tests/fuzz/ssh_client_fuzzer.cpp:45:1: error: designator order for field ‘ssh_callbacks_struct::userdata’ does not match declaration order in ‘ssh_callbacks_struct’
Signed-off-by: Jakub Jelen <jjelen@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
This is only compiled for tests and fuzzers!
Signed-off-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
Reviewed-by: Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki <ansasaki@redhat.com>
This makes unnecessary to call ssh_init() when the library is
dynamically loaded. Also removes the threads shared library. The used
threads implementation is chosen in configuration time, changing the
ssh_threads_get_default() depending on the available threads library.
Internally, it is expected a threads implementation providing:
- void ssh_mutex_lock(void **mutex);
- void ssh_mutex_unlock(void **mutex);
- struct ssh_threads_callbacks_struct *ssh_threads_get_default(void);
and a crypto implementation providing:
- int crypto_thread_init(struct ssh_threads_callbacks_struct *user_callbacks);
- void crypto_thread_finalize(void);
This adds internal threads implementation for pthreads and noop.
Signed-off-by: Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki <ansasaki@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>