223 строки
9.1 KiB
223 строки
9.1 KiB
$ olddir = f$environment("default")
$ on error then goto End
$ gosub Init
$ call WriteProductDescriptionFile
$ call WriteProductTextFile
$! backup tree
$ backup [-...]*.*;0/excl=([]*.exe,*.obj,*.opt,*.hlp,*.hlb,*.bck,*.com,*.pcsi*) -
$ purge libssh2-'versionname''datename'_src.bck
$! backup examples
$ backup [-.example]*.c;0 libssh2_examples-'versionname''datename'.bck/save
$ dire libssh2_examples-'versionname''datename'.bck
$ purge libssh2_examples-'versionname''datename'.bck
$ set default [-]
$ defdir = f$environment( "default" )
$ thisdev = f$parse(defdir,,,"device","no_conceal")
$ thisdir = f$parse(defdir,,,"directory","no_conceal") - "][" - "][" - "][" - "]["
$ libssh2_kf = thisdev + thisdir
$ libssh2_kf = libssh2_kf - "]" + ".]"
$ set default 'mdir'
$ define/translation_attributes=concealed libssh2_kf 'libssh2_kf'
$ product package libssh2 -
/base='arch' -
/producer=jcb -
/source=[] - ! where to find PDF and PTF
/destination=[] - ! where to put .PCSI file
/material=libssh2_kf:[000000...] - ! where to find product material
/version="''vms_majorv'.''minorv'-''patchv'''datename'" -
$ set noon
$ if f$search("*.pcsi$desc;*") .nes. "" then delete *.pcsi$desc;*
$ if f$search("*.pcsi$text;*") .nes. "" then delete *.pcsi$text;*
$ if f$search("libssh2-''versionname'''datename'_src.bck;*") .nes. "" then delete libssh2-'versionname''datename'_src.bck;*
$ if f$search("libssh2_examples-''versionname'''datename'.bck;*") .nes. "" then delete libssh2_examples-'versionname''datename'.bck;*
$ if f$trnlnm("libssh2_kf") .nes. "" then deassign libssh2_kf
$ set default 'olddir'
$ set process/parse=extended
$ say = "write sys$output"
$ mdir = f$environment("procedure")
$ mdir = mdir - f$parse(mdir,,,"name") - f$parse(mdir,,,"type") - f$parse(mdir,,,"version")
$ set default 'mdir'
$ pipe search [-.include]*.h libssh2_version_major/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job majorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]*.h libssh2_version_minor/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job minorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]*.h libssh2_version_patch/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job patchv &l )
$ majorv = f$trnlnm("majorv")
$ minorv = f$integer(f$trnlnm("minorv"))
$ patchv = f$integer( f$trnlnm("patchv"))
$ deassign/job majorv
$ deassign/job minorv
$ deassign/job patchv
$ vms_majorv = f$trnlnm("vms_majorv")
$ if vms_majorv .eqs. "" then vms_majorv = majorv
$ arch = "UNKNOWN"
$ if f$getsyi("arch_type") .eq. 2 then arch = "AXPVMS"
$ if f$getsyi("arch_type") .eq. 3 then arch = "I64VMS"
$ if arch .eqs. "UNKNOWN"
$ then
$ say "Unsupported or unknown architecture, only works on Alpha and Itanium"
$ exit 2
$ endif
$! is this a proper release or a daily snapshot?
$! crummy, but should work.
