Added handlers for panel sort keybind actions.

* PanelSelectSortOrder - show 'Sort order' dialog
 * PanelToggleSortOrderPrev - toggle next sort type (or reverse sort order)
 * PanelToggleSortOrderNext - toggle previous sort type (or cancel reverse)

Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <slavazanko@gmail.com>
Этот коммит содержится в:
Slava Zanko 2009-10-01 18:01:04 +03:00
родитель b4f7ea071f
Коммит 7896ea84f6
11 изменённых файлов: 244 добавлений и 68 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -235,6 +235,9 @@ PanelGotoTopFile = alt-g
PanelSetPanelEncoding = alt-e
PanelMoveHome = alt-lt; home
PanelMoveEnd = alt-gt; end

Просмотреть файл

@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ display_box (WPanel *panel, char **userp, char **minip, int *use_msformat, int n
return result;
const panel_format_t *
sort_box (const panel_format_t *sort_format, int *reverse, int *case_sensitive, int *exec_first)
const panel_field_t *
sort_box (const panel_field_t *sort_format, int *reverse, int *case_sensitive, int *exec_first)
int dlg_width = 40, dlg_height = 15;
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ sort_box (const panel_format_t *sort_format, int *reverse, int *case_sensitive,
int sort_idx = 0;
const panel_format_t *result = sort_format;
const panel_field_t *result = sort_format;
int max_radio = 0, max_check = 0;
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ sort_box (const panel_format_t *sort_format, int *reverse, int *case_sensitive,
quick_widgets, TRUE
sort_orders_names = panel_get_sortable_formats(&sort_names_num);
sort_orders_names = panel_get_sortable_fields(&sort_names_num);
quick_widgets[5].u.radio.items = sort_orders_names;
for (i = 0; i < sort_names_num; i++)
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ sort_box (const panel_format_t *sort_format, int *reverse, int *case_sensitive,
quick_widgets[i].relative_x = dlg_width/2 + 2;
if (quick_dialog (&quick_dlg) != B_CANCEL)
result = panel_get_format_by_title_hotkey(sort_orders_names[sort_idx]);
result = panel_get_field_by_title_hotkey(sort_orders_names[sort_idx]);
if (result == NULL)
result = sort_format;

Просмотреть файл

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
int display_box (WPanel *p, char **user, char **mini,
int *use_msformat, int num);
const panel_format_t *sort_box (const panel_format_t *, int *reverse,
const panel_field_t *sort_box (const panel_field_t *, int *reverse,
int *case_sensitive, int *exec_first);
void confirm_box (void);
void display_bits_box (void);

Просмотреть файл

@ -338,6 +338,9 @@
#define CK_PanelSetPanelEncoding 8029
#define CK_PanelStartSearch 8030
#define CK_PanelSyncOtherPanel 8031
#define CK_PanelToggleSortOrderNext 8032
#define CK_PanelToggleSortOrderPrev 8033
#define CK_PanelSelectSortOrder 8034
Process a block through a shell command: CK_Pipe_Block(i) executes shell_cmd[i].

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@ -318,6 +318,9 @@ static const name_key_map_t command_names[] = {
{ "PanelSetPanelEncoding", CK_PanelSetPanelEncoding },
{ "PanelStartSearch", CK_PanelStartSearch },
{ "PanelSyncOtherPanel", CK_PanelSyncOtherPanel },
{ "PanelToggleSortOrderNext", CK_PanelToggleSortOrderNext },
{ "PanelToggleSortOrderPrev", CK_PanelToggleSortOrderPrev },
{ "PanelSelectSortOrder", CK_PanelSelectSortOrder },
/* widgets */
{ "InputBol", CK_InputBol },

Просмотреть файл

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ select_new_item (void)
int i;
Listbox *mylistbox;
possible_items = panel_get_user_possible_formats(NULL);
possible_items = panel_get_user_possible_fields(NULL);
mylistbox =
create_listbox_window (12, 20, " Add listing format item ",

Просмотреть файл

@ -612,11 +612,11 @@ load_prompt (int fd, void *unused)
static void
sort_cmd (void)
WPanel *p;
const panel_format_t *sort_order;
const panel_field_t *sort_order;

Просмотреть файл

@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ enum cd_enum {
int do_cd (const char *new_dir, enum cd_enum cd_type); /* For find.c */
void sort_cmd (void);
void change_panel (void);
int load_prompt (int, void *);
void save_cwds_stat (void);

