tests: Simple reproducer for rekeying with different kex

We do not use SHA1 as it is disabled in many systems

Verifies CVE-2021-3634

Signed-off-by: Jakub Jelen <jjelen@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
Этот коммит содержится в:
Jakub Jelen 2021-06-24 10:47:33 +02:00
родитель f5211239f9
Коммит f8817c0c35

Просмотреть файл

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
static uint64_t bytes = 2048; /* 2KB (more than the authentication phase) */
static int sshd_setup(void **state)
torture_setup_sshd_server(state, false);
@ -153,7 +155,6 @@ static void torture_rekey_send(void **state)
int rc;
char data[256];
unsigned int i;
uint64_t bytes = 2048; /* 2KB (more than the authentication phase) */
struct ssh_crypto_struct *c = NULL;
unsigned char *secret_hash = NULL;
@ -234,8 +235,6 @@ static void session_setup_sftp(void **state)
uint64_t bytes = 2048; /* 2KB */
static int session_setup_sftp_client(void **state)
struct torture_state *s = *state;
@ -442,6 +441,153 @@ static void torture_rekey_server_send(void **state)
static void torture_rekey_different_kex(void **state)
struct torture_state *s = *state;
int rc;
char data[256];
unsigned int i;
struct ssh_crypto_struct *c = NULL;
unsigned char *secret_hash = NULL;
size_t secret_hash_len = 0;
const char *kex1 = "diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,curve25519-sha256,ecdh-sha2-nistp256";
const char *kex2 = "diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,ecdh-sha2-nistp521";
/* Use short digest for initial key exchange */
rc = ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_KEY_EXCHANGE, kex1);
assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, rc);
rc = ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_REKEY_DATA, &bytes);
assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, rc);
rc = ssh_connect(s->ssh.session);
assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, rc);
/* The blocks limit is set correctly */
c = s->ssh.session->current_crypto;
bytes / c->in_cipher->blocksize);
bytes / c->out_cipher->blocksize);
/* We should have less encrypted packets than transfered (first are not encrypted) */
assert_true(c->out_cipher->packets < s->ssh.session->send_seq);
assert_true(c->in_cipher->packets < s->ssh.session->recv_seq);
/* Copy the initial secret hash = session_id so we know we changed keys later */
secret_hash = malloc(c->digest_len);
memcpy(secret_hash, c->secret_hash, c->digest_len);
secret_hash_len = c->digest_len;
assert_int_equal(secret_hash_len, 32); /* SHA256 len */
/* OpenSSH can not rekey before authentication so authenticate here */
rc = ssh_userauth_none(s->ssh.session, NULL);
/* This request should return a SSH_REQUEST_DENIED error */
if (rc == SSH_ERROR) {
assert_int_equal(ssh_get_error_code(s->ssh.session), SSH_REQUEST_DENIED);
rc = ssh_userauth_list(s->ssh.session, NULL);
assert_true(rc & SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY);
rc = ssh_userauth_publickey_auto(s->ssh.session, NULL, NULL);
assert_int_equal(rc, SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS);
/* Now try to change preference of key exchange algorithm to something with larger digest */
rc = ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_KEY_EXCHANGE, kex2);
assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, rc);
/* send ignore packets of up to 1KB to trigger rekey. Send litle bit more
* to make sure the rekey it completes with all different ciphers (paddings */
memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
memset(data, 'A', 128);
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
ssh_send_ignore(s->ssh.session, data);
ssh_handle_packets(s->ssh.session, 50);
/* The rekey limit was restored in the new crypto to the same value */
c = s->ssh.session->current_crypto;
assert_int_equal(c->in_cipher->max_blocks, bytes / c->in_cipher->blocksize);
assert_int_equal(c->out_cipher->max_blocks, bytes / c->out_cipher->blocksize);
/* Check that the secret hash is different than initially */
assert_int_equal(c->digest_len, 64); /* SHA512 len */
assert_memory_not_equal(secret_hash, c->secret_hash, secret_hash_len);
/* Session ID stays same after one rekey */
assert_memory_equal(secret_hash, c->session_id, secret_hash_len);
assert_int_equal(ssh_is_connected(s->ssh.session), 1);
assert_int_equal(s->ssh.session->session_state, SSH_SESSION_STATE_AUTHENTICATED);
static void torture_rekey_server_different_kex(void **state)
struct torture_state *s = *state;
int rc;
char data[256];
unsigned int i;
struct ssh_crypto_struct *c = NULL;
unsigned char *secret_hash = NULL;
size_t secret_hash_len = 0;
const char *sshd_config = "RekeyLimit 2K none";
const char *kex1 = "diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,curve25519-sha256,ecdh-sha2-nistp256";
const char *kex2 = "diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512";
/* Use short digest for initial key exchange */
rc = ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_KEY_EXCHANGE, kex1);
assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, rc);
torture_update_sshd_config(state, sshd_config);
rc = ssh_connect(s->ssh.session);
assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, rc);
/* Copy the initial secret hash = session_id so we know we changed keys later */
c = s->ssh.session->current_crypto;
secret_hash = malloc(c->digest_len);
memcpy(secret_hash, c->secret_hash, c->digest_len);
secret_hash_len = c->digest_len;
assert_int_equal(secret_hash_len, 32); /* SHA256 len */
/* OpenSSH can not rekey before authentication so authenticate here */
rc = ssh_userauth_none(s->ssh.session, NULL);
/* This request should return a SSH_REQUEST_DENIED error */
if (rc == SSH_ERROR) {
assert_int_equal(ssh_get_error_code(s->ssh.session), SSH_REQUEST_DENIED);
rc = ssh_userauth_list(s->ssh.session, NULL);
assert_true(rc & SSH_AUTH_METHOD_PUBLICKEY);
rc = ssh_userauth_publickey_auto(s->ssh.session, NULL, NULL);
assert_int_equal(rc, SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS);
/* Now try to change preference of key exchange algorithm to something with larger digest */
rc = ssh_options_set(s->ssh.session, SSH_OPTIONS_KEY_EXCHANGE, kex2);
assert_ssh_return_code(s->ssh.session, rc);
/* send ignore packets of up to 1KB to trigger rekey. Send litle bit more
* to make sure the rekey it completes with all different ciphers (paddings */
memset(data, 0, sizeof(data));
memset(data, 'A', 128);
for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
ssh_send_ignore(s->ssh.session, data);
ssh_handle_packets(s->ssh.session, 50);
/* Check that the secret hash is different than initially */
c = s->ssh.session->current_crypto;
assert_int_equal(c->digest_len, 64); /* SHA512 len */
assert_memory_not_equal(secret_hash, c->secret_hash, secret_hash_len);
/* Session ID stays same after one rekey */
assert_memory_equal(secret_hash, c->session_id, secret_hash_len);
#ifdef WITH_SFTP
static int session_setup_sftp_server(void **state)
@ -528,6 +674,9 @@ int torture_run_tests(void) {
/* Note, that this modifies the sshd_config */
@ -537,6 +686,9 @@ int torture_run_tests(void) {
#endif /* WITH_SFTP */
/* TODO verify the two rekey are possible and the states are not broken after rekey */