Mercurius : a secure ftp server

What does it do ?
Mercurius is a sftp server. secure ftp is not FTP over SSL. It's a file transfert protocol (not ftp) over SSH.
Mercurius uses libssh as a transport layer, meaning it doesn't need a ssh server running. Which also mean it cannot run on the same server port that your current ssh server.

Well, openssh also has a sftp server, what then?

Openssh's server was meant to transfert files from users of the system. Mercurius is meant to transfert files from regular users or anonymous users, with configurations :

-users can be set into groups. These groups have different capabilities. Let's say you have a webmaster, a sysadmin, a user (joe) and a public ftp.

you want your sysadmin to have full access all over the disk, and be authenticated
You want your public ftp just to have right of reading files into the ftp directory
you want the webmaster to be able to add files into the ftp directory
You want joe to access only his homedir readwrite.

We then have a configuration file. The groups are defined this way:
<group users>
user joe, someother
chroot $HOME/
<group anonymous>
user ftp, anonymous
chroot /home/ftp
uid ftp
<group admin>
user admin
chroot /home
uid root
<group webmaster>
chroot /home/ftp

At this state, you have the kernel ACL that controls your users. You may want to add usermode ACL. Well, you'll wait tomorow's snapshot :)

How to compile that crap ?

Well, you'll need other craps to have it to compile, like libssl and libpam.
under debian, they are libssl-dev and libpam-dev packages. I don't know for others.
just untar, ./configure ; make
there are 2 important files : sftp_server and mercurius.conf. by default, the server will use the config file into the current dir.
Then, you have to configure PAM for our service : sftp.
in most distro, there is a library /etc/pam.d/
i've given sample pam config files to put there into the pam/ directory, but if they don't work, just copy /etc/pam.d/login or gdm on /etc/pam.d/sftp

What's working/not working ?
there is no file upload support yet. The directory ACL is parsed but not run yet. The authentication errors may be cryptic. It might crash and dump a core (I'd like a backtrace if possible).