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# This file describes which highlighting scheme is applied to a particular
# file in mcedit.
# Each entry consists of two lines: a "file" specification and the
# corresponding highlighting definition ("include"). A file specification
# can have two or three fields, each separated by white-space characters.
# The first field is a regular expression that is matched against the file
# name. The second field is a description of the file type and is
# currently unused. The third (optional) field is a regular expression
# that is matched against the first line of the file. The first entry
# that matches wins, that is, all the entries below are ignored.
# Certain characters must be quoted in these fields. These are space (\s),
# tabs (\t), backslashes(\\), plus (\+) and asterisk (\*). Braces {} and
# brackets [] must not be quoted in this file. However, they have a special
# meaning when used in the actual syntax definitions.
# You can use the following colors in the syntax highlighting files:
# black, blue, brightblue, brightcyan, brightgreen, brightmagenta,
# brightred, brown, cyan, gray, green, lightgray, magenta, red, white,
# yellow
file [Ss]yntax$ Syntax\sHighlighting\sdefinitions ^#\ssyntax\srules\sversion\s
include syntax.syntax
file filehighlight.ini$ File\sHighlighting\sdefinitions ^#\sfile\shighlight\srules\sversion\s
include filehighlight.syntax
file ..\*\\.e$ Eiffel\sSource\sFile
include eiffel.syntax
file ..\*\\.(diff|rej|patch)$ Diff\sOutput ^(diff|Index:)\s
include diff.syntax
file ..\*\\.lsm$ LSM\sFile
include lsm.syntax
file .\*(bash_completion|profile|\\.(sh|bash_login|bash_profile|bash_logout|bash_aliases|bash_exports|bash_history|bashrc|profile|zlogin|zlogout|zprofile|zshenv|zshrc))$ Shell\sScript ^#!\s\*/(.\*/|usr/bin/env\s)([a-z]?|ba|pdk)sh
include sh.syntax
file ..\*\\.(pl|PL|pm|PM|psgi|PSGI|t)$ Perl\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]perl|@PERL@)
include perl.syntax
file ..\*\\.(py|PY)$ Python\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]python|@PYTHON@)
include python.syntax
file ..\*\\.(pyx|pxd|pxi)$ Cython\sor\sPyrex\sProgram
include cython.syntax
file ..\*\\.(rb|RB)$ Ruby\sProgram ^#!.\*([\s/]ruby|@RUBY@)
include ruby.syntax
file ..\*\\.(man|[0-9n]|[0-9](x|ncurses|ssl|p|pm|menu|form|vga|t|td))$ NROFF\sSource
include nroff.syntax
file ..\*\\.(htm|html|HTM|HTML)$ HTML\sFile
include html.syntax
file ..\*\\.(xml|XML|xsd|XSD|xslt?|XSLT?|dtd|DTD|qpg|qpg.in)$ XML\sdocument (\\?xml\sversion|!DOCTYPE\s)
include xml.syntax
file ..\*\\.(tt|TT)$ Template::Toolkit\sFile
include tt.syntax
file (.\*[Mm]akefile[\\\.A-Za-z0-9]\*|..\*\\.mk|..\*\\.mak|Kbuild)$ Makefile
include makefile.syntax
file (CMakeLists.txt|.\*.cmake)$ CMake
include cmake.syntax
Ticket 3266: Add puppet manifest syntax support - use .pp extension (was used for Pascal highlighting) Support for puppet manifest highlighting was kindly provided by Sergey Zhuga, original is here: https://github.com/scrill/puppet-syntax-mcedit Mr. Zhuga agreed with inclusion in mainstream MC: https://github.com/scrill/puppet-syntax-mcedit/issues/2 Reasons to favor puppet syntax over pascal for .pp files: --------------------------------------------------------- I will not argue whether in 2014 pascal is still being used or not, and to what extent. I would like to point out that whoever is using any variation of pascal for any serious development, is probably not using 'mcedit' as an IDE. Instead, this development activity is probably situated in nice, fully-featured graphical IDE. Platform wise, judging by the weekly download statistics of FreePascal at SourceForge, at this moment more than 80% of all downloads are for Windows environents. On the other hand Midnight Commander is Linux based. Considering this in combination with speculation from the previous paragraph, there seems to be only a small chance that 'mcedit' is being used as an editor of choice for pascal development. On the contrary, puppet currently certainly does have wider audience amongst sysadmins, who regularly use Linux. Puppet master requires a server (usually) and quite a few sysadmins edit files directly on servers that act as puppet masters for puppet development environments. When accessing these servers remotely, mcedit comes very handy for quick edits here and there. Also keep in mind that puppet files are normally not very large. Therefore actual IDE would be an overkill and 'mcedit' does the job quite ok, but syntax highlighting would be much appreciated. To sum it up: If we speculate about the *actual* usage of 'mcedit', I do believe that a wider audience would benefit by having .pp files highlighted by default with puppet syntax definition instead of pascal syntax definition.
