AC_REVISION($Revision $) AC_INIT(libconfig, 0.1.16) AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) dnl Find out about the host OS DC_CHK_OS_INFO dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S AC_PROG_RANLIB AC_AIX AC_CHECK_TOOL(AR, ar, true) DC_DO_TYPE(uint64_t, unsigned, 8) DC_DO_TYPE(int64_t, signed, 8) DC_DO_TYPE(uint32_t, unsigned, 4) DC_DO_TYPE(int32_t, signed, 4) DC_DO_TYPE(uint16_t, unsigned, 2) DC_DO_TYPE(int16_t, signed, 2) dnl This will cause optional libraries to be disabled even if they're dnl available and specified. DC_ASK_SMALL dnl Checks for Win32 specific things. DC_DO_WIN32 dnl Get shared objects flags, calls DC_SYNC_SHLIBOBJS but if libobjs is dnl changed later (by AC_REPLACE_FUNCS, for example) you must call dnl DC_SYNC_SHLIBOBJS again. DC_GET_SHOBJFLAGS dnl This stuff has to come after the shobjtest to verify that it is correct AC_CHECK_HEADERS(ctype.h dirent.h pwd.h stdio.h stdlib.h string.h sys/stat.h sys/time.h sys/types.h time.h unistd.h) AC_HEADER_TIME AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(strsep strtoll getuid) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getpwuid) dnl This MUST be last. DC_SYNC_SHLIBOBJS AC_OUTPUT(Makefile lc_geterrno.3 lc_process.3 lc_register_var.3 lc_geterrstr.3 lc_register_callback.3 lc_cleanup.3 lc_process_file.3 libconfig.3)