/* * config.c - parse the ssh config file * * This file is part of the SSH Library * * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 by Andreas Schneider * * The SSH Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * The SSH Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the SSH Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GLOB_H # include #endif #include #include "libssh/priv.h" #include "libssh/session.h" #include "libssh/misc.h" #include "libssh/options.h" #define MAX_LINE_SIZE 1024 enum ssh_config_opcode_e { /* Unknown opcode */ SOC_UNKNOWN = -3, /* Known and not applicable to libssh */ SOC_NA = -2, /* Known but not supported by current libssh version */ SOC_UNSUPPORTED = -1, SOC_HOST, SOC_MATCH, SOC_HOSTNAME, SOC_PORT, SOC_USERNAME, SOC_IDENTITY, SOC_CIPHERS, SOC_MACS, SOC_COMPRESSION, SOC_TIMEOUT, SOC_PROTOCOL, SOC_STRICTHOSTKEYCHECK, SOC_KNOWNHOSTS, SOC_PROXYCOMMAND, SOC_GSSAPISERVERIDENTITY, SOC_GSSAPICLIENTIDENTITY, SOC_GSSAPIDELEGATECREDENTIALS, SOC_INCLUDE, SOC_BINDADDRESS, SOC_GLOBALKNOWNHOSTSFILE, SOC_LOGLEVEL, SOC_HOSTKEYALGORITHMS, SOC_KEXALGORITHMS, SOC_GSSAPIAUTHENTICATION, SOC_KBDINTERACTIVEAUTHENTICATION, SOC_PASSWORDAUTHENTICATION, SOC_PUBKEYAUTHENTICATION, SOC_PUBKEYACCEPTEDTYPES, SOC_END /* Keep this one last in the list */ }; struct ssh_config_keyword_table_s { const char *name; enum ssh_config_opcode_e opcode; }; static struct ssh_config_keyword_table_s ssh_config_keyword_table[] = { { "host", SOC_HOST }, { "match", SOC_MATCH }, { "hostname", SOC_HOSTNAME }, { "port", SOC_PORT }, { "user", SOC_USERNAME }, { "identityfile", SOC_IDENTITY }, { "ciphers", SOC_CIPHERS }, { "macs", SOC_MACS }, { "compression", SOC_COMPRESSION }, { "connecttimeout", SOC_TIMEOUT }, { "protocol", SOC_PROTOCOL }, { "stricthostkeychecking", SOC_STRICTHOSTKEYCHECK }, { "userknownhostsfile", SOC_KNOWNHOSTS }, { "proxycommand", SOC_PROXYCOMMAND }, { "gssapiserveridentity", SOC_GSSAPISERVERIDENTITY }, { "gssapiclientidentity", SOC_GSSAPICLIENTIDENTITY }, { "gssapidelegatecredentials", SOC_GSSAPIDELEGATECREDENTIALS }, { "include", SOC_INCLUDE }, { "bindaddress", SOC_BINDADDRESS}, { "globalknownhostsfile", SOC_GLOBALKNOWNHOSTSFILE}, { "loglevel", SOC_LOGLEVEL}, { "hostkeyalgorithms", SOC_HOSTKEYALGORITHMS}, { "kexalgorithms", SOC_KEXALGORITHMS}, { "mac", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, /* SSHv1 */ { "gssapiauthentication", SOC_GSSAPIAUTHENTICATION}, { "kbdinteractiveauthentication", SOC_KBDINTERACTIVEAUTHENTICATION}, { "passwordauthentication", SOC_PASSWORDAUTHENTICATION}, { "pubkeyauthentication", SOC_PUBKEYAUTHENTICATION}, { "addkeystoagent", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "addressfamily", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "batchmode", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "canonicaldomains", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "canonicalizefallbacklocal", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "canonicalizehostname", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "canonicalizemaxdots", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "canonicalizepermittedcnames", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "certificatefile", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "challengeresponseauthentication", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "checkhostip", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "cipher", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, /* SSHv1 */ { "compressionlevel", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, /* SSHv1 */ { "connectionattempts", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "enablesshkeysign", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "fingerprinthash", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "forwardagent", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "gssapikeyexchange", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "gssapirenewalforcesrekey", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "gssapitrustdns", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "hashknownhosts", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "hostbasedauthentication", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "hostbasedkeytypes", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "hostkeyalias", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "identitiesonly", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "identityagent", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "ipqos", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "kbdinteractivedevices", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "nohostauthenticationforlocalhost", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "numberofpasswordprompts", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "pkcs11provider", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "preferredauthentications", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "proxyjump", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "proxyusefdpass", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "pubkeyacceptedtypes", SOC_PUBKEYACCEPTEDTYPES}, { "rekeylimit", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "remotecommand", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "revokedhostkeys", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "rhostsrsaauthentication", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "rsaauthentication", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, /* SSHv1 */ { "serveralivecountmax", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "serveraliveinterval", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "streamlocalbindmask", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "streamlocalbindunlink", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "syslogfacility", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "tcpkeepalive", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "updatehostkeys", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "useprivilegedport", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "verifyhostkeydns", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "visualhostkey", SOC_UNSUPPORTED}, { "clearallforwardings", SOC_NA}, { "controlmaster", SOC_NA}, { "controlpersist", SOC_NA}, { "controlpath", SOC_NA}, { "dynamicforward", SOC_NA}, { "escapechar", SOC_NA}, { "exitonforwardfailure", SOC_NA}, { "forwardx11", SOC_NA}, { "forwardx11timeout", SOC_NA}, { "forwardx11trusted", SOC_NA}, { "gatewayports", SOC_NA}, { "ignoreunknown", SOC_NA}, { "localcommand", SOC_NA}, { "localforward", SOC_NA}, { "permitlocalcommand", SOC_NA}, { "remoteforward", SOC_NA}, { "requesttty", SOC_NA}, { "sendenv", SOC_NA}, { "tunnel", SOC_NA}, { "tunneldevice", SOC_NA}, { "xauthlocation", SOC_NA}, { NULL, SOC_UNKNOWN } }; enum ssh_config_match_e { MATCH_UNKNOWN = -1, MATCH_ALL, MATCH_CANONICAL, MATCH_EXEC, MATCH_HOST, MATCH_ORIGINALHOST, MATCH_USER, MATCH_LOCALUSER }; struct ssh_config_match_keyword_table_s { const char *name; enum ssh_config_match_e opcode; }; static struct ssh_config_match_keyword_table_s ssh_config_match_keyword_table[] = { { "all", MATCH_ALL }, { "canonical", MATCH_CANONICAL }, { "exec", MATCH_EXEC }, { "host", MATCH_HOST }, { "originalhost", MATCH_ORIGINALHOST }, { "user", MATCH_USER }, { "localuser", MATCH_LOCALUSER }, }; static int ssh_config_parse_line(ssh_session session, const char *line, unsigned int count, int *parsing, uint8_t *seen); static enum ssh_config_opcode_e ssh_config_get_opcode(char *keyword) { int i; for (i = 0; ssh_config_keyword_table[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (strcasecmp(keyword, ssh_config_keyword_table[i].name) == 0) { return ssh_config_keyword_table[i].opcode; } } return SOC_UNKNOWN; } static char *ssh_config_get_cmd(char **str) { register char *c; char *r; /* Ignore leading spaces */ for (c = *str; *c; c++) { if (! isblank(*c)) { break; } } if (*c == '\"') { for (r = ++c; *c; c++) { if (*c == '\"') { *c = '\0'; goto out; } } } for (r = c; *c; c++) { if (*c == '\n') { *c = '\0'; goto out; } } out: *str = c + 1; return r; } static char *ssh_config_get_token(char **str) { register char *c; char *r; c = ssh_config_get_cmd(str); for (r = c; *c; c++) { if (isblank(*c) || *c == '=') { *c = '\0'; goto out; } } out: *str = c + 1; return r; } static long ssh_config_get_long(char **str, long notfound) { char *p, *endp; long i; p = ssh_config_get_token(str); if (p && *p) { i = strtol(p, &endp, 10); if (p == endp) { return notfound; } return i; } return notfound; } static const char *ssh_config_get_str_tok(char **str, const char *def) { char *p; p = ssh_config_get_token(str); if (p && *p) { return p; } return def; } static int ssh_config_get_yesno(char **str, int notfound) { const char *p; p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(str, NULL); if (p == NULL) { return notfound; } if (strncasecmp(p, "yes", 3) == 0) { return 1; } else if (strncasecmp(p, "no", 2) == 0) { return 0; } return notfound; } static void local_parse_file(ssh_session session, const char *filename, int *parsing, uint8_t *seen) { FILE *f; char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE] = {0}; unsigned int count = 0; if ((f = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_RARE, "Cannot find file %s to load", filename); return; } SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_PACKET, "Reading additional configuration data from %s", filename); while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { count++; if (ssh_config_parse_line(session, line, count, parsing, seen) < 0) { fclose(f); return; } } fclose(f); return; } #if defined(HAVE_GLOB) && defined(HAVE_GLOB_GL_FLAGS_MEMBER) static void local_parse_glob(ssh_session session, const char *fileglob, int *parsing, uint8_t *seen) { glob_t globbuf = { .gl_flags = 0, }; int rt; u_int i; rt = glob(fileglob, GLOB_TILDE, NULL, &globbuf); if (rt == GLOB_NOMATCH) { globfree(&globbuf); return; } else if (rt != 0) { SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_RARE, "Glob error: %s", fileglob); globfree(&globbuf); return; } for (i = 0; i < globbuf.gl_pathc; i++) { local_parse_file(session, globbuf.gl_pathv[i], parsing, seen); } globfree(&globbuf); } #endif /* HAVE_GLOB HAVE_GLOB_GL_FLAGS_MEMBER */ static enum ssh_config_match_e ssh_config_get_match_opcode(const char *keyword) { size_t i; for (i = 0; ssh_config_match_keyword_table[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (strcasecmp(keyword, ssh_config_match_keyword_table[i].name) == 0) { return ssh_config_match_keyword_table[i].opcode; } } return MATCH_UNKNOWN; } static int ssh_config_match(char *value, const char *pattern, bool negate) { int ok, result = 0; char *lowervalue; lowervalue = (value) ? ssh_lowercase(value) : NULL; ok = match_pattern_list(lowervalue, pattern, strlen(pattern), 0); if (ok <= 0 && negate == true) { result = 1; } else if (ok > 0 && negate == false) { result = 1; } SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_TRACE, "%s '%s' against pattern '%s'%s (ok=%d)", result == 1 ? "Matched" : "Not matched", value, pattern, negate == true ? " (negated)" : "", ok); SAFE_FREE(lowervalue); return result; } static int ssh_config_parse_line(ssh_session session, const char *line, unsigned int count, int *parsing, uint8_t *seen) { enum ssh_config_opcode_e opcode; const char *p; char *s, *x; char *keyword; char *lowerhost; size_t len; int i; long l; x = s = strdup(line); if (s == NULL) { ssh_set_error_oom(session); return -1; } /* Remove trailing spaces */ for (len = strlen(s) - 1; len > 0; len--) { if (! isspace(s[len])) { break; } s[len] = '\0'; } keyword = ssh_config_get_token(&s); if (keyword == NULL || *keyword == '#' || *keyword == '\0' || *keyword == '\n') { SAFE_FREE(x); return 0; } opcode = ssh_config_get_opcode(keyword); if (*parsing == 1 && opcode != SOC_HOST && opcode != SOC_MATCH && opcode != SOC_INCLUDE && opcode > SOC_UNSUPPORTED) { /* Ignore all unknown types here */ /* Skip all the options that were already applied */ if (seen[opcode] != 0) { SAFE_FREE(x); return 0; } seen[opcode] = 1; } switch (opcode) { case SOC_INCLUDE: /* recursive include of other files */ p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { #if defined(HAVE_GLOB) && defined(HAVE_GLOB_GL_FLAGS_MEMBER) local_parse_glob(session, p, parsing, seen); #else local_parse_file(session, p, parsing, seen); #endif /* HAVE_GLOB */ } break; case SOC_MATCH: { bool negate; int result = 1; size_t args = 0; enum ssh_config_match_e opt; *parsing = 0; do { p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p == NULL || p[0] == '\0') { break; } args++; SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_TRACE, "line %d: Processing Match keyword '%s'", count, p); /* If the option is prefixed with ! the result should be negated */ negate = false; if (p[0] == '!') { negate = true; p++; } opt = ssh_config_get_match_opcode(p); switch (opt) { case MATCH_ALL: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (args == 1 && (p == NULL || p[0] == '\0')) { /* The first argument and end of line */ if (negate == true) { result = 0; } break; } ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "line %d: ERROR - Match all cannot be combined with " "other Match attributes", count); SAFE_FREE(x); return -1; case MATCH_EXEC: case MATCH_ORIGINALHOST: case MATCH_LOCALUSER: /* Skip one argument */ p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); args++; FALL_THROUGH; case MATCH_CANONICAL: SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_WARN, "line: %d: Unsupported Match keyword " "'%s', Ignoring\n", count, p); result = 0; break; case MATCH_HOST: /* Here we match only one argument */ p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p == NULL || p[0] == '\0') { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "line %d: ERROR - Match host keyword " "requires argument", count); SAFE_FREE(x); return -1; } result &= ssh_config_match(session->opts.host, p, negate); args++; break; case MATCH_USER: /* Here we match only one argument */ p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p == NULL || p[0] == '\0') { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "line %d: ERROR - Match user keyword " "requires argument", count); SAFE_FREE(x); return -1; } result &= ssh_config_match(session->opts.username, p, negate); args++; break; case MATCH_UNKNOWN: default: ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "ERROR - Unknown argument '%s' for Match keyword", p); SAFE_FREE(x); return -1; } } while (p != NULL && p[0] != '\0'); if (args == 0) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "ERROR - Match keyword requires an argument"); SAFE_FREE(x); return -1; } *parsing = result; break; } case SOC_HOST: { int ok = 0, result = -1; *parsing = 0; lowerhost = (session->opts.host) ? ssh_lowercase(session->opts.host) : NULL; for (p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); p != NULL && p[0] != '\0'; p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL)) { if (ok >= 0) { ok = match_hostname(lowerhost, p, strlen(p)); if (result == -1 && ok < 0) { result = 0; } else if (result == -1 && ok > 0) { result = 1; } } } SAFE_FREE(lowerhost); if (result != -1) { *parsing = result; } break; } case SOC_HOSTNAME: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { char *z = ssh_path_expand_escape(session, p); if (z == NULL) { z = strdup(p); } ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, z); free(z); } break; case SOC_PORT: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PORT_STR, p); } break; case SOC_USERNAME: if (session->opts.username == NULL) { p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_USER, p); } } break; case SOC_IDENTITY: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_ADD_IDENTITY, p); } break; case SOC_CIPHERS: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_CIPHERS_C_S, p); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_CIPHERS_S_C, p); } break; case SOC_MACS: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_HMAC_C_S, p); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_HMAC_S_C, p); } break; case SOC_COMPRESSION: i = ssh_config_get_yesno(&s, -1); if (i >= 0 && *parsing) { if (i) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_COMPRESSION, "yes"); } else { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_COMPRESSION, "no"); } } break; case SOC_PROTOCOL: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { char *a, *b; b = strdup(p); if (b == NULL) { SAFE_FREE(x); ssh_set_error_oom(session); return -1; } i = 0; ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_SSH2, &i); for (a = strtok(b, ","); a; a = strtok(NULL, ",")) { switch (atoi(a)) { case 1: break; case 2: i = 1; ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_SSH2, &i); break; default: break; } } SAFE_FREE(b); } break; case SOC_TIMEOUT: l = ssh_config_get_long(&s, -1); if (l >= 0 && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_TIMEOUT, &l); } break; case SOC_STRICTHOSTKEYCHECK: i = ssh_config_get_yesno(&s, -1); if (i >= 0 && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_STRICTHOSTKEYCHECK, &i); } break; case SOC_KNOWNHOSTS: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_KNOWNHOSTS, p); } break; case