2014-09-04 02:44:19 +00:00
file ..\*\\.(pas|PAS|dpr|DPR|inc|INC)$ Pascal\sProgram
include pascal.syntax
file ..\*\\.(ada|adb|ads|ADA|ADB|ADS)$ Ada\sProgram
include ada95.syntax
file ..\*\\.(tcl|itcl|TCL|ITCL)$ Tcl\sProgram
include tcl.syntax
file ..\*\\.(sl|SL)$ S-Lang\sProgram
include slang.syntax
file ..\*\\.tex$ LaTeX\s2.09\sDocument
include latex.syntax
file ..\*\\.(texi|texinfo|TEXI|TEXINFO)$ Texinfo\sDocument
include texinfo.syntax
file ..\*\\.c$ C\sProgram
include c.syntax
file ..\*\\.([hC]|CC|cxx|cc|cpp|CPP|CXX|hxx|hh|hpp|HPP|h\\.in)$ C/C\+\+\sProgram
include cxx.syntax
file ..\*\\.d$ D\sProgram
include d.syntax
file ..\*\\.[fF]$ Fortran\sProgram
include fortran.syntax
file ..\*\\.go$ GoLang\sProgram
include go.syntax
file ..\*\\.[fF]9[05]$ Freeform\sFortran\sProgram
include f90.syntax
file ..\*\\.i$ SWIG\sSource
include swig.syntax
file ..\*\\.(php|PHP)[0-9]?$ PHP\sProgram
include php.syntax
file ..\*\\.ij[xs]$ J\sFile
include j.syntax
file ..\*\\.(java|JAVA|Java|jav|groovy|GROOVY|Groovy)$ Java\sProgram
include java.syntax
file ..\*\\.(properties|config)$ Java\sFile
include properties.syntax
file ..\*\\.(cs|CS)$ C\#\sProgram
include cs.syntax
file ..\*\\.(js|JS)$ JavaScript\sProgram ^#!.\*[\s/](node|nodejs)\\b
include js.syntax
file ..\*\\.(as|AS)$ ActionScript\sProgram
include as.syntax
file ..\*\\.(asax|aspx|ascx|asmx|ashx)$ ASPX\sFile
include aspx.syntax
file ..\*\\.st$ SmallTalk\sProgram
include smalltalk.syntax
file ..\*\\.(lisp|lsp|el)$ Lisp\sProgram
include lisp.syntax
file ..\*\\.(ml|mli|mly|mll|mlp)$ ML\sProgram
include ml.syntax
file ..\*\\.m$ Matlab\sor\sOctave\sFile
include octave.syntax
file ..\*\\.(sql|SQL)$ SQL\sProgram
include sql.syntax
file ..\*\\.(spec|spec\\.in)$ RPM\sSpecfile
include spec.syntax
file ..\*\\.repo$ YUM\sRepo\sFile
include yum-repo.syntax
file ..\*\\.awk$ AWK\sFile
include awk.syntax
file ..\*\\.(css|qss|CSS|QSS)$ CSS\sFile
include css.syntax
file .\*ChangeLog[\\\.A-Za-z0-9_]\*$ GNU\sChangeLog\sFile
include changelog.syntax
file (..\*\\.m4$|configure\\.in|configure\\.ac) M4\sMacroprocessor\sSource
include m4.syntax
file ..\*\\.(bat|cmd)$ DOS\sBatch
include dos.syntax
file ..\*\\.(po|pot|pox)$ PO\sFile
include po.syntax
file ..\*\\.([Aa][Ss][Mm]|s|S)$ ASM\sProgram
include assembler.syntax
file ..\*\\.([Pp][Oo][Vv])$ POV\sScript
include povray.syntax
file .\*\\.(ebuild|eclass)$ Gentoo\sEbuild
include ebuild.syntax
file ..\*\\.([lL][uU][aA])$ Lua\sProgram ^#!.\*[\s/]lua
include lua.syntax
file ..\*\\.([iI][dD][lL])$ CORBA\sIDL
include idl.syntax
file ..\*\\.([iI][nN][iI])$ INI\sFile
include ini.syntax
file Don_t_match_me Mail\sfolder ^(From|Return-(P|p)ath:|From:|Date:)\s
include mail.syntax
file \\.procmailrc$ Procmail\sRC\sFile ^#/usr/bin/procmail
2009-01-06 20:32:44 +01:00
include procmail.syntax
file sources.list$ sources\slist
include debian-sources-list.syntax
file control$ Debian\scontrol\sfile
include debian-control.syntax
file (rules|rocks)$ Debian\srules
include makefile.syntax
file .\*changelog$ Debian\schangelog\sfile
include debian-changelog.syntax
file changelog.Debian$ Debian\schangelog\sfile
include debian-changelog.syntax
file ..\*\\.dsc$ Debian\sdescriptiom\sfile
include debian-description.syntax
file ..\*\\.([hH][sS][cC]?)$ Haskell\sprogram
include haskell.syntax
file ..\*\\.([cC][aA][bB][aA][lL])$ Cabal\sconfig\sfile
include cabal.syntax
