2002-12-11 20:57:00 +00:00
#! @PERL@
2000-01-02 23:48:55 +00:00
# 1999 (c) Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org>
# This software is under GNU license
# last modification: 1999-12-08
# apt
sub bt
my ($dt) = @_;
my (@time);
@time = localtime($dt);
2002-12-12 16:15:30 +00:00
$bt = sprintf "%02d-%02d-%d %02d:%02d", $time[4] + 1, $time[3],
$time[5] + 1900, $time[2], $time[1];
2000-01-02 23:48:55 +00:00
return $bt;
sub ft
my ($f) = @_;
return "d" if -d $f;
return "l" if -l $f;
return "p" if -p $f;
return "S" if -S $f;
return "b" if -b $f;
return "c" if -c $f;
return "-";
sub fm
my ($n) = @_;
my ($m);
if( $n & 0400 ) {
$m .= "r";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0200 ) {
$m .= "w";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 04000 ) {
$m .= "s";
} elsif( $n & 0100 ) {
$m .= "x";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0040 ) {
$m .= "r";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0020 ) {
$m .= "w";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 02000 ) {
$m .= "s";
} elsif( $n & 0010 ) {
$m .= "x";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0004 ) {
$m .= "r";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 0002 ) {
$m .= "w";
} else {
$m .= "-";
if( $n & 01000 ) {
$m .= "t";
} elsif( $n & 0001 ) {
$m .= "x";
} else {
$m .= "-";
return $m;
sub ls {
my ($file,$path,$mode) = @_;
2002-12-24 06:33:46 +00:00
if (-f $file) {
my @stat = stat(_);
# mode, nlink, uid, gid, size, mtime, filename
printf "%s %d %d %d %d %s %s\n", $mode || ft($file).fm($stat[2] & 07777),
$stat[3], $stat[4], $stat[5], $stat[7], bt($stat[9]), $path;
2000-01-02 23:48:55 +00:00
sub list
my ($pkg, $fn, $dn, $sz, $bt);
chop($check = `apt-get -q check 2>/dev/null`);
chop($available = `apt-cache dumpavail 2>/dev/null`);
chop($stats = `apt-cache stats 2>/dev/null`);
chop($config = `apt-config dump 2>&1`);
$sz = length($check);
print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE CHECK\n";
$sz = length($available);
print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE AVAILABLE\n";
$sz = length($stats);
print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE STATS\n";
$sz = length($config);
print "-r--r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE CONFIG\n";
$sz = length($pressupdate);
print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE UPDATE\n";
$sz = length($pressupgrade);
print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE UPGRADE\n";
print "-r-xr--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE DIST-UPGRADE\n";
2002-12-24 06:33:46 +00:00
ls('/etc/apt/apt.conf','apt.conf') if (-f '/etc/apt/apt.conf');
2000-01-02 23:48:55 +00:00
print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE all\n";
if ( open(PIPEIN, "find /var/cache/apt/archives -type f |") ) {
while(<PIPEIN>) {
next if /\/lock$/;
my $file = $_;
ls($file, $_);
close PIPEIN;
my %sects = ();
my %debd = ();
my %deba = ();
open STAT, "/var/lib/dpkg/status"
or exit 1;
while( <STAT> ) {
if( /^([\w-]*): (.*)/ ) {
$pkg = $2 if( lc($1) eq 'package' );
$debd{$pkg}{lc($1)} = $2;
close STAT;
foreach $pkg (sort keys %debd) {
next if $debd{$pkg}{status} =~ /not-installed/;
$fn = $debd{$pkg}{package}. "_". $debd{$pkg}{version};
$dn = $debd{$pkg}{section};
if( ! $dn ) {
$dn = "unknown";
} elsif( $dn =~ /^(non-us)$/i ) {
$dn .= "/main";
} elsif( $dn !~ /\// ) {
$dn = "main/". $dn;
unless( $sects{$dn} ) {
my $sub = $dn;
while( $sub =~ s!^(.*)/[^/]*$!$1! ) {
unless( $sects{$sub} ) {
print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE $sub/\n";
$sects{$sub} = 1;
print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE $dn/\n";
$sects{$dn} = 1;
$sz = $debd{$pkg}{'status'} =~ /config-files/ ? 0 : $debd{$pkg}{'installed-size'} * 1024;
@stat = stat("/var/lib/dpkg/info/".$debd{$pkg}{package}.".list");
$bt = bt($stat[9]);
print "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root $sz $bt $dn/$fn.debd\n";
print "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root $sz $bt all/$fn.debd -> ../$dn/$fn.debd\n";
open STAT, "apt-cache dumpavail |"
or exit 1;
while( <STAT> ) {
if( /^([\w-]*): (.*)/ ) {
$pkg = $2 if( lc($1) eq 'package' );
$deba{$pkg}{lc($1)} = $2;
close STAT;
foreach $pkg (sort keys %deba) {
