.TH libssh2_session_callback_set 3 "1 Jun 2007" "libssh2 0.15" "libssh2 manual" .SH NAME libssh2_session_callback_set - set a callback function .SH SYNOPSIS .nf #include <libssh2.h> void *libssh2_session_callback_set(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, int cbtype, void *callback); .SH DESCRIPTION Sets a custom callback handler for a previously initialized session object. Callbacks are triggered by the receipt of special packets at the Transport layer. To disable a callback, set it to NULL. \fIsession\fP - Session instance as returned by .BR libssh2_session_init_ex(3) \fIcbtype\fP - Callback type. One of the types listed in Callback Types. \fIcallback\fP - Pointer to custom callback function. The prototype for this function must match the associated callback declaration macro. .SH CALLBACK TYPES .IP LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_IGNORE Called when a SSH_MSG_IGNORE message is received .IP LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_DEBUG Called when a SSH_MSG_DEBUG message is received .IP LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_DISCONNECT Called when a SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT message is received .IP LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_MACERROR Called when a mismatched MAC has been detected in the transport layer. If the function returns 0, the packet will be accepted nonetheless. .IP LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_X11 Called when an X11 connection has been accepted .IP LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_SEND Called when libssh2 wants to send some data on the connection. Can be set to a custom function to handle I/O your own way. .IP LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_RECV Called when libssh2 wants to receive some data from the connection. Can be set to a custom function to handle I/O your own way. .SH RETURN VALUE Pointer to previous callback handler. Returns NULL if no prior callback handler was set or the callback type was unknown. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libssh2_session_init_ex(3)