* doc/mc.1.in (Controlling Midnight Commander): Remove, it's obsolete.
* doc/es/mc.1.in: Likewise. * doc/ru/mc.1.in: Likewise. * doc/hu/mc.hlp.hu: Likewise.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
2002-08-18 Pavel Roskin <proski@gnu.org>
* doc/mc.1.in (Controlling Midnight Commander): Remove, it's
* doc/es/mc.1.in: Likewise.
* doc/ru/mc.1.in: Likewise.
* doc/hu/mc.hlp.hu: Likewise.
* lib/mc.menu: Remove all references to $MC_CONTROL_FILE, which
was unsafe by design and is no longer supported. Use %t instead
of %u to preserve tags in case of failure.
@ -1999,32 +1999,6 @@ OPCIONES
tiene mсs informaciєn sobre cєmo controlar el cчodigo del subshell.
.\"NODE " Controlling Midnight Commander"
.SH " Controlando Midnight Commander"
Midnight Commander define la variable de entorno
MC_CONTROL_FILE. Los comandos ejecutados por MC pueden dar instrucciones a
MC escribiendo en el fichero especificado por щsta variable. Esto solamente
estс disponible si compilamos nuestra copia de the Midnight Commander con la opciєn
Son soportadas las siguientes instrucciones.
clear_tags Elimina todas las marcas.
tag <fichero> Marca un fichero especificado.
untag <fichero> Desmarca un fichero especificado.
select <fichero> Desplaza el puntero el fichero.
change_panel Intercambia entre los paneles.
cd <ruta> Cambia de directorio.
Si la primera letra de la instrucciєn estс en min·scula opera en el
panel actual. Si la letra estс en may·sculas, la instrucciєn
opera sobre el otro panel. Las letras adicionales deben estar en min·sculas.
Las instrucciones deben estarseparadas exсctamente por un espacio, tabulador o
Abvance de lэnea. Las instrucciones no funcionan en la presentaciєn de Informaciєn,
┴rbol o Rсpida. El primer error provoca que el resto sea ignorado.
.\"NODE "Chmod"
.SH "Cambiar Permisos"
Cambiar Permisos se usa para cambiar los bits de permisos en un grupo de
@ -1901,33 +1901,6 @@ amit a jelenleg haszn
Az OPTIONS rщszben tovсbbi informсciєkat olvashatsz arrєl,
hogy hogyan vezщrelheted a subshell kєdot.
[Controlling Midnight Commander]
A Midnight Commander vezщrlщse
A Midnight Commander a kЎrnyezeti vсltozєkat az
MC_CONTROL_FILE-ban definiсlja. Az MC сltal futtatott
parancsokhoz tovсbbi utasэtсsokat adhatsz az MC szсmсra a
fсjlban megadott vсltozєkkal. Ez csak akkor lesz elщrhetї,
ha a Midnight Commandert a WANT_PARSE opciєval fordэtottсk.
A kЎvetkezї utasэtсsok hasznсlhatєk:
clear_tags TЎrЎl minden kijelЎlщst.
tag <fсjlnщv> KijelЎli a megadott fсjlt.
untag <fсjlnщv> Megsz№nteti a megadott fсjl
select <fсjlnщv> A mutatєt a fсjlra viszi.
change_panel Felcserщli a paneleket.
cd <path> KЎnyvtсrt vсlt.
Ha az utasэtсs elsї bet√je kisbet√, az MC az aktэv panelben
hajtja vщgre az utasэtсst. Ha nagybet√, akkor a m√veletet a
mсsik panelen hajtja vщgre. A utasэtсsok tovсbbi bet√i
kisbet√k. Az utasэtсsok egyetlen szєkЎzzel, tabulсtorral,
vagy sor vщge karakterrel vсlaszthatєak el megfelelїen.
A m√veletek nem m√kЎdnek Infє, Fa щs Gyors nщzetben. Az elsї
hiba esetщben a tovсbbi rщszeket nem veszi figyelembe.
Chmod (hozzсfщrщsi jogosultsсg)
@ -2112,31 +2112,6 @@ OPTIONS
section has more information on how you can control the subshell code.
.SH " Controlling Midnight Commander"
The Midnight Commander defines an environment variable
MC_CONTROL_FILE. The commands executed by MC may give instructions to
MC by writing to the file specified by this variable. This is only
available if you compiled your copy of the Midnight Commander with the
WANT_PARSE option.
The following instructions are supported.
clear_tags Clear all tags.
tag <filename> Tag specified file.
untag <filename> Untag specified file.
select <filename> Move pointer to file.
change_panel Switch between panels.
cd <path> Change directory.
If the first letter of the instruction is in lower case it operates on
the current panel. If the letter is in upper case the instruction
operates on the other panel. The additional letters must be in lower
case. Instructions must be separated by exactly one space, tab or
newline. The instructions don't work in the Info, Tree and Quick
views. The first error causes the rest to be ignored.
.SH "Chmod"
The Chmod window is used to change the attribute bits in a group of
files and directories. It can be invoked with the C-x c key combination.