Просмотреть файл

@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ typedef struct panel_format_struct {
gboolean use_in_user_format;
const char *(*string_fn)(file_entry *, int);
sortfn *sort_routine; /* used by mouse_sort_col() */
} panel_format_t;
} panel_field_t;
extern panel_format_t panel_formats [];
extern panel_field_t panel_fields [];
typedef struct WPanel {
Widget widget;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ typedef struct WPanel {
int split; /* Split panel to allow two columns */
int is_panelized; /* Flag: special filelisting, can't reload */
int frame_size; /* half or full frame */
const panel_format_t *current_sort_field;
const panel_field_t *current_sort_field;
char *filter; /* File name filter */
int dirty; /* Should we redisplay the panel? */
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ extern int panel_scroll_pages;
extern int fast_reload;
void panel_reload (WPanel *panel);
void panel_set_sort_order (WPanel *panel, const panel_format_t *sort_order);
void panel_set_sort_order (WPanel *panel, const panel_field_t *sort_order);
void panel_re_sort (WPanel *panel);
void set_panel_encoding (WPanel *);
@ -146,11 +146,12 @@ void directory_history_next (WPanel *panel);
void directory_history_prev (WPanel *panel);
void directory_history_list (WPanel *panel);
gsize panel_get_num_of_sortable_formats(void);
const char **panel_get_sortable_formats(gsize *);
const panel_format_t *panel_get_format_by_id(const char *);
const panel_format_t *panel_get_format_by_title_hotkey(const char *);
gsize panel_get_num_of_user_possible_formats(void);
const char **panel_get_user_possible_formats(gsize *);
gsize panel_get_num_of_sortable_fields(void);
const char **panel_get_sortable_fields(gsize *);
const panel_field_t *panel_get_field_by_id(const char *);
const panel_field_t *panel_get_field_by_title(const char *);
const panel_field_t *panel_get_field_by_title_hotkey(const char *);
gsize panel_get_num_of_user_possible_fields(void);
const char **panel_get_user_possible_fields(gsize *);

