diff --git a/doc/FAQ b/doc/FAQ index 8d583ce92..6e1d662e6 100644 --- a/doc/FAQ +++ b/doc/FAQ @@ -263,11 +263,11 @@ f2 Keyboard enhanced keys. If you want to use ESC to cancel things you have to press it twice i.e. ESC-ESC. If you find this cumbersome you can generally use F10 to cancel. Alternatively turn on the old_esc_mode - setting in the ~/.mc/ini file. The old_esc_mode setting makes ESC - work as a prefix only if another key is pressed within 0.5 seconds. - After 0.5 seconds the ESC key cancels. There is no way to make ESC - cancel immediately (if we want to be able to use arrows keys and - function keys). + setting in the ~/.config/mc/ini file. The + old_esc_mode setting makes ESC work as a prefix only if another key + is pressed within 0.5 seconds. After 0.5 seconds the ESC key cancels. + There is no way to make ESC cancel immediately (if we want to be able + to use arrows keys and function keys). 2.5 How can I add the plus sign (+) on the command line? diff --git a/doc/man/es/mc.1.in b/doc/man/es/mc.1.in index 51d817d3c..a0da74cc7 100644 --- a/doc/man/es/mc.1.in +++ b/doc/man/es/mc.1.in @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ y el El valor por defecto de auto repetición para los botones del ratón es 400 milisegundos. Este valor se puede modificar editando el archivo .\"LINK2" -\&~/.mc/ini +\&~/.config/mc/ini .\"Save Setup" y cambiando el parámetro .IR mouse_repeat_rate . @@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@ Los directorios a ser omitidos deberían ser enumerados en la variable .B ignore_dirs en la sección .B FindFile -de nuestro archivo ~/.mc/ini. +de nuestro archivo ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP Los componentes del directorio deberían ser separados por dos puntos, como en el ejemplo que sigue: @@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ comando cd interno\&. .\"NODE " Extension File Edit" .SH " Editar el Archivo de Extensiones" Abre el archivo -.I ~/.mc/bindings +.I ~/.local/share/mc/bindings en nuestro editor. El administrador puede optar por editar, en su lugar, el archivo de extensiones del sistema .IR @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ext . @@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@ El menú de usuario es un menú de acciones útiles que puede ser personalizado por el usuario. Cuando accedemos al menú de usuario se utiliza, si existe, el archivo .mc.menu del directorio actual, pero sólo si es propiedad del usuario o del superusuario y no es modificable por todos. -Si no se encuentra allí el archivo, se intenta de la misma manera con ~/.mc/menu, +Si no se encuentra allí el archivo, se intenta de la misma manera con ~/.local/share/mc/menu, y si no, mc utiliza el menú por defecto para todo el sistema @prefix@/share/mc/mc.menu. .PP @@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ regulares son las descritas en ed(1). .I Auto\-Guardar Configuración. Si esta opción está activada, cuando salimos de Midnight Commander las opciones configurables de Midnight Commander se guardan en el archivo -~/.mc/ini. +~/.config/mc/ini. .PP .I Auto Menús. Si está activada, el menú de usuario aparece automáticamente al arrancar. @@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ desaparezca. Si no, pulsaremos la tecla que nos pide y esperaremos hasta que el diálogo desaparezca. .PP Cuando acabemos con todas las teclas, podríamos Guardar nuestras teclas -en nuestro archivo ~/.mc/ini dentro de la sección [terminal:TERM] (donde TERM es el +en nuestro archivo ~/.config/mc/ini dentro de la sección [terminal:TERM] (donde TERM es el nombre de nuestro terminal actual) o descartarlas. Si todas nuestras teclas funcionan correctamente y no debemos corregir ninguna, entonces (lógico) no se grabará. .\"NODE " Virtual FS" @@ -1951,14 +1951,14 @@ y puede ser impedida por algún cortafuegos. .\"NODE " Save Setup" .SH " Guardar Configuración" Al arrancar Midnight Commander se carga la información de inicio del -archivo ~/.mc/ini. Si éste no existe, se cargará la información del +archivo ~/.config/mc/ini. Si éste no existe, se cargará la información del archivo de configuración genérico del sistema, @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini. Si el archivo de configuración genérico del sistema no existe, MC utiliza la configuración por defecto. .PP El comando .I Guardar Configuración -crea el archivo ~/.mc/ini guardando la configuración actual de los menús +crea el archivo ~/.config/mc/ini guardando la configuración actual de los menús .\"LINK2" Izquierdo, Derecho .\"Left and Right Menus" @@ -2147,11 +2147,11 @@ que serán válidos hasta salir de Midnight Commander. Si estamos usando .B bash podremos especificar comandos de arranque -para el subshell en nuestro archivo ~/.mc/bashrc y -mapas de teclado especiales en el archivo ~/.mc/inputrc. +para el subshell en nuestro archivo ~/.local/share/mc/bashrc y +mapas de teclado especiales en el archivo ~/.local/share/mc/inputrc. Los usuarios de .B tcsh -podrán especificar los comandos de arranque en el archivo ~/.mc/tcshrc. +podrán especificar los comandos de arranque en el archivo ~/.local/share/mc/tcshrc. .PP Cuando utilizamos el código del subshell, podemos suspender aplicaciones en cualquier momento con la secuencia @@ -2566,14 +2566,14 @@ aunque podemos recuperar su funcionamiento habitual en terminales (copiar y pegar) manteniendo pulsada la tecla mayúsculas. .B Ctrl\-Ins copia al archivo -.B cooledit.clip +.B mcedit.clip y .B Mayús\-Ins pega desde -.BR cooledit.clip . +.BR mcedit.clip . .B Mayús\-Supr corta y copia en -.BR cooledit.clip , +.BR mcedit.clip , y .B Ctrl\-Supr elimina el texto resaltado. La tecla @@ -2592,7 +2592,7 @@ seguido de la tecla asignada. También será ejecutada si pulsamos Meta (Alt), Ctrl, o Escape y la tecla asignada, siempre y cuando la tecla no sea usada por ninguna otra función. Una vez definida, los comandos de macro irán al archivo -.B cedit/cooledit.macros +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros en nuestro directorio de inicio. Podemos eliminar una macro borrando la línea adecuada en este archivo. .PP @@ -2604,7 +2604,7 @@ o u otro). Esto está controlado por el archivo .B @prefix@/share/mc/edit.indent.rc que se copia la primera vez que se usa en -.B .mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.indent.rc en el directorio personal. .PP El editor también visualiza caracteres no estadounidenses (160+). Al editar @@ -3129,7 +3129,7 @@ o sin su extensión \.ini. De no indicar la ruta se realiza la búsqueda, en orden, en: .IP 1) -.BR ~/.mc/skins/ . +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/skins/ . .br 2) .BR @sysconfdir@/mc/skins/ . @@ -3468,7 +3468,7 @@ La mayoría de las opciones de Midnight Commander pueden cambiarse desde los menús. Sin embargo, hay un pequeño número de ajustes para los que es necesario editar el archivo de configuración. .PP -Estas variables se pueden cambiar en nuestro archivo ~/.mc/ini: +Estas variables se pueden cambiar en nuestro archivo ~/.config/mc/ini: .PP .I clear_before_exec .IP @@ -3596,7 +3596,7 @@ del sistema sin necesidad de privilegios de superusuario. El programa busca definiciones de teclas en el archivo de inicialización del sistema .B @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib o en el del usuario -.BR ~/.mc/ini , +.BR ~/.config/mc/ini , en la sección "terminal:nuestro\-terminal" y si no en "terminal:general". Cada línea comienza con el identificador de la tecla, seguido de un signo de igual y la definición de la tecla. Para representar el carácter de escape @@ -3622,7 +3622,7 @@ complete tecla para completar .PP Ejemplo: para indicar que la secuencia Escape + [ + O + p corresponde a la tecla de insertar, hay que colocar en el archivo -.BR ~/.mc/ini : +.BR ~/.config/mc/ini : .PP .nf insert=\\e[Op @@ -3666,7 +3666,7 @@ Archivo de ayuda. .IP Archivo de extensiones por defecto del sistema. .PP -.I ~/.mc/bindings +.I ~/.local/share/mc/bindings .IP Archivo de usuario de extensiones y configuración de visor y editor. Si está presente prevalece sobre el contenido de los archivos del sistema. @@ -3674,17 +3674,17 @@ está presente prevalece sobre el contenido de los archivos del sistema. .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP Archivo de configuración del sistema para Midnight Commander, sólo si -el usuario no dispone de su propio ~/.mc/ini. +el usuario no dispone de su propio ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP Opciones globales de Midnight Commander. Se aplican siempre a todos los -usuarios, tengan ~/.mc/ini o no. Actualmente sólo se emplea para los +usuarios, tengan ~/.config/mc/ini o no. Actualmente sólo se emplea para los .\"LINK2" ajustes de terminal\&. .\"Terminal databases" .PP -.I ~/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP Configuración personal del usuario. Si este archivo está presente entonces se cargará la configuración desde aquí en lugar de desde el archivo de @@ -3699,12 +3699,12 @@ programa. .IP Este archivo contiene el menú de aplicaciones por defecto para el sistema. .PP -.I ~/.mc/menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc/menu .IP Menú de aplicaciones personal del usuario. Si está presente será utilizado en lugar del menú por defecto del sistema. .PP -.I ~/.mc/Tree +.I ~/.cache/mc/Tree .IP La lista de directorios para el árbol de directorios y la vista en árbol. .PP diff --git a/doc/man/hu/mc.1.in b/doc/man/hu/mc.1.in index cf39e5573..e25ea8780 100644 --- a/doc/man/hu/mc.1.in +++ b/doc/man/hu/mc.1.in @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ esetén is. Az egérgomb automatikus ismétlésének határértéke alapesetben 400 ezredmásodpercnyi. Ez megváltoztatható az .\"LINK2" -~/.mc/ini +~/.config/mc/ini .\"Save Setup" fájlban a .I mouse_repeat_rate @@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ slow linkkel csatoltak). .PP Az átlépendő könyvtárakat a .B ignore_dirs -változó állítja be az ~/.mc/ini fájlod +változó állítja be az ~/.config/mc/ini fájlod .B FindFile részében. .PP @@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ A cd belső parancs leírásánál. .\"NODE " Extension File Edit" .SH " Társítások" -Ez az ~/.mc/bindings szerkesztéséhez segítségül fogja hívni a +Ez az ~/.local/share/mc/bindings szerkesztéséhez segítségül fogja hívni a szövegszerkesztődet. A fájl formátuma a következő (a formátum a 3.0\-ás verzióval megváltozott): .PP @@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ A felhasználói menüt a felhasználó testre szabhatja. Ez az aktulis könyvtár .mc.menu fájlja, ha az létezik, de csak, ha az a felhasználó (illetve a root) a tulajdonosa, és nem lehet bárki számára írható. Ha nem talál ilyen fájlt, az -.I ~/.mc/menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc/menu keresése a következő lépés, egyébként pedig az mc az alapértelmezett rendszerszintű menüt használja, pl.: .IR @prefix@/share/mc/mc.menu , @@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ engedélyezett, akkor a szokásos kiterjesztések azonosak a ed\-ben lévőkkel: .PP .I Beállítások automatikus mentése Ha ez az opciót bekapcsoltad, amikor kilépsz a Midnight Commander\-ből, -az MC opcióinak beállításait az ~/.mc/ini fájlba menti. +az MC opcióinak beállításait az ~/.config/mc/ini fájlba menti. .PP .I Auto menük. Ha ez az opció engedélyezett, a felhasználói menü megjelenik az mc @@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@ begépelt gomb lesz az megkérdezett gombbal azonosított. Ezután a dialógus ablak eltűnik. .PP Amikor végeztél minden gombbal, ezt elmentheted a Mentés gombbal az -~/.mc/ini fájlba, a [terminal:TERM] részbe (ahol a TERM a jelenlegi +~/.config/mc/ini fájlba, a [terminal:TERM] részbe (ahol a TERM a jelenlegi terminál neve), vagy elvetheted. Ha minden gombod megfelelően működik, és nem javítottál semmit, akkor (természetesen) nem fog menteni semmit sem. @@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ FTP fájlrendszernél\&. .SH " Beállítások mentése" A Midnight Commander indításkor megpróbálja az indítási információkat beolvasni az -.I ~/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini fájlból. Ha ez a fájl nem létezik, ezeket az információkat a rendszerszintű konfigurációs fájlból fogja beolvasni, amelyek a .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini @@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@ Bal és Jobb oldali menü .\"LINK2" Beállítások .\"Options Menu" -menü beállításait az ~/.mc/ini fájlba. +menü beállításait az ~/.config/mc/ini fájlba. .PP Ha aktiválod az .I Auto Beállításmentés @@ -2092,10 +2092,10 @@ használni fog. .PP Ha .BR bash \-t -használsz, a subshell indító parancsait megadhatod az ~/.mc/bashrc -fájlban, és tetszőleges billentyűzet térképet az ~/.mc/inputrc fájlban. A +használsz, a subshell indító parancsait megadhatod az ~/.local/share/mc/bashrc +fájlban, és tetszőleges billentyűzet térképet az ~/.local/share/mc/inputrc fájlban. A .B tcsh -felhasználóknak az indítási parancsokat az ~/.mc/tcshrc fájlban van +felhasználóknak az indítási parancsokat az ~/.local/share/mc/tcshrc fájlban van lehetőségük megadni. .PP Amikor a subshell kódot használod, bármikor megszakíthatod az @@ -2459,13 +2459,13 @@ legördülő menü megtekintése szükséges. Egyéb gombok: Shift és nyíl billentyűk a szöveg kijelöléséhez. A .B Ctrl\-Ins kimásolja a szöveget a -.BR cooledit.clip \-be +.BR mcedit.clip \-be és a .B Shift\-Ins -beilleszti azt a cooledit.clip\-ből. A +beilleszti azt a mcedit.clip\-ből. A .B Shift\-Del kivágja a szöveget a -.BR cooledit.clip \-be, +.BR mcedit.clip \-be, és a .B Ctrl\-Del törli a kijelölt szöveget. A lezáró billentyűként szintén használható a @@ -2485,7 +2485,7 @@ hozzárendelhetsz az adott gomb lenyomásával. A makró lefut a lenyomod a Váltó (Alt), Ctrl, vagy az Esc\-et és a megadott gombot, feltételezve azt, hogy a gombot nem használja más funkció. Miután megadtad, a makro parancs a home könyvtárad -.B ~/.cedit/cooledit.macros +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros fájljába kerül. A makrót a fájl megfelelő sorának törlésével végezheted el. .PP @@ -2873,7 +2873,7 @@ base_color=normal=white,default:marked=magenta,default A legtöbb Midnight Commander beállítás a menükből is elérhető. Ám van néhány beállítás, ami csak a setup fájl szerkesztésével állítható be. .PP -Ezeket a változókat az ~/.mc/ini fájlban állíthatod be: +Ezeket a változókat az ~/.config/mc/ini fájlban állíthatod be: .PP .I clear_before_exec .IP @@ -2981,7 +2981,7 @@ tartalommal. A Midnight Commander lehetőséget nyújt a terminál adatbázis root jogok használata nélküli módosítására. A Midnight Commander a rendszer indító fájlban (az mc.lib fájlt a Midnight Commander library könyvtárában -találjuk), vagy az ~/.mc/ini file "terminal:your\-terminal\-name" részében +találjuk), vagy az ~/.config/mc/ini file "terminal:your\-terminal\-name" részében keres, és, a "terminal:general" rész minden sora tartalmazza azokat a billentyűzet szimbólumokat az egyenlőségjelet és a definiált szimbólumot követően, amelyeket te mag akarsz határozni. A \\e speciális formátumot @@ -3033,7 +3033,7 @@ A program súgó fájlja. .IP Az alapértelmezett rendszerszintű kiterjesztés fájl. .PP -.I ~/.mc/bindings +.I ~/.local/share/mc/bindings .IP A felhasználó saját kiterjesztései, nézet beállítások és szerkesztési beállítások. Ezek felülbírálják a rendszerszintű fájl bejegyzéseit, ha @@ -3042,7 +3042,7 @@ van ilyen. .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP Az alapértelmezett rendszerszintű Midnight Commander beállítás, amelyet -csak akkor használ, ha a felhasználónak nincs saját ~/.mc/ini fájlja. +csak akkor használ, ha a felhasználónak nincs saját ~/.config/mc/ini fájlja. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP @@ -3050,7 +3050,7 @@ A Midnight Commander globális beállításai. Az ebben a fájlban elvégzett beállítások minden felhasználó Midnight Commander\-jére vonatkoznak, ez használható a site\-globális terminál beállításaihoz. .PP -.I ~/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP A felhasználó saját beállításai. Ha ez a fájl elérhető, akkor a beállítások ebből a fájlból olvasódnak be a rendszerszintű indító fájl @@ -3065,19 +3065,19 @@ Ez a fájl tartalmazza a program által megjelenített útmutattásokat .IP Ez a fájl azonos a rendszerszintű alkalmazás menüvel. .PP -.I ~/.mc/menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc/menu .IP A falhasználó saját alkalmazás menüje. Ha ez a fájl elérhető a rendszerszintű alkalmazás menü helyett ezt fogja használni. .PP -.I ~/.mc/Tree +.I ~/.cache/mc/Tree .IP A könyvtárlista a Könyvtárfa és a Fa nézethez. Minden sor egy bejegyzés. Minden sor perjellel kezdik a teljes könyvtár neveknél. A sorok egy számmal kezdődnek, amik azonosak az elöző könyvtáréval. Ha ezt a fájlt el akarod készíteni a következő parancsot használd: .nf -find / \-type d \-print | sort > ~/.mc/Tree" +find / \-type d \-print | sort > ~/.cache/mc/Tree" .fi Normálisan nincs erre szükséged, mert a Midnight Commander automatikusan frissíti ezt. diff --git a/doc/man/it/mc.1.in b/doc/man/it/mc.1.in index 04b6d132b..733ee730b 100644 --- a/doc/man/it/mc.1.in +++ b/doc/man/it/mc.1.in @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ albero directory\&. L'auto ripetizione predefinita per il mouse è di 400 millisecondi. Questo valore può essere cambiato modificando il file .\"LINK2" -\&~/.mc/ini +\&~/.config/mc/ini .