OpenSSH Key and ED25519 support #39
Added _libssh2_explicit_zero() to explicitly zero sensitive data in memory #120
* ED25519 Key file support - Requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later
* OpenSSH Key format reading support - Supports RSA/DSA/ECDSA/ED25519 types
* New string buffer reading functions - These add build-in bounds checking and convenance methods. Used for OpenSSL PEM file reading.
* Added new tests for OpenSSH formatted Keys
This commit lands full ECDSA key support when using the OpenSSL
backend. Which includes:
New KEX methods:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
Can now read OpenSSL formatted ECDSA key files.
Now supports known host keys of type ecdsa-sha2-nistp256.
New curve types:
NID_X9_62_prime256v1, NID_secp384r1, NID_secp521r1
Default host key preferred ordering is now nistp256, nistp384,
nistp521, rsa, dss.
Not all backends feature the low level API needed to compute a Diffie-Hellman
secret, but some of them directly implement Diffie-Hellman support with opaque
private data. The later approach is now generalized and backends are
responsible for all Diffie Hellman computations.
As a side effect, procedures/macros _libssh2_bn_rand and _libssh2_bn_mod_exp
are no longer needed outside the backends.