#include "config.h" #define LIBSSH_STATIC #include #include #include "torture.h" #include "torture_pki.h" #include "torture_key.h" #include "pki.c" #define LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY "libssh_testkey.id_rsa" #define LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE "libssh_testkey_passphrase.id_rsa" const unsigned char RSA_HASH[] = "12345678901234567890"; static int setup_rsa_key(void **state) { (void) state; /* unused */ unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY "-cert.pub"); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 0)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE, torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 1)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY "-cert.pub", torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA_CERT01, 0)); return 0; } static int teardown(void **state) { (void) state; /* unused */ unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY "-cert.pub"); return 0; } static void torture_pki_rsa_import_pubkey_file(void **state) { ssh_key pubkey = NULL; int rc; (void)state; /* The key doesn't have the hostname as comment after the key */ rc = ssh_pki_import_pubkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", &pubkey); assert_return_code(rc, errno); assert_non_null(pubkey); ssh_key_free(pubkey); } static void torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64_NULL_key(void **state) { int rc; const char *passphrase = torture_get_testkey_passphrase(); (void) state; /* unused */ /* test if it returns -1 if key is NULL */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 0), passphrase, NULL, NULL, NULL); assert_true(rc == -1); } static void torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64_NULL_str(void **state) { int rc; ssh_key key = NULL; const char *passphrase = torture_get_testkey_passphrase(); (void) state; /* unused */ /* test if it returns -1 if key_str is NULL */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(NULL, passphrase, NULL, NULL, &key); assert_true(rc == -1); ssh_key_free(key); } static void torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64(void **state) { int rc; char *key_str; ssh_key key; const char *passphrase = torture_get_testkey_passphrase(); enum ssh_keytypes_e type; (void) state; /* unused */ key_str = torture_pki_read_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); assert_true(key_str != NULL); rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(key_str, passphrase, NULL, NULL, &key); assert_true(rc == 0); type = ssh_key_type(key); assert_true(type == SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA); rc = ssh_key_is_private(key); assert_true(rc == 1); rc = ssh_key_is_public(key); assert_true(rc == 1); free(key_str); ssh_key_free(key); } static void torture_pki_rsa_publickey_from_privatekey(void **state) { int rc; ssh_key key; ssh_key pubkey; const char *passphrase = NULL; (void) state; /* unused */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 0), passphrase, NULL, NULL, &key); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = ssh_key_is_private(key); assert_true(rc == 1); rc = ssh_pki_export_privkey_to_pubkey(key, &pubkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); ssh_key_free(key); ssh_key_free(pubkey); } static void torture_pki_rsa_copy_cert_to_privkey(void **state) { /* * Tests copying a cert loaded into a public key to a private key. * The function is encryption type agnostic, no need to run this against * all supported key types. */ int rc; const char *passphrase = torture_get_testkey_passphrase(); ssh_key pubkey; ssh_key privkey; ssh_key cert; (void) state; /* unused */ rc = ssh_pki_import_cert_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY "-cert.pub", &cert); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); rc = ssh_pki_import_pubkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", &pubkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 0), passphrase, NULL, NULL, &privkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); /* Basic sanity. */ rc = ssh_pki_copy_cert_to_privkey(NULL, privkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_ERROR); rc = ssh_pki_copy_cert_to_privkey(pubkey, NULL); assert_true(rc == SSH_ERROR); /* A public key doesn't have a cert, copy should fail. */ assert_true(pubkey->cert == NULL); rc = ssh_pki_copy_cert_to_privkey(pubkey, privkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_ERROR); /* Copying the cert to non-cert keys should work fine. */ rc = ssh_pki_copy_cert_to_privkey(cert, pubkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); rc = ssh_pki_copy_cert_to_privkey(cert, privkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); /* The private key's cert is already set, another copy should fail. */ rc = ssh_pki_copy_cert_to_privkey(cert, privkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_ERROR); ssh_key_free(cert); ssh_key_free(privkey); ssh_key_free(pubkey); } static void torture_pki_rsa_import_cert_file(void **state) { int rc; ssh_key cert; enum ssh_keytypes_e type; (void) state; /* unused */ rc = ssh_pki_import_cert_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY "-cert.pub", &cert); assert_true(rc == 0); type = ssh_key_type(cert); assert_true(type == SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA_CERT01); rc = ssh_key_is_public(cert); assert_true(rc == 1); ssh_key_free(cert); } static void torture_pki_rsa_publickey_base64(void **state) { enum ssh_keytypes_e type; char *b64_key, *key_buf, *p; const char *q; ssh_key key; int rc; (void) state; /* unused */ key_buf = strdup(torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0)); assert_true(key_buf != NULL); q = p = key_buf; while (*p != ' ') p++; *p = '\0'; type = ssh_key_type_from_name(q); assert_true(type == SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA); q = ++p; while (*p != ' ') p++; *p = '\0'; rc = ssh_pki_import_pubkey_base64(q, type, &key); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = ssh_pki_export_pubkey_base64(key, &b64_key); assert_true(rc == 0); assert_string_equal(q, b64_key); free(b64_key); free(key_buf); ssh_key_free(key); } static void torture_pki_rsa_generate_pubkey_from_privkey(void **state) { char pubkey_generated[4096] = {0}; ssh_key privkey; ssh_key pubkey; int rc; int len; (void) state; /* unused */ /* remove the public key, generate it from the private key and write it. */ unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, NULL, NULL, NULL, &privkey); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = ssh_pki_export_privkey_to_pubkey(privkey, &pubkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); rc = ssh_pki_export_pubkey_file(pubkey, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = torture_read_one_line(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", pubkey_generated, sizeof(pubkey_generated)); assert_true(rc == 0); len = torture_pubkey_len(torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0)); assert_memory_equal(torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0), pubkey_generated, len); ssh_key_free(privkey); ssh_key_free(pubkey); } static void torture_pki_rsa_duplicate_key(void **state) { int rc; char *b64_key; char *b64_key_gen; ssh_key pubkey; ssh_key privkey; ssh_key privkey_dup; (void) state; rc = ssh_pki_import_pubkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", &pubkey); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = ssh_pki_export_pubkey_base64(pubkey, &b64_key); assert_true(rc == 0); ssh_key_free(pubkey); rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, NULL, NULL, NULL, &privkey); assert_true(rc == 0); privkey_dup = ssh_key_dup(privkey); assert_true(privkey_dup != NULL); rc = ssh_pki_export_privkey_to_pubkey(privkey, &pubkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); rc = ssh_pki_export_pubkey_base64(pubkey, &b64_key_gen); assert_true(rc == 0); assert_string_equal(b64_key, b64_key_gen); rc = ssh_key_cmp(privkey, privkey_dup, SSH_KEY_CMP_PRIVATE); assert_true(rc == 0); ssh_key_free(pubkey); ssh_key_free(privkey); ssh_key_free(privkey_dup); ssh_string_free_char(b64_key); ssh_string_free_char(b64_key_gen); } static void torture_pki_rsa_generate_key(void **state) { int rc; ssh_key key; ssh_signature sign; ssh_session session=ssh_new(); (void) state; rc = ssh_pki_generate(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 1024, &key); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); assert_true(key != NULL); sign = pki_do_sign(key, RSA_HASH, 20); assert_true(sign != NULL); rc = pki_signature_verify(session,sign,key,RSA_HASH,20); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); ssh_signature_free(sign); ssh_key_free(key); key=NULL; rc = ssh_pki_generate(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 2048, &key); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); assert_true(key != NULL); sign = pki_do_sign(key, RSA_HASH, 20); assert_true(sign != NULL); rc = pki_signature_verify(session,sign,key,RSA_HASH,20); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); ssh_signature_free(sign); ssh_key_free(key); key=NULL; rc = ssh_pki_generate(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 4096, &key); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); assert_true(key != NULL); sign = pki_do_sign(key, RSA_HASH, 20); assert_true(sign != NULL); rc = pki_signature_verify(session,sign,key,RSA_HASH,20); assert_true(rc == SSH_OK); ssh_signature_free(sign); ssh_key_free(key); key=NULL; ssh_free(session); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO static void torture_pki_rsa_write_privkey(void **state) { ssh_key origkey; ssh_key privkey; int rc; (void) state; /* unused */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, NULL, NULL, NULL, &origkey); assert_true(rc == 0); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); rc = ssh_pki_export_privkey_file(origkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, NULL, NULL, NULL, &privkey); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = ssh_key_cmp(origkey, privkey, SSH_KEY_CMP_PRIVATE); assert_true(rc == 0); ssh_key_free(origkey); ssh_key_free(privkey); /* Test with passphrase */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE, torture_get_testkey_passphrase(), NULL, NULL, &origkey); assert_true(rc == 0); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE); rc = ssh_pki_export_privkey_file(origkey, torture_get_testkey_passphrase(), NULL, NULL, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE); assert_true(rc == 0); /* Test with invalid passphrase */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE, "invalid secret", NULL, NULL, &privkey); assert_true(rc == SSH_ERROR); rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY_PASSPHRASE, torture_get_testkey_passphrase(), NULL, NULL, &privkey); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = ssh_key_cmp(origkey, privkey, SSH_KEY_CMP_PRIVATE); assert_true(rc == 0); ssh_key_free(origkey); ssh_key_free(privkey); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBCRYPTO */ static void torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64_passphrase(void **state) { int rc; ssh_key key = NULL; const char *passphrase = torture_get_testkey_passphrase(); (void) state; /* unused */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 1), passphrase, NULL, NULL, &key); assert_return_code(rc, errno); rc = ssh_key_is_private(key); assert_true(rc == 1); ssh_key_free(key); key = NULL; /* test if it returns -1 if passphrase is wrong */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 1), "wrong passphrase !!", NULL, NULL, &key); assert_true(rc == -1); ssh_key_free(key); key = NULL; #ifndef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO /* test if it returns -1 if passphrase is NULL */ /* libcrypto asks for a passphrase, so skip this test */ rc = ssh_pki_import_privkey_base64(torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 1), NULL, NULL, NULL, &key); assert_true(rc == -1); ssh_key_free(key); key = NULL; #endif } int torture_run_tests(void) { int rc; struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_import_pubkey_file, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64_NULL_key, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64_NULL_str, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_publickey_from_privatekey, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test(torture_pki_rsa_import_privkey_base64_passphrase), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_copy_cert_to_privkey, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_import_cert_file, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_publickey_base64, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_generate_pubkey_from_privkey, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_duplicate_key, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test(torture_pki_rsa_generate_key), #ifdef HAVE_LIBCRYPTO cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pki_rsa_write_privkey, setup_rsa_key, teardown), #endif /* HAVE_LIBCRYPTO */ }; ssh_init(); torture_filter_tests(tests); rc = cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); ssh_finalize(); return rc; }