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/* @(#)draw_impl.h 20.33 93/06/28 SMI */
/* draw_impl.h */
* (c) Copyright 1989 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun design patents
* pending in the U.S. and foreign countries. See LEGAL NOTICE
* file for terms of the license.
#ifndef _xview_private_drawable_impl_h_already_defined
#define _xview_private_drawable_impl_h_already_defined
#include <xview_private/portable.h>
#include <xview/pkg.h>
#include <xview/drawable.h>
#include <xview/cms.h>
#include <xview_private/scrn_vis.h>
/* Although this is a private implementation header file, it is included
* by most of the Drawable sub-pkgs for performance reasons.
#define drawable_attr_next(attr) \
(Drawable_attribute *)attr_next((Xv_opaque *)attr)
#define DRAWABLE_PRIVATE(drawable) \
XV_PRIVATE(Xv_Drawable_info, Xv_drawable_struct, drawable)
/* Note: Xv_Drawable_info has no public_self field, so XV_PUBLIC cannot work
* and DRAWABLE_PUBLIC is undefined.
/* Structures */
typedef struct drawable_info {
XID xid;
unsigned long fg;
unsigned long bg;
Cms cms;
int cms_fg;
int cms_bg;
unsigned long plane_mask;
Screen_visual *visual;
/* Flags */
unsigned private_gc : 1; /* Should be gc itself? */
unsigned no_focus : 1; /* Don't set focus on click */
unsigned has_focus : 1; /* Currently has focus */
unsigned new_clipping : 1; /* new clipping has been set*/
unsigned dynamic_color : 1; /* created with dynamic cmap*/
unsigned is_bitmap : 1; /* use 1 and 0 as only colors */
} Xv_Drawable_info;
#define xv_xid(info) ((info)->xid)
#define xv_fg(info) ((info)->fg)
#define xv_bg(info) ((info)->bg)
#define xv_cms(info) ((info)->cms)
#define xv_cms_fg(info) ((info)->cms_fg)
#define xv_cms_bg(info) ((info)->cms_bg)
#define xv_plane_mask(info) ((info)->plane_mask)
#define xv_visual(info) ((info)->visual)
#define xv_display(info) ((info)->visual->display)
#define xv_server(info) ((info)->visual->server)
#define xv_screen(info) ((info)->visual->screen)
#define xv_root(info) ((info)->visual->root_window)
#define xv_depth(info) ((info)->visual->depth)
#define xv_image_bitmap(info) ((info)->visual->image_bitmap)
#define xv_image_pixmap(info) ((info)->visual->image_pixmap)
#define xv_dynamic_color(info) ((info)->dynamic_color)
#define xv_is_bitmap(info) ((info)->is_bitmap)
#define xv_gc(public, info) \
((info)->private_gc ? xv_private_gc((public)) : (info)->visual->gc)
#define xv_set_image(info, im) (info)->visual->image = im
#define xv_no_focus(info) ((info)->no_focus)
#define xv_set_no_focus(info, f) (info)->no_focus = (f)
#define xv_has_focus(info) ((info)->has_focus)
#define xv_set_has_focus(info, f) (info)->has_focus = (f)
extern const char *xv_draw_info_str;
#define DRAWABLE_INFO_MACRO(_win_public, _info)\
if (_win_public) {\
Xv_opaque _object;\
XV_OBJECT_TO_STANDARD(_win_public, xv_draw_info_str, _object);\
_info = (_object ? ((Xv_Drawable_info *)(((Xv_drawable_struct *)(_object))->private_data)) : 0);\
} else _info = 0;\
extern GC xv_private_gc();
extern Xv_Drawable_info *drawable_info();
/* drawable.c */
Pkg_private Xv_opaque drawable_get_attr();
Pkg_private int drawable_init();
Pkg_private int drawable_destroy();