$ daily = "TRUE"
$ firstdash = f$locate("-",mdir)
$ restdir = f$extract( firstdash + 1, 80, mdir)
$ seconddash = f$locate("-", restdir)
$ if seconddash .ge. f$length( restdir )
$ then
$ daily = "FALSE"
$ datename = "Final"
$ else
$ datename = "D" + f$extract(seconddash+1,8,restdir)
$ endif
$ if daily
$ then
$ productname = "JCB ''arch' LIBSSH2 V''vms_majorv'.''minorv'-''patchv'''datename'"
$ else
$ productname = "JCB ''arch' LIBSSH2 V''vms_majorv'.''minorv'-''patchv'''datename'"
$ endif
$ productfilename = "JCB-''arch'-LIBSSH2-" + f$fao("V!2ZL!2ZL-!2ZL!AS-1", f$integer(vms_majorv),minorv,patchv,datename)
$ versionname = "''vms_majorv'_''minorv'_''patchv'"
$WriteProductDescriptionFile: subroutine
$ open/write pd 'productfilename'.PCSI$DESC
$ write pd "product ''productname' full ;"
$ write pd " software DEC ''arch' VMS ;"
$ write pd " if (not <software DEC ''arch' VMS version minimum V8.3>) ;
$ write pd " error NEED_VMS83 ;"
$ write pd " end if ;"
$ write pd " software HP ''arch' SSL version minimum V1.3;"
$ write pd " if (not <software HP ''arch' SSL version minimum V1.3>) ;
$ write pd " error NEED_SSL ;"
$ write pd " end if ;"
$ write pd " execute preconfigure (""set process/parse_type=extended"");"
$ write pd " execute postinstall (""set process/parse_type=extended"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv]usr.dir usr.DIR"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr]include.dir include.DIR"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr.include]libssh2.dir libssh2.DIR"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2.h libssh2.h"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2_publickey.h libssh2_publickey.h"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2_sftp.h libssh2_sftp.h"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2_config.h libssh2_config.h"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr]lib.dir lib.DIR"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr.lib]gnv$libssh2_''versionname'.exe gnv$libssh2_''versionname'.exe"","
$ write pd " ""rename pcsi$destination:[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2]libssh2.hlb libssh2.hlb"");"
$ write pd " information RELEASE_NOTES phase after ;"
$ write pd " option EXAMPLE default 0 ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2.examples]"" ;"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2.examples]libssh2_examples-''versionname'''datename'.bck"";"
$ write pd " end option ;"
$ write pd " option SOURCE default 0 ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.common_src]"" ;"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.common_src]libssh2-''versionname'''datename'_src.bck"";"
$ write pd " end option ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv]"" ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr]"" ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr.lib]"" ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr.include]"" ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]"" ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr.share]"" ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr.share.doc]"" ;"
$ write pd " directory ""[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2]"" ;"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2.h"" source ""[include]libssh2.h"";"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2_publickey.h"" source ""[include]libssh2_publickey.h"";"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2_sftp.h"" source ""[include]libssh2_sftp.h"";"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.include.libssh2]libssh2_config.h"" source ""[vms]libssh2_config.h"";"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2]libssh2.hlb"" source ""[vms]libssh2.hlb"";"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2]libssh2-''versionname'.news"" source ""[000000]NEWS."";"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2]libssh2-''versionname'.release_notes"" source ""[vms]readme.vms"";"
$ write pd " file ""[gnv.usr.lib]gnv$libssh2_''versionname'.exe"" source ""[vms]libssh2_''versionname'.exe"";"
$ write pd "end product ;"
$ close pd
$WriteProductTextFile: subroutine
$ open/write pt 'productfilename'.PCSI$TEXT
$ write pt "=PRODUCT ''productname' Full"
$ write pt "1 'PRODUCER"
$ write pt "=prompt libssh2 is an open source product ported to VMS by Jose Baars"
$ write pt "This software product is provided with no warranty."
$ write pt "For license information see the LIBSSH2 help library."
$ write pt "1 'PRODUCT"
$ write pt "=prompt JCB LIBSSH2 for OpenVMS"
$ write pt ""
$ write pt "libssh2 is an open source client side library that aims to implement"
$ write pt "the SSH protocol. This is the OpenVMS port of that library."
$ write pt "Further information at https://www.libssh2.org."
$ write pt ""
$ write pt "1 NEED_VMS83"
$ write pt "=prompt OpenVMS 8.3 or later is not installed on your system."
$ write pt "This product requires OpenVMS 8.3 or later to function."
$ write pt ""
$ write pt "1 NEED_SSL"
$ write pt "=prompt HP SSL 1.3 or later is not installed on your system."
$ write pt "This product requires HP SSL 1.3 or later to function."
$ write pt ""
$ write pt "1 RELEASE_NOTES"
$ write pt "=prompt Release notes and the libssh2 help library are available in [gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2] directory."
$ write pt ""
$ write pt "1 EXAMPLE"
$ write pt "=prompt Do you want the libssh2 C programming examples ? "
$ write pt "The libssh2 coding examples will be available in backup saveset "
$ write pt "[gnv.usr.share.doc.libssh2.examples]libssh2_examples_''versionname'.bck"
$ write pt ""
$ write pt "1 SOURCE"
$ write pt "=prompt Do you want the complete libssh2 source tree ? "
$ write pt "The libssh2 source tree will be available in backup saveset "
$ write pt "[gnv.common_src]libssh2_''versionname'''datename'_src.bck"
$close pt
$ endsubroutine