\"Save Setup" e cambiando il parametro .IR mouse_repeat_rate . @@ -1239,7 +1239,7 @@ Le directory che devono essere saltate devono essere impostate nella variabile .B ignore_dirs nella sezione .B FindFile -del file ~/.mc/ini. +del file ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP Le directory devono essere separate da una virgola, come nell'esempio: .PP @@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ comando cd interno\&. .\"NODE " Extension File Edit" .SH " Modifica file estensioni" Questo comando invocherà l'editor sul file -.IR ~/.mc/bindings . +.IR ~/.local/share/mc/bindings . Il fomato di questo file è il seguente (il formato è cambiato dalla versione 3.0): .PP @@ -1371,7 +1371,7 @@ personalizzati dall'utente. Quando si accede al menu utente, viene utilizzato, se esiste, il file .mc.menu dalla directory corrente, ma solo se è di proprietà dell'utente o di root e se non è scrivibile a tutti. Se tale file non viene trovato, mc alla stessa maniera -prova con ~/.mc/menu altrimenti usa il menu di sistema +prova con ~/.local/share/mc/menu altrimenti usa il menu di sistema @prefix@/share/mc/mc.menu. .PP Il formato del file menu è molto semplice. Le righe che cominciano @@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ espressioni regolari sono quelle descritte in ed(1). .I Autosalva configurazione. Se quest'opzione è abilitata, quando si esce dal Midnight Commander le opzioni configurabili del Midnight Commander vengono salvate nel file -~/.mc/ini. +~/.config/mc/ini. .PP .I Menu automatici. Se quest'opzione è abilitata, il menu utente sarà invocato alla partenza. @@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ premere Esc una volta ed aspettare. .PP Quando si è finito con tutti i tasti, è possibile salvarli. Le definizioni dei tasti che si è ridefinito saranno scritte nella sezione [terminal:TERM] -del vostro ~/.mc/ini file (dove TERM è il nome del terminale corrente). Le +del vostro ~/.config/mc/ini file (dove TERM è il nome del terminale corrente). Le definizioni dei tasti che già funzionavano correttamente non vengono salvate. .\"NODE " Virtual FS" .SH " FS virtuale " @@ -1904,14 +1904,14 @@ funzionare con alcuni firewall. .\"NODE " Save Setup" .SH " Salva configurazione" Alla partenza il Midnight Commander prova a caricare le informazioni di -inizializzazione dal file ~/.mc/ini. Se questo file non esiste, +inizializzazione dal file ~/.config/mc/ini. Se questo file non esiste, caricherà le informazioni dal file di configurazione di sistema posizionato in @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini. Se il file di configurazione di sistema non esiste, MC userà le impostazioni predefinite. .PP Il comando .I salva configurazione -crea il file ~/.mc/ini salvando le impostazioni correnti +crea il file ~/.config/mc/ini salvando le impostazioni correnti dei menu .\"LINK2" sinistra, destra @@ -2113,11 +2113,11 @@ esca dal Midnight Commander. Se si sta usando .B bash si può specificare comandi alla partenza della subshell nel file -~/.mc/bashrc e mappature speciali della tastiera nel file -~/.mc/inputrc. +~/.local/share/mc/bashrc e mappature speciali della tastiera nel file +~/.local/share/mc/inputrc. .B tcsh gli utenti possono specificare comandi alla partenza nel file -~/.mc/tcshrc. +~/.local/share/mc/tcshrc. .PP Quando il codice della subshell viene utilizzato, si può sospendere l'applicazione in ogni momento con la sequenza C\-o e saltare nuovamente @@ -2495,13 +2495,13 @@ discesa appropriato. Gli altri tasti sono: maiusc + tasti freccia produce la selezione del testo. .B Ctrl\-Ins copia nel file -.B cooledit.clip +.B mcedit.clip e .B Shift\-Ins -incolla da cooledit.clip. +incolla da mcedit.clip. .B Shift\-Del taglia in -.BR cooledit.clip , +.BR mcedit.clip , e .B Ctrl\-Del cancella il testo selezionato. @@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@ e poi il tasto assegnato. La macro viene eseguita anche se si preme il tasto Meta, Ctrl, o Esc e il tasto assegnato, basta che il tasto non sia già assegnato a qualche altra funzione. Una volta definiti, i macro comandi finiscono nel file -.B .mc/cedit/cooledit.macros +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros nella propria directory home. E' possibile cancellare una macro cancellando la riga appropriata nel suddetto file. .PP @@ -2532,7 +2532,7 @@ o o altro). Questo comportamento viene controllato dal file .B @prefix@/share/mc/edit.indent.rc che viene copiato nel -.B .mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.indent.rc nella propria directory home la prima volta che lo si usa. .PP L'editor visualizza snche caratteri non\-americani (160+). Quando si modifica @@ -2910,13 +2910,13 @@ Molte delle impostazioni del Midnight Commander possono essere cambiate dai menu. Comunque, c'è un piccolo numero di impostazioni che possono essere cambiate solo agendo sul file di configurazione. .PP -Queste sono le variabili che possono essere impostate nel file ~/.mc/ini: +Queste sono le variabili che possono essere impostate nel file ~/.config/mc/ini: .TP .I clear_before_exec Il valore predefinito del Midnight Commander è di cancellare lo schermo prima dell'esecuzione di un comando. Se si preferisce vedere il risultato di un comando in fondo allo schermo, si modifichi la copia locale del file -~/.mc/ini e si cambi il valore del campo clear_before_exec a 0. +~/.config/mc/ini e si cambi il valore del campo clear_before_exec a 0. .TP .I confirm_view_dir Se si preme F3 su di una directory, normalmente MC entra nella directory. @@ -3005,7 +3005,7 @@ Il Midnight Commander fornisce una maniera per correggere il database dei terminali si sistema senza richiedere i privilegi di amministratore (root). Il Midnight Commander ricerca nel file di inizializzazione di sistema (il file mc.lib collocato nella directory -di libreria del Midnight Commander) e nel file ~/.mc/ini la sezione +di libreria del Midnight Commander) e nel file ~/.config/mc/ini la sezione "terminal:nome\-del\-terminale\-in\-uso" e poi la sezione "terminal:general", ogni riga della sezione contiene il simbolo chiave che si vuol definire, seguito da un segno di uguale e la definizione per quel tasto. @@ -3058,7 +3058,7 @@ Il file di aiuto per il programma. .IP Il file delle estensioni di sistema predefinito. .PP -.I ~/.mc/bindings +.I ~/.local/share/mc/bindings .IP Le estensioni dell'utente, la configurazione del visualizzatore e dell'editor di file. Se presenti, questi file si sovrappongono ai file di @@ -3067,19 +3067,19 @@ sistema. .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP La configurazione di sistema predefinita per il Midnight Commander, usata solo -se l'utente non possiede il proprio file ~/.mc/ini. +se l'utente non possiede il proprio file ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP Le impostazioni globali per il Midnight Commander. La modifica di questo -file influisce su tutti gli utenti, che abbiano o no il file ~/.mc/ini . +file influisce su tutti gli utenti, che abbiano o no il file ~/.config/mc/ini . Attualmente vengono caricate solo le .\"LINK2" impostazioni del terminale .\"Terminal databases" da mc.lib. .PP -.I ~/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP La configurazione dell'utente. Se questo file è presente, la configurazione viene caricata da qui invece che dal file di sistema. @@ -3092,12 +3092,12 @@ Questo file contiene i suggerimenti (dritte) mostrate dal programma. .IP Questo file contiene il menu di sistema per le applicazioni. .PP -.I ~/.mc/menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc/menu .IP Il menu utente per le applicazioni. Se presente viene usato al posto del menu delle applicazioni di sistema. .PP -.I ~/.mc/Tree +.I ~/.cache/mc/Tree .IP L'elenco di directory per l'albero directory e per la vista ad albero. .PP diff --git a/doc/man/mc.1.in b/doc/man/mc.1.in index fd66f962d..f4cbf1df5 100644 --- a/doc/man/mc.1.in +++ b/doc/man/mc.1.in @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ key labels by clicking on them. The default auto repeat rate for the mouse buttons is 400 milliseconds. This may be changed to other values by editing the .\"LINK2" -\&~/.mc/ini +\&~/.config/mc/ini .\"Save Setup" file and changing the .I mouse_repeat_rate @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ in section .BR [Midnight\-Commander] .BR 4) File -.BR ~/.mc/mc.keymap +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/mc.keymap .BR 5) File .BR @sysconfdir@/mc/mc.keymap @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ contain the absolute path to the keymap\-file (with the extension \.keymap or without it). Search of keymap\-file will occur in (to the first one found): .IP 1) -.BR ~/.mc/ +.BR ~/.local/share .BR 2) .BR @sysconfdir@/mc/ @@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@ Directories to be skipped should be set on the variable .B ignore_dirs in the .B FindFile -section of your ~/.mc/ini file. +section of your ~/.config/ini file. .PP Directory components should be separated with a colon, here is an example: @@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ description. .\"NODE " Extension File Edit" .SH " Extension File Edit" This will invoke your editor on the file -.IR ~/.mc/bindings . +.IR ~/.local/share/mc/bindings . The format of this file following: .PP All lines starting with # or empty lines are thrown away. @@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ The user menu is a menu of useful actions that can be customized by the user. When you access the user menu, the file .mc.menu from the current directory is used if it exists, but only if it is owned by user or root and is not world\-writable. -If no such file found, ~/.mc/menu is tried in the same way, +If no such file found, ~/.local/share/mc/menu is tried in the same way, and otherwise mc uses the default system\-wide menu @prefix@/share/mc/mc.menu. .PP @@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ This option is disabled by default. .I Auto save setup. If this option is enabled, when you exit the Midnight Commander the configurable options of the Midnight Commander are saved in the -~/.mc/ini file. +~/.config/mc/ini file. .\"NODE " Layout" .SH " Layout" The layout dialog gives you a possibility to change the general layout @@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ format and sort options. Unchecked by default. .PP .I Auto save panels setup. If this option is enabled, when you exit the Midnight Commander the -current settings of panels are saved in the ~/.mc/panels.ini file. +current settings of panels are saved in the ~/.cache/mc/panels.ini file. Disabled by default. .PP .B Navigation @@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ and wait. .PP When you finish with all the keys, you can Save them. The definitions for the keys you have redefined will be written into the [terminal:TERM] -section of your ~/.mc/ini file (where TERM is the name of your current +section of your ~/.config/mc/ini file (where TERM is the name of your current terminal). The definitions of the keys that were already working properly are not saved. .\"NODE " Virtual FS" @@ -2202,15 +2202,15 @@ firewalls. .\"NODE " Save Setup" .SH " Save Setup" At startup the Midnight Commander will try to load initialization -information from the ~/.mc/ini file. If this file doesn't exist, it will -load the information from the system\-wide configuration file, located in -@prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini. If the system\-wide configuration file doesn't -exist, MC uses the default settings. +information from the ~/.config/mc/ini file. If this file +doesn't exist, it will load the information from the system\-wide +configuration file, located in @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini. If the +system\-wide configuration file doesn't exist, MC uses the default settings. .PP The .I Save Setup -command creates the ~/.mc/ini file by saving the current settings -of the +command creates the ~/.config/mc/ini file by saving the +current settings of the .\"LINK2" Left, Right .\"Left and Right Menus" @@ -2410,10 +2410,10 @@ valid until you quit the Midnight Commander. If you are using .B bash you can specify startup -commands for the subshell in your ~/.mc/bashrc file and -special keyboard maps in the ~/.mc/inputrc file. +commands for the subshell in your ~/.local/share/mc/bashrc file and +special keyboard maps in the ~/.local/share/mc/inputrc file. .B tcsh -users may specify startup commands in the ~/.mc/tcshrc file. +users may specify startup commands in the ~/.local/share/mc/tcshrc file. .PP When the subshell code is used, you can suspend applications at any time with the sequence C\-o and jump back to the Midnight Commander, if @@ -2932,13 +2932,13 @@ keys do what, just consult the appropriate pull\-down menu. Other keys are: Shift movement keys do text highlighting. .B Ctrl\-Ins copies to the file -.B cooledit.clip +.B mcedit.clip and .B Shift\-Ins -pastes from cooledit.clip. +pastes from mcedit.clip. .B Shift\-Del cuts to -.BR cooledit.clip , +.BR mcedit.clip , and .B Ctrl\-Del deletes highlighted text. Mouse highlighting also works, and you @@ -2958,8 +2958,8 @@ and then the assigned key. The macro is also executed if you press Meta, Ctrl, or Esc and the assigned key, provided that the key is not used for any other function. Once defined, the macro commands go into the file -.B .mc/cedit/cooledit.macros -in your home directory. You can delete a macro by deleting the +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros +You can delete a macro by deleting the appropriate line in this file. .PP To change charset of displayed text may use M\-e (Alt\-e). @@ -2976,7 +2976,7 @@ code or another). This is controlled by the file .B @prefix@/share/mc/edit.indent.rc which is copied to -.B .mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.indent.rc in your home directory the first time you use it. .PP The editor also displays non\-us characters (160+). When editing @@ -3546,7 +3546,7 @@ contain the absolute path to the skin\-file (with the extension \.ini or without it). Search of skin\-file will occur in (to the first one found): .IP 1) -.B ~/.mc/skins/ +.B ~/.local/share/mc/skins/ .br 2) .B @sysconfdir@/mc/skins/ @@ -3855,7 +3855,7 @@ Skins section. .PP Rules of filenames highlight are placed in @prefix@/share/mc/filehighlight.ini file -(~/.mc/filehighlight.ini). +(~/.config/mc/filehighlight.ini). Name of section in this file must be equal to parameters names in [filehighlight] section (in current skin\-file). .PP @@ -3900,12 +3900,12 @@ Most of the Midnight Commander settings can be changed from the menus. However, there are a small number of settings which can only be changed by editing the setup file. .PP -These variables may be set in your ~/.mc/ini file: +These variables may be set in your ~/.config/mc/ini file: .TP .I clear_before_exec By default the Midnight Commander clears the screen before executing a command. If you would prefer to see the output of the command at the -bottom of the screen, edit your ~/.mc/ini file and change the value of +bottom of the screen, edit your ~/.config/mc/ini file and change the value of the field clear_before_exec to 0. .TP .I confirm_view_dir @@ -4022,8 +4022,9 @@ autodetect_codeset=russian The Midnight Commander provides a way to fix your system terminal database without requiring root privileges. The Midnight Commander searches in the system initialization file (the mc.lib file located in -the Midnight Commander library directory) and in the ~/.mc/ini file for -the section "terminal:your\-terminal\-name" and then for the section +the Midnight Commander library directory) and in the +~/.config/mc/ini file for the section +"terminal:your\-terminal\-name" and then for the section "terminal:general", each line of the section contains a key symbol that you want to define, followed by an equal sign and the definition for the key. You can use the special \\e form to represent the escape character @@ -4090,7 +4091,7 @@ The help file for the program. .IP The default system\-wide extensions file. .PP -.I ~/.mc/bindings +.I ~/.local/share/mc/bindings .IP User's own extension, view configuration and edit configuration file. They override the contents of the system wide files if present. @@ -4098,18 +4099,18 @@ file. They override the contents of the system wide files if present. .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP The default system\-wide setup for the Midnight Commander, used only if -the user doesn't have his own ~/.mc/ini file. +the user doesn't have his own ~/.config/mc/ini file. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP Global settings for the Midnight Commander. Settings in this file -affect all users, whether they have ~/.mc/ini or not. Currently, only +affect all users, whether they have ~/.config/mc/ini or not. Currently, only .\"LINK2" terminal settings .\"Terminal databases" are loaded from mc.lib. .PP -.I ~/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP User's own setup. If this file is present then the setup is loaded from here instead of the system\-wide startup file. @@ -4122,16 +4123,16 @@ This file contains the hints displayed by the program. .IP This file contains the default system\-wide applications menu. .PP -.I ~/.mc/menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc/menu .IP User's own application menu. If this file is present it is used instead of the system\-wide applications menu. .PP -.I ~/.mc/Tree +.I ~/.cache/mc/Tree .IP The directory list for the directory tree and tree view features. .PP -.I ./.mc.menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc.menu .IP Local user\-defined menu. If this file is present, it is used instead of the home or system\-wide applications menu. diff --git a/doc/man/mcedit.1.in b/doc/man/mcedit.1.in index 4b429bf2d..62a991217 100644 --- a/doc/man/mcedit.1.in +++ b/doc/man/mcedit.1.in @@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ In addition to that, Shift combined with arrows does text highlighting (if supported by the terminal): .B Ctrl\-Ins copies to the file -.BR ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip , +.BR ~/.cache/mc/mcedit/mcedit.clip , .B Shift\-Ins pastes from -.BR ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip , +.BR ~/.cache/mc/mcedit/mcedit.clip , .B Shift\-Del cuts to -.BR ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.clip , +.BR ~/.cache/mc/mcedit/mcedit.clip , and .B Ctrl\-Del deletes highlighted text. Mouse highlighting also works on some @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ by pressing that key. The macro is executed when you press and then the assigned key. The macro is also executed if you press Meta, Ctrl, or Esc and the assigned key, provided that the key is not used for any other function. The macro commands are stored in the file -.BR ~/.mc/cedit/cooledit.macros . +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros . Do NOT edit this file if you are going to use macros again in the same editing session, because .B mcedit @@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ other running editors for macros to take effect. .B F19 will format C, C++, Java or HTML code when it is highlighted. An executable file called -.B ~/.mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.indent.rc will be created for you from the default template. Feel free to edit it if you need. .PP .B C\-p will run ispell on a block of text in a similar way. The script file will be called -.BR ~/.mc/cedit/edit.spell.rc . +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.spell.rc . .PP If some keys don't work, you can use .B Learn Keys @@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ Forward). supports syntax highlighting. This means that keywords and contexts (like C comments, string constants, etc) are highlighted in different colors. The following section explains the format of the file -.BR ~/.mc/cedit/Syntax . +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/Syntax . If this file is missing, system\-wide .B @prefix@/share/mc/syntax/Syntax is used. The file -.B ~/.mc/cedit/Syntax +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/Syntax is rescanned on opening of a any new editor file. The file contains rules for highlighting, each of which is given on a separate line, and define which keywords will be highlighted to what color. @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ Most options can now be set from the editors options dialog box. See the .B Options menu. The following options are defined in -.B ~/.mc/ini +.B ~/.config/mc/ini and have obvious counterparts in the dialog box. You can modify them to change the editor behavior, by editing the file. Unless specified, a 1 sets the option to on, and a 0 sets it to off, as is usual. @@ -551,24 +551,24 @@ The help file for the program. .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP The default system\-wide setup for GNU Midnight Commander, used only if -the user's own ~/.mc/ini file is missing. +the user's own ~/.config/mc/ini file is missing. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP Global settings for the Midnight Commander. Settings in this file -affect all users, whether they have ~/.mc/ini or not. +affect all users, whether they have ~/.config/mc/ini or not. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/syntax/* .IP The default system\-wide syntax files for mcedit, used only if -the corresponding user's own ~/.mc/cedit/ file is missing. +the corresponding user's own ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/ file is missing. .PP -.I $HOME/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP User's own setup. If this file is present then the setup is loaded from here instead of the system\-wide setup file. .PP -.I $HOME/.mc/cedit/ +.I ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/ .IP User's own directory where block commands are processed and saved and user's own syntax files are located. diff --git a/doc/man/mcview.1.in b/doc/man/mcview.1.in index 5db6973f2..fbff0f949 100644 --- a/doc/man/mcview.1.in +++ b/doc/man/mcview.1.in @@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ The help file for the program. .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP The default system\-wide setup for GNU Midnight Commander, used only if -the user's own ~/.mc/ini file is missing. +the user's own ~/.config/mc/ini file is missing. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP Global settings for the Midnight Commander. Settings in this file -affect all users, whether they have ~/.mc/ini or not. +affect all users, whether they have ~/.config/mc/ini or not. .PP -.I $HOME/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP User's own setup. If this file is present, the setup is loaded from here instead of the system\-wide startup file. diff --git a/doc/man/pl/mc.1.in b/doc/man/pl/mc.1.in index 266a36f3b..0f4aa131b 100644 --- a/doc/man/pl/mc.1.in +++ b/doc/man/pl/mc.1.in @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ przeglądaniu pomocy i przy drzewie katalogów. .PP Standardowo czas autopowtórzenia przy klikaniu myszą wynosi 400 milisekund. Tę wartość można zmienić edytując plik -\&~/.mc/ini +\&~/.config/mc/ini i zmieniając parametr .IR mouse_repeat_rate . .PP @@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ Katalogi do omijania powinny być umieszczone w zmiennej .B ignore_dirs w sekcji .B FindFile -twojego pliku ~/.mc/ini. +twojego pliku ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP Składowe katalogów powinny być oddzielone od siebie przez średniki, to jest przykład: @@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ przemieszczanie. .PP .\"NODE " Extension File Edit" .SH " Edycja rozszerzeń pliów (Extension File Edit)" -Ta komenda wywoła twój edytor na plik ~/.mc/bindings. Format tego pliku jest +Ta komenda wywoła twój edytor na plik ~/.local/share/mc/bindings. Format tego pliku jest następujący (zmienił się on począwszy od wersji 3.0): .PP Wszystkie linie zaczynające się od #, lub puste, nie są brane pod uwagę. @@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ Menu użytkownika jest bardzo użytecznym menu, które może być tworzone w sposób dowolny, przez użytkownika. Kiedy tylko próbujesz coś zrobić przy użyciu tego menu, ładowany jest plik .mc.menu z aktualnego katalogu, ale tylko wtedy kiedy jest on w posiadaniu użytkownika lub roota i mamy do niego -prawa zapisu. Jeśli takiego nie ma próbuje się z plikiem ~/.mc/menu z tymi +prawa zapisu. Jeśli takiego nie ma próbuje się z plikiem ~/.local/share/mc/menu z tymi samymi założeniami, jeśli jego też nie ma \- używa się standardowego pliku systemowego, który znajduje się w @prefix@/share/mc/mc.menu. .PP @@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ te, których używa w komenda .I Auto Save Setup. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, kiedy wychodzisz z Midnight Commandera konfiguracja MC zostanie zachowana automatycznie (bez pytania) -do pliku ~/.mc/ini. +do pliku ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP .I Auto menus. Jeśli ta opcja jest włączona, menu użytkownika będzie włączone na starcie. @@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@ wiadomość zniknie. W przeciwnym wypadku wciśnij klawisz, który sobie życzys i również poczekaj na zniknięcie okna. .PP Kiedy skończysz już ze wszystkimi klawiszami, możesz nacisnąć Save -żeby zachować zmiany do pliku ~/.mc/ini do sekcji [terminal:TERM] (gdzie +żeby zachować zmiany do pliku ~/.config/mc/ini do sekcji [terminal:TERM] (gdzie TERM jest nazwą twojego aktualnego terminala) lub po prostu odrzucić je. .PP .\"NODE " Virtual FS" @@ -1597,13 +1597,13 @@ System plików FTP (FTP File System) po więcej szczegółów. .\"NODE " Save Setup" .SH " Zapisz ustawienia (Save Setup)" Na starcie Midnight Commander będzie próbował odczytać opcje startowe -z pliku ~/.mc/ini. Jeśli on nie istnieje, odczyta on konfiguracje z +z pliku ~/.config/mc/ini. Jeśli on nie istnieje, odczyta on konfiguracje z ogólnodostępnego pliku @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini. Jeśli on też nie istnieje MC użyje swoich domyślnych ustawień. .PP Komenda .I Save Setup -tworzy plik ~/.mc/ini zachowując aktualne ustawienia lewego, prawego menu, +tworzy plik ~/.config/mc/ini zachowując aktualne ustawienia lewego, prawego menu, jak również menu opcji. .PP Jeśli właczysz opcję @@ -1758,11 +1758,11 @@ z Midnight Commandera. .PP Jeśli używasz .B basha -możesz wybrać startowe komendy twojej powłoki w tle w pliku ~/.mc/bashrc, -a ustawienia klawiatury w ~/.mc/inputrc. +możesz wybrać startowe komendy twojej powłoki w tle w pliku ~/.local/share/mc/bashrc, +a ustawienia klawiatury w ~/.local/share/mc/inputrc. Użytkownicy .B tcsh -mogą wstawiać komendy startowe do pliku ~/.mc/tcshrc. +mogą wstawiać komendy startowe do pliku ~/.local/share/mc/tcshrc. .PP Jeśli kod powłoki w tle jest użyty, możesz zawiesić aplikację w dowolnej chwili po prostu naciskając kombinację C\-o i przeskakując spowrotem do Midnight @@ -2109,13 +2109,13 @@ zobaczyć jakie są klawisze po prostu obejrzyj odpowiednie menu rozwijalne. Inne klawisze to: przemieszczanie z Shiftem zaznaczające tekst. .B Ctrl\-Ins kopiuje do pliku -.B cooledit.clip +.B mcedit.clip a .B Shift\-Ins -wkleja z pliku cooledit.clip. +wkleja z pliku mcedit.clip. .B Shift\-Del Wycina do -.BR cooledit.clip , +.BR mcedit.clip , a .B Ctrl\-Del kasuje zaznaczony tekst. Klawisze dokończenia również dają Enter z @@ -2135,20 +2135,20 @@ i przyporządkowany klawisz. Makro jest wykonywane również jeśli naciśniesz klawisz Meta, Ctrl, lub Esc i wybrany klawisz, jednak tylko jeśli ten klawisz nie jest używane przez inne funkcje. Raz zdefiniowane, makro wędruje sobie do pliku -.B .mc/cedit/cooledit.macros +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros w twoim katalogu domowym. Możesz skasować makro kasując odpowiednią linię z tego pliku. .PP .B F19 sformatuje format C jeśli jest podświetlony. Żeby to działało, stwórz wykonywalny plik -.B .mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.indent.rc w twoim katalogu domowym zawierający poniższe: .PP .nf #!/bin/sh -/usr/bin/indent \-kr \-pcs $HOME/.mc/cedit/cooledit.block >& /dev/null -cat /dev/null > $HOME/.mc/cedit/cooledit.error +/usr/bin/indent \-kr \-pcs ~/.cache/mc/mcedit/mcedit.block>& /dev/null +cat /dev/null > ~/.cache/mc/mcedit/cooledit.error .fi .PP Edytor wyświetla również znaki nieamerykańskie (160+). Kiedy edytujesz plik @@ -2529,7 +2529,7 @@ Większość ustawień Midnight Commandera może być zmieniana z poziomu menu. Pomimo tego jest pewna ilość ustawień, których zmiana możliwa jest jedynie poprzez zmianę w plikach konfiguracyjnych. .PP -Opcje mogą być ustawione w twoim pliku ~/.mc/ini : +Opcje mogą być ustawione w twoim pliku ~/.config/mc/ini : .PP .I clear_before_exec. .IP @@ -2680,7 +2680,7 @@ zawartość wybranego katalogu. Midnight Commander pozwala ci na naprawienie bazy danych terminali bez posiadania uprawnień roota. Midnight Commander szuka w pliku startowym (mc.lib położonego w katalogach z bibliotekami Midnight Commandera) lub w -pliku ~/.mc/ini sekcji "terminal:nazwa\-twojego\-terminala" i potem sekcji +pliku ~/.config/mc/ini sekcji "terminal:nazwa\-twojego\-terminala" i potem sekcji "terminal:general", każda linia sekcji zawiera symbol klawisza, który chcesz zdefiniować, zaczynające się do znaku równości i definicji klawisza. Możesz użyć kombinacji \\E aby reprezentować znak escape i ^x aby @@ -2733,7 +2733,7 @@ Plik pomocy dla programu. .IP Standardowy plik rozszerzeń plików. .PP -~/.mc/bindings +~/.local/share/mc/bindings .IP Własny plik użytkownika, konfiguruje podgląd i edycje plików. Ma wyższy priorytet niż plik systemowy. @@ -2741,7 +2741,7 @@ priorytet niż plik systemowy. @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP Standardowy plik setupu do Midnight Commandera, używany tylko wówczas, -kiedy użytkownik nie ma swojego własnego pliku ~/.mc/ini. +kiedy użytkownik nie ma swojego własnego pliku ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP @@ -2749,7 +2749,7 @@ Globalne ustawienia Midnight Commandera. Ustawienia w tym pliku są uwzględniane przez wszystkie sesje Midnight Commandera, użyteczne do definiowania ogólnosystemowych ustawień terminali. .PP -~/.mc/ini +~/.config/mc/ini .IP Własny setup użytkownika. Jeśli ten plik jest dostępny, jest ładowany zamiast pliku globalnego. @@ -2762,18 +2762,18 @@ Plik zawierający podpowiedzi (hints) wyświetlane przez program. .IP Ten plik zawiera informacje o ogólnosystemowych aplikacjach w menu. .PP -~/.mc/menu +~/.local/share/mc/menu .IP Własny plik menu użytkownika. Jeśli ten plik jest obecny jest używany zamiast pliku globalnego. .PP -~/.mc/tree +~~/.cache/mc/tree .IP Lista katalogów drzewa katalogów i podglądu drzewa. Jedna linia jest jednym wejściem. Linie zaczynające się od ukośnika są pełnymi nazwami katalogów. Linie zaczynające się od numeru mają tyle znaków ile poprzedni katalog. Jeśli chcesz możesz stworzyć plik używając komendy "find / \-type d -\-print | sort > ~/.mc/tree". Normalnie nie ma sensu tego czynić, gdyż +\-print | sort > ~/.cache/mc/tree". Normalnie nie ma sensu tego czynić, gdyż Midnight Commander robi to sam za ciebie. .PP \&./.mc.menu diff --git a/doc/man/ru/mc.1.in b/doc/man/ru/mc.1.in index f08938014..0177e3734 100644 --- a/doc/man/ru/mc.1.in +++ b/doc/man/ru/mc.1.in @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Commander, просто набрав имя этой команды (прогр .I mouse_repeat_rate в файле .\"LINK2" -\&~/.mc/ini +\&~/.config/mc/ini .\"Save Setup" .PP Если Commander запущен с поддержкой мыши, вы можете обойти Commander и @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ S\-<символ> означает, что нужно держать в нажа .BR [Midnight\-Commander] .br 4) Файл -.BR ~/.mc/mc.keymap +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/mc.keymap .br 5) Файл .BR @sysconfdir@/mc/mc.keymap @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ S\-<символ> означает, что нужно держать в нажа будет происходить по следующим каталогам (до первого нахождения): .IP 1) -.BR ~/.mc/ +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/ .br 2) .BR @sysconfdir@/mc/ @@ -1496,7 +1496,7 @@ CDROM или не хотите искать в каталогах, подклю в секции .B FindFile вашего файла -.BR ~/.mc/ini . +.BR ~/.config/mc/ini . Имена каталогов разделяются двоеточиями, следующим образом: .PP .nf @@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ CDPATH (смотрите описание .SH " Файл расширений" Этот пункт меню "Команда" служит для вызова редактора и редактирования файла -.BR ~/.mc/bindings . +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/bindings . Этот файл имеет следующий формат (формат был изменен в версии 3.0): .PP Все строки, начинающиеся с # или пустые строки игнорируются. @@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ View из второй секции. default должно описывать в если владельцем этого файла является данный пользователь или root и этот файл не доступен на запись всем). Если такого файла не найдено, таким же образом ищется файл -.B ~/.mc/menu +.B ~/.local/share/mc/menu и, в последнюю очередь, mc использует общесистемное меню .BR @prefix@/share/mc/mc.menu . .PP @@ -2054,7 +2054,7 @@ like regular expressions). Для того, чтобы достичь таког .I Автосохранение настроек. Если эта опция включена, то при выходе из программы Midnight Commander значения всех настраиваемых параметров сохраняются в файле -.BR ~/.mc/ini . +.BR ~/.config/mc/ini . .\"NODE " Layout" .SH " Внешний вид" Диалоговое окно "Внешний вид" дает вам возможность изменить некоторые @@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@ Commander будет использовать для вывода содержи .I Автосохранение настроек панелей. Если опция включена (по умолчанию она выключена), то при выходе из Midnight Commander'а текущие настройки панелей соханяются в файле -~/.mc/panels.ini. +~/.cache/mc/panels.ini. .PP .B Навигация .PP @@ -2299,7 +2299,7 @@ Commander, выделены цветом, определенным ключев .PP Когда закончите тестирование и настройку всех клавиш, вы можете сохранить эти настройки в секции [terminal:TERM] вашего файла -.B ~/.mc/ini +.B ~/.config/mc/ini (где TERM \- название используемого терминала) либо отказаться от запоминания изменений. Если все клавиши работают нормально, то сохранение, конечно, не требуется. @@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@ FTP\-сервера, в памяти (в кеше). Время, в течени .SH " Сохранение установок" При загрузке Midnight Commander пытается считать значения различных установочных параметров из файла -.BR ~/.mc/ini . +.BR ~/.config/mc/ini . Если такого файла не существует, необходимая информация ищется в общесистемном конфигурационном файле .BR mc.ini . @@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ FTP\-сервера, в памяти (в кеше). Время, в течени Команда .I Сохранить настройки создает файл -.BR ~/.mc/ini , +.BR ~/.config/mc/ini , в котором записываются текущие значения параметров, задаваемых опциями меню .