Last bunch of reverts and removal of mhl/*

Signed-off-by: Patrick Winnertz <winnie@debian.org>
Этот коммит содержится в:
Patrick Winnertz 2009-02-10 14:11:30 +01:00
родитель 7d0fa9afce
Коммит 8b7e47d9cc
12 изменённых файлов: 9 добавлений и 548 удалений

mhl/.gitignore поставляемый
Просмотреть файл

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
Micro helper library.
This is a tiny library of helper functions/macros.
* MACRO-FUNC: macro w/ function syntax. (might become inline func)
* INLINE-FUNC: inline function (might become macro func)
* MACRO: strictly a macro (may never become a inline func)
mhl/memory.h: Memory management functions
* mhl_mem_alloc_u(sz) [MACRO-FUNC]
Allocate sz bytes on stack, unitialized
* mhl_mem_alloc_z(sz) [INLINE-FUNC]
Allocate sz bytes on stack, zero'ed
* mhl_mem_free(ptr) [INLINE-FUNC]
Free chunk @ptr (MUST be allocated w/ mhl_mem_alloc_*()),
passing NULL is graciously allowed
* mhl_mem_realloc(ptr,newsize) -> returns newptr
Re-allocates a heap chunk, just like realloc()
like mhl_mem_free(), but with ptr as a variable that gets cleared
(use this as shortcut to "mhl_mem_free(foo); foo = NULL")
mhl/string.h: String helpers
* mhl_str_dup(const char*s) -> char*
[MACRO-FUNC] Safe version of strdup(), when NULL passed, returns strdup("")
* mhl_str_ndup(const char* s) -> char*
[MACRO-FUNC] Safe version of strndup(), when NULL passed, returns strdup("")
* mhl_str_trim(char* s) -> char*
[INLINE-FUNC] Trims the string (removing leading and trailing whitespacs),
WITHIN the passed buffer, returning the string s itself.
When NULL passed returns NULL.
* mhl_str_toupper(char* s) -> char*
[INLINE-FUNC] Converts the string in passed buffer to uppercase, returns that
buffer. When NULL passed returns NULL.
* mhl_str_concat_1(const char* base, const char* one) -> char*
[INLINE-FUNC] Concatenates the string one onto the string base and returns the
result in a newly allocated buffer (free it w/ mhl_mem_free()).
For NULL strings, "" is assumed.
* mhl_str_concat_2(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_3(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_4(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_5(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four,const char* five) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_6(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four,const char* five,const char* six) -> char*
mhl_str_concat_7(const char* base,const char* one,const char* two,const char* three,const char* four,const char* five,const char* six,const char* seven) -> char*
[INLINE-FUNC] Like str_concat_1() but adding more strings.
* mhl_str_reverse(char* str) -> char*
[INLINE-FUNC] Reverses the string in passed buffer and returns the buffer ptr itself.
If NULL is passed, returns NULL.
mhl/escape.h: Shell-style string escaping
* mhl_shell_escape_toesc(char c) -> bool
[MACRO-FUNC] returns true when given char has to be escaped
* mhl_shell_escape_nottoesc(char c) -> bool
[MACRO-FUNC] opposite of mhl_shell_escape_toesc()
* mhl_shell_escape_dup(const char* s) -> char*
[INLINE-FUNC] escapes an string and returns the result in a malloc()'ed chunk
Passing NULL returns an empty malloc()ed string.
* mhl_shell_unescape_buf(char* s) -> char*
[INLINE-FUNC] unescapes the string into given buffer (changes buffer!) and
returns ptr to the buffer itself. When NULL passed returns NULL.
mhl/env.h: Environment variable helpers
* mhl_getenv_dup(const char* n) -> char*
[MACRO-FUNC] like getenv() but returns an strdup()'ed copy. When NULL passed,
returns strdup("")

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __MHL_ENV_H
#define __MHL_ENV_H
#include <mhl/string.h>
#define mhl_getenv_dup(name) (mhl_str_dup(name ? getenv(name) : ""))

