2010-04-23 05:52:06 -04:00
$ olddir = f$environment( "default" )
$ on control_y then goto End
$ on error then goto End
$ gosub Init
$ man2help sys$input: libssh2.hlp -b 1
2016-03-13 13:29:16 -05:00
OpenVMS port of the libssh2 library, which provides an
API to implement client SSH communication.
2010-04-23 05:52:06 -04:00
2016-03-13 13:29:16 -05:00
License information is available at the Copying subtopic.
2010-04-23 05:52:06 -04:00
$ open/append mh libssh2.hlp
$ write mh helpversion
$ close mh
2016-03-13 13:29:16 -05:00
$ man2help -a [-]README.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ man2help -a [-]COPYING.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ man2help -a [-]NEWS.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ man2help -a [-]RELEASE-NOTES.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ man2help -a [-.docs]AUTHORS.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ man2help -a [-.docs]BINDINGS.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ man2help -a [-.docs]HACKING.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ if f$search("[]HACKING_CRYPTO.") .nes. "" then delete []HACKING_CRYPTO.;*
$ man2help -a []HACKING_CRYPTO.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
$ man2help -a [-.docs]TODO.; libssh2.hlp -b 2
2010-04-23 05:52:06 -04:00
$ man2help -a sys$input: libssh2.hlp -b 2
Reference of all implemented API calls in
2010-05-12 11:24:28 -04:00
$ man2help -a [-.docs]*.3 libssh2.hlp -b 3 -p
2010-04-23 05:52:06 -04:00
$ library/help/create libssh2.hlb libssh2.hlp
$ set default 'olddir'
$ thisdir = f$environment( "procedure" )
$ thisdir = f$parse(thisdir,,,"device") + f$parse(thisdir,,,"directory")
$ set default 'thisdir'
$ say = "write sys$output"
$ pipe search [-.include]*.h libssh2_version_major/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job majorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]*.h libssh2_version_minor/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job minorv &l )
$ pipe search [-.include]*.h libssh2_version_patch/nohead | (read sys$input l ; l = f$element(2," ",f$edit(l,"trim,compress")) ; -
define/job patchv &l )
$ majorv = f$trnlnm("majorv")
$ minorv = f$integer(f$trnlnm("minorv"))
$ patchv = f$integer( f$trnlnm("patchv"))
$ helpversion = "This help library is based on build version ''majorv'.''minorv'.''patchv' of libssh2."
$ deassign/job majorv
$ deassign/job minorv
$ deassign/job patchv
$ if f$search( "man2help.exe" ) .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cc man2help
$ link man2help
$ endif
$ man2help := $'thisdir'man2help.exe
$ if f$search("libssh2.hlp") .nes. ""
$ then
$ delete libssh2.hlp;*
$ endif
$ if f$search("libssh2.hlb") .nes. ""
$ then
$ delete libssh2.hlb;*
$ endif