
keyword ; brightmagenta/19
keyword #define\[\t\s\]\[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789\]\[\t\s\]0x\[0123456789abcdefABCDEF\] brightred/18
context exclusive /\* \*/ brown/22
context // \n brown/22

Просмотреть файл

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ wholechars right abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
keyword } brightgreen/6
keyword { brightgreen/6
keyword whole \\$ yellow/24
keyword \\$ yellow/24
# type style
keyword whole \\tiny yellow/24
@ -265,6 +265,8 @@ context \\pagenumbering{ } yellow/20
context % \n brown/22
context exclusive \\begin{verbatim} \\end{verbatim} white/13
# mathematical formulas
context $ $ brightgreen/6
context exclusive \\begin{equation} \\end{equation} brightgreen/6

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@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ context default
keyword linestart From:
keyword linestart From brightred/18
context exclusive linestart From\s \n\n lightgray/25 red/9
keyword <*@*> white/26
context exclusive linestart From\s \n\n white/25 red/9
keyword <*@*> brightwhite/26
wholechars left abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_01234567890.-
wholechars right abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_01234567890.-
keyword whole +@+ white/26
keyword whole +@+ brightwhite/26
keyword linestart To: magenta/23
keyword linestart From: green/6
keyword linestart Subject: brightred/Orange

Просмотреть файл

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ context default
keyword whole linestart include magenta
keyword whole linestart ifdef magenta
keyword whole linestart endif magenta
keyword whole linestart if magenta
keyword whole linestart ifeq magenta
keyword whole linestart ifneq magenta
keyword whole linestart else magenta

