This gets us large file support, is available on any VMS release in the last decade and more, and gives stat other modern features such as 64-bit ino_t.
346 строки
8.3 KiB
346 строки
8.3 KiB
$ olddir = f$environment("default")
$ on control_y then goto YExit
$ gosub Init
$ if .not. init_status then goto YExit
$ call CompileAll
$ call BuildTransferVectors
$ call LinkShared
$ call Cleanup
$ set noon
$ deassign srcdir
$ if f$search("objdir:*.*;*") .nes. "" then delete objdir:*.*;*
$ deassign objdir
$ delete library_objects.dir;*
$ set default 'olddir'
$ init_status = 1
$ thisid = f$integer( %x'f$getjpi(0,"pid")')
$ mdir = f$environment("procedure")
$ mdir = mdir - f$parse(mdir,,,"name") - f$parse(mdir,,,"type") - f$parse(mdir,,,"version")
$ set default 'mdir'
$ objdir = "[.library_objects]"
$ srcdir = "[-.src]"
$ objdirfile = objdir - "[." - "]" + ".dir"
$ if f$search( objdirfile ) .eqs. ""
$ then
$ create/directory 'objdir'
$ endif
$ define objdir 'objdir'
$ define srcdir 'srcdir'
$ cc_include = "/include=([],[-.include],""/gnv$zlib_include"")"
$ cc_define = "/DEFINE=(_USE_STD_STAT=1)"
$ link_opts = "objdir:libssh2_''thisid'.opt"
$ pipe search [-.include]libssh2.h libssh2_version_major/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job majorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]libssh2.h libssh2_version_minor/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job minorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]libssh2.h libssh2_version_patch/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job patchv &l )
$ majorv = f$trnlnm("majorv")
$ minorv = f$integer(f$trnlnm("minorv"))
$ patchv = f$integer( f$trnlnm("patchv"))
$ if p1 .eqs. "OLBONLY"
$ then
$ endif
$ deassign/job majorv
$ deassign/job minorv
$ deassign/job patchv
$Cleanup: subroutine
$ set noon
$ purge *.opt
$ purge *.olb
$ purge *.exe
$exit 1
$LinkShared: subroutine
$ cversion = f$fao("!3ZL",minorv) + f$fao("!3ZL",patchv)
$! General linking options in link_libssh2_version...opt
$! Vectors in link_libssh2_vectors...opt
$ open/write uitv link_libssh2_version_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.opt
$ write uitv "GSMATCH=LEQUAL,''majorv',''cversion'"
$ write uitv "IDENTIFICATION=""LIBSSH2 ''majorv'.''minorv'.''patchv'"""
$ write uitv "sys$share:ssl$libcrypto_shr32.exe/share"
$ write uitv "sys$share:ssl$libssl_shr32.exe/share"
$ write uitv "gnv$libzshr/share"
$ close uitv
$ link/shared/exe=libssh2_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.exe -
libssh2.olb/lib, -
link_libssh2_version_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.opt/opt, -
$CompileAll: subroutine
$ set noon
$ if f$search("objdir:*.obj;*") .nes ""
$ then
$ delete objdir:*.obj;*
$ endif
$ if f$search("[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;") .nes ""
$ then
$ delete [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;*
$ endif
$! Compile all .c files in [-.src], first as_is
$! and then as default all uppercase names
$! and add the resulting object to object libraries
$! libssh2_up.olb and libssh2_as_is.olb.
$ case = 0
$ if OLBONLY then case = 1
$ if case .eq. 0
$ then!camel case names
$ cc_flags = "/names=(shortened,as_is)''cc_define'"
$ objlib = "libssh2_asis.olb"
$ endif
$ if case .eq. 1
$ then!uppercase names
$ if f$search("[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;") .nes ""
$ then
$ rename [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.; *.lowercase
$ purge [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.lowercase
$ endif
$ cc_flags = "/names=(shortened)''cc_define'"
$ objlib = "libssh2_up.olb"
$ endif
$ if f$search("''objlib';*") .nes. "" then delete 'objlib';*
$ library/create 'objlib'
$ this = f$search("srcdir:*.c;0")
$ if this .eqs. "" then goto EndLoop
$ what = f$parse( this,,,"name")
$ call CompileAndAdd
$ goto Loop
$ case = case + 1
$ delete objdir:*.obj;*
$ if case .lt 2 then goto CaseLoop
$ rename libssh2_up.olb libssh2.olb
$ if f$search("[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.;") .nes ""
$ then
$ rename [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.; *.uppercase
$ purge [.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.uppercase
$ endif
$ if OLBONLY then exit 4
$! For each function that is too long, create a global symbol
$! low$'shortened-uppercase-name' with as value lowercase shortened
$! name in it, so we can add the proper lower or mixed case
$! shortened name later when building the transfer vectors
$! for the shared image.