file ..\*\\.[nN]$ Nemerle\sProgram
include nemerle.syntax
file ..\*\\.[vV]$ Verilog\sDevice\sDescription
include verilog.syntax
file ..\*\\.(hdl|vhd|vdhl|HDL|VHD|VHDL)$ VHDL\sDevice\sDescription
2009-01-30 18:28:26 +01:00
include vhdl.syntax
file ..\*\\.erl$ Erlang\sProgram ^(-module\\(|#!.*escript)
include erlang.syntax
file ..\*\\.hrl$ Erlang\sHeader ^-record\\(
include erlang.syntax
file .\*named.conf$ Bind9\sconfiguration
include named.syntax
file ..\*\\.strace$ Strace\sdebug\soutput
include strace.syntax
file PKGBUILD$ Arch\spackage\sbuild\sscript
include PKGBUILD.syntax
file \\.install$ Arch\spackage\sinstall\sscript
include sh.syntax
file ..\*\\.(l|y|yxx|ypp)$ Lex/Flex/Yacc/Bison\ssource
include yxx.syntax
file ..\*\\.dlink\\.sw$ D-Link\sSwitch\sCommands
include dlink.syntax
file ..\*\\.([jJ][aA][lL][tT]?)$ Jal\ssource
include jal.syntax
file ..\*\\.([lL][kK][rR])$ PIC\slinker\sscript\sfile
include lkr.syntax
file ..\*\\.pp$ Puppet\smanifest\sfile
Ticket 3266: Add puppet manifest syntax support - use .pp extension (was used for Pascal highlighting) Support for puppet manifest highlighting was kindly provided by Sergey Zhuga, original is here: https://github.com/scrill/puppet-syntax-mcedit Mr. Zhuga agreed with inclusion in mainstream MC: https://github.com/scrill/puppet-syntax-mcedit/issues/2 Reasons to favor puppet syntax over pascal for .pp files: --------------------------------------------------------- I will not argue whether in 2014 pascal is still being used or not, and to what extent. I would like to point out that whoever is using any variation of pascal for any serious development, is probably not using 'mcedit' as an IDE. Instead, this development activity is probably situated in nice, fully-featured graphical IDE. Platform wise, judging by the weekly download statistics of FreePascal at SourceForge, at this moment more than 80% of all downloads are for Windows environents. On the other hand Midnight Commander is Linux based. Considering this in combination with speculation from the previous paragraph, there seems to be only a small chance that 'mcedit' is being used as an editor of choice for pascal development. On the contrary, puppet currently certainly does have wider audience amongst sysadmins, who regularly use Linux. Puppet master requires a server (usually) and quite a few sysadmins edit files directly on servers that act as puppet masters for puppet development environments. When accessing these servers remotely, mcedit comes very handy for quick edits here and there. Also keep in mind that puppet files are normally not very large. Therefore actual IDE would be an overkill and 'mcedit' does the job quite ok, but syntax highlighting would be much appreciated. To sum it up: If we speculate about the *actual* usage of 'mcedit', I do believe that a wider audience would benefit by having .pp files highlighted by default with puppet syntax definition instead of pascal syntax definition.
2014-09-04 02:44:19 +00:00
include puppet.syntax
file ..\*\\.(glsl|vert|frag|geom)$ GLSL\sProgram
include glsl.syntax
file ..\*\\.(cu|cuh)$ CUDA\sProgram
include cuda.syntax
file ..\*\\.cl$ OpenCL\sProgram
include opencl.syntax
file ..\*\\.(ya?ml|YML)$ YAML\sFile
include yaml.syntax
file .\*\\.osl$ OSL\sProgram
include osl.syntax
file .\*\\.([rR]|Rd|Rscript)$ R\sProgram
include r.syntax
file .\* unknown
include unknown.syntax