#include "config.h" #define LIBSSH_STATIC #include "torture.h" #include "torture_key.h" #include "legacy.c" #define LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY "libssh_testkey.id_rsa" #ifdef HAVE_DSA #define LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY "libssh_testkey.id_dsa" #endif static int setup_rsa_key(void **state) { ssh_session session; unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 0)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0)); session = ssh_new(); *state = session; return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_DSA static int setup_dsa_key(void **state) { ssh_session session; unlink(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY); unlink(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY, torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_DSS, 0, 0)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY ".pub", torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_DSS, 0)); session = ssh_new(); *state = session; return 0; } #endif static int setup_both_keys(void **state) { int rc; rc = setup_rsa_key(state); if (rc != 0) { return rc; } #ifdef HAVE_DSA ssh_free(*state); rc = setup_dsa_key(state); #endif return rc; } static int setup_both_keys_passphrase(void **state) { ssh_session session; torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0, 1)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, 0)); #ifdef HAVE_DSA torture_write_file(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY, torture_get_testkey(SSH_KEYTYPE_DSS, 0, 1)); torture_write_file(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY ".pub", torture_get_testkey_pub(SSH_KEYTYPE_DSS, 0)); #endif session = ssh_new(); *state = session; return 0; } static int teardown(void **state) { #ifdef HAVE_DSA unlink(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY); unlink(LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); #endif unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); ssh_free(*state); return 0; } static void torture_pubkey_from_file(void **state) { ssh_session session = *state; ssh_string pubkey = NULL; int type, rc; rc = ssh_try_publickey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, &pubkey, &type); assert_true(rc == 0); SSH_STRING_FREE(pubkey); /* test if it returns 1 if pubkey doesn't exist */ unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); rc = ssh_try_publickey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, &pubkey, &type); assert_true(rc == 1); /* This free is unnecessary, but the static analyser does not know */ SSH_STRING_FREE(pubkey); /* test if it returns -1 if privkey doesn't exist */ unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY); rc = ssh_try_publickey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, &pubkey, &type); assert_true(rc == -1); /* This free is unnecessary, but the static analyser does not know */ SSH_STRING_FREE(pubkey); } static int torture_read_one_line(const char *filename, char *buffer, size_t len) { FILE *fp; size_t rc; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { return -1; } rc = fread(buffer, len, 1, fp); if (rc != 0 || ferror(fp)) { fclose(fp); return -1; } buffer[len - 1] = '\0'; fclose(fp); return 0; } static void torture_pubkey_generate_from_privkey(void **state) { ssh_session session = *state; ssh_private_key privkey = NULL; ssh_public_key pubkey = NULL; ssh_string pubkey_orig = NULL; ssh_string pubkey_new = NULL; char pubkey_line_orig[512] = {0}; char pubkey_line_new[512] = {0}; char *p; int type_orig = 0; int type_new = 0; int rc; /* read the publickey */ rc = ssh_try_publickey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, &pubkey_orig, &type_orig); assert_true(rc == 0); assert_true(pubkey_orig != NULL); rc = torture_read_one_line(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", pubkey_line_orig, sizeof(pubkey_line_orig)); assert_true(rc == 0); /* remove the public key, generate it from the private key and write it. */ unlink(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub"); privkey = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, 0, NULL); assert_true(privkey != NULL); pubkey = publickey_from_privatekey(privkey); assert_true(pubkey != NULL); type_new = privkey->type; privatekey_free(privkey); pubkey_new = publickey_to_string(pubkey); publickey_free(pubkey); assert_true(pubkey_new != NULL); assert_true(ssh_string_len(pubkey_orig) == ssh_string_len(pubkey_new)); assert_memory_equal(ssh_string_data(pubkey_orig), ssh_string_data(pubkey_new), ssh_string_len(pubkey_orig)); rc = ssh_publickey_to_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", pubkey_new, type_new); assert_true(rc == 0); rc = torture_read_one_line(LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY ".pub", pubkey_line_new, sizeof(pubkey_line_new)); assert_true(rc == 0); /* do not compare hostname */ p = strrchr(pubkey_line_orig, ' '); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } p = strrchr(pubkey_line_new, ' '); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } assert_string_equal(pubkey_line_orig, pubkey_line_new); SSH_STRING_FREE(pubkey_orig); SSH_STRING_FREE(pubkey_new); } /** * @brief tests the privatekey_from_file function without passphrase */ static void torture_privatekey_from_file(void **state) { ssh_session session = *state; ssh_private_key key = NULL; key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, NULL); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_DSA key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY, SSH_KEYTYPE_DSS, NULL); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #endif /* Test the automatic type discovery */ key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, 0, NULL); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_DSA key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY, 0, NULL); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #endif } /** * @brief tests the privatekey_from_file function with passphrase */ static void torture_privatekey_from_file_passphrase(void **state) { ssh_session session = *state; ssh_private_key key = NULL; key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA, TORTURE_TESTKEY_PASSWORD); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_DSA key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY, SSH_KEYTYPE_DSS, TORTURE_TESTKEY_PASSWORD); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #endif /* Test the automatic type discovery */ key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_RSA_TESTKEY, 0, TORTURE_TESTKEY_PASSWORD); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_DSA key = privatekey_from_file(session, LIBSSH_DSA_TESTKEY, 0, TORTURE_TESTKEY_PASSWORD); assert_true(key != NULL); if (key != NULL) { privatekey_free(key); key = NULL; } #endif } int torture_run_tests(void) { int rc; struct CMUnitTest tests[] = { cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pubkey_from_file, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_pubkey_generate_from_privkey, setup_rsa_key, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_privatekey_from_file, setup_both_keys, teardown), cmocka_unit_test_setup_teardown(torture_privatekey_from_file_passphrase, setup_both_keys_passphrase, teardown), }; ssh_init(); torture_filter_tests(tests); rc = cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL); ssh_finalize(); return rc; }