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@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
/* Micro helper library: shell escaping functions */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mhl/types.h>
#define mhl_shell_escape_toesc(x) \
(((x)==' ')||((x)=='!')||((x)=='#')||((x)=='$')||((x)=='%')|| \
((x)=='(')||((x)==')')||((x)=='\'')||((x)=='&')||((x)=='~')|| \
((x)=='{')||((x)=='}')||((x)=='[')||((x)==']')||((x)=='`')|| \
((x)=='?')||((x)=='|')||((x)=='<')||((x)=='>')||((x)==';')|| \
#define mhl_shell_escape_nottoesc(x) \
(((x)!=0) && (!mhl_shell_escape_toesc((x))))
/* type for escaped string - just for a bit more type safety ;-p */
typedef struct { char* s; } SHELL_ESCAPED_STR;
/** To be compatible with the general posix command lines we have to escape
strings for the command line
/params const char * in
string for escaping
return escaped string (later need to free)
static inline SHELL_ESCAPED_STR mhl_shell_escape_dup(const char* src)
if ((src==NULL)||(!(*src)))
return (SHELL_ESCAPED_STR){ .s = strdup("") };
char* buffer = calloc(1, strlen(src)*2+2);
char* ptr = buffer;
/* look for the first char to escape */
while (1)
char c;
/* copy over all chars not to escape */
while ((c=(*src)) && mhl_shell_escape_nottoesc(c))
*ptr = c;
/* at this point we either have an \0 or an char to escape */
if (!c)
return (SHELL_ESCAPED_STR){ .s = buffer };
*ptr = '\\';
*ptr = c;
/** Unescape paths or other strings for e.g the internal cd
shell-unescape within a given buffer (writing to it!)
/params const char * in
string for unescaping
return unescaped string
static inline char* mhl_shell_unescape_buf(char* text)
if (!text)
return NULL;
/* look for the first \ - that's quick skipover if there's nothing to escape */
char* readptr = text;
while ((*readptr) && ((*readptr)!='\\')) readptr++;
if (!(*readptr)) return text;
/* if we're here, we're standing on the first '\' */
char* writeptr = readptr;
char c;
while ((c = *readptr))
if (c=='\\')
switch ((c = *readptr))
case 'n': (*writeptr) = '\n'; writeptr++; break;
case 'r': (*writeptr) = '\r'; writeptr++; break;
case 't': (*writeptr) = '\t'; writeptr++; break;
case ' ':
case '\\':
case '#':
case '$':
case '%':
case '(':
case ')':
case '[':
case ']':
case '{':
case '}':
case '<':
case '>':
case '!':
case '*':
case '?':
case '~':
case '`':
case '"':
case ';':
(*writeptr) = c; writeptr++; break;
else /* got a normal character */
(*writeptr) = *readptr;
*writeptr = 0;
return text;
/** Check if char in pointer contain escape'd chars
/params const char * in
string for checking
return TRUE if string contain escaped chars
otherwise return FALSE
static inline bool
mhl_shell_is_char_escaped ( const char *in )
if (in == NULL || !*in || in[0] != '\\')
return false;
if (mhl_shell_escape_toesc(in[1]))
return true;
return false;

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __MHL_MEM
#define __MHL_MEM
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* allocate a chunk of stack memory, uninitialized */
#define mhl_mem_alloc_u(sz) (malloc(sz))
/* allocate a chunk of stack memory, zeroed */
#define mhl_mem_alloc_z(sz) (calloc(1,sz))
/* free a chunk of memory from stack, passing NULL does no harm */
static inline void mhl_mem_free(void* ptr)
if (ptr) free(ptr);
/* free an ptr and NULL it */
#define MHL_PTR_FREE(ptr) do { mhl_mem_free(ptr); (ptr) = NULL; } while (0);
/* allocate a chunk on stack - automatically free'd on function exit */
#define mhl_stack_alloc(sz) (alloca(sz))
/* re-alloc memory chunk */
#define mhl_mem_realloc(ptr,sz) (realloc(ptr,sz))

