Document -D option. Don't say ncurces does not support colors. Minor changes.

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Andrew V. Samoilov 2002-09-25 11:24:27 +00:00
родитель 0197b1bfb2
Коммит 3e8264cf6c

Просмотреть файл

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ mc \-
.SH "єщюЇсыєщє"
.B mc
[\-abcCdfhPstuUVx?] [\-l log] [dir1 [dir2]] [-v file]
[\-abcCdfhPstuUVx] [\-l log] [dir1 [dir2]] [-v file] [-e [+▐╔╙╠╧] ╞┴╩╠]
.SH "яЁщєсющх"
@ -44,6 +44,13 @@ Midnight Commander -
.I "\-d"
я╘╦╠└▐┴┼╘ ╨╧──┼╥╓╦╒ ═┘█╔.
.I "\-D N"
щ╙╨╧╠╪┌╒┼╘╙╤ ╘╧╠╪╦╧ ┼╙╠╔ ╦╧─ ┬┘╠ ╙╦╧═╨╔╠╔╥╧╫┴╬ ╙ ╨╧──┼╥╓╦╧╩
╫╔╥╘╒┴╠╪╬╧╩ ╞┴╩╠╧╫╧╩ ╙╔╙╘┼═┘ smbfs
.\"SMB File System"
─╠╤ ╒╙╘┴╬╧╫╦╔ ╒╥╧╫╬╤ ╧╘╠┴─╧▐╬┘╚ ╙╧╧┬▌┼╬╔╩ smbfs ╫ N (0-10).
.I "\-f"
ў┘╫╧─╔╘ ╬┴ ▄╦╥┴╬ ╧╨╥┼─┼╠┼╬╬┘╩ ╫ ╨╥╧├┼╙╙┼ ╦╧═╨╔╠╤├╔╔
╨╥╧╟╥┴══┘ ╨╒╘╪ ╦ ╞┴╩╠┴═ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══┘ Midnight Commander.
@ -56,7 +63,8 @@ Midnight Commander -
╞╒╬╦├╔╧╬┴╠╪╬┘┼ ╦╠┴╫╔█╔ ╬┼ ╥┴┬╧╘┴└╘.
.I "-l file"
є╧╚╥┴╬╔╘╪ ─╔┴╠╧╟ ╙ ftp-╙┼╥╫┼╥╧═ ╫ ╞┴╩╠ file.
є╧╚╥┴╬╔╘╪ ─╔┴╠╧╟ ╙ ftp-╙┼╥╫┼╥╧═, ┴ ╘┴╦╓┼ ╧╘╠┴─╧▐╬╒└ ╔╬╞╧╥═┴├╔└
smbfs ╫ ╞┴╩╠ file.
.I "\-P"
Ё╧ ╧╦╧╬▐┴╬╔╔ ╥┴┬╧╘┘ Midnight Commander ╬┴╨┼▐┴╘┴┼╘
@ -80,7 +88,7 @@ Midnight Commander -
.I "\-t"
щ╙╨╧╠╪┌╒┼╘╙╤ ╘╧╠╪╦╧ ╫ ╘╧═ ╙╠╒▐┴┼, ╦╧╟─┴ ╦╧─ ┬┘╠
╙╦╧═╨╔╠╔╥╧╫┴╬ ╙ Slang ╔ terminfo: ╫ ▄╘╧═ ╙╠╒▐┴┼
╙╦╧═╨╔╠╔╥╧╫┴╬ ╙ Slang ╔ terminfo: ╫ ▄╘╧═ ╙╠╒▐┴┼
Midnight Commander ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒┼╘ ┌╬┴▐┼╬╔┼ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬╧╩
─╠╤ ╨╧╠╒▐┼╬╔╤ ╔╬╞╧╥═┴├╔╔ ╧ ╘┼╥═╔╬┴╠┼ ╫═┼╙╘╧
@ -2905,7 +2913,7 @@ GID
╨╧╤╫╠┼╬╔╤ ╙╔═╫╧╠┴ '\\L' ╔╠╔ ╦╧╬├┴ ╔═┼╬╔ ╞┴╩╠┴.
Ё╥╔═┼╬┼╬╔┼ '\\u' ╔ '\\l' ╧┬┼╙╨┼▐╔╫┴┼╘ ┬╧╠┼┼ █╔╥╧╦╔┼ ╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧╙╘╔,
▐┼═ '\\U' and '\\L'.
▐┼═ '\\U' '\\L'.
ю┴╨╥╔═┼╥, ┼╙╠╔ ═┴╙╦┴ ╔╙╘╧▐╬╔╦┴ ┼╙╘╪ '*' (╧╨├╔╤ "я┬╥┴┌├┘ ╫
╙╘╔╠┼ shell" ╫╦╠└▐┼╬┴) ╔╠╔ '^\\(.*\\)$' (╧╨├╔╤ "я┬╥┴┌├┘ ╫
@ -3595,14 +3603,14 @@ Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000
ў ╘┴╦╔╚ ╙╠╒▐┴╤╚ ╫┘ ═╧╓┼╘┼ ╫╦╠└▐╔╘╪ ╔╠╔ ╧╘╦╠└▐╔╘╪ ├╫┼╘╬╧╩
╫┘╫╧─, ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒╤ ╦╠└▐╔ ┌┴╨╒╙╦┴ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══┘ -c ╔ -b, ╙╧╧╘╫┼╘╙╘╫┼╬╬╧.