\"LINK2" @@ -2608,13 +2608,13 @@ bash, tcsh и zsh. .BR bash , можно указать команды, которые будут выполняться при запуске subshell, в файле -.B ~/.mc/bashrc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/bashrc и специальную карту раскладки клавиатуры в файле -.B ~/.mc/inputrc. +.B ~/.local/share/mc/inputrc. Пользователи .B tcsh могут задать выполняемые при запуске команды в файле -.B ~/.mc/tcshrc. +.B ~/.local/share/mc/tcshrc. .PP Во время выполнения приложения в subshell можно в любой момент нажать комбинацию клавиш @@ -3221,13 +3221,13 @@ pipe text blocks through shell commands like indent). выделение блока текста. .B Ctrl\-Ins копирует блок в файл -.BR cooledit.clip . +.BR mcedit.clip . .B Shift\-Ins -производит вставку последнего скопированного в cooledit.clip блока в +производит вставку последнего скопированного в mcedit.clip блока в позицию курсора. .B Shift\-Del удаляет выделенный блок текста, запоминая его в файле -.BR cooledit.clip . +.BR mcedit.clip . По клавише Enter вставляются символы конца строки, причем на следующей строке автоматически устанавливается отступ. Работает выделение текста с помощью мыши, причем если удерживать клавишу Shift, то управление мышью @@ -3245,7 +3245,7 @@ pipe text blocks through shell commands like indent). любой из клавиш Meta (Alt), Ctrl, или Esc и назначенной макросу клавиши, при условии, что данная комбинация не используется для вызова какой\-либо другой функции. Макрокоманды после определения записываются в файл -.B .mc/cedit/cooledit.macros +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros в вашем домашнем каталоге. Вы можете удалить макрос удалением соответствующей строки в этом файле. .PP @@ -3257,7 +3257,7 @@ pipe text blocks through shell commands like indent). блока кода на языке C, C++ или других. Форматирование управляется файлом .B @prefix@/share/mc/edit.indent.rc который при первом вызове копируется в -.B .mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.indent.rc в вашем домашнем каталоге. .PP Встроенный редактор обрабатывает символы из второй половины кодовой @@ -3828,7 +3828,7 @@ menuhotsel=yellow;black;bold+underline нахождения): .IP 1) -.BR ~/.mc/skins/ +.BR ~/.local/share/mc/skins/ .br 2) .BR @sysconfdir@/mc/skins/ @@ -4119,7 +4119,7 @@ menuhotsel=yellow;black;bold+underline .\"Skins" .PP Правила подсветки находятся в файле @sysconfdir@/mc/filehighlight.ini -(~/.mc/filehighlight.ini). +(~/.config/mc/filehighlight.ini). Названия групп должны совпадать с названиями параметров в секции [filehighlight] в текущем скин\-файле. .PP @@ -4162,7 +4162,7 @@ menuhotsel=yellow;black;bold+underline использования меню. Однако имеется несколько установок, которые могут быть изменены только путем непосредственного редактирования конфигурационного файла -.BR ~/.mc/ini . +.BR ~/.config/mc/ini . .PP .I clear_before_exec .IP @@ -4309,7 +4309,7 @@ Midnight Commander обеспечивает возможность внесен файле (файл .B mc.lib в библиотечном каталоге программы Midnight Commander) или в файле -.B ~/.mc/ini +.B ~/.config/mc/ini секцию с названием "terminal:your\-terminal\-name", а затем секцию "terminal:general". Каждая строка в этих секциях содержит ключевое слово, которое вы хотите определить, за которым следует знак равенства и @@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ insert=\\e[Op .IP Используемый по умолчанию общесистемный файл расширений. .PP -.I ~/.mc/bindings +.I ~/.local/share/mc/bindings .IP Файл расширений пользователя. Если этот файл существует, он используется вместо общесистемного файла расширений. @@ -4386,19 +4386,19 @@ insert=\\e[Op Используемый по умолчанию общесистемный файл установок для Midnight Commander; используется только в тех случаях, когда пользователь не имеет своего файла -.B ~/.mc/ini +.B ~/.config/mc/ini .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP Глобальные установки для Midnight Commander. Установки из этого файла действительны для всех пользователей, независимо от того, имеют ли они -~/.mc/ini или нет. В настоящий момент только +~/.config/mc/ini или нет. В настоящий момент только .\"LINK2" настройки терминалов .\"Terminal databases" загружаются из mc.lib. .PP -.I ~/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP Собственные установки пользователя. Если такой файл существует, то установки загружаются из него, а не из общесистемного инициализационного @@ -4413,12 +4413,12 @@ Commander; используется только в тех случаях, ко .IP Этот файл содержит общесистемное меню приложений. .PP -.I ~/.mc/menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc/menu .IP Собственное меню пользователя. Если этот файл существует, он используется вместо общесистемного меню. .PP -.I ~/.mc/Tree +.I ~/.cache/mc/Tree .IP Список каталогов для окна, выводимого при выборе пункта меню "Команда/Дерево каталогов" или при просмотре дерева каталогов в одной из @@ -4429,7 +4429,7 @@ Commander; используется только в тех случаях, ко команду .IP .nf - find / \-type d \-print | sort > ~/.mc/Tree + find / \-type d \-print | sort > ~/.cache/mc/Tree .fi .IP Обычно не имеет смысла делать это, потому что Midnight Commander diff --git a/doc/man/sr/mc.1.in b/doc/man/sr/mc.1.in index 1510b77f3..ecb1f0479 100644 --- a/doc/man/sr/mc.1.in +++ b/doc/man/sr/mc.1.in @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ termcap/terminfo. Корисно је само на ХП\-овим термин Подразумевано чекање при понављању за дугмад миша је 400 милисекунди. Ово се може променити уређивањем датотеке .\"LINK2" -\&~/.mc/ini +\&~/.config/mc/ini .\"Save Setup" и променом параметра .IR "mouse_repeat_rate". @@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ egrep(1). Ово значи да морате да наводите знаков .B ignore_dirs у одељку .B FindFile -ваше датотеке ~/.mc/ini. +ваше датотеке ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP Директоријуме би требало раздвајати двотачком; ево примера: .PP @@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ awk '$9 ~! /incoming/ { print $9 }' < /var/log/xferlog .\"NODE " Extension File Edit" .SH " Уреди датотеку врста" Ово покреће ваш уређивач над датотеком -.IR ~/.mc/bindings . +.IR ~/.local/share/mc/bindings . Формат ове датотеке је следећи: .PP Сви редови који почињу на # или празни редови се одбацују. @@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ awk '$9 ~! /incoming/ { print $9 }' < /var/log/xferlog датотека .mc.menu из текућег директоријума, уколико она постоји, али само уколико је њен власник корисник или администратор (root) и није дозвољен упис у њу од стране других (света). Ако таква датотека није -нађена, на исти начин се покушава са датотеком ~/.mc/menu, а иначе ПН +нађена, на исти начин се покушава са датотеком ~/.local/share/mc/menu, а иначе ПН користи подразумевану датотеку менија за цео систем @prefix@/share/mc/mc.menu. .PP @@ -1647,7 +1647,7 @@ L Набраја садржај компримоване архиве врсте .PP .I Аутоматско чување подешавања. Ако је овај избор укључен, подесиви избори Поноћног наредника ће бити -сачувани у датотеци ~/.mc/ini при изласку из Поноћног наредника. +сачувани у датотеци ~/.config/mc/ini при изласку из Поноћног наредника. .PP .I Аутоматски менији. Ако је овај избор укључен, при покретању Поноћног наредника ће бити @@ -1802,7 +1802,7 @@ L Набраја садржај компримоване архиве врсте .PP Кад завршите са свим тастерима, можете да их сачувате. Дефиниције тастера које сте задали ће бити уписане у одељак [terminal:TERM] ваше -датотеке ~/.mc/ini (где `TERM' представља назив вашег текућег +датотеке ~/.config/mc/ini (где `TERM' представља назив вашег текућег терминала). Дефиниције тастера који су већ исправно радили се не чувају. .\"NODE " Virtual FS" @@ -1893,13 +1893,13 @@ ftpfs чува списак директоријума који добавља .\"NODE " Save Setup" .SH " Сачувај подешавања" При покретању, Поноћни наредник ће покушати да учита податке о -покретању из датотеке ~/.mc/ini. Ако ова датотека не постоји, учитаће +покретању из датотеке ~/.config/mc/ini. Ако ова датотека не постоји, учитаће податке из датотеке са подешавањима за цео систем. Ако ни она не постоји, ПН ће користити подразумеване поставке. .PP Наредба .I Сачувај подешавања -ствара датотеку ~/.mc/ini чувањем текућих поставки менија +ствара датотеку ~/.config/mc/ini чувањем текућих поставки менија .\"LINK2" `Лево', `Десно' .\"Left and Right Menus" @@ -2097,12 +2097,12 @@ linux би вас одвело у /usr/src/linux). Уколико користите љуску .BR "bash", можете да задате наредбе које се извршавају при покретању подљуске у -вашој датотеци ~/.mc/bashrc а посебне мапе тастатуре у датотеци -~/.mc/inputrc. +вашој датотеци ~/.local/share/mc/bashrc а посебне мапе тастатуре у датотеци +~/.local/share/mc/inputrc. Корисници љуске .B tcsh могу да задају наредбе које се извршавају при покретању у датотеци -~/.mc/tcshrc. +~/.local/share/mc/tcshrc. .PP При употреби кода подљуске, можете било када да обуставите апликације пречицом C\-o и вратите се у Поноћног наредника; уколико сте обуставили @@ -2488,13 +2488,13 @@ if the кретање у комбинацији са тастером `Shift' за означавање текста. .B Ctrl\-Ins копира у датотеку -.B `cooledit.clip' +.B `mcedit.clip' а .B Shift\-Ins -лепи из датотеке `cooledit.clip'. +лепи из датотеке `mcedit.clip'. .B Shift\-Del исеца у -.BR `cooledit.clip' , +.BR `mcedit.clip' , а .B Ctrl\-Del брише означени текст. Такође функционише и означавање мишем, а можете, @@ -2513,7 +2513,7 @@ if the `Meta', `Ctrl' или `Esc' са додељеним тастером, уз услов да се та пречица не користи за нешто друго. Када су једном задане, макронаредбе се смештају у датотеку -.B .mc/cedit/cooledit.macros +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/mcedit.macros у вашем домаћем директоријуму. Можете да обришете макро брисањем одговарајућег реда у овој датотеци. .PP @@ -2525,7 +2525,7 @@ if the или другом). Овим се управља преко датотеке .B @prefix@/share/mc/edit.indent.rc која ће бити копирана у -.B .mc/cedit/edit.indent.rc +.B ~/.local/share/mc/mcedit/edit.indent.rc у вашем домаћем директоријуму први пут када је будете користили. .PP Уређивач такође приказује неамеричке знаке (160 и више). При уређивању @@ -3040,12 +3040,12 @@ base_color=normal=white,default:marked=magenta,default Међутим, постоји нешто поставки које се могу изменити само уређивањем датотеке поставки. .PP -Ове променљиве се могу подесити у вашој датотеци `~/.mc/ini': +Ове променљиве се могу подесити у вашој датотеци `~/.config/mc/ini': .TP .I clear_before_exec Подразумевано ће пре извршавања наредбе Поноћни наредник очистити екран. Уколико желите да видите излаз наредби на дну екрана, уредите -вашу датотеку `~/.mc/ini' и промените вредност поља +вашу датотеку `~/.config/mc/ini' и промените вредност поља `clear_before_exec' на 0. .TP .I confirm_view_dir @@ -3134,7 +3134,7 @@ base_color=normal=white,default:marked=magenta,default терминала без потребе за администраторским привилегијама. Поноћни наредник претражује системску датотеку са почетним поставкама (датотеку `mc.lib' у библиотечком директоријуму Поноћног наредника), -онда одељак `terminal:назив\-вашег\-терминала' у датотеци `~/.mc/ini', +онда одељак `terminal:назив\-вашег\-терминала' у датотеци `~/.config/mc/ini', и онда одељак `terminal:general', чији сваки ред садржи симбол тастера кога желите да задате, после кога следи знак једнакости и задавање тастера. Можете да користите посебан облик `\\e' да бисте представили @@ -3186,7 +3186,7 @@ MC_DATADIR. Ако ова променљива није постављена, б .IP Подразумевана системска датотека врста. .PP -.I ~/.mc/bindings +.I ~/.local/share/mc/bindings .IP Корисничке датотеке врста, подешавања прегледача и уређивача. Уколико постоје, оне заобилазе системске датотеке. @@ -3194,19 +3194,19 @@ MC_DATADIR. Ако ова променљива није постављена, б .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.ini .IP Подразумевана системска подешавања Поноћног наредника; користе се само -у случају да корисник нема сопствену датотеку ~/.mc/ini. +у случају да корисник нема сопствену датотеку ~/.config/mc/ini. .PP .I @prefix@/share/mc/mc.lib .IP Глобалне поставке Поноћног наредника. Поставке из ове датотеке се односе на све кориснике без обзира на то да ли они имају своје -датотеке ~/.mc/ini или не. За сада, из датотеке mc.lib се учитавају +датотеке ~/.config/mc/ini или не. За сада, из датотеке mc.lib се учитавају само .\"LINK2" поставке терминала\&. .\"Terminal databases" .PP -.I ~/.mc/ini +.I ~/.config/mc/ini .IP Корисничка подешавања. Ако је ова датотека присутна, подешавања се учитавају из ње уместо из системске почетне датотеке. @@ -3219,12 +3219,12 @@ MC_DATADIR. Ако ова променљива није постављена, б .IP Ова датотека садржи подразумевани мени програма за цео систем. .PP -.I ~/.mc/menu +.I ~/.local/share/mc/menu .IP Кориснички мени програма. Ако је ова датотека присутна, онда се она користи уместо менија програма система. .PP -.I ~/.mc/Tree +.I ~/.cache/mc/Tree .IP Списак директоријума за одлику `стабло директоријума' и директоријумски поглед. diff --git a/lib/charsets.c b/lib/charsets.c index aef56ccd6..781533363 100644 --- a/lib/charsets.c +++ b/lib/charsets.c @@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ load_codepages_list (void) char *fname; /* 1: try load /usr/share/mc/mc.charsets */ - fname = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, CHARSETS_LIST, (char *) NULL); + fname = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, CHARSETS_LIST, (char *) NULL); load_codepages_list_from_file (&codepages, fname); g_free (fname); /* 2: try load /etc/mc/mc.charsets */ - fname = g_build_filename (mc_home, CHARSETS_LIST, (char *) NULL); + fname = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, CHARSETS_LIST, (char *) NULL); load_codepages_list_from_file (&codepages, fname); g_free (fname); diff --git a/lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c b/lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c index 964c8c1c6..6ffcfa9f4 100644 --- a/lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c +++ b/lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c @@ -201,22 +201,22 @@ mc_fhl_init_from_standard_files (mc_fhl_t * fhl) gchar *name; gboolean ok; - /* ~/.mc/filehighlight.ini */ - name = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL); + /* ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc/filehighlight.ini */ + name = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL); ok = mc_fhl_read_ini_file (fhl, name); g_free (name); if (ok) return TRUE; /* ${sysconfdir}/mc/filehighlight.ini */ - name = g_build_filename (mc_home, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL); + name = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL); ok = mc_fhl_read_ini_file (fhl, name); g_free (name); if (ok) return TRUE; /* ${datadir}/mc/filehighlight.ini */ - name = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL); + name = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL); ok = mc_fhl_read_ini_file (fhl, name); g_free (name); return ok; diff --git a/lib/fileloc.h b/lib/fileloc.h index 908e26b1f..5aeaa938d 100644 --- a/lib/fileloc.h +++ b/lib/fileloc.h @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ /*** typedefs(not structures) and defined constants **********************************************/ #ifndef MC_USERCONF_DIR -#define MC_USERCONF_DIR ".mc" +#define MC_USERCONF_DIR "mc" #endif #define TAGS_NAME "TAGS" @@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ #define MC_SKINS_SUBDIR "skins" /* editor home directory */ -#define EDIT_DIR MC_USERCONF_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "cedit" +#define EDIT_DIR "mcedit" /* file names */ #define EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "Syntax" -#define EDIT_CLIP_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.clip" -#define EDIT_MACRO_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.macros" -#define EDIT_BLOCK_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.block" -#define EDIT_TEMP_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.temp" +#define EDIT_CLIP_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "mcedit.clip" +#define EDIT_MACRO_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "mcedit.macros" +#define EDIT_BLOCK_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "mcedit.block" +#define EDIT_TEMP_FILE EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "mcedit.temp" -#define EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU "cedit.menu" +#define EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU "mcedit.menu" #define EDIT_LOCAL_MENU ".cedit.menu" #define EDIT_HOME_MENU EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "menu" diff --git a/lib/logging.c b/lib/logging.c index d7c0e42b7..430598c4c 100644 --- a/lib/logging.c +++ b/lib/logging.c @@ -36,37 +36,99 @@ #include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/fileloc.h" -#include "src/main.h" /* home_dir */ - #include "logging.h" /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ /*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/ +#define CONFIG_GROUP_NAME "Development" +#define CONFIG_KEY_NAME "logging" +#define CONFIG_KEY_NAME_FILE "logfile" + /*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/ /*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ +static gboolean logging_initialized = FALSE; +static gboolean logging_enabled = FALSE; + /*** file scope functions ************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +static gboolean +is_logging_enabled_from_env (void) +{ + const char *env_is_enabled; + + env_is_enabled = g_getenv ("MC_LOG_ENABLE"); + if (env_is_enabled == NULL) + return FALSE; + + logging_enabled = (*env_is_enabled == '1' || g_ascii_strcasecmp (env_is_enabled, "true") == 0); + logging_initialized = TRUE; + return TRUE; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + static gboolean is_logging_enabled (void) { - static gboolean logging_initialized = FALSE; - static gboolean logging_enabled = FALSE; - if (!logging_initialized) - { - logging_enabled = mc_config_get_bool (mc_main_config, - CONFIG_APP_SECTION, "development.enable_logging", - FALSE); - logging_initialized = TRUE; - } + if (logging_initialized) + return logging_enabled; + + if (is_logging_enabled_from_env ()) + return logging_enabled; + + logging_enabled = + mc_config_get_bool (mc_main_config, CONFIG_GROUP_NAME, CONFIG_KEY_NAME, FALSE); + logging_initialized = TRUE; + return logging_enabled; } +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +static char * +get_log_filename (void) +{ + const char *env_filename; + + env_filename = g_getenv ("MC_LOG_FILE"); + if (env_filename != NULL) + return g_strdup (env_filename); + + if (mc_config_has_param (mc_main_config, CONFIG_GROUP_NAME, CONFIG_KEY_NAME_FILE)) + return mc_config_get_string (mc_main_config, CONFIG_GROUP_NAME, CONFIG_KEY_NAME_FILE, NULL); + + return g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), "mc.log", NULL); +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +static void +mc_va_log (const char *fmt, va_list args) +{ + FILE *f; + char *logfilename; + + logfilename = get_log_filename (); + + if (logfilename != NULL) + { + f = fopen (logfilename, "a"); + if (f != NULL) + { + (void) vfprintf (f, fmt, args); + (void) fclose (f); + } + g_free (logfilename); + } + +} + /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*** public functions ****************************************************************************/ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@ -75,25 +137,25 @@ void mc_log (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; - FILE *f; - char *logfilename; - if (is_logging_enabled ()) - { - va_start (args, fmt); - logfilename = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s/log", home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR); - if (logfilename != NULL) - { - f = fopen (logfilename, "a"); - if (f != NULL) - { - (void) vfprintf (f, fmt, args); - (void) fclose (f); - } - g_free (logfilename); - va_end (args); - } - } + if (!is_logging_enabled ()) + return; + + va_start (args, fmt); + mc_va_log (fmt, args); + va_end (args); +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +void +mc_always_log (const char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list args; + + va_start (args, fmt); + mc_va_log (fmt, args); + va_end (args); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ diff --git a/lib/logging.h b/lib/logging.h index 9270ca90e..fa94c57de 100644 --- a/lib/logging.h +++ b/lib/logging.h @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ /*** declarations of public functions ************************************************************/ extern void mc_log (const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))); +extern void mc_always_log (const char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))); /*** inline functions ****************************************************************************/ diff --git a/lib/mcconfig.h b/lib/mcconfig.h index f467f302a..963620636 100644 --- a/lib/mcconfig.h +++ b/lib/mcconfig.h @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ #ifndef MC_CONFIG_H #define MC_CONFIG_H -/*** typedefs(not structures) and defined constants ********************/ +/*** typedefs(not structures) and defined constants **********************************************/ #define CONFIG_APP_SECTION "Midnight-Commander" #define CONFIG_PANELS_SECTION "Panels" -/*** enums *************************************************************/ +/*** enums ***************************************************************************************/ -/*** structures declarations (and typedefs of structures)***************/ +/*** structures declarations (and typedefs of structures)*****************************************/ typedef struct mc_config_struct { @@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ typedef struct mc_config_struct gchar *ini_path; } mc_config_t; -/*** global variables defined in .c file *******************************/ +/*** global variables defined in .c file *********************************************************/ extern mc_config_t *mc_main_config; extern mc_config_t *mc_panels_config; -/*** declarations of public functions **********************************/ +/*** declarations of public functions ************************************************************/ /* mcconfig/common.c: */ @@ -86,4 +86,26 @@ void mc_config_set_int_list (mc_config_t *, const gchar *, const gchar *, int[], void mc_config_show_dialog (void); + +/* mcconfig/paths.c: */ + +void mc_config_init_config_paths (GError ** error); + +void mc_config_deinit_config_paths (void); + +gboolean mc_config_deprecated_dir_present (void); + +void mc_config_migrate_from_old_place (GError ** error); + +const char *mc_config_get_data_path (void); + +const char *mc_config_get_cache_path (void); + +const char *mc_config_get_path (void); + +const char *mc_config_get_home_dir (void); + + +/*** inline functions ****************************************************************************/ + #endif diff --git a/lib/mcconfig/Makefile.am b/lib/mcconfig/Makefile.am index 190a9b247..5605a076f 100644 --- a/lib/mcconfig/Makefile.am +++ b/lib/mcconfig/Makefile.am @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libmcconfig.la libmcconfig_la_SOURCES = \ common.c \ get.c \ - set.c + set.c \ + paths.c libmcconfig_la_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) \ $(GLIB_CFLAGS) \ diff --git a/lib/mcconfig/paths.c b/lib/mcconfig/paths.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3bbc6b374 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/mcconfig/paths.c @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +/* + paths to configuration files + + Copyright (C) 2010 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. + + Written by: + Slava Zanko , 2010. + + This file is part of the Midnight Commander. + + The Midnight Commander is free software; you can redistribute it + and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the + License, or (at your option) any later version. + + The Midnight Commander is distributed in the hope that it will be + useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty + of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, + MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "lib/global.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" +#include "lib/fileloc.h" +#include "lib/vfs/mc-vfs/vfs.h" + +/*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ + +/*** file scope macro definitions ****************************************************************/ + +/*** file scope type declarations ****************************************************************/ + +/*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ + +static gboolean xdg_vars_initialized = FALSE; +static char *xdg_config = NULL; +static char *xdg_cache = NULL; +static char *xdg_data = NULL; + +static const char *homedir = NULL; + +static gboolean config_dir_present = FALSE; + +static const struct +{ + const char *old_filename; + + char **new_basedir; + const char *new_filename; +} mc_config_migrate_rules[] = +{ + /* *INDENT-OFF* */ + /* config */ + { "ini", &xdg_config, MC_CONFIG_FILE}, + { "filehighlight.ini", &xdg_config, MC_FHL_INI_FILE}, + { "hotlist", &xdg_config, MC_HOTLIST_FILE}, + { "mc.keymap", &xdg_config, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE}, + + + /* data */ + { "skins", &xdg_data, MC_SKINS_SUBDIR}, + { "fish", &xdg_data, FISH_PREFIX}, + { "bindings", &xdg_data, MC_FILEBIND_FILE}, + { "menu", &xdg_data, MC_USERMENU_FILE}, + { "bashrc", &xdg_data, "bashrc"}, + { "inputrc", &xdg_data, "inputrc"}, + { "extfs.d", &xdg_data, MC_EXTFS_DIR}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.macros", &xdg_data, EDIT_MACRO_FILE}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "Syntax", &xdg_data, EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "menu", &xdg_data, EDIT_HOME_MENU}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "edit.indent.rc", &xdg_data, EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "edit.indent.rc"}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "edit.spell.rc", &xdg_data, EDIT_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "edit.spell.rc"}, + + /* cache */ + { "history", &xdg_cache, MC_HISTORY_FILE}, + { "panels.ini", &xdg_cache, MC_PANELS_FILE}, + { "log", &xdg_cache, "mc.log"}, + { "filepos", &xdg_cache, MC_FILEPOS_FILE}, + { "Tree", &xdg_cache, MC_TREESTORE_FILE}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.clip", &xdg_cache, EDIT_CLIP_FILE}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.temp", &xdg_cache, EDIT_TEMP_FILE}, + { "cedit" PATH_SEP_STR "cooledit.block", &xdg_cache, EDIT_BLOCK_FILE}, + + {NULL, NULL, NULL} + /* *INDENT-ON* */ +}; + +/*** file scope functions *********************************************************************** */ +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +static void +mc_config_mkdir (const char *directory_name, GError ** error) +{ + if ((!g_file_test (directory_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) && + (g_mkdir_with_parents (directory_name, 0700) != 0)) + { + g_propagate_error (error, + g_error_new (MC_ERROR, 0, _("Cannot create %s directory"), + directory_name)); + } +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +static char * +mc_config_init_one_config_path (const char *path_base, const char *subdir, GError ** error) +{ + char *full_path; + + full_path = g_build_filename (path_base, subdir, NULL); + + if (g_file_test (full_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) + config_dir_present = TRUE; + + mc_config_mkdir (full_path, error); + if (error != NULL && *error != NULL) + { + g_free (full_path); + full_path = NULL; + } + return full_path; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +static char * +mc_config_get_deprecated_path (void) +{ + return g_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), "." MC_USERCONF_DIR, NULL); +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +static void +mc_config_copy (const char *old_name, const char *new_name, GError ** error) +{ + if (error != NULL && *error != NULL) + return; + + if (g_file_test (old_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) + { + char *contents = NULL; + size_t length; + + if (g_file_get_contents (old_name, &contents, &length, error)) + g_file_set_contents (new_name, contents, length, error); + + g_free (contents); + return; + } + + if (g_file_test (old_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) + { + + GDir *dir; + const char *dir_name; + + dir = g_dir_open (old_name, 0, error); + if (dir == NULL) + return; + + if (!g_mkdir_with_parents (new_name, 0700)) + { + g_dir_close (dir); + g_propagate_error (error, + g_error_new (MC_ERROR, 0, + _ + ("An error occured while migrating user settings: %s"), + g_strerror (errno))); + return; + } + + while ((dir_name = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) + { + char *old_name2, *new_name2; + old_name2 = g_build_filename (old_name, dir_name, NULL); + new_name2 = g_build_filename (new_name, dir_name, NULL); + mc_config_copy (old_name2, new_name2, error); + g_free (new_name2); + g_free (old_name2); + } + } + + if (rename (old_name, new_name) != 0) + { + g_propagate_error (error, + g_error_new (MC_ERROR, 0, + _ + ("An error occured while migrating user settings: %s"), + g_strerror (errno))); + } +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ +/*** public functions ****************************************************************************/ +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +void +mc_config_init_config_paths (GError ** error) +{ + char *u_config_dir = (char *) g_get_user_config_dir (); + char *u_data_dir = (char *) g_get_user_data_dir (); + char *u_cache_dir = (char *) g_get_user_cache_dir (); + + if (xdg_vars_initialized) + return; + + u_config_dir = (u_config_dir == NULL) + ? g_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), ".config", NULL) : g_strdup (u_config_dir); + + u_cache_dir = (u_cache_dir == NULL) + ? g_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), ".cache", NULL) : g_strdup (u_cache_dir); + + u_data_dir = (u_data_dir == NULL) + ? g_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), ".local", "share", NULL) + : g_strdup (u_data_dir); + + xdg_config = mc_config_init_one_config_path (u_config_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, error); + xdg_cache = mc_config_init_one_config_path (u_cache_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, error); + xdg_data = mc_config_init_one_config_path (u_data_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, error); + + g_free (u_data_dir); + g_free (u_cache_dir); + g_free (u_config_dir); + xdg_vars_initialized = TRUE; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +void +mc_config_deinit_config_paths (void) +{ + if (!xdg_vars_initialized) + return; + + g_free (xdg_config); + g_free (xdg_cache); + g_free (xdg_data); + + xdg_vars_initialized = FALSE; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +const char * +mc_config_get_data_path (void) +{ + if (!xdg_vars_initialized) + mc_config_init_config_paths (NULL); + + return (const char *) xdg_data; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +const char * +mc_config_get_cache_path (void) +{ + if (!xdg_vars_initialized) + mc_config_init_config_paths (NULL); + + return (const char *) xdg_cache; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +const char * +mc_config_get_home_dir (void) +{ + if (homedir == NULL) + { + homedir = g_getenv ("HOME"); + if (homedir == NULL) + homedir = g_get_home_dir (); + } + return homedir; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +const char * +mc_config_get_path (void) +{ + if (!xdg_vars_initialized) + mc_config_init_config_paths (NULL); + + return (const char *) xdg_config; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +void +mc_config_migrate_from_old_place (GError ** error) +{ + char *old_dir, *tmp_dir_name; + size_t rule_index; + + old_dir = mc_config_get_deprecated_path (); + + tmp_dir_name = mc_config_init_one_config_path (xdg_config, EDIT_DIR, error); + g_free (tmp_dir_name); + tmp_dir_name = mc_config_init_one_config_path (xdg_cache, EDIT_DIR, error); + g_free (tmp_dir_name); + tmp_dir_name = mc_config_init_one_config_path (xdg_data, EDIT_DIR, error); + g_free (tmp_dir_name); + + for (rule_index = 0; mc_config_migrate_rules[rule_index].old_filename != NULL; rule_index++) + { + char *old_name, *new_name; + + old_name = + g_build_filename (old_dir, mc_config_migrate_rules[rule_index].old_filename, NULL); + + if (!g_file_test (old_name, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) + { + g_free (old_name); + continue; + } + + new_name = g_build_filename (*mc_config_migrate_rules[rule_index].new_basedir, + mc_config_migrate_rules[rule_index].new_filename, NULL); + + mc_config_copy (old_name, new_name, error); + + g_free (new_name); + g_free (old_name); + } + /* + { + char *old_dir2; + old_dir2 = g_strconcat (old_dir, "~", NULL); + rename (old_dir, old_dir2); + g_free (old_dir2); + } + */ + g_propagate_error (error, + g_error_new (MC_ERROR, 0, + _ + ("Your old settings were migrated from %s\n" + "to Freedesktop recommended dirs.