next if $deba{$pkg}{version} eq $debd{$pkg}{version};
$fn = $deba{$pkg}{package}. "_". $deba{$pkg}{version};
$dn = $deba{$pkg}{section};
if( ! $dn ) {
$dn = "unknown";
} elsif( $dn =~ /^(non-us)$/i ) {
$dn .= "/main";
} elsif( $dn !~ /\// ) {
$dn = "main/". $dn;
unless( $sects{$dn} ) {
my $sub = $dn;
while( $sub =~ s!^(.*)/[^/]*$!$1! ) {
unless( $sects{$sub} ) {
print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE $sub/\n";
$sects{$sub} = 1;
print "drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 $DATE $dn/\n";
$sects{$dn} = 1;
$sz = $deba{$pkg}{'status'} =~ /config-files/ ? 0 : $deba{$pkg}{'installed-size'} * 1024;
print "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root $sz $DATE $dn/$fn.deba\n";
print "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root $sz $DATE all/$fn.deba -> ../$dn/$fn.deba\n";
sub copyout
my($archive,$filename) = @_;
if( $archive eq 'CHECK' ) {
system("apt-get -q check > $filename");
} elsif( $archive eq 'AVAILABLE' ) {
system("apt-cache dumpavail > $filename");
} elsif( $archive eq 'STATS' ) {
system("apt-cache stats > $filename");
} elsif( $archive eq 'CONFIG' ) {
system("(apt-config dump 2>&1) > $filename");
} elsif( $archive eq 'UPDATE' ) {
open O, ">$filename";
print O $pressupdate;
close O;
} elsif( $archive eq 'UPGRADE' || $archive eq 'DIST-UPGRADE' ) {
open O, ">$filename";
print O $pressupgrade;
close O;
} elsif( $archive eq 'apt.conf' ) {
system("cp /etc/apt/apt.conf $filename");
} elsif( $archive eq 'sources.list' ) {
system("cp /etc/apt/sources.list $filename");
} elsif( $archive =~ /^CACHE\// ) {
$archive =~ s%^CACHE/%/var/cache/apt/archives/%;
system("cp $archive $filename");
} else {
open O, ">$filename";
print O $archive, "\n";
close O;
sub copyin
my($archive,$filename) = @_;
if( $archive =~ /\.deb$/ ) {
system("dpkg -i $filename>/dev/null");
} elsif( $archive eq 'apt.conf' ) {
system("cp $filename /etc/apt/apt.conf");
} elsif( $archive eq 'sources.list' ) {
system("cp $filename /etc/apt/sources.list");
} elsif( $archive =~ /^CACHE\// ) {
$archive =~ s%^CACHE/%/var/cache/apt/archives/%;
system("cp $filename $archive");
} else {
die "extfs: cannot create regular file \`$archive\': Permission denied\n";
sub run
my($archive,$filename) = @_;
if( $archive eq 'UPDATE' ) {
system("apt-get update");
} elsif( $archive eq 'UPGRADE' ) {
system("apt-get upgrade -u");
} elsif( $archive eq 'DIST-UPGRADE' ) {
system("apt-get dist-upgrade -u");
} else {
die "extfs: $archive: command not found\n";
sub rm
my($archive) = @_;
if( $archive =~ /^CACHE\// ) {
$archive =~ s%^CACHE/%/var/cache/apt/archives/%;
system("rm -f $archive");
} elsif( $archive eq 'apt.conf' ) {
system("rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf");
} elsif( $archive eq 'sources.list' ) {
system("rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list");
2002-12-12 07:42:29 +00:00
} elsif( $archive =~ /\.debd?$/ ) {
# uncommented and changed to use dpkg - alpha
my $name = $archive;
$name =~ s%.*/%%g;
$name =~ s%_.*%%g;
system("dpkg --remove $name >/dev/null");
die("extfs: $archive: Operation not permitted\n") if $? != 0;
2000-01-02 23:48:55 +00:00
} else {
die "extfs: $archive: Operation not permitted\n";
2002-12-12 07:42:29 +00:00
Don\'t use this method if you don't want to retrieve new lists of packages.
2000-01-02 23:48:55 +00:00
This is not a real file. It is a way to retrieve new lists of packages.
To update this information go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
2002-12-12 07:42:29 +00:00
Don\'t use this method if you are not willing to perform an upgrade.
2000-01-02 23:48:55 +00:00
This is not a real file. It is a way to perform an upgrade.
To upgrade this information go back to the panel and press Enter on this file.
# override any locale for dates
if ($ARGV[0] eq "list") { list(); exit(0); }
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "copyout") { copyout($ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]); exit(0); }
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "copyin") { copyin($ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]); exit(0); }
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "run") { run($ARGV[2]); exit(0); }
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "rm") { rm($ARGV[2]); exit(0); }