Ё╥╧╟╥┴══┴ ═╧╓┼╘ ┬┘╘╪ ╙╦╧═╨╔╠╔╥╧╫┴╬┴ ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╬╔┼═ ┬╔┬╠╔╧╘┼╦
Ё╥╧╟╥┴══┴ ═╧╓┼╘ ┬┘╘╪ ╙╦╧═╨╔╠╔╥╧╫┴╬┴ ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╬╔┼═ ┬╔┬╠╔╧╘┼╦
.B ncurses
.B slang.
.B ncurses
╬┼ ─┴┼╘ ╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧╙╘╔ ╥┴┬╧╘┴╘╪ ╫
├╫┼╘╬╧═ ╥┼╓╔═┼: ncurses ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒┼╘ ╘╧╠╪╦╧ ╔╬╞╧╥═┴├╔└ ╔┌ ┬┴┌┘
─┴╬╬┘╚ ╧ ╘┼╥═╔╬┴╠┴╚. ф╠╤ ╘╧╟╧, ▐╘╧┬┘ ╒┌╬┴╘╪, ╦┴╦┴╤ ┬╔┬╠╔╧╘┼╦┴
╬┼ ─┴┼╘ ╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧╙╘╔ ╫╦╠└▐┴╘╪ ├╫┼╘╬╧╩ ╥┼╓╔═: ncurses ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒┼╘
╘╧╠╪╦╧ ╔╬╞╧╥═┴├╔└ ╔┌ ┬┴┌┘ ─┴╬╬┘╚ ╧ ╘┼╥═╔╬┴╠┴╚.
ф╠╤ ╘╧╟╧, ▐╘╧┬┘ ╒┌╬┴╘╪, ╦┴╦┴╤ ┬╔┬╠╔╧╘┼╦┴
┬┘╠┴ ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╬┴ ╨╥╔ ╦╧═╨╔╠╤├╔╔, ─┴╩╘┼ ╦╧═┴╬─╒
.B mc -V.
@ -3612,8 +3620,7 @@ Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000
.B ncurses,
╧╬┴ ╨╥╧╫┼╥╤┼╘ ┌╬┴▐┼╬╔┼ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬╧╩
·┴─┴╬╔┼ ▄╘╧╩ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬╧╩ ─┴┼╘ ╘╧╘ ╓┼ ▄╞╞┼╦╘,
▐╘╧ ╔ ┌┴─┴╬╔┼ ╦╠└▐┴ -c.
·┴─┴╬╔┼ ▄╘╧╩ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬╧╩ ─┴┼╘ ╘╧╘ ╓┼ ▄╞╞┼╦╘, ▐╘╧ ╔ ┌┴─┴╬╔┼ ╦╠└▐┴ -c.
ў┘ ═╧╓┼╘┼ ╒╦┴┌┴╘╪ ╘┼╥═╔╬┴╠┘, ╦╧╘╧╥┘┼ ╫╙┼╟─┴ ─╧╠╓╬┘ ╥┴┬╧╘┴╘╪
╫ ├╫┼╘╬╧═ ╥┼╓╔═┼, ─╧┬┴╫╔╫ ╙╘╥╧╦╒
@ -3638,8 +3645,7 @@ Midnight Commander
ў ╙┼╦├╔╔ Colors ┌┴╟╥╒╓┴┼═┴╤ ╨╧ ╒═╧╠▐┴╬╔└ ╘┴┬╠╔├┴ ├╫┼╘╧╫
╧╨╥┼─┼╠╤┼╘╙╤ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬╧╩ (╙╘╥╧╦╧╩)
.I base_color.
ў┘ ═╧╓┼╘┼
╒╦┴┌┴╘╪ ┴╠╪╘┼╥╬┴╘╔╫╬╒└ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒ ├╫┼╘╧╫ ─╠╤ ╘┼╥═╔╬┴╠┴, ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒╤
ў┘ ═╧╓┼╘┼ ╒╦┴┌┴╘╪ ┴╠╪╘┼╥╬┴╘╔╫╬╒└ ╘┴┬╠╔├╒ ├╫┼╘╧╫ ─╠╤ ╘┼╥═╔╬┴╠┴, ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒╤
╔═╤ ╘┼╥═╔╬┴╠┴ ╦┴╦ ╦╠└▐ ╫ ▄╘╧╩ ╙┼╦├╔╔. Ё╥╔═┼╥:
@ -3733,10 +3739,11 @@ menuhotsel.
ў╧┌═╧╓╬┘┼ ├╫┼╘┴: black, gray, red, brightred, green,
brightgreen, brown, yellow, blue, brightblue, magenta, brightmagenta,
cyan, brightcyan, lightgray and white.
cyan, brightcyan, lightgray white.
ф╠╤ ╨╥╧┌╥┴▐╬╧╟╧ ╞╧╬┴ ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╒└╘╙╤ ╙╨┼├╔┴╠╪╬╧┼ ╦╠└▐┼╫╧┼ ╙╠╧╫╧ 'default'.
є╠╧╫╧ 'default' ═╧╓╬╧ ╔╙╨╧╠╪┌╧╫┴╘╪ ╘╧╠╪╦╧ ╨╥╔
┌┴─┴╬╔╔ ├╫┼╘┴ ╞╧╬┴. Ё╥╔═┼╥: