Just identation of regex.c and search.h

Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <slavazanko@gmail.com>
Этот коммит содержится в:
Slava Zanko 2009-06-05 11:51:12 +03:00
родитель 2d4ee6f616
Коммит 5e6c14a928
2 изменённых файлов: 29 добавлений и 26 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -297,21 +297,21 @@ mc_search_regex__get_num_replace_tokens (const gchar * str, gsize len)
int count_tokens = 0;
gsize loop;
for (loop = 0; loop < len - 1; loop++) {
if (str[loop] == '\\' && (str[loop + 1] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30 /* 0-9 */ )
if (str[loop] == '\\' && (str[loop + 1] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30 /* 0-9 */ ) {
if (mc_search__regex_is_char_escaped (str, &str[loop - 1]))
if (str[loop] == '$' && str[loop + 1] == '{' )
if (str[loop] == '$' && str[loop + 1] == '{') {
gsize tmp_len;
if (mc_search__regex_is_char_escaped (str, &str[loop - 1]))
for (tmp_len = 0; loop + tmp_len + 2 < len && (str[loop + 2 + tmp_len] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30; tmp_len++);
for (tmp_len = 0;
loop + tmp_len + 2 < len && (str[loop + 2 + tmp_len] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30;
if (str[loop + 2 + tmp_len] == '}')
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ mc_search_regex_prepare_replace_str (mc_search_t * mc_search, GString * replace_
return g_string_new_len (replace_str->str, replace_str->len);
if (num_replace_tokens > mc_search->num_rezults - 1
|| num_replace_tokens > MC_SEARCH__NUM_REPLACE_ARGS ) {
|| num_replace_tokens > MC_SEARCH__NUM_REPLACE_ARGS) {
mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_REPLACE;
mc_search->error_str = g_strdup (STR_E_RPL_NOT_EQ_TO_FOUND);
return NULL;
@ -526,37 +526,40 @@ mc_search_regex_prepare_replace_str (mc_search_t * mc_search, GString * replace_
if (replace_str->str[loop] == '\\'
&& (replace_str->str[loop + 1] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30 /* 0-9 */ ) {
/* \1 relace tokens */
if (! mc_search__regex_is_char_escaped (replace_str->str, &replace_str->str[loop - 1]))
if (!mc_search__regex_is_char_escaped (replace_str->str, &replace_str->str[loop - 1]))
tmp_str = g_strndup (&(replace_str->str[loop + 1]), 1);
len = 2;
} else if (replace_str->str[loop] == '$' && replace_str->str[loop + 1] == '{' && (replace_str->str[loop + 2] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30) {
} else if (replace_str->str[loop] == '$' && replace_str->str[loop + 1] == '{'
&& (replace_str->str[loop + 2] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30) {
/* ${1} replace token */
for (len = 0; loop+len+2 < replace_str->len && (replace_str->str[loop + 2 + len] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30; len++);
for (len = 0;
loop + len + 2 < replace_str->len
&& (replace_str->str[loop + 2 + len] & (char) 0xf0) == 0x30; len++);
if (replace_str->str[loop + 2 + len] == '}')
tmp_str = g_strndup (&(replace_str->str[loop + 2]), len);
len += 3;
if (tmp_str == NULL)
index = (gsize) atoi (tmp_str);
g_free (tmp_str);
tmp_str = NULL;
index = (gsize) atoi (tmp_str);
g_free (tmp_str);
tmp_str = NULL;
if (index > mc_search->num_rezults) {
g_string_free (ret, TRUE);
mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_REPLACE;
mc_search->error_str = g_strdup_printf (STR_E_RPL_INVALID_TOKEN, index);
return NULL;
if (loop)
g_string_append_len (ret, prev_str, replace_str->str - prev_str + loop);
if (index > mc_search->num_rezults) {
g_string_free (ret, TRUE);
mc_search->error = MC_SEARCH_E_REGEX_REPLACE;
mc_search->error_str = g_strdup_printf (STR_E_RPL_INVALID_TOKEN, index);
return NULL;
if (loop)
g_string_append_len (ret, prev_str, replace_str->str - prev_str + loop);
mc_search_regex__append_found_token_by_num (mc_search,
mc_search->regex_buffer->str, ret, index);
prev_str = replace_str->str + loop + len;
mc_search_regex__append_found_token_by_num (mc_search,
mc_search->regex_buffer->str, ret, index);
prev_str = replace_str->str + loop + len;
g_string_append_len (ret, prev_str, replace_str->str - prev_str + replace_str->len);

Просмотреть файл

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ typedef struct mc_search_struct {
GString *regex_buffer;
#if ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 14, 0)
int iovector[MC_SEARCH__NUM_REPLACE_ARGS * 2];
int iovector[MC_SEARCH__NUM_REPLACE_ARGS * 2];
#endif /* HAVE_LIBPCRE */
#endif /* ! GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 14, 0) */