SOC_PROXYCOMMAND: p = ssh_config_get_cmd(&s); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PROXYCOMMAND, p); } break; case SOC_GSSAPISERVERIDENTITY: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_GSSAPI_SERVER_IDENTITY, p); } break; case SOC_GSSAPICLIENTIDENTITY: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_GSSAPI_CLIENT_IDENTITY, p); } break; case SOC_GSSAPIDELEGATECREDENTIALS: i = ssh_config_get_yesno(&s, -1); if (i >=0 && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_GSSAPI_DELEGATE_CREDENTIALS, &i); } break; case SOC_BINDADDRESS: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_BINDADDR, p); } break; case SOC_GLOBALKNOWNHOSTSFILE: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_KNOWNHOSTS, p); } break; case SOC_LOGLEVEL: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { int value = -1; if (strcasecmp(p, "quiet") == 0) { value = SSH_LOG_NONE; } else if (strcasecmp(p, "fatal") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "error")== 0 || strcasecmp(p, "info") == 0) { value = SSH_LOG_WARN; } else if (strcasecmp(p, "verbose") == 0) { value = SSH_LOG_INFO; } else if (strcasecmp(p, "DEBUG") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "DEBUG1") == 0) { value = SSH_LOG_DEBUG; } else if (strcasecmp(p, "DEBUG2") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "DEBUG3") == 0) { value = SSH_LOG_TRACE; } if (value != -1) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &value); } } break; case SOC_HOSTKEYALGORITHMS: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOSTKEYS, p); } break; case SOC_PUBKEYACCEPTEDTYPES: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PUBLICKEY_ACCEPTED_TYPES, p); } break; case SOC_KEXALGORITHMS: p = ssh_config_get_str_tok(&s, NULL); if (p && *parsing) { ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_KEY_EXCHANGE, p); } break; case SOC_GSSAPIAUTHENTICATION: case SOC_KBDINTERACTIVEAUTHENTICATION: case SOC_PASSWORDAUTHENTICATION: case SOC_PUBKEYAUTHENTICATION: i = ssh_config_get_yesno(&s, 0); if (i>=0 && *parsing) { switch(opcode){ case SOC_GSSAPIAUTHENTICATION: ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_GSSAPI_AUTH, &i); break; case SOC_KBDINTERACTIVEAUTHENTICATION: ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_KBDINT_AUTH, &i); break; case SOC_PASSWORDAUTHENTICATION: ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PASSWORD_AUTH, &i); break; case SOC_PUBKEYAUTHENTICATION: ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PUBKEY_AUTH, &i); break; /* make gcc happy */ default: break; } } break; case SOC_NA: SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_INFO, "Unapplicable option: %s, line: %d", keyword, count); break; case SOC_UNSUPPORTED: SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_RARE, "Unsupported option: %s, line: %d", keyword, count); break; case SOC_UNKNOWN: SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_WARN, "Unknown option: %s, line: %d", keyword, count); break; default: ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "ERROR - unimplemented opcode: %d", opcode); SAFE_FREE(x); return -1; break; } SAFE_FREE(x); return 0; } /* @brief Parse configuration file and set the options to the given session * * @params[in] session The ssh session * @params[in] filename The path to the ssh configuration file * * @returns 0 on successful parsing the configuration file, -1 on error */ int ssh_config_parse_file(ssh_session session, const char *filename) { char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE] = {0}; unsigned int count = 0; FILE *f; int parsing, rv; uint8_t *seen = NULL; f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { return 0; } SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_PACKET, "Reading configuration data from %s", filename); /* Preserve the seen array among invocations throughout the session */ if (session->opts.options_seen == NULL) { seen = calloc(SOC_END - SOC_UNSUPPORTED, sizeof(uint8_t)); if (seen == NULL) { fclose(f); ssh_set_error_oom(session); return -1; } session->opts.options_seen = seen; } else { seen = session->opts.options_seen; } parsing = 1; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { count++; rv = ssh_config_parse_line(session, line, count, &parsing, seen); if (rv < 0) { fclose(f); return -1; } } fclose(f); return 0; }