Craig A. Berry a239e637c9 Build with standard stat structure on VMS.
This gets us large file support, is available on any VMS release
in the last decade and more, and gives stat other modern features
such as 64-bit ino_t.
2016-03-15 21:57:45 +00:00

346 строки
8.3 KiB

$ olddir = f$environment("default")
$ on control_y then goto YExit
$ gosub Init
$ if .not. init_status then goto YExit
$ call CompileAll
$ call BuildTransferVectors
$ call LinkShared
$ call Cleanup
$ set noon
$ deassign srcdir
$ if f$search("objdir:*.*;*") .nes. "" then delete objdir:*.*;*
$ deassign objdir
$ delete library_objects.dir;*
$ set default 'olddir'
$ init_status = 1
$ thisid = f$integer( %x'f$getjpi(0,"pid")')
$ mdir = f$environment("procedure")
$ mdir = mdir - f$parse(mdir,,,"name") - f$parse(mdir,,,"type") - f$parse(mdir,,,"version")
$ set default 'mdir'
$ objdir = "[.library_objects]"
$ srcdir = "[-.src]"
$ objdirfile = objdir - "[." - "]" + ".dir"
$ if f$search( objdirfile ) .eqs. ""
$ then
$ create/directory 'objdir'
$ endif
$ define objdir 'objdir'
$ define srcdir 'srcdir'
$ cc_include = "/include=([],[-.include],""/gnv$zlib_include"")"
$ cc_define = "/DEFINE=(_USE_STD_STAT=1)"
$ link_opts = "objdir:libssh2_''thisid'.opt"
$ pipe search [-.include]libssh2.h libssh2_version_major/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job majorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]libssh2.h libssh2_version_minor/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job minorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]libssh2.h libssh2_version_patch/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job patchv &l )
$ majorv = f$trnlnm("majorv")
$ minorv = f$integer(f$trnlnm("minorv"))
$ patchv = f$integer( f$trnlnm("patchv"))
$ if p1 .eqs. "OLBONLY"
$ then
$ endif
$ deassign/job majorv
$ deassign/job minorv
$ deassign/job patchv
$Cleanup: subroutine
$ set noon
$ purge *.opt
$ purge *.olb
$ purge *.exe
$exit 1
$LinkShared: subroutine
$ cversion = f$fao("!3ZL",minorv) + f$fao("!3ZL",patchv)
$! General linking options in link_libssh2_version...opt
$! Vectors in link_libssh2_vectors...opt
$ open/write uitv link_libssh2_version_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.opt
$ write uitv "GSMATCH=LEQUAL,''majorv',''cversion'"
$ write uitv "IDENTIFICATION=""LIBSSH2 ''majorv'.''minorv'.''patchv'"""
$ write uitv "sys$share:ssl$libcrypto_shr32.exe/share"
$ write uitv "sys$share:ssl$libssl_shr32.exe/share"
$ write uitv "gnv$libzshr/share"
$ close uitv
$ link/shared/exe=libssh2_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.exe -
libssh2.olb/lib, -
link_libssh2_version_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.opt/opt, -
$CompileAll: subroutine
$ set noon
$ if f$search("objdir:*.obj;*") .nes ""
$ then
$ delete objdir:*.obj;*
$ endif
$ if f$search("[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;") .nes ""
$ then
$ delete [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;*
$ endif
$! Compile all .c files in [-.src], first as_is
$! and then as default all uppercase names
$! and add the resulting object to object libraries
$! libssh2_up.olb and libssh2_as_is.olb.
$ case = 0
$ if OLBONLY then case = 1
$ if case .eq. 0
$ then!camel case names
$ cc_flags = "/names=(shortened,as_is)''cc_define'"
$ objlib = "libssh2_asis.olb"
$ endif
$ if case .eq. 1
$ then!uppercase names
$ if f$search("[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;") .nes ""
$ then
$ rename [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.; *.lowercase
$ purge [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.lowercase
$ endif
$ cc_flags = "/names=(shortened)''cc_define'"
$ objlib = "libssh2_up.olb"
$ endif
$ if f$search("''objlib';*") .nes. "" then delete 'objlib';*
$ library/create 'objlib'
$ this = f$search("srcdir:*.c;0")
$ if this .eqs. "" then goto EndLoop
$ what = f$parse( this,,,"name")
$ call CompileAndAdd
$ goto Loop
$ case = case + 1
$ delete objdir:*.obj;*
$ if case .lt 2 then goto CaseLoop
$ rename libssh2_up.olb libssh2.olb
$ if f$search("[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;") .nes ""
$ then
$ rename [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.; *.uppercase
$ purge [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.uppercase
$ endif
$ if OLBONLY then exit 4
$! For each function that is too long, create a global symbol
$! low$'shortened-uppercase-name' with as value lowercase shortened
$! name in it, so we can add the proper lower or mixed case
$! shortened name later when building the transfer vectors
$! for the shared image.