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@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __MHL_STRHASH_H
#define __MHL_STRHASH_H
#include <hash.h>
#include <mhl/memory.h>
static void __mhl_strhash_free_key(void* ptr)
static void __mhl_strhash_free_dummy(void* ptr)
typedef hash MHL_STRHASH;
#define MHL_STRHASH_INIT(h) \
hash_initialise(h, 997U, \
hash_hash_string, \
hash_compare_string, \
hash_copy_string, \
__mhl_strhash_free_key, \
#define MHL_STRHASH_DEINIT(ht) \
static inline void mhl_strhash_addkey(MHL_STRHASH* ht, const char* key, void* value)
hash_insert(ht, (char*)key, value);
static inline void* mhl_strhash_lookup(MHL_STRHASH* ht, const char* key)
void* retptr;
if (hash_retrieve(ht, (char*)key, &retptr))
return retptr;
return NULL;

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@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __MHL_STRING_H
#define __MHL_STRING_H
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <mhl/memory.h>
#define mhl_str_dup(str) ((str ? strdup(str) : strdup("")))
#define mhl_str_ndup(str,len) ((str ? strndup(str,len) : strdup("")))
#define mhl_str_len(str) ((str ? strlen(str) : 0))
static inline char * mhl_str_dup_range(const char * s_start, const char * s_bound)
return mhl_str_ndup(s_start, s_bound - s_start);
static inline char* mhl_str_trim(char* str)
if (!str) return NULL; /* NULL string ?! bail out. */
/* find the first non-space */
char* start; for (start=str; ((*str) && (!isspace(*str))); str++);
/* only spaces ? */
if (!(*str)) { *str = 0; return str; }
/* get the size (cannot be empty - catched above) */
size_t _sz = strlen(str);
/* find the proper end */
char* end;
for (end=(str+_sz-1); ((end>str) && (isspace(*end))); end--);
end[1] = 0; /* terminate, just to be sure */
/* if we have no leading spaces, just trucate */
if (start==str) { end++; *end = 0; return str; }
/* if it' only one char, dont need memmove for that */
if (start==end) { str[0]=*start; str[1]=0; return str; }
/* by here we have a (non-empty) region between start end end */
return str;
static inline void mhl_str_toupper(char* str)
if (str)
for (;*str;str++)
*str = toupper(*str);
#define __STR_CONCAT_MAX 32
/* _NEVER_ call this function directly ! */
static inline char* __mhl_str_concat_hlp(const char* base, ...)
static const char* arg_ptr[__STR_CONCAT_MAX];
static size_t arg_sz[__STR_CONCAT_MAX];
int count = 0;
size_t totalsize = 0;
if (base)
arg_ptr[0] = base;
arg_sz[0] = totalsize = strlen(base);
count = 1;
va_list args;
char* a;
/* note: we use ((char*)(1)) as terminator - NULL is a valid argument ! */
while ((a = va_arg(args, char*))!=(char*)1)
if (a)
arg_ptr[count] = a;
arg_sz[count] = strlen(a);
totalsize += arg_sz[count];
if (!count)
return mhl_str_dup("");
/* now as we know how much to copy, allocate the buffer */
char* buffer = (char*)mhl_mem_alloc_u(totalsize+2);
char* current = buffer;
int x=0;
for (x=0; x<count; x++)
memcpy(current, arg_ptr[x], arg_sz[x]);
current += arg_sz[x];
*current = 0;
return buffer;
#define mhl_str_concat(...) (__mhl_str_concat_hlp(__VA_ARGS__, (char*)(1)))
static inline char* mhl_str_reverse(char* ptr)
if (!ptr) return NULL; /* missing string */
if (!(ptr[0] && ptr[1])) return ptr; /* empty or 1-ch string */
size_t _sz = strlen(ptr);
char* start = ptr;
char* end = ptr+_sz-1;
while (start<end)
char c = *start;
*start = *end;
*end = c;
return ptr;
* strcpy is unsafe on overlapping memory areas, so define memmove-alike
* string function. Has sense only when dest <= src.
static inline char * mhl_strmove(char * dest, const char * src)
size_t n = strlen (src) + 1; /* + '\0' */
assert (dest<=src);
return memmove(dest, src, n);
static inline char* mhl_str_dir_plus_file(const char* dirname, const char* filename)
/* make sure we have valid strings */
if (!dirname)
if (!filename)
/* skip leading slashes on filename */
while (*filename == '/')
/* skip trailing slashes on dirname */
int dnlen = strlen(dirname);
while (dnlen && (dirname[dnlen-1]=='/'))
int fnlen = strlen(filename);
char* buffer = mhl_mem_alloc_z(dnlen+fnlen+2); /* enough space for dirname, /, filename, zero */
char* ptr = buffer;
memcpy(ptr, dirname, dnlen);
*ptr = '/';
memcpy(ptr, filename, fnlen);
*ptr = 0;
return buffer;
#endif /* __MHL_STRING_H */

