Rewrite it to use g_string_append_c instead of some homebrew stuff

Этот коммит содержится в:
Patrick Winnertz 2009-01-07 18:35:48 +01:00 коммит произвёл Slava Zanko
родитель 2eb9472f99
Коммит 3263509b9d

Просмотреть файл

@ -1530,55 +1530,45 @@ Q_ (const char *s)
/* Unescape paths or other strings for e.g the internal cd */
char *
unescape_string(const char *in) {
char * local = NULL;
int i = 0;
int j = 20;
int k = 0;
GString *str;
const char * src;
char *result;
local = g_malloc(j);
str = g_string_new("");
for (i=0;i<=strlen(in);i++) {
if (i-k+1 >= j ) {
j = j + 20;
local = g_realloc(local,j);
if ( (strchr(" \t*|;<>~#()?[]{}&",in[i])) && ((i == 0) || ( strchr("\\",in[i-1]))) ) {
local[i-k] = in[i];
for (src = in; *src != '\0'; src++) {
if (src[0] == '\\' && strchr(" \t*|;<>~#()?[]{}&", src[1])) {
g_string_append_c(str, src[1]);
} else {
local[i-k] = in[i];
g_string_append_c(str, src[0]);
local[i-k] = '\0';
return local;
result = str->str;
g_string_free(str, FALSE);
return result;
/* To be compatible with the general posix command lines we have to escape *
* strings for the command line */
char *
escape_string ( const char * in ) {
char * local = NULL;
int i = 0;
int j = 20;
int k = 0;
GString *str;
const char * src;
char *result;
local = g_malloc(j);
str = g_string_new("");
for (i=0;i<strlen(in);i++) {
if (i+k+1 >= j ) { //If 20 chars is too low for the path
j = j + 20;
local = g_realloc(local,j);
if ( (strchr(" \t*|;<>~#()?[]{}&",in[i])) && ((i == 0) || (! strchr("\\",in[i-1]))) ) {
local[i+k] = 92; // Ascii for "\"
k = k+1;
local[i+k] = in[i];
for (src = in;src[0] != '\0';src++) {
if ( (src[-1] != '\\') && strchr(" \t*|;<>~#()?[]{}&",src[0])) {
} else {
local[i+k] = in[i];
local[i+k] = '\0';
return local;
result = str->str;
g_string_free(str, FALSE);
return result;