Просмотреть файл

@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ string_dot (file_entry *fe, int len)
#define GT 1
panel_format_t panel_formats [] = {
panel_field_t panel_fields [] = {
"unsorted", 12, 1, J_LEFT_FIT,
N_("Unsorted"), N_("&Unsorted"), 0, FALSE,
@ -1424,9 +1424,9 @@ parse_display_format (WPanel *panel, const char *format, char **error, int issta
if (i18n_timelength == 0) {
i18n_timelength = i18n_checktimelength (); /* Musn't be 0 */
for (i = 0; panel_formats[i].id != NULL; i++)
if (strcmp ("time", panel_formats[i].id + 1) == 0)
panel_formats [i].min_size = i18n_timelength;
for (i = 0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i++)
if (strcmp ("time", panel_fields[i].id + 1) == 0)
panel_fields [i].min_size = i18n_timelength;
@ -1469,26 +1469,26 @@ parse_display_format (WPanel *panel, const char *format, char **error, int issta
} else
set_justify = 0;
for (i = 0; panel_formats[i].id != NULL; i++) {
size_t klen = strlen (panel_formats [i].id);
for (i = 0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i++) {
size_t klen = strlen (panel_fields [i].id);
if (strncmp (format, panel_formats [i].id, klen) != 0)
if (strncmp (format, panel_fields [i].id, klen) != 0)
format += klen;
if (panel_formats [i].use_in_gui)
if (panel_fields [i].use_in_gui)
darr->requested_field_len = panel_formats [i].min_size;
darr->string_fn = panel_formats [i].string_fn;
if (panel_formats [i].title [0])
darr->title = _(panel_formats [i].title);
darr->requested_field_len = panel_fields [i].min_size;
darr->string_fn = panel_fields [i].string_fn;
if (panel_fields [i].title [0])
darr->title = _(panel_fields [i].title);
darr->title = "";
darr->id = panel_formats [i].id;
darr->expand = panel_formats [i].expands;
darr->just_mode = panel_formats [i].default_just;
darr->id = panel_fields [i].id;
darr->expand = panel_fields [i].expands;
darr->just_mode = panel_fields [i].default_just;
if (set_justify) {
if (IS_FIT(darr->just_mode))
@ -2371,6 +2371,149 @@ chdir_to_readlink (WPanel *panel)
static gsize
panel_get_format_field_count(WPanel *panel)
format_e *format;
gsize index;
for (
index=0, format = panel->format;
format != NULL;
format = format->next, index++
return index;
function return 0 if not found and REAL_INDEX+1 if found
static gsize
panel_get_format_field_index_by_name(WPanel *panel, const char *name)
format_e *format;
gsize index;
for (
index=1, format = panel->format;
! ( format == NULL || strcmp(format->title, _(name)) == 0 );
format = format->next, index++
if (format == NULL)
index = 0;
return index;
format_e *
panel_get_format_field_by_index(WPanel *panel, gsize index)
format_e *format;
for (
format = panel->format;
! ( format == NULL || index == 0 );
format = format->next, index--
return format;
static const panel_field_t *
panel_get_sortable_field_by_format(WPanel *panel, gsize index)
const panel_field_t *pfield;
format_e *format;
format = panel_get_format_field_by_index(panel, index);
if (format == NULL)
return NULL;
pfield = panel_get_field_by_title(format->title);
if (pfield == NULL)
return NULL;
if (pfield->sort_routine == NULL)
return NULL;
return pfield;
static void
panel_toggle_sort_order_prev(WPanel *panel)
gsize index, i;
const panel_field_t *pfield = NULL;
/* If reverse try to direct sort */
if (panel->reverse) {
panel->reverse = ! panel->reverse;
panel_set_sort_order(panel, panel->current_sort_field);
index = panel_get_format_field_index_by_name(panel, panel->current_sort_field->title);
if (index > 1){
/* search for prev sortable column in panel format */
for (
i = index-1 ;
i != 0 && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format(panel, i-1)) == NULL ;
if ( pfield == NULL) {
/* Sortable field not found. Try to search in each array */
for (
i = panel_get_format_field_count(panel) ;
i != 0 && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format(panel, i-1)) == NULL ;
if ( pfield == NULL)
panel->reverse = 1;
panel->current_sort_field = pfield;
panel_set_sort_order(panel, panel->current_sort_field);
static void
panel_toggle_sort_order_next(WPanel *panel)
gsize index, i;
const panel_field_t *pfield = NULL;
gsize format_field_count = panel_get_format_field_count(panel);
/* If reverse try to direct sort */
if (! panel->reverse) {
panel->reverse = ! panel->reverse;
panel_set_sort_order(panel, panel->current_sort_field);
index = panel_get_format_field_index_by_name(panel, panel->current_sort_field->title);
if (index != 0 && index != format_field_count){
/* search for prev sortable column in panel format */
for (
i = index;
i != format_field_count && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format(panel, i)) == NULL ;
if ( pfield == NULL) {
/* Sortable field not found. Try to search in each array */
for (
i = 0 ;
i != format_field_count && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format(panel, i)) == NULL ;
if ( pfield == NULL)
panel->reverse = 0;
panel->current_sort_field = pfield;
panel_set_sort_order(panel, panel->current_sort_field);
typedef void (*panel_key_callback) (WPanel *);
static void cmd_do_enter(WPanel *wp) { (void) do_enter(wp); }
@ -2482,6 +2625,15 @@ panel_execute_cmd (WPanel *panel, int command)
case CK_PanelSyncOtherPanel:
sync_other_panel (panel);
case CK_PanelSelectSortOrder:
sort_cmd ();
case CK_PanelToggleSortOrderPrev:
case CK_PanelToggleSortOrderNext:
return res;
@ -2653,7 +2805,7 @@ mouse_sort_col(Gpm_Event *event, WPanel *panel)
int i;
const char *sort_name = NULL;
panel_format_t *col_sort_format = NULL;
panel_field_t *col_sort_format = NULL;
format_e *format;
@ -2668,9 +2820,9 @@ mouse_sort_col(Gpm_Event *event, WPanel *panel)
if (sort_name == NULL)
for(i=0; panel_formats[i].id != NULL; i ++) {
if ( !strcmp(sort_name,_(panel_formats[i].title)) && panel_formats[i].sort_routine ) {
col_sort_format = &panel_formats[i];
for(i=0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i ++) {
if ( !strcmp(sort_name,_(panel_fields[i].title)) && panel_fields[i].sort_routine ) {
col_sort_format = &panel_fields[i];
@ -2855,7 +3007,7 @@ panel_re_sort (WPanel *panel)
panel_set_sort_order (WPanel *panel, const panel_format_t *sort_order)
panel_set_sort_order (WPanel *panel, const panel_field_t *sort_order)
if (sort_order == 0)
@ -3034,24 +3186,24 @@ update_panels (int force_update, const char *current_file)
gsize ret = 0, index;
for(index=0; panel_formats[index].id != NULL; index ++)
if (panel_formats[index].title_hotkey != NULL)
for(index=0; panel_fields[index].id != NULL; index ++)
if (panel_fields[index].title_hotkey != NULL)
return ret;
const char **
panel_get_sortable_formats(gsize *array_size)
panel_get_sortable_fields(gsize *array_size)
char **ret;
gsize index, i;
index = panel_get_num_of_sortable_formats();
index = panel_get_num_of_sortable_fields();
ret = g_new0 (char *, index + 1);
if (ret == NULL)
@ -3062,56 +3214,69 @@ panel_get_sortable_formats(gsize *array_size)
for(i=0; panel_formats[i].id != NULL; i ++)
if (panel_formats[i].title_hotkey != NULL)
ret[index++] = g_strdup(_(panel_formats[i].title_hotkey));
for(i=0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i ++)
if (panel_fields[i].title_hotkey != NULL)
ret[index++] = g_strdup(_(panel_fields[i].title_hotkey));
return (const char**) ret;
const panel_format_t *
panel_get_format_by_id(const char *name)
const panel_field_t *
panel_get_field_by_id(const char *name)
gsize index;
for(index=0; panel_formats[index].id != NULL; index ++)
for(index=0; panel_fields[index].id != NULL; index ++)
if (
panel_formats[index].id != NULL &&
strcmp(name, panel_formats[index].id) == 0
panel_fields[index].id != NULL &&
strcmp(name, panel_fields[index].id) == 0
return &panel_formats[index];
return &panel_fields[index];
return NULL;
const panel_format_t *
panel_get_format_by_title_hotkey(const char *name)
const panel_field_t *
panel_get_field_by_title_hotkey(const char *name)
gsize index;
for(index=0; panel_formats[index].id != NULL; index ++)
for(index=0; panel_fields[index].id != NULL; index ++)
if (
panel_formats[index].title_hotkey != NULL &&
strcmp(name, _(panel_formats[index].title_hotkey)) == 0
panel_fields[index].title_hotkey != NULL &&
strcmp(name, _(panel_fields[index].title_hotkey)) == 0
return &panel_formats[index];
return &panel_fields[index];
return NULL;
const panel_field_t *
panel_get_field_by_title(const char *name)
gsize index;
for(index=0; panel_fields[index].id != NULL; index ++)
if (
panel_fields[index].title_hotkey != NULL &&
strcmp(name, _(panel_fields[index].title)) == 0
return &panel_fields[index];
return NULL;
gsize ret = 0, index;
for(index=0; panel_formats[index].id != NULL; index ++)
if (panel_formats[index].use_in_user_format)
for(index=0; panel_fields[index].id != NULL; index ++)
if (panel_fields[index].use_in_user_format)
return ret;
const char **
panel_get_user_possible_formats(gsize *array_size)
panel_get_user_possible_fields(gsize *array_size)
char **ret;
gsize index, i;
index = panel_get_num_of_user_possible_formats();
index = panel_get_num_of_user_possible_fields();
ret = g_new0 (char *, index + 1);
if (ret == NULL)
@ -3122,8 +3287,8 @@ panel_get_user_possible_formats(gsize *array_size)
for(i=0; panel_formats[i].id != NULL; i ++)
if (panel_formats[i].use_in_user_format)
ret[index++] = g_strdup(_(panel_formats[i].title_hotkey));
for(i=0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i ++)
if (panel_fields[i].use_in_user_format)
ret[index++] = g_strdup(_(panel_fields[i].title_hotkey));
return (const char**) ret;

Просмотреть файл

@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ panel_load_setup (WPanel *panel, const char *section)
/* Load sort order */
buffer = mc_config_get_string(mc_panels_config, section, "sort_order", "name");
panel->current_sort_field = panel_get_format_by_id(buffer);
panel->current_sort_field = panel_get_field_by_id(buffer);
/* Load the listing mode */