\n" + "To get more info, please visit\n" + "http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html"), + old_dir)); + + g_free (old_dir); +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +gboolean +mc_config_deprecated_dir_present (void) +{ + char *old_dir = mc_config_get_deprecated_path (); + gboolean is_present = g_file_test (old_dir, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS | G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR); + g_free (old_dir); + return is_present && !config_dir_present; +} + +/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ diff --git a/lib/skin/ini-file.c b/lib/skin/ini-file.c index 5dda20059..5adb587de 100644 --- a/lib/skin/ini-file.c +++ b/lib/skin/ini-file.c @@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ mc_skin_ini_file_load_search_in_dir (mc_skin_t * mc_skin, const gchar * base_dir gboolean mc_skin_ini_file_load (mc_skin_t * mc_skin) { - char *file_name, *user_home_dir; - gboolean ok; + char *file_name; file_name = g_path_get_basename (mc_skin->name); if (file_name == NULL) @@ -98,19 +97,16 @@ mc_skin_ini_file_load (mc_skin_t * mc_skin) } g_free (file_name); - /* ~/.mc/skins/ */ - user_home_dir = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, (char *) NULL); - ok = mc_skin_ini_file_load_search_in_dir (mc_skin, user_home_dir); - g_free (user_home_dir); - if (ok) + /* ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/mc/skins/ */ + if (mc_skin_ini_file_load_search_in_dir (mc_skin, mc_config_get_data_path ())) return TRUE; /* /etc/mc/skins/ */ - if (mc_skin_ini_file_load_search_in_dir (mc_skin, mc_home)) + if (mc_skin_ini_file_load_search_in_dir (mc_skin, mc_sysconfig_dir)) return TRUE; /* /usr/share/mc/skins/ */ - return mc_skin_ini_file_load_search_in_dir (mc_skin, mc_home_alt); + return mc_skin_ini_file_load_search_in_dir (mc_skin, mc_share_data_dir); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ diff --git a/lib/util.c b/lib/util.c index 03edc76e6..dcca29dd8 100644 --- a/lib/util.c +++ b/lib/util.c @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ #include "src/filemanager/filegui.h" #include "src/filemanager/file.h" /* copy_file_file() */ -#include "src/main.h" /* home_dir, eight_bit_clean */ +#include "src/main.h" /* eight_bit_clean */ /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ @@ -392,8 +392,7 @@ void size_trunc_len (char *buffer, unsigned int len, uintmax_t size, int units, gboolean use_si) { /* Avoid taking power for every file. */ - static const uintmax_t power10[] = - { + static const uintmax_t power10[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 }; static const char *const suffix[] = { "", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y", NULL }; @@ -585,8 +584,8 @@ strip_home_and_password (const char *dir) size_t len; static char newdir[MC_MAXPATHLEN]; - len = strlen (home_dir); - if (home_dir != NULL && strncmp (dir, home_dir, len) == 0 && + len = strlen (mc_config_get_home_dir ()); + if (mc_config_get_home_dir () != NULL && strncmp (dir, mc_config_get_home_dir (), len) == 0 && (dir[len] == PATH_SEP || dir[len] == '\0')) { newdir[0] = '~'; @@ -1229,7 +1228,7 @@ load_file_position (const char *filename, long *line, long *column, off_t * offs *offset = 0; /* open file with positions */ - fn = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_FILEPOS_FILE, NULL); + fn = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_FILEPOS_FILE, NULL); f = fopen (fn, "r"); g_free (fn); if (f == NULL) @@ -1319,7 +1318,7 @@ save_file_position (const char *filename, long line, long column, off_t offset, filepos_max_saved_entries = mc_config_get_int (mc_main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION, "filepos_max_saved_entries", 1024); - fn = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_FILEPOS_FILE, NULL); + fn = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_FILEPOS_FILE, NULL); if (fn == NULL) goto early_error; diff --git a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/extfs.c b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/extfs.c index cb1475c96..b9ab05227 100644 --- a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/extfs.c +++ b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/extfs.c @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ #include "lib/global.h" #include "lib/fileloc.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/widget.h" /* message() */ @@ -1630,14 +1631,11 @@ static int extfs_init (struct vfs_class *me) { gboolean d1, d2; - char *dirname; (void) me; /* 1st: scan user directory */ - dirname = g_build_path (PATH_SEP_STR, home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, (char *) NULL); - d1 = extfs_get_plugins (dirname, TRUE); /* silent about user dir */ - g_free (dirname); + d1 = extfs_get_plugins (mc_config_get_data_path (), TRUE); /* silent about user dir */ /* 2nd: scan system dir */ d2 = extfs_get_plugins (LIBEXECDIR, d1); diff --git a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/fish.c b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/fish.c index 694369b55..16c6ffc94 100644 --- a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/fish.c +++ b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/fish.c @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ #include "lib/strescape.h" #include "lib/unixcompat.h" #include "lib/fileloc.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "src/filemanager/layout.h" /* print_vfs_message */ #include "src/execute.h" /* pre_exec, post_exec */ @@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ fish_load_script_from_file (const char *hostname, const char *script_name, const gsize scr_len = 0; /* 1st: scan user directory */ - scr_filename = g_build_path (PATH_SEP_STR, home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, FISH_PREFIX, hostname, + scr_filename = g_build_path (PATH_SEP_STR, mc_config_get_data_path (), FISH_PREFIX, hostname, script_name, (char *) NULL); /* silent about user dir */ g_file_get_contents (scr_filename, &scr_content, &scr_len, NULL); diff --git a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/ftpfs.c b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/ftpfs.c index c57a93bf6..b93195aa1 100644 --- a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/ftpfs.c +++ b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/ftpfs.c @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ What to do with this? #include "lib/global.h" #include "lib/util.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/tty/tty.h" /* enable/disable interrupt key */ #include "lib/widget.h" /* message() */ @@ -666,7 +667,7 @@ ftpfs_load_no_proxy_list (void) if (mc_file) return; - mc_file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, "mc.no_proxy"); + mc_file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, "mc.no_proxy"); if (exist_file (mc_file)) { npf = fopen (mc_file, "r"); @@ -1827,7 +1828,7 @@ ftpfs_file_store (struct vfs_class *me, struct vfs_s_fh *fh, char *name, char *l w_buf += n_written; n_read -= n_written; } - print_vfs_message ("%s: %" PRIuMAX "/%" PRIuMAX, + print_vfs_message ("%s: %" PRIuMAX "/%" PRIuMAX, _("ftpfs: storing file"), (uintmax_t) n_stored, (uintmax_t) s.st_size); } tty_disable_interrupt_key (); @@ -2388,7 +2389,7 @@ ftpfs_netrc_lookup (const char *host, char **login, char **pass) } /* Load current .netrc */ - netrcname = g_build_filename (home_dir, ".netrc", (char *) NULL); + netrcname = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), ".netrc", (char *) NULL); if (!g_file_get_contents (netrcname, &netrc, NULL, NULL)) { g_free (netrcname); diff --git a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/sfs.c b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/sfs.c index afde3912e..4e745387b 100644 --- a/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/sfs.c +++ b/lib/vfs/mc-vfs/sfs.c @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/widget.h" /* D_ERROR, D_NORMAL */ -#include "src/main.h" /* mc_home */ +#include "src/main.h" /* mc_sysconfig_dir */ #include "src/execute.h" /* EXECUTE_AS_SHELL */ #include "vfs-impl.h" @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ sfs_init (struct vfs_class *me) (void) me; - mc_sfsini = g_build_filename (mc_home, "sfs.ini", (char *) NULL); + mc_sfsini = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, "sfs.ini", (char *) NULL); cfg = fopen (mc_sfsini, "r"); if (cfg == NULL) diff --git a/lib/widget/history.c b/lib/widget/history.c index f54a35fa2..b778f54fa 100644 --- a/lib/widget/history.c +++ b/lib/widget/history.c @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ history_get (const char *input_name) if ((input_name == NULL) || (*input_name == '\0')) return NULL; - profile = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_HISTORY_FILE, NULL); + profile = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_HISTORY_FILE, NULL); cfg = mc_config_init (profile); /* get number of keys */ @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ history_get (const char *input_name) /* This saves the history of an input line from the widget. It is called with the widgets history name. It stores histories in the file - ~/.mc/history in using the profile code. + ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/mc/history in using the profile code. */ void history_put (const char *input_name, GList * h) @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ history_put (const char *input_name, GList * h) if (h == NULL) return; - profile = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_HISTORY_FILE, NULL); + profile = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_HISTORY_FILE, NULL); i = open (profile, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (i != -1) diff --git a/lib/widget/input.c b/lib/widget/input.c index 5adf07012..141454714 100644 --- a/lib/widget/input.c +++ b/lib/widget/input.c @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ #include "src/main.h" /* home_dir */ #include "src/filemanager/midnight.h" /* current_panel */ #include "src/clipboard.h" /* copy_file_to_ext_clip, paste_to_file_from_ext_clip */ -#include "src/keybind-defaults.h" /* input_map */ +#include "src/keybind-defaults.h" /* input_map */ /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ save_text_to_clip_file (const char *text) ssize_t ret; size_t str_len; - fname = g_build_filename (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE, NULL); + fname = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE, NULL); file = mc_open (fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH | O_BINARY); g_free (fname); @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ load_text_from_clip_file (char **text) char *fname = NULL; gboolean first = TRUE; - fname = g_build_filename (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE, NULL); + fname = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE, NULL); f = fopen (fname, "r"); g_free (fname); diff --git a/misc/Makefile.am b/misc/Makefile.am index 8d9f00da0..c813eb903 100644 --- a/misc/Makefile.am +++ b/misc/Makefile.am @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pkgdata_DATA += mc.charsets endif LIBFILES_CONST = \ - cedit.menu \ + mcedit.menu \ edit.indent.rc \ edit.spell.rc \ filehighlight.ini \ diff --git a/misc/cedit.menu b/misc/mcedit.menu similarity index 100% rename from misc/cedit.menu rename to misc/mcedit.menu diff --git a/src/args.c b/src/args.c index 074dfd2f3..3293284b5 100644 --- a/src/args.c +++ b/src/args.c @@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ mc_args_process (int argc, char *argv[]) } if (mc_args__show_datadirs) { - printf ("%s (%s)\n", mc_home, mc_home_alt); + printf ("%s (%s)\n", mc_sysconfig_dir, mc_share_data_dir); return FALSE; } diff --git a/src/clipboard.c b/src/clipboard.c index 1ba1f3b63..ec4ba7472 100644 --- a/src/clipboard.c +++ b/src/clipboard.c @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ #include "lib/global.h" #include "lib/fileloc.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "main.h" @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ copy_file_to_ext_clip (void) if (d == NULL || clipboard_store_path == NULL || clipboard_store_path[0] == '\0') return FALSE; - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE); cmd = g_strconcat (clipboard_store_path, " ", tmp, " 2>/dev/null", (char *) NULL); if (cmd != NULL) @@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ paste_to_file_from_ext_clip (void) if (d == NULL || clipboard_paste_path == NULL || clipboard_paste_path[0] == '\0') return FALSE; - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE); cmd = g_strconcat (clipboard_paste_path, " > ", tmp, " 2>/dev/null", (char *) NULL); if (cmd != NULL) diff --git a/src/editor/edit.c b/src/editor/edit.c index 607d27171..9f083afcb 100644 --- a/src/editor/edit.c +++ b/src/editor/edit.c @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ #endif #include "src/filemanager/cmd.h" /* view_other_cmd() */ -#include "src/filemanager/usermenu.h" /* user_menu_cmd() */ +#include "src/filemanager/usermenu.h" /* user_menu_cmd() */ #include "src/main.h" /* source_codepage */ #include "src/setup.h" /* option_tab_spacing */ @@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ user_menu (WEdit * edit) long start_mark, end_mark; struct stat status; - block_file = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); + block_file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); nomark = eval_marks (edit, &start_mark, &end_mark); if (nomark == 0) diff --git a/src/editor/editcmd.c b/src/editor/editcmd.c index e6079d3df..f1aeca753 100644 --- a/src/editor/editcmd.c +++ b/src/editor/editcmd.c @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ #include "src/filemanager/layout.h" /* clr_scr() */ #include "src/history.h" -#include "src/main.h" /* mc_home, midnight_shutdown */ +#include "src/main.h" /* mc_sysconfig_dir, midnight_shutdown */ #include "src/setup.h" /* option_tab_spacing */ #include "src/help.h" /* interactive_display() */ #include "src/selcodepage.h" @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ edit_open_macro_file (const char *r) gchar *filename; FILE *fd; int file; - filename = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_MACRO_FILE); + filename = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_MACRO_FILE); file = open (filename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (file == -1) { @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ edit_delete_macro (WEdit * edit, int k) if (j < 0) return 0; } - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_TEMP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_TEMP_FILE); g = fopen (tmp, "w"); g_free (tmp); if (!g) @@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ edit_delete_macro (WEdit * edit, int k) } fclose (f); fclose (g); - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_TEMP_FILE); - tmp2 = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_MACRO_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_TEMP_FILE); + tmp2 = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_MACRO_FILE); if (rename (tmp, tmp2) == -1) { edit_error_dialog (_("Delete macro"), get_sys_error (_("Cannot overwrite macro file"))); @@ -635,18 +635,18 @@ edit_load_syntax_file (WEdit * edit) _("&User"), _("&System Wide")); } - extdir = g_build_filename (mc_home, "syntax", "Syntax", (char *) NULL); + extdir = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, "syntax", "Syntax", (char *) NULL); if (!exist_file (extdir)) { g_free (extdir); - extdir = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, "syntax", "Syntax", (char *) NULL); + extdir = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, "syntax", "Syntax", (char *) NULL); } if (dir == 0) { char *buffer; - buffer = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE); + buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE); check_for_default (extdir, buffer); edit_load_file_from_filename (edit, buffer); g_free (buffer); @@ -670,12 +670,12 @@ edit_load_menu_file (WEdit * edit) _("Which menu file do you want to edit?"), D_NORMAL, geteuid () != 0 ? 2 : 3, _("&Local"), _("&User"), _("&System Wide")); - menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); + menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); if (!exist_file (menufile)) { g_free (menufile); - menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home_alt, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); + menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_share_data_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); } switch (dir) @@ -687,16 +687,16 @@ edit_load_menu_file (WEdit * edit) break; case 1: - buffer = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_HOME_MENU); + buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_HOME_MENU); check_for_default (menufile, buffer); break; case 2: - buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); + buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); if (!exist_file (buffer)) { g_free (buffer); - buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home_alt, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); + buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_share_data_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU); } break; @@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ edit_do_search (WEdit * edit) /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void -edit_search (WEdit *edit) +edit_search (WEdit * edit) { if (editcmd_dialog_search_show (edit)) edit_do_search (edit); @@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ edit_save_block_to_clip_file (WEdit * edit, long start, long finish) { int ret; gchar *tmp; - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE); ret = edit_save_block (edit, tmp, start, finish); g_free (tmp); return ret; @@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ eval_marks (WEdit * edit, long *start_mark, long *end_mark) } if (edit->column_highlight - && (((edit->mark1 > end_mark_curs) && (edit->column1 < edit->column2)) + && (((edit->mark1 > end_mark_curs) && (edit->column1 < edit->column2)) || ((edit->mark1 < end_mark_curs) && (edit->column1 > edit->column2)))) { start_bol = edit_bol (edit, *start_mark); @@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@ edit_paste_from_X_buf_cmd (WEdit * edit) gchar *tmp; /* try use external clipboard utility */ paste_to_file_from_ext_clip (); - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE); edit_insert_file (edit, tmp); g_free (tmp); } @@ -2561,7 +2561,7 @@ edit_save_block_cmd (WEdit * edit) if (eval_marks (edit, &start_mark, &end_mark)) return 1; - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE); exp = input_expand_dialog (_("Save block"), _("Enter file name:"), MC_HISTORY_EDIT_SAVE_BLOCK, tmp); @@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ edit_insert_file_cmd (WEdit * edit) gchar *tmp; char *exp; - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_CLIP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_CLIP_FILE); exp = input_expand_dialog (_("Insert file"), _("Enter file name:"), MC_HISTORY_EDIT_INSERT_FILE, tmp); g_free (tmp); @@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ edit_sort_cmd (WEdit * edit) return 0; } - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); edit_save_block (edit, tmp, start_mark, end_mark); g_free (tmp); @@ -2663,8 +2663,10 @@ edit_sort_cmd (WEdit * edit) return 1; g_free (old); old = exp; - tmp = g_strconcat (" sort ", exp, " ", home_dir, PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_BLOCK_FILE, " > ", - home_dir, PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_TEMP_FILE, (char *) NULL); + tmp = + g_strconcat (" sort ", exp, " ", mc_config_get_cache_path (), PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_BLOCK_FILE, + " > ", mc_config_get_cache_path (), PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_TEMP_FILE, + (char *) NULL); e = system (tmp); g_free (tmp); if (e) @@ -2688,7 +2690,7 @@ edit_sort_cmd (WEdit * edit) if (edit_block_delete_cmd (edit)) return 1; - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_TEMP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_TEMP_FILE); edit_insert_file (edit, tmp); g_free (tmp); return 0; @@ -2713,7 +2715,9 @@ edit_ext_cmd (WEdit * edit) if (!exp) return 1; - tmp = g_strconcat (exp, " > ", home_dir, PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_TEMP_FILE, (char *) NULL); + tmp = + g_strconcat (exp, " > ", mc_config_get_cache_path (), PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_TEMP_FILE, + (char *) NULL); e = system (tmp); g_free (tmp); g_free (exp); @@ -2725,7 +2729,7 @@ edit_ext_cmd (WEdit * edit) } edit->force |= REDRAW_COMPLETELY; - tmp = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_TEMP_FILE); + tmp = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_TEMP_FILE); edit_insert_file (edit, tmp); g_free (tmp); return 0; @@ -2746,9 +2750,9 @@ edit_block_process_cmd (WEdit * edit, const char *shell_cmd, int block) gchar *o, *h, *b, *tmp; char *quoted_name = NULL; - o = g_strconcat (mc_home, shell_cmd, (char *) NULL); /* original source script */ - h = g_strconcat (home_dir, PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_DIR, shell_cmd, (char *) NULL); /* home script */ - b = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); /* block file */ + o = g_strconcat (mc_sysconfig_dir, shell_cmd, (char *) NULL); /* original source script */ + h = g_strconcat (mc_config_get_data_path (), PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_DIR, shell_cmd, (char *) NULL); /* home script */ + b = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); /* block file */ script_home = fopen (h, "r"); if (script_home == NULL) @@ -2767,7 +2771,7 @@ edit_block_process_cmd (WEdit * edit, const char *shell_cmd, int block) script_src = fopen (o, "r"); if (script_src == NULL) { - o = g_strconcat (mc_home_alt, shell_cmd, (char *) NULL); + o = g_strconcat (mc_share_data_dir, shell_cmd, (char *) NULL); script_src = fopen (o, "r"); if (script_src == NULL) { @@ -2816,8 +2820,10 @@ edit_block_process_cmd (WEdit * edit, const char *shell_cmd, int block) * $3 - file where error messages should be put * (for compatibility with old scripts). */ - tmp = g_strconcat (" ", home_dir, PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_DIR, shell_cmd, " ", quoted_name, - " ", home_dir, PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_BLOCK_FILE " /dev/null", (char *) NULL); + tmp = + g_strconcat (" ", mc_config_get_cache_path (), PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_DIR, shell_cmd, " ", + quoted_name, " ", mc_config_get_cache_path (), + PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_BLOCK_FILE " /dev/null", (char *) NULL); } else { @@ -2826,7 +2832,7 @@ edit_block_process_cmd (WEdit * edit, const char *shell_cmd, int block) * Arguments: * $1 - name of the edited file. */ - tmp = g_strconcat (" ", home_dir, PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_DIR, shell_cmd, " ", + tmp = g_strconcat (" ", mc_config_get_cache_path (), PATH_SEP_STR EDIT_DIR, shell_cmd, " ", quoted_name, (char *) NULL); } diff --git a/src/editor/editwidget.c b/src/editor/editwidget.c index 1c72bdcd2..8dfc8e1ba 100644 --- a/src/editor/editwidget.c +++ b/src/editor/editwidget.c @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ #include "lib/strutil.h" /* str_term_trim() */ #include "lib/util.h" /* concat_dir_and_file() */ #include "lib/widget.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "src/keybind-defaults.h" #include "src/main.h" /* home_dir */ @@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ edit_dialog_callback (Dlg_head * h, Widget * sender, dlg_msg_t msg, int parm, vo return MSG_HANDLED; case DLG_VALIDATE: - h->state = DLG_ACTIVE; /* don't stop the dialog before final decision */ + h->state = DLG_ACTIVE; /* don't stop the dialog before final decision */ if (edit_ok_to_exit (edit)) h->state = DLG_CLOSED; return MSG_HANDLED; @@ -345,7 +346,15 @@ edit_file (const char *_file, int line) if (!made_directory) { - char *dir = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_DIR); + char *dir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_DIR); + made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST); + g_free (dir); + + dir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_path (), EDIT_DIR); + made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST); + g_free (dir); + + dir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_DIR); made_directory = (mkdir (dir, 0700) != -1 || errno == EEXIST); g_free (dir); } diff --git a/src/editor/syntax.c b/src/editor/syntax.c index 6a13ebf46..5863a48fe 100644 --- a/src/editor/syntax.c +++ b/src/editor/syntax.c @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/widget.h" /* message() */ -#include "src/main.h" /* mc_home */ +#include "src/main.h" /* mc_sysconfig_dir */ #include "edit-impl.h" #include "edit-widget.h" @@ -852,19 +852,20 @@ open_include_file (const char *filename) return fopen (filename, "r"); g_free (error_file_name); - error_file_name = g_build_filename (home_dir, EDIT_DIR, filename, (char *) NULL); + error_file_name = + g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_DIR, filename, (char *) NULL); f = fopen (error_file_name, "r"); if (f != NULL) return f; g_free (error_file_name); - error_file_name = g_build_filename (mc_home, "syntax", filename, (char *) NULL); + error_file_name = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, "syntax", filename, (char *) NULL); f = fopen (error_file_name, "r"); if (f != NULL) return f; g_free (error_file_name); - error_file_name = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, "syntax", filename, (char *) NULL); + error_file_name = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, "syntax", filename, (char *) NULL); return fopen (error_file_name, "r"); } @@ -1266,7 +1267,7 @@ edit_read_syntax_file (WEdit * edit, char ***pnames, const char *syntax_file, f = fopen (syntax_file, "r"); if (f == NULL) { - lib_file = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, "syntax", "Syntax", (char *) NULL); + lib_file = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, "syntax", "Syntax", (char *) NULL); f = fopen (lib_file, "r"); g_free (lib_file); if (f == NULL) @@ -1510,7 +1511,7 @@ edit_load_syntax (WEdit * edit, char ***pnames, const char *type) if (!*edit->filename && !type) return; } - f = g_build_filename (home_dir, EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE, (char *) NULL); + f = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE, (char *) NULL); if (edit != NULL) r = edit_read_syntax_file (edit, pnames, f, edit->filename, get_first_editor_line (edit), diff --git a/src/filemanager/cmd.c b/src/filemanager/cmd.c index ba1be3e0c..a5d504e7f 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/cmd.c +++ b/src/filemanager/cmd.c @@ -1020,11 +1020,11 @@ ext_cmd (void) _("Which extension file you want to edit?"), D_NORMAL, 2, _("&User"), _("&System Wide")); } - extdir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, MC_LIB_EXT); + extdir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_LIB_EXT); if (dir == 0) { - buffer = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_FILEBIND_FILE, NULL); + buffer = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_FILEBIND_FILE, NULL); check_for_default (extdir, buffer); do_edit (buffer); g_free (buffer); @@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ ext_cmd (void) if (!exist_file (extdir)) { g_free (extdir); - extdir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home_alt, MC_LIB_EXT); + extdir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_share_data_dir, MC_LIB_EXT); } do_edit (extdir); } @@ -1056,12 +1056,12 @@ edit_mc_menu_cmd (void) _("Which menu file do you want to edit?"), D_NORMAL, geteuid ()? 2 : 3, _("&Local"), _("&User"), _("&System Wide")); - menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); if (!exist_file (menufile)) { g_free (menufile); - menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home_alt, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + menufile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_share_data_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); } switch (dir) @@ -1073,16 +1073,16 @@ edit_mc_menu_cmd (void) break; case 1: - buffer = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_USERMENU_FILE, NULL); + buffer = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_USERMENU_FILE, NULL); check_for_default (menufile, buffer); break; case 2: - buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); if (!exist_file (buffer)) { g_free (buffer); - buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home_alt, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + buffer = concat_dir_and_file (mc_share_data_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU); } break; @@ -1114,11 +1114,11 @@ edit_fhl_cmd (void) _("Which highlighting file you want to edit?"), D_NORMAL, 2, _("&User"), _("&System Wide")); } - fhlfile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, MC_FHL_INI_FILE); + fhlfile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE); if (dir == 0) { - buffer = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, NULL); + buffer = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), MC_FHL_INI_FILE, NULL); check_for_default (fhlfile, buffer); do_edit (buffer); g_free (buffer); @@ -1128,7 +1128,7 @@ edit_fhl_cmd (void) if (!exist_file (fhlfile)) { g_free (fhlfile); - fhlfile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, MC_FHL_INI_FILE); + fhlfile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE); } do_edit (fhlfile); } @@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ get_random_hint (int force) return g_strdup (""); last_sec = tv.tv_sec; - data = load_mc_home_file (mc_home_alt, MC_HINT, NULL); + data = load_mc_home_file (mc_share_data_dir, MC_HINT, NULL); if (data == NULL) return NULL; @@ -1572,8 +1572,8 @@ void save_setup_cmd (void) { if (save_setup (TRUE, TRUE)) - message (D_NORMAL, _("Setup"), _("Setup saved to ~/%s"), - MC_USERCONF_DIR PATH_SEP_STR MC_CONFIG_FILE); + message (D_NORMAL, _("Setup"), _("Setup saved to %s%s%s"), + mc_config_get_path (), PATH_SEP_STR, MC_CONFIG_FILE); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ diff --git a/src/filemanager/command.c b/src/filemanager/command.c index 497a69ca6..42a55909a 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/command.c +++ b/src/filemanager/command.c @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ do_cd_command (char *orig_cmd) { if (cmd[0] == 0) { - sync_tree (home_dir); + sync_tree (mc_config_get_home_dir ()); } else if (strcmp (cmd + 3, "..") == 0) { diff --git a/src/filemanager/ext.c b/src/filemanager/ext.c index 096a8916d..4cc998ee8 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/ext.c +++ b/src/filemanager/ext.c @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ #include "lib/tty/tty.h" #include "lib/search.h" #include "lib/fileloc.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/vfs/mc-vfs/vfs.h" #include "lib/widget.h" @@ -629,16 +630,16 @@ regex_command (const char *filename, const char *action, int *move_dir) int mc_user_ext = 1; int home_error = 0; - extension_file = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_FILEBIND_FILE, NULL); + extension_file = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_FILEBIND_FILE, NULL); if (!exist_file (extension_file)) { g_free (extension_file); check_stock_mc_ext: - extension_file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, MC_LIB_EXT); + extension_file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_LIB_EXT); if (!exist_file (extension_file)) { g_free (extension_file); - extension_file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home_alt, MC_LIB_EXT); + extension_file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_share_data_dir, MC_LIB_EXT); } mc_user_ext = 0; } @@ -662,12 +663,12 @@ regex_command (const char *filename, const char *action, int *move_dir) else { char *title = g_strdup_printf (_(" %s%s file error"), - mc_home, MC_LIB_EXT); + mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_LIB_EXT); message (D_ERROR, title, _("The format of the %smc.ext " "file has changed with version 3.0. It seems that " "the installation failed. Please fetch a fresh " "copy from the Midnight Commander package."), - mc_home); + mc_sysconfig_dir); g_free (title); return 0; } @@ -675,13 +676,14 @@ regex_command (const char *filename, const char *action, int *move_dir) } if (home_error) { - char *title = g_strdup_printf (_("~/%s file error"), - MC_USERCONF_DIR PATH_SEP_STR MC_FILEBIND_FILE); + char *title = g_strdup_printf (_("%s%s%s file error"), + mc_config_get_data_path (), PATH_SEP_STR, + MC_FILEBIND_FILE); message (D_ERROR, title, - _("The format of the ~/%s file has " + _("The format of the %s%s%s file has " "changed with version 3.0. You may either want to copy " "it from %smc.ext or use that file as an example of how to write it."), - MC_USERCONF_DIR PATH_SEP_STR MC_FILEBIND_FILE, mc_home); + mc_config_get_data_path (), PATH_SEP_STR, MC_FILEBIND_FILE, mc_sysconfig_dir); g_free (title); } } diff --git a/src/filemanager/hotlist.c b/src/filemanager/hotlist.c index ce3aa9321..aba978aee 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/hotlist.c +++ b/src/filemanager/hotlist.c @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ hotlist_button_callback (WButton * button, int action) case B_REFRESH_VFS: listbox_remove_list (l_hotlist); - listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, home_dir, 0); + listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, mc_config_get_home_dir (), 0); vfs_fill_names (add_name_to_list); return MSG_NOT_HANDLED; #endif /* ENABLE_VFS */ @@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ init_hotlist (int list_type) #ifdef ENABLE_VFS if (list_type == LIST_VFSLIST) { - listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, home_dir, 0); + listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, mc_config_get_home_dir (), 0); vfs_fill_names (add_name_to_list); } else @@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ load_hotlist (void) } if (!hotlist_file_name) - hotlist_file_name = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_HOTLIST_FILE, NULL); + hotlist_file_name = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), MC_HOTLIST_FILE, NULL); hotlist = new_hotlist (); hotlist->type = HL_TYPE_GROUP; diff --git a/src/filemanager/panel.c b/src/filemanager/panel.c index fa3cd99e3..5b9234295 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/panel.c +++ b/src/filemanager/panel.c @@ -2632,7 +2632,7 @@ _do_panel_cd (WPanel * panel, const char *new_dir, enum cd_enum cd_type) new_dir = temp; } } - directory = *new_dir ? new_dir : home_dir; + directory = *new_dir ? new_dir : mc_config_get_home_dir (); if (mc_chdir (directory) == -1) { diff --git a/src/filemanager/tree.c b/src/filemanager/tree.c index 41a33a650..21ad8c239 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/tree.c +++ b/src/filemanager/tree.c @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ remove_callback (tree_entry * entry, void *data) } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -/** Save the ~/.mc/Tree file */ +/** Save the ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/mc/Tree file */ static void save_tree (WTree * tree) @@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ save_tree (WTree * tree) if (error) { - tree_name = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_TREESTORE_FILE, (char *) NULL); + tree_name = + g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_TREESTORE_FILE, (char *) NULL); fprintf (stderr, _("Cannot open the %s file for writing:\n%s\n"), tree_name, unix_error_string (error)); g_free (tree_name); @@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ load_tree (WTree * tree) tree_store_load (); tree->selected_ptr = tree->store->tree_first; - tree_chdir (tree, home_dir); + tree_chdir (tree, mc_config_get_home_dir ()); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ diff --git a/src/filemanager/treestore.c b/src/filemanager/treestore.c index 9c1387242..57cdf2e80 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/treestore.c +++ b/src/filemanager/treestore.c @@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ tree_store_load (void) char *name; int retval; - name = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_TREESTORE_FILE, NULL); + name = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_TREESTORE_FILE, NULL); retval = tree_store_load_from (name); g_free (name); @@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ tree_store_save (void) char *name; int retval; - name = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_TREESTORE_FILE, NULL); + name = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_TREESTORE_FILE, NULL); mc_util_make_backup_if_possible (name, ".tmp"); retval = tree_store_save_to (name); diff --git a/src/filemanager/usermenu.c b/src/filemanager/usermenu.c index 24358481f..67b89f444 100644 --- a/src/filemanager/usermenu.c +++ b/src/filemanager/usermenu.c @@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ expand_format (struct WEdit *edit_widget, char c, gboolean do_quote) #ifdef USE_INTERNAL_EDIT if (edit_widget) { - char *file = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); + char *file = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_BLOCK_FILE); fname = (*quote_func) (file, 0); g_free (file); return fname; @@ -872,20 +872,29 @@ user_menu_cmd (struct WEdit *edit_widget) { g_free (menu); if (edit_widget) - menu = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, EDIT_HOME_MENU); + menu = concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_HOME_MENU); else - menu = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_USERMENU_FILE, NULL); + menu = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), MC_USERMENU_FILE, NULL); if (!exist_file (menu)) { g_free (menu); - menu = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + menu = + concat_dir_and_file (mc_config_get_home_dir (), + edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU); if (!exist_file (menu)) { g_free (menu); - menu = concat_dir_and_file - (mc_home_alt, edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + menu = + concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, + edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + if (!exist_file (menu)) + { + g_free (menu); + menu = concat_dir_and_file + (mc_share_data_dir, edit_widget ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU); + } } } } diff --git a/src/help.c b/src/help.c index 69a898e98..3a3ae3970 100644 --- a/src/help.c +++ b/src/help.c @@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ interactive_display (const char *filename, const char *node) if (filename != NULL) g_file_get_contents (filename, &filedata, NULL, NULL); else - filedata = load_mc_home_file (mc_home_alt, MC_HELP, &hlpfile); + filedata = load_mc_home_file (mc_share_data_dir, MC_HELP, &hlpfile); if (filedata == NULL) message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot open file %s\n%s"), diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c index 155803d6c..c54d82db0 100644 --- a/src/main.c +++ b/src/main.c @@ -119,12 +119,13 @@ char *shell = NULL; /* The prompt */ const char *mc_prompt = NULL; -/* mc_home: The home of MC - /etc/mc or defined by MC_DATADIR */ -char *mc_home = NULL; -/* mc_home_alt: Alternative home of MC - deprecated /usr/share/mc */ -char *mc_home_alt = NULL; -/* The home directory */ -const char *home_dir = NULL; +/* mc_sysconfig_dir: Area for default settings from maintainers of distributuves + default is /etc/mc or may be defined by MC_DATADIR + */ +char *mc_sysconfig_dir = NULL; + +/* mc_share_data_dir: Area for default settings from developers */ +char *mc_share_data_dir = NULL; /* Set to TRUE to suppress printing the last directory */ int print_last_revert = FALSE; @@ -198,20 +199,15 @@ OS_Setup (void) mc_libdir = getenv ("MC_DATADIR"); if (mc_libdir != NULL) { - mc_home = g_strdup (mc_libdir); - mc_home_alt = g_strdup (SYSCONFDIR); + mc_sysconfig_dir = g_strdup (mc_libdir); + mc_share_data_dir = g_strdup (SYSCONFDIR); } else { - mc_home = g_strdup (SYSCONFDIR); - mc_home_alt = g_strdup (DATADIR); + mc_sysconfig_dir = g_strdup (SYSCONFDIR); + mc_share_data_dir = g_strdup (DATADIR); } - /* This variable is used by the subshell */ - home_dir = getenv ("HOME"); - - if (home_dir == NULL) - home_dir = mc_home; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @@ -418,8 +414,6 @@ update_xterm_title_path (void) int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { - struct stat s; - char *mc_dir; GError *error = NULL; gboolean isInitialized; @@ -428,6 +422,7 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[]) bindtextdomain ("mc", LOCALEDIR); textdomain ("mc"); + /* Set up temporary directory */ mc_tmpdir (); @@ -462,6 +457,17 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[]) /* We need this, since ncurses endwin () doesn't restore the signals */ save_stop_handler (); + /* Initialize and create home directories */ + /* do it after the screen library initialization to show the error message */ + mc_config_init_config_paths (&error); + if (error == NULL) + { + if (mc_config_deprecated_dir_present ()) + { + mc_config_migrate_from_old_place (&error); + } + } + /* Must be done before init_subshell, to set up the terminal size: */ /* FIXME: Should be removed and LINES and COLS computed on subshell */ tty_init ((gboolean) mc_args__slow_terminal, (gboolean) mc_args__ugly_line_drawing); @@ -477,24 +483,28 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[]) load_keymap_defs (); tty_init_colors (mc_args__disable_colors, mc_args__force_colors); - isInitialized = mc_skin_init (&error); - mc_filehighlight = mc_fhl_new (TRUE); - dlg_set_default_colors (); - if (!isInitialized) + { + GError *error2 = NULL; + isInitialized = mc_skin_init (&error2); + mc_filehighlight = mc_fhl_new (TRUE); + dlg_set_default_colors (); + + if (!isInitialized) + { + message (D_ERROR, _("Warning"), "%s", error2->message); + g_error_free (error2); + error2 = NULL; + } + } + + if (error != NULL) { message (D_ERROR, _("Warning"), "%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); error = NULL; } - /* create home directory */ - /* do it after the screen library initialization to show the error message */ - mc_dir = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, (char *) NULL); - canonicalize_pathname (mc_dir); - if ((stat (mc_dir, &s) != 0) && (errno == ENOENT) && mkdir (mc_dir, 0700) != 0) - message (D_ERROR, _("Warning"), _("Cannot create %s directory"), mc_dir); - g_free (mc_dir); #ifdef HAVE_SUBSHELL_SUPPORT /* Done here to ensure that the subshell doesn't */ @@ -571,8 +581,8 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[]) } g_free (last_wd_string); - g_free (mc_home_alt); - g_free (mc_home); + g_free (mc_share_data_dir); + g_free (mc_sysconfig_dir); g_free (shell); done_key (); @@ -582,6 +592,8 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[]) g_free (mc_run_param0); g_free (mc_run_param1); + mc_config_deinit_config_paths (); + putchar ('\n'); /* Hack to make shell's prompt start at left of screen */ return 0; diff --git a/src/main.h b/src/main.h index ce47b0066..bd0cd959a 100644 --- a/src/main.h +++ b/src/main.h @@ -78,10 +78,8 @@ extern int midnight_shutdown; extern char *shell; extern const char *mc_prompt; -extern char *mc_home; -extern char *mc_home_alt; - -extern const char *home_dir; +extern char *mc_sysconfig_dir; +extern char *mc_share_data_dir; /*** declarations of public functions ************************************************************/ diff --git a/src/setup.c b/src/setup.c index 34724ac04..5206f4fe1 100644 --- a/src/setup.c +++ b/src/setup.c @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ /*** global variables ****************************************************************************/ -char *profile_name; /* .mc/ini */ +char *profile_name; /* ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc/ini */ char *global_profile_name; /* mc.lib */ /* Only used at program boot */ @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int file_op_compute_totals = 1; /*** file scope variables ************************************************************************/ -static char *panels_profile_name = NULL; /* .mc/panels.ini */ +static char *panels_profile_name = NULL; /* ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/mc/panels.ini */ /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static const struct @@ -383,15 +383,13 @@ static const struct \return Newly allocated path to config name or NULL if file not found. - If config_file_name is a relative path, then search config in stantart pathes. + If config_file_name is a relative path, then search config in stantart paths. */ static char * load_setup_get_full_config_name (const char *subdir, const char *config_file_name) { /* TODO: IMHO, in future this function must be placed into mc_config module. - Also, need to rename stupid mc_home and mc_home_alt to mc_sysconfdir and mc_datadir; - home_mc => mc_user_homedir */ char *lc_basename, *ret; @@ -407,9 +405,9 @@ load_setup_get_full_config_name (const char *subdir, const char *config_file_nam return NULL; if (subdir != NULL) - ret = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, subdir, lc_basename, NULL); + ret = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), subdir, lc_basename, NULL); else - ret = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, lc_basename, NULL); + ret = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), lc_basename, NULL); if (exist_file (ret)) { @@ -419,9 +417,9 @@ load_setup_get_full_config_name (const char *subdir, const char *config_file_nam g_free (ret); if (subdir != NULL) - ret = g_build_filename (mc_home, subdir, lc_basename, NULL); + ret = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, subdir, lc_basename, NULL); else - ret = g_build_filename (mc_home, lc_basename, NULL); + ret = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, lc_basename, NULL); if (exist_file (ret)) { @@ -431,9 +429,9 @@ load_setup_get_full_config_name (const char *subdir, const char *config_file_nam g_free (ret); if (subdir != NULL) - ret = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, subdir, lc_basename, NULL); + ret = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, subdir, lc_basename, NULL); else - ret = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, lc_basename, NULL); + ret = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, lc_basename, NULL); g_free (lc_basename); @@ -678,18 +676,18 @@ load_setup_get_keymap_profile_config (void) mc_config_t *keymap_config = NULL; char *fname, *fname2; - /* 1) /usr/share/mc (mc_home_alt) */ - fname = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, NULL); + /* 1) /usr/share/mc (mc_share_data_dir) */ + fname = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, NULL); load_setup_init_config_from_file (&keymap_config, fname); g_free (fname); - /* 2) /etc/mc (mc_home) */ - fname = g_build_filename (mc_home, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, NULL); + /* 2) /etc/mc (mc_sysconfig_dir) */ + fname = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, NULL); load_setup_init_config_from_file (&keymap_config, fname); g_free (fname); - /* 3) ~/.mc (home_dir?) */ - fname = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, NULL); + /* 3) ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc */ + fname = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, NULL); load_setup_init_config_from_file (&keymap_config, fname); g_free (fname); @@ -811,10 +809,10 @@ setup_init (void) if (profile_name != NULL) return profile_name; - profile = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); + profile = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); if (!exist_file (profile)) { - inifile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, "mc.ini"); + inifile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_sysconfig_dir, "mc.ini"); if (exist_file (inifile)) { g_free (profile); @@ -823,7 +821,7 @@ setup_init (void) else { g_free (inifile); - inifile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home_alt, "mc.ini"); + inifile = concat_dir_and_file (mc_share_data_dir, "mc.ini"); if (exist_file (inifile)) { g_free (profile); @@ -856,15 +854,15 @@ load_setup (void) profile = setup_init (); /* mc.lib is common for all users, but has priority lower than - ~/.mc/ini. FIXME: it's only used for keys and treestore now */ - global_profile_name = g_build_filename (mc_home, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL); + ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc/ini. FIXME: it's only used for keys and treestore now */ + global_profile_name = g_build_filename (mc_sysconfig_dir, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL); if (!exist_file (global_profile_name)) { g_free (global_profile_name); - global_profile_name = g_build_filename (mc_home_alt, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL); + global_profile_name = g_build_filename (mc_share_data_dir, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL); } - panels_profile_name = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_PANELS_FILE, NULL); + panels_profile_name = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), MC_PANELS_FILE, NULL); mc_main_config = mc_config_init (profile); @@ -1015,7 +1013,7 @@ save_setup (gboolean save_options, gboolean save_panel_options) mc_config_set_string (mc_main_config, "Misc", "clipboard_store", clipboard_store_path); mc_config_set_string (mc_main_config, "Misc", "clipboard_paste", clipboard_paste_path); - tmp_profile = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); + tmp_profile = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); ret = mc_config_save_to_file (mc_main_config, tmp_profile, NULL); g_free (tmp_profile); @@ -1069,7 +1067,7 @@ save_config (void) GError *error = NULL; size_t i; - profile = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); + profile = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); /* Save integer options */ for (i = 0; int_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++) @@ -1108,7 +1106,7 @@ save_layout (void) char *profile; size_t i; - profile = g_build_filename (home_dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); + profile = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), MC_CONFIG_FILE, NULL); /* Save integer options */ for (i = 0; layout[i].opt_name != NULL; i++) mc_config_set_int (mc_main_config, "Layout", layout[i].opt_name, *layout[i].opt_addr); @@ -1122,7 +1120,7 @@ void load_key_defs (void) { /* - * Load keys from mc.lib before ~/.mc/ini, so that the user + * Load keys from mc.lib before ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc/ini, so that the user * definitions override global settings. */ mc_config_t *mc_global_config; @@ -1163,7 +1161,7 @@ void load_keymap_defs (void) { /* - * Load keymap from GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE before ~/.mc/keymap, so that the user + * Load keymap from GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE before ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/mc/keymap, so that the user * definitions override global settings. */ mc_config_t *mc_global_keymap; diff --git a/src/subshell.c b/src/subshell.c index 7efe891b4..c04c6163e 100644 --- a/src/subshell.c +++ b/src/subshell.c @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ #include "lib/tty/key.h" /* XCTRL */ #include "lib/vfs/mc-vfs/vfs.h" #include "lib/strutil.h" -#include "lib/fileloc.h" +#include "lib/mcconfig.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/widget.h" @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ write_all (int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) static void init_subshell_child (const char *pty_name) { - const char *init_file = NULL; + char *init_file = NULL; pid_t mc_sid; (void) pty_name; @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ init_subshell_child (const char *pty_name) /* and the user's startup file may do a `cd' command anyway */ { int ret; - ret = chdir (home_dir); /* FIXME? What about when we re-run the subshell? */ + ret = chdir (mc_config_get_home_dir ()); /* FIXME? What about when we re-run the subshell? */ } /* Set MC_SID to prevent running one mc from another */ @@ -285,16 +285,28 @@ init_subshell_child (const char *pty_name) switch (subshell_type) { case BASH: - init_file = MC_USERCONF_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "bashrc"; + init_file = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), "bashrc", NULL); + if (access (init_file, R_OK) == -1) - init_file = ".bashrc"; + { + g_free (init_file); + init_file = g_strdup (".bashrc"); + } /* Make MC's special commands not show up in bash's history */ putenv ((char *) "HISTCONTROL=ignorespace"); /* Allow alternative readline settings for MC */ - if (access (MC_USERCONF_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "inputrc", R_OK) == 0) - putenv ((char *) "INPUTRC=" MC_USERCONF_DIR PATH_SEP_STR "/inputrc"); + { + char *input_file = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), "inputrc", NULL); + if (access (input_file, R_OK) == 0) + { + char *putenv_str = g_strconcat ("INPUTRC=", input_file, NULL); + putenv (putenv_str); + g_free (putenv_str); + } + g_free (input_file); + } break; @@ -353,6 +365,7 @@ init_subshell_child (const char *pty_name) } /* If we get this far, everything failed miserably */ + g_free (init_file); _exit (FORK_FAILURE); }