Minor changes of info panel look'n'feel.

Added title.
Added LTEE and RTEE symbols to the separator line.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Borodin <aborodin@vmail.ru>
Этот коммит содержится в:
Andrew Borodin 2010-05-29 17:30:47 +04:00
родитель 86a89655e5
Коммит 2d90717ace

Просмотреть файл

@ -56,12 +56,25 @@ struct WInfo
static struct my_statfs myfs_stats;
static void
info_box (Dlg_head * h, struct WInfo *info)
info_box (struct WInfo *info)
const char *title = _("Information");
const int len = str_term_width1 (title);
tty_set_normal_attrs ();
tty_setcolor (NORMAL_COLOR);
widget_erase (&info->widget);
draw_box (h, info->widget.y, info->widget.x, info->widget.lines, info->widget.cols, FALSE);
draw_box (info->widget.parent, info->widget.y, info->widget.x,
info->widget.lines, info->widget.cols, FALSE);
widget_move (&info->widget, 0, (info->widget.cols - len - 2)/2);
tty_printf (" %s ", title);
widget_move (&info->widget, 2, 0);
tty_print_alt_char (ACS_LTEE, FALSE);
widget_move (&info->widget, 2, info->widget.cols - 1);
tty_print_alt_char (ACS_RTEE, FALSE);
tty_draw_hline (info->widget.y + 2, info->widget.x + 1, ACS_HLINE, info->widget.cols - 2);
static void
@ -75,18 +88,18 @@ info_show_info (struct WInfo *info)
if (!is_idle ())
info_box (info->widget.parent, info);
info_box (info);
tty_setcolor (MARKED_COLOR);
widget_move (&info->widget, 1, 3);
tty_printf (_("Midnight Commander %s"), VERSION);
tty_setcolor (NORMAL_COLOR);
tty_draw_hline (info->widget.y + 2, info->widget.x + 1, ACS_HLINE, info->widget.cols - 2);
if (get_current_type () != view_listing)
if (!info->ready)
if (get_current_type () != view_listing)
my_statfs (&myfs_stats, current_panel->cwd);
st = current_panel->dir.list[current_panel->selected].st;
@ -99,6 +112,8 @@ info_show_info (struct WInfo *info)
i18n_adjust = str_term_width1 (file_label) + 2;
tty_setcolor (NORMAL_COLOR);
buff = g_string_new ("");
switch (info->widget.lines - 2)