$! This is to prevent two very long similar function names
$! that are shortened getting mixed up when sorted alphabetically.
$ inputfile = "[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.lowercase"
$ gosub GetShortened
$ inputfile = "[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.uppercase"
$ gosub GetShortened
$ open/read s 'inputfile'
$ namecount = 0
$ read/end=endreadloop s regel
$ shortname = f$element(0,"$",regel) + "$"
$ longname = f$element(1,"$",regel)
$ symvalue = ""
$ if shortname .eqs. f$edit(shortname,"upcase")
$ then
$! this is an uppercase shortname, add it
$ symname = "u$''longname'"
$ symvalue = "''shortname'"
$ low$'shortname' == l$'longname'
$ delete/symbol l$'longname'
$ else
$! this is an lowercase shortname
$ symname = "l$''longname'"
$ symvalue = "''shortname'"
$ 'symname' = "''symvalue'"
$ endif
$ namecount = namecount + 1
$ goto ReadLoop
$close s
$CompileAndAdd: subroutine
$ on error then goto End
$ cc /warn=disable=longextern/lis=objdir:/show=all 'cc_include' 'cc_flags'/object=objdir:'what'.obj srcdir:'what'.c
$ library/insert 'objlib' objdir:'what'.obj
$BuildTransferVectors: subroutine
$! Do a balanced read of the uppercase library names
$! and the mixed case library names, and build the
$! transfer vectors with uppercase entry points
$! with an alternative in mixed case.
$! For shortened names, use the low$* symbols
$! to avoid being fooled by the sort.
$ thislib = "libssh2.olb"
$ library/lis=libu.'thisid'/names libssh2.olb
$ library/lis=lib_asisu.'thisid'/names libssh2_asis.olb
$! case blind sort of all modules in both the uppercase
$! as the case sensitive object library.
$ sort libu.'thisid' lib.'thisid'/spec=sys$input
$ sort lib_asisu.'thisid' lib_asis.'thisid'/spec=sys$input
$ open/read in lib.'thisid'
$ open/read inasis lib_asis.'thisid'
$ open/write uit link_libssh2_vectors_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.opt
$ write uit "CASE_SENSITIVE=YES"
$ write uit "SYMBOL_VECTOR= ( -"
$ mode = 0
$ uitregel = ""
$ read/end=ReadAsis in regel
$ read/end=EndReadLoop inasis asisregel
$ regel = f$edit( regel, "trim,compress" )
$ asisregel = f$edit( asisregel, "trim,compress" )
$ if f$element(0," ",regel) .eqs. "Module" .or. -
f$extract(0,1,regel) .eqs. "_" .or. -
f$element(1," ",regel) .nes. " " .or. -
regel .eqs. ""
$ then
$ goto ReadLoop
$ endif
$ if uitregel .nes. "" .and. mode .eq. 1
$ then
$ write uit "''uitregel'=PROCEDURE, -"
$ write uit "''uitasis'/''uitregel'=PROCEDURE, -"
$ uitregel = ""
$ uitasis = ""
$ endif
$ uitregel = regel
$ if f$type( low$'uitregel' ) .nes. ""
$ then
$ uitasis = low$'uitregel'
$ delete/symbol/global low$'uitregel'
$ else
$ uitasis = asisregel
$ endif
$ mode = 1
$ goto ReadLoop
$! To get the closing brace after the last procedure
$! keyword.
$ if uitregel .nes. ""
$ then
$ write uit "''uitregel'=PROCEDURE, -"
$ write uit "''uitasis'/''uitregel'=PROCEDURE)"
$ endif
$ write uit "CASE_SENSITIVE=NO"
$ close in
$ close inasis
$ close uit
$ delete lib*.'thisid';*