@ -2618,38 +2618,6 @@ Midnight Commander (
╨╥╔╫┼─┼╬┴ ─╧╨╧╠╬╔╘┼╠╪╬┴╤
╔╬╞╧╥═┴├╔╤ ╧ ╘╧═, ╦┴╦ ═╧╓╬╧ ╒╨╥┴╫╠╤╘╪ (╬┴╙╘╥╧╔╘╪) subshell.
.\"NODE " Controlling Midnight Commander"
.SH " ї╨╥┴╫╠┼╬╔┼ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══╧╩ Midnight Commander ╔┌ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══"
Midnight Commander ╧╨╥┼─┼╠╤┼╘ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬╒└ ╧╦╥╒╓┼╬╔╤
ы╧═┴╬─┘, ┌┴╨╒╙╦┴┼═┘┼ ╨╥╧╟╥┴══╧╩ MC, ═╧╟╒╘
╨┼╥┼─┴╘╪ MC ╬┼╦╧╘╧╥┘┼ ╔╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╔ ╨╒╘┼═ ┌┴╨╔╙╔ ╫ ╞┴╩╠,
╒╦┴┌┴╬╬┘╩ ╫ ▄╘╧╩ ╨┼╥┼═┼╬╬╧╩. №╘┴ ╫╧┌═╧╓╬╧╙╘╪ ╥┼┴╠╔┌╒┼╘╙╤
╘╧╠╪╦╧ ╫ ╘╧═ ╙╠╒▐┴┼, ┼╙╠╔ Midnight Commander ╙╦╧═╨╔╠╔╥╧╫┴╬
╙ ╧╨├╔┼╩ WANT_PARSE.
Ё╧──┼╥╓╔╫┴└╘╙╤ ╙╠┼─╒└▌╔┼ ╔╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╔:
clear_tags є╬╤╘╪ ╫╙┼ ╧╘═┼╘╦╔.
tag <filename> Ё╧═┼╘╔╘╪ ╒╦┴┌┴╬╬┘╩ ╞┴╩╠.
untag <filename> є╬╤╘╪ ╧╘═┼╘╦╒ ╙ ╒╦┴┌┴╬╬╧╟╧ ╞┴╩╠┴.
select <filename> Ё┼╥┼═┼╙╘╔╘╪ ╨╧─╙╫┼╘╦╒ ╬┴ ╒╦┴┌┴╬╬┘╩
change_panel Ё┼╥┼╦╠└▐╔╘╪╙╤ ═┼╓─╒ ╨┴╬┼╠╤═╔.
cd <path> Ё┼╥┼╩╘╔ ╫ ╦┴╘┴╠╧╟.
х╙╠╔ ╨┼╥╫┴╤ ┬╒╦╫┴ ╔╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╔ ╙╘╥╧▐╬┴╤ (╬┴┬╥┴╬┴ ╫ ╬╔╓╬┼═
╥┼╟╔╙╘╥┼), ╔╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╤ ╫┘╨╧╠╬╤┼╘╙╤ ╫ ┴╦╘╔╫╬╧╩ ╨┴╬┼╠╔. х╙╠╔
╨┼╥╫┴╤ ┬╒╦╫┴ ┌┴╟╠┴╫╬┴╤ (╫ ╫┼╥╚╬┼═ ╥┼╟╔╙╘╥┼) - ╔╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╤
╫┘╨╧╠╬╤┼╘╙╤ ╫ ╨┴╙╙╔╫╬╧╩ ╨┴╬┼╠╔. ў╙┼ ╨╧╙╠┼─╒└▌╔┼ ┬╒╦╫┘ ─╧╠╓╬┘
╬┴┬╔╥┴╘╪╙╤ ╫ ╬╔╓╬┼═ ╥┼╟╔╙╘╥┼. щ╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╔ ─╧╠╓╬┘ ┬┘╘╪ ╥┴┌─┼╠┼╬┘
╫ ╘╧▐╬╧╙╘╔ ╧─╬╔═ ╨╥╧┬┼╠╧═, ┌╬┴╦╧═ ╘┴┬╒╠╤├╔╔ ╔╠╔ ┌╬┴╦╧═
╬╧╫╧╩ ╙╘╥╧╦╔. щ╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╔ ╬┼ ╥┴┬╧╘┴└╘ ╫ ╥┼╓╔═┴╚ "щ╬╞╧╥═┴├╔╤",
"ф┼╥┼╫╧ ╦┴╘┴╠╧╟╧╫" ╔ "т┘╙╘╥┘╩ ╨╥╧╙═╧╘╥". Ё┼╥╫┴╤ ╓┼ ╧█╔┬╦┴
╨╥╔╫╧─╔╘ ╦ ╘╧═╒, ▐╘╧ ╫╙┼ ╨╧╙╠┼─╒└▌╔┼ ╔╬╙╘╥╒╦├╔╔ ╔╟╬╧╥╔╥╒└╘╙╤.
.\"NODE "Chmod"
.SH "Ё╥┴╫┴ ─╧╙╘╒╨┴ (Chmod)"
ф╔┴╠╧╟╧╫╧┼ ╧╦╬╧ "Ё╥┴╫┴ ─╧╙╘╒╨┴" ╨╥┼─╧╙╘┴╫╠╤┼╘ ╒─╧┬╬┘╩ ╔╬╘┼╥╞┼╩╙
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