#include "config.h" #define LIBSSH_STATIC #include #include #include "torture.h" #include "libssh/session.h" #include "libssh/misc.h" #define LIBSSH_SSH_CONFIG "libssh_config" #define TORTURE_CONFIG_USER "test-user" #define CIPHERS "aes256-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com" #define CIPHERS2 "aes256-cbc,aes128-ctr" static int sshd_setup(void **state) { torture_setup_sshd_server(state); return 0; } static int sshd_teardown(void **state) { torture_teardown_sshd_server(state); return 0; } static int setup_config_files(void **state) { struct torture_state *s = *state; int verbosity; struct passwd *pwd; char *filename = NULL; int rc; /* Work under the bob's UID to be able to load his configuration file */ pwd = getpwnam("bob"); assert_non_null(pwd); rc = setuid(pwd->pw_uid); assert_return_code(rc, errno); s->ssh.session = ssh_new(); assert_non_null(s->ssh.session); filename = ssh_path_expand_tilde("~/.ssh/config"); torture_write_file(filename, "Ciphers "CIPHERS"\nTestBogus1\nUser "TORTURE_CONFIG_USER); free(filename); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_SSH_CONFIG, "Ciphers "CIPHERS2"\nTestBogus2\n"); verbosity = torture_libssh_verbosity(); ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &verbosity); ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, TORTURE_SSH_SERVER); return 0; } static int teardown(void **state) { struct torture_state *s = *state; char *filename; filename = ssh_path_expand_tilde("~/.ssh/config"); if (filename != NULL) { if (strlen(filename) > 0) { unlink(filename); } SAFE_FREE(filename); } unlink(LIBSSH_SSH_CONFIG); ssh_disconnect(s->ssh.session); ssh_free(s->ssh.session); return 0; } /* This tests makes sure that parsing both system-wide and per-user * configuration files retains OpenSSH semantics (the per-user overrides * the system-wide values). * This function ssh_options_parse_config() has hardcoded path to the * system-wide configuration file so this might not test anything at all * if this system-wide file does not overwrite this option. */ static void torture_client_config_system(void **state) { struct torture_state *s = *state; int ret = 0; assert_true(s->ssh.session->opts.options_seen == NULL); /* The first tests assumes there is system-wide configuration file * setting Ciphers to some non-default value. We do not have any control * of that in this test case. */ ret = ssh_options_parse_config(s->ssh.session, NULL); assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, ret); assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.wanted_methods[SSH_CRYPT_C_S], CIPHERS); assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.wanted_methods[SSH_CRYPT_S_C], CIPHERS); /* Make sure the configuration was processed and user modified */ assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.username, TORTURE_CONFIG_USER); } /* This tests makes sure that parsing both system-wide and per-user * configuration files retains OpenSSH semantics (the per-user overrides * the system-wide values). * The function ssh_options_parse_config() has hardcoded path to the * system-wide configuraion file so we try to emmulate the behavior by parsing * the files separately in the same order. */ static void torture_client_config_emulate(void **state) { struct torture_state *s = *state; char *filename = NULL; int ret = 0; assert_true(s->ssh.session->opts.options_seen == NULL); /* The first tests assumes there is system-wide configuration file * setting Ciphers to some non-default value. We do not have any control * of that in this test case */ filename = ssh_path_expand_tilde("~/.ssh/config"); ret = ssh_options_parse_config(s->ssh.session, filename); free(filename); assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, ret); ret = ssh_options_parse_config(s->ssh.session, LIBSSH_SSH_CONFIG); assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, ret); assert_non_null(s->ssh.session->opts.wanted_methods[SSH_CRYPT_C_S]); assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.wanted_methods[SSH_CRYPT_C_S], CIPHERS); assert_non_null(s->ssh.session->opts.wanted_methods[SSH_CRYPT_S_C]); assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.wanted_methods[SSH_CRYPT_S_C], CIPHERS); /* Make sure the configuration was processed and user modified */ assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.username, TORTURE_CONFIG_USER); } /* This verifies that configuration files are parsed by default. */ static void torture_client_config_autoparse(void **state) { struct torture_state *s = *state; int ret = 0; assert_true(s->ssh.session->opts.options_seen == NULL); ret = ssh_connect(s->ssh.session); assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, ret); /* Make sure the configuration was processed and user modified */ assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.username, TORTURE_CONFIG_USER); } /* This verifies that we are able to suppress parsing of the configuration files * on connect using an option. */ static void torture_client_config_suppress(void **state) { struct torture_state *s = *state; bool b = false; int ret = 0; assert_true(s->ssh.session->opts.options_seen == NULL); ret = ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_PROCESS_CONFIG, &b); assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, ret); ret = ssh_connect(s->ssh.session); assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, ret); /* Make sure the configuration was not processed and user modified */ assert_string_equal(s->ssh.session->opts.username, "bob"); } int torture_run_tests(void) { int rc; struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_client_config_system, setup_config_files, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_client_config_emulate, setup_config_files, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_client_config_autoparse, setup_config_files, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_client_config_suppress, setup_config_files, teardown), }; ssh_init(); torture_filter_tests(tests); rc = cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, sshd_setup, sshd_teardown); ssh_finalize(); return rc; }