Update doc/NEWS file.
Signed-off-by: Slava Zanko <slavazanko@gmail.com>
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -1,3 +1,197 @@
Version 4.7.0-pre4
Major changes since 4.7.0-pre3
* Added feature of sort files by mouse click on column header
* Added keybindings to change files sort type via shortcuts
(PanelSelectSortOrder, PanelToggleSortOrderPrev, PanelToggleSortOrderNext,
PanelReverseSort, PanelSortOrderByName, PanelSortOrderByExt,
PanelSortOrderBySize, PanelSortOrderByMTime)
* Now the letter of sort type and sort direction is always drawn in panel
header (direction of sort is drown near the current sort column in long
file list mode only)
* Skin-files: added new parameters 'sort-sign-up' and 'sort-sign-down' in
the section '[widget-common]' to draw sign of sort direction
* Added option 'extensions_case' in filehighlight.ini file.
* Menu engine was reimplemented: 1) now menu is build dynamically, 2)
shortcut displayed in menu item is not a part of menu item text and it is
synchronized with keybinding defined in mc.keymap file (#1563).
* Fixed view *.tar files with a colon in name
* Allow 'exit' command on non-local filesystems
* Added partial support of Microsoft CAB-archives
* Added support of ico files
* Added support of *.djvu files
* Fix segfaults in various cases while browsing various VFSs
* Fixed warnings when file copy inside archive.
* Added scrolled percentage in status bar (only in "simple statusbar" mode)
* Fixed Misbehaving rectangular select in editor (wrong when selected from
right to left and/or bottom to top)
* Split editor menu 'Command' to 'Command' and 'Format'
* Added option 'Check POSIX new line' into 'Save mode...' dialog, add notification
before save when no newline at EOF (#46)
* Added bindings ('EditShiftBlockLeft', 'EditShiftBlockRight') for shift block
* Fixed incorrect drawing CJK (double width) character
* Fixed tabs alignment (#1664)
* Fixed view of next/prev file (#1750)
* Shared clipboard for the mc editor, form fields, panel and command prompt
* Refactoring: now all filename constants are placed in src/fileloc.h file
* Testing & development: added ability for change user config dir. For example,
type make CFLAGS='-DMC_USERCONF_DIR=\".mc2\"'
* Changed Alt+Backspace behavior in command line
* Fixed broken building under uclibc <0.9.29
* Autoindent regression
* Viewer Hex editor regression
* Incorrect indentation block when selecting with F3 + keys
* Fixed ownership of config files
* Configure.ac: fix broken check of option '--disable-vfs-undelfs'
* Learn keys: fixed incorrect save of keys configuration
* Fixed bug with 'The shell is already running a command'
* Fixed 'B' artefact into OpenSuse console of root user
Version 4.7.0-pre3
Major changes since 4.7.0-pre2
* removed own popt stuff (command line options parser). Now used glib parser
* added feature for filenames highlighting in panels
* Copy/Move overwrite query dialog is more friendly for long file names
* at first run find file dialog now contain latest item from history
* charset support enabled by default (--enable-charset option)
* added support of skins
* added support of key bindings
* fixed recognize of tar.xz archives
* added recognize of lzma archives by extention
* 'Save as' dialog enhancement: select line break type: Windows/UNIX/Mac
* syntax hightlighting updated: VerilogHDL, Shell script
* Added syntax highlighting for *.repo files of yum
* Added syntax highlighting of pacman's PKGBUILD and .install files
* Fixed showing Windows/Mac (CR LF/CR) line terminator
* hotlist: support for environment variables ($HOME, ~username, etc.)
* hotlist: support for completion in path input
* all list widgets: support for fast navigation by number keys (i.e. 1 -
first list item, 2 - second)
* restored action of 'ctrl-t' keybinding (mark files&dirs). For selecting
charset use 'alt-e'
* segfault on incorrect color pair in [Color] section
* incorrect position of panel codeset dialog
* limit of 9 digits for of file size display
* lines drawing in -a stickchars mode
* segfault when you try to use non-anonymous FTP
* Ctrl-O handling under GNU Screen in altscreen mode
* support of CP866 (IBM866) locale
* configure.ac: checking for minimal version of glib and exit if version less
than 2.6
* segfault by mouse wheel action in history list and menu
* Fixed behvior with Meta+PgDn? in editor
* Fixed behvior with cursor movement by Ctrl+arrows when cursor besides EOL
* Fixed editor autocompleting
* Fixed Copy/Move dialogs steal Kill Word shortcut
* Fixed autoconf issue when configure with --with-gpm-mouse option
Version 4.7.0-pre2
Major changes since 4.7.0-pre1
* cycle menu navigation
* change behaviour of C-space, now it calculate size on "..", and for selected
dirs if there is one.
* new find file option: find only first hit in file (make search faster)
* new find file option: Whole words - find whole words only
* scalable TUI
* FTPFS: support of IPv6 protocol
* extfs/iso9660 updated to support Joliet "UCS level 1"
* new search/replace flag added "In selection"
* new hotkeys for bookmarks, now bookmark displayed in state line and editor
* new cursor behavior. Option "Cursor beyond end of line" - allow moving cursor
beyond the end of line
* new syntax hightlights added: erlang, ebuild, named, strace, j
* syntax hightlights updated: mail, vhdl, html
* Reworked for improve perfomance
* Implemented interruptable long-distance movements
* splitted src/view.[ch] into many files in src/viewer/ subdir for more simple
support of code
* fixed build of format string in runtime (for better i18n)
* add 'Whole words' option into the viewer 'Search' dialog
* new option mouse_close_dialog, if mouse_close_dialog=1 click on outside the
dialog close them
* new: SI-based size show
* make shared history for find file, editor search/replace, viever
* linking error with --enable-vfs-undelfs
* external editor won't open if there are spaces in EDITOR variable
* C-c kill mc if mc built with --without-subshell option is run with -d option
* directory hotlist rendering
* segfault on empty replace string
* fixes for vfs/tarfs
* removing bashizm from vfs/extfs/u7z
* crash mc on create new file (Shift-F4) in external editor
* File copy/move dialog: in replacement field now handled asterisks as search groups
* VFS: Fixed SIGSERV(or heap corruption) on large filenames
* Fixed broken backward search
* Fixed uninitialised value for mouse event in in find.c#check_find_events() function
* Fixed ctrl+z signal handling
* Fixed incorrect showing prompt
* Fixed incorrect vertical selection (if line state swiched on)
* Fixed screen resize handle if mouse support is disabled
* Restore correct current directory after switch from Info panel to List one
* Fixed mouse support in 'konsole-256color' terminal
* Fixed keycodes in 'xterm-256color' terminal
* Fixed incorrect regexp search by content in 'file find' dialog
* Fixed incorrect backwards search
* Fixed incorrect detection of compressed patchfs
* Fixed incorrect detecting codeset when <no translation> codeset selected
Version 4.7.0-pre1
Core changes:
Ссылка в новой задаче
Block a user