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
Micro Helper Library: generic type declarations
#ifndef __MHL_TYPES_H
#define __MHL_TYPES_H
typedef enum
false = 0,
true = 1
} bool;

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@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
#include <iconv.h>
#include <mhl/string.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "charsets.h"

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@ -50,10 +50,6 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mhl/memory.h>
#include <mhl/escape.h>
#include <mhl/string.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "tty.h"
#include "eregex.h"
@ -181,7 +177,7 @@ do_transform_source (FileOpContext *ctx, const char *source)
for (next_reg = 1, j = 0, k = 0; j < strlen (ctx->dest_mask); j++) {
switch (ctx->dest_mask[j]) {
case '\\':
if (mhl_shell_is_char_escaped (&ctx->dest_mask[j])){
if (shell_is_char_escaped (&ctx->dest_mask[j])){
fntarget[k++] = ctx->dest_mask[j++];
fntarget[k++] = ctx->dest_mask[j];
@ -1805,13 +1801,13 @@ panel_operate (void *source_panel, FileOperation operation,
if (force_single)
/* just copy */
dest_dir_ = mhl_str_dup (dest_dir);
dest_dir_ = g_strdup (dest_dir);
/* add trailing separator */
if (*dest_dir && strcmp(&dest_dir[strlen(dest_dir)-1], PATH_SEP_STR)) {
dest_dir_ = g_concat (dest_dir, PATH_SEP_STR);
} else {
dest_dir_ = mhl_str_dup (dest_dir);
dest_dir_ = g_strdup (dest_dir);
if (!dest_dir_) {
file_op_context_destroy (ctx);

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@ -41,8 +41,6 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mhl/string.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "wtools.h" /* message() */
@ -428,7 +426,7 @@ canonicalize_pathname (char *path)
if (p[0] == PATH_SEP && p[1] == PATH_SEP) {
s = p + 1;
while (*(++s) == PATH_SEP);
mhl_strmove (p + 1, s);
str_move (p + 1, s);
@ -437,7 +435,7 @@ canonicalize_pathname (char *path)
p = lpath;
while (*p) {
if (p[0] == PATH_SEP && p[1] == '.' && p[2] == PATH_SEP)
mhl_strmove (p, p + 2);
str_move (p, p + 2);
@ -453,7 +451,7 @@ canonicalize_pathname (char *path)
lpath[1] = 0;
} else {
mhl_strmove (lpath, lpath + 2);
str_move (lpath, lpath + 2);
@ -499,10 +497,10 @@ canonicalize_pathname (char *path)
if (p[3] != 0) {
if (s == lpath && *s == PATH_SEP) {
/* "/../foo" -> "/foo" */
mhl_strmove (s + 1, p + 4);
str_move (s + 1, p + 4);
} else {
/* "token/../foo" -> "foo" */
mhl_strmove (s, p + 4);
str_move (s, p + 4);
p = (s > lpath) ? s - 1 : s;

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@ -50,9 +50,6 @@
#include "tcputil.h"
#include "../src/unixcompat.h"
#include "fish.h"
#include "../mhl/memory.h"
#include "../mhl/string.h"
#include "../mhl/escape.h"
int fish_directory_timeout = 900;
@ -880,7 +877,7 @@ fish_send_command(struct vfs_class *me, struct vfs_s_super *super, const char *c
#define PREFIX \
char buf[BUF_LARGE]; \
const char *crpath; \
char *mpath = mhl_str_dup (path); \
char *mpath = g_strdup (path); \
struct vfs_s_super *super; \
if (!(crpath = vfs_s_get_path_mangle (me, mpath, &super, 0))) { \