$! This is to prevent two very long similar function names
$! that are shortened getting mixed up when sorted alphabetically.
$ inputfile = "[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.lowercase"
$ gosub GetShortened
$ inputfile = "[.cxx_repository]cxx$demangler_db.uppercase"
$ gosub GetShortened
$ open/read s 'inputfile'
$ namecount = 0
$ read/end=endreadloop s regel
$ shortname = f$element(0,"$",regel) + "$"
$ longname = f$element(1,"$",regel)
$ symvalue = ""
$ if shortname .eqs. f$edit(shortname,"upcase")
$ then
$! this is an uppercase shortname, add it
$ symname = "u$''longname'"
$ symvalue = "''shortname'"
$ low$'shortname' == l$'longname'
$ delete/symbol l$'longname'
$ else
$! this is an lowercase shortname
$ symname = "l$''longname'"
$ symvalue = "''shortname'"
$ 'symname' = "''symvalue'"
$ endif
$ namecount = namecount + 1
$ goto ReadLoop
$close s
$CompileAndAdd: subroutine
$ on error then goto End
$ cc /warn=disable=longextern/lis=objdir:/show=all 'cc_include' 'cc_flags'/object=objdir:'what'.obj srcdir:'what'.c
$ library/insert 'objlib' objdir:'what'.obj
$BuildTransferVectors: subroutine
$! Do a balanced read of the uppercase library names
$! and the mixed case library names, and build the
$! transfer vectors with uppercase entry points
$! with an alternative in mixed case.
$! For shortened names, use the low$* symbols
$! to avoid being fooled by the sort.
$ thislib = "libssh2.olb"
$ library/lis=libu.'thisid'/names libssh2.olb
$ library/lis=lib_asisu.'thisid'/names libssh2_asis.olb
$! case blind sort of all modules in both the uppercase
$! as the case sensitive object library.
$ sort libu.'thisid' lib.'thisid'/spec=sys$input
$ sort lib_asisu.'thisid' lib_asis.'thisid'/spec=sys$input
$ open/read in lib.'thisid'
$ open/read inasis lib_asis.'thisid'
$ open/write uit link_libssh2_vectors_'majorv'_'minorv'_'patchv'.opt
$ write uit "CASE_SENSITIVE=YES"
$ write uit "SYMBOL_VECTOR= ( -"
$ mode = 0
$ uitregel = ""
$ read/end=ReadAsis in regel
$ read/end=EndReadLoop inasis asisregel
$ regel = f$edit( regel, "trim,compress" )
$ asisregel = f$edit( asisregel, "trim,compress" )
$ if f$element(0," ",regel) .eqs. "Module" .or. -
f$extract(0,1,regel) .eqs. "_" .or. -
f$element(1," ",regel) .nes. " " .or. -
regel .eqs. ""
$ then
$ goto ReadLoop
$ endif
$ if uitregel .nes. "" .and. mode .eq. 1
$ then
$ write uit "''uitregel'=PROCEDURE, -"
$ write uit "''uitasis'/''uitregel'=PROCEDURE, -"
$ uitregel = ""
$ uitasis = ""
$ endif
$ uitregel = regel
$ if f$type( low$'uitregel' ) .nes. ""
$ then
$ uitasis = low$'uitregel'
$ delete/symbol/global low$'uitregel'
$ else
$ uitasis = asisregel
$ endif
$ mode = 1
$ goto ReadLoop
$! To get the closing brace after the last procedure
$! keyword.
$ if uitregel .nes. ""
$ then
$ write uit "''uitregel'=PROCEDURE, -"
$ write uit "''uitasis'/''uitregel'=PROCEDURE)"
$ endif
$ write uit "CASE_SENSITIVE=NO"
$ close in
$ close inasis
$ close uit
$ delete lib*.'thisid';*