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
context default
keyword : brightred/18
keyword . white/Orange
keyword . brightwhite/Orange
keyword > yellow/24
keyword < yellow/24
keyword \+ yellow/24
@ -120,102 +120,102 @@ context default
keyword whole center magenta/23
keyword whole zfill magenta/23
keyword whole __init__ white/13
keyword whole __del__ white/13
keyword whole __repr__ white/13
keyword whole __str__ white/13
keyword whole __cmp__ white/13
keyword whole __hash__ white/13
keyword whole __call__ white/13
keyword whole __getattr__ white/13
keyword whole __setattr__ white/13
keyword whole __delattr__ white/13
keyword whole __len__ white/13
keyword whole __getitem__ white/13
keyword whole __setitem__ white/13
keyword whole __delitem__ white/13
keyword whole __getslice__ white/13
keyword whole __setslice__ white/13
keyword whole __delslice__ white/13
keyword whole __add__ white/13
keyword whole __sub__ white/13
keyword whole __mul__ white/13
keyword whole __div__ white/13
keyword whole __mod__ white/13
keyword whole __divmod__ white/13
keyword whole __pow__ white/13
keyword whole __lshift__ white/13
keyword whole __rshift__ white/13
keyword whole __and__ white/13
keyword whole __xor__ white/13
keyword whole __or__ white/13
keyword whole __neg__ white/13
keyword whole __pos__ white/13
keyword whole __abs__ white/13
keyword whole __invert__ white/13
keyword whole __nonzero__ white/13
keyword whole __coerce__ white/13
keyword whole __int__ white/13
keyword whole __long__ white/13
keyword whole __float__ white/13
keyword whole __oct__ white/13
keyword whole __hex__ white/13
keyword whole __init__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __del__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __repr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __str__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __cmp__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __hash__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __call__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __getattr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __setattr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __delattr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __len__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __getitem__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __setitem__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __delitem__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __getslice__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __setslice__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __delslice__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __add__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __sub__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __mul__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __div__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __mod__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __divmod__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __pow__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __lshift__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rshift__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __and__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __xor__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __or__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __neg__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __pos__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __abs__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __invert__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __nonzero__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __coerce__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __int__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __long__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __float__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __oct__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __hex__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __init__ white/13
keyword whole __del__ white/13
keyword whole __repr__ white/13
keyword whole __str__ white/13
keyword whole __cmp__ white/13
keyword whole __hash__ white/13
keyword whole __call__ white/13
keyword whole __getattr__ white/13
keyword whole __setattr__ white/13
keyword whole __delattr__ white/13
keyword whole __len__ white/13
keyword whole __getitem__ white/13
keyword whole __setitem__ white/13
keyword whole __delitem__ white/13
keyword whole __getslice__ white/13
keyword whole __setslice__ white/13
keyword whole __delslice__ white/13
keyword whole __add__ white/13
keyword whole __sub__ white/13
keyword whole __mul__ white/13
keyword whole __div__ white/13
keyword whole __mod__ white/13
keyword whole __divmod__ white/13
keyword whole __pow__ white/13
keyword whole __lshift__ white/13
keyword whole __rshift__ white/13
keyword whole __and__ white/13
keyword whole __xor__ white/13
keyword whole __or__ white/13
keyword whole __neg__ white/13
keyword whole __pos__ white/13
keyword whole __abs__ white/13
keyword whole __invert__ white/13
keyword whole __nonzero__ white/13
keyword whole __coerce__ white/13
keyword whole __int__ white/13
keyword whole __long__ white/13
keyword whole __float__ white/13
keyword whole __oct__ white/13
keyword whole __hex__ white/13
keyword whole __init__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __del__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __repr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __str__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __cmp__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __hash__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __call__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __getattr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __setattr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __delattr__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __len__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __getitem__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __setitem__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __delitem__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __getslice__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __setslice__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __delslice__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __add__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __sub__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __mul__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __div__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __mod__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __divmod__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __pow__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __lshift__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rshift__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __and__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __xor__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __or__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __neg__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __pos__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __abs__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __invert__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __nonzero__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __coerce__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __int__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __long__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __float__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __oct__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __hex__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __radd__ white/13
keyword whole __rsub__ white/13
keyword whole __rmul__ white/13
keyword whole __rdiv__ white/13
keyword whole __rmod__ white/13
keyword whole __rdivmod__ white/13
keyword whole __rpow__ white/13
keyword whole __rlshift__ white/13
keyword whole __rrshift__ white/13
keyword whole __rand__ white/13
keyword whole __rxor__ white/13
keyword whole __ror__ white/13
keyword whole __radd__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rsub__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rmul__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rdiv__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rmod__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rdivmod__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rpow__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rlshift__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rrshift__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rand__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __rxor__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __ror__ lightgray/13
keyword whole __*__ brightred/18
keyword whole __+__ brightred/18
context """ """ brown/22

Просмотреть файл

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ context default
keyword $ brightgreen/16
keyword wholeleft linestart function* brightblue/11
keyword wholeleft linestart function*() brightblue/11
wholechars right abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-._
wholechars left abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-._
@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ context " " green/6
context exclusive ` ` white/26 black/0
keyword '*' green/6
keyword " green/6
keyword \\` green/6
keyword ; brightcyan/17
keyword $(*) brightgreen/16
keyword ${*} brightgreen/16

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
context default
keyword whole linestart %addmethods red/orange
keyword whole linestart %alpha red/orange
keyword whole linestart %apply red/orange
@ -106,8 +105,13 @@ context default
keyword /\* brown/22
keyword \*/ brown/22
keyword '\s' brightgreen/16
keyword '+' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\\{"abtnvfr\}' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\\{0123\}\{01234567\}\{01234567\}' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\'' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\\\' brightgreen/16
keyword '\\0' brightgreen/16
keyword '\{\s!"#$%&()\*\+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~абвгдежзийклмноп░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▌▐▀рстуфхцчшщъыьэюяЁёЄєЇїЎў°∙·√№¤■ \}' brightgreen/16
keyword > yellow/24
keyword < yellow/24
keyword \+ yellow/24
@ -127,6 +131,7 @@ context default
keyword , brightcyan/14
keyword : brightcyan/14
keyword ; brightmagenta/19
keyword #define\[\t\s\]\[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789\]\[\t\s\]0x\[0123456789abcdefABCDEF\] brightred/18
context exclusive /\* \*/ brown/22
context // \n brown/22