425 lines
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425 lines
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* iperf, Copyright (c) 2014-2020, The Regents of the University of
* California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
* to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of
* Energy). All rights reserved.
* If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
* software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
* Department at TTD@lbl.gov.
* NOTICE. This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.
* As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
* acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
* worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
* works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five
* (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
* from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
* five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
* and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
* irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
* prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
* publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
* This code is distributed under a BSD style license, see the LICENSE
* file for complete information.
#ifndef __IPERF_H
#define __IPERF_H
#include "iperf_config.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <linux/tcp.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <net/if.h> // for IFNAMSIZ
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/cpuset.h>
#if defined(HAVE_INTTYPES_H)
# include <inttypes.h>
# ifndef PRIu64
# if sizeof(long) == 8
# define PRIu64 "lu"
# else
# define PRIu64 "llu"
# endif
# endif
#include "timer.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "cjson.h"
#include "iperf_time.h"
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#endif // HAVE_SSL
#if !defined(__IPERF_API_H)
typedef uint64_t iperf_size_t;
#endif // __IPERF_API_H
struct iperf_interval_results
iperf_size_t bytes_transferred; /* bytes transferred in this interval */
struct iperf_time interval_start_time;
struct iperf_time interval_end_time;
float interval_duration;
/* for UDP */
int interval_packet_count;
int interval_outoforder_packets;
int interval_cnt_error;
int packet_count;
double jitter;
int outoforder_packets;
int cnt_error;
int omitted;
#if (defined(linux) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__)) && \
struct tcp_info tcpInfo; /* getsockopt(TCP_INFO) for Linux, {Free,Net}BSD */
/* Just placeholders, never accessed. */
char *tcpInfo;
int interval_retrans;
int interval_sacks;
int snd_cwnd;
int snd_wnd;
TAILQ_ENTRY(iperf_interval_results) irlistentries;
void *custom_data;
int rtt;
int rttvar;
int pmtu;
struct iperf_stream_result
iperf_size_t bytes_received;
iperf_size_t bytes_sent;
iperf_size_t bytes_received_this_interval;
iperf_size_t bytes_sent_this_interval;
iperf_size_t bytes_sent_omit;
int stream_prev_total_retrans;
int stream_retrans;
int stream_prev_total_sacks;
int stream_sacks;
int stream_max_rtt;
int stream_min_rtt;
int stream_sum_rtt;
int stream_count_rtt;
int stream_max_snd_cwnd;
int stream_max_snd_wnd;
struct iperf_time start_time;
struct iperf_time end_time;
struct iperf_time start_time_fixed;
double sender_time;
double receiver_time;
TAILQ_HEAD(irlisthead, iperf_interval_results) interval_results;
void *data;
#define COOKIE_SIZE 37 /* size of an ascii uuid */
struct iperf_settings
int domain; /* AF_INET or AF_INET6 */
int socket_bufsize; /* window size for TCP */
int blksize; /* size of read/writes (-l) */
iperf_size_t rate; /* target data rate for application pacing*/
iperf_size_t bitrate_limit; /* server's maximum allowed total data rate for all streams*/
double bitrate_limit_interval; /* interval for averaging total data rate */
int bitrate_limit_stats_per_interval; /* calculated number of stats periods for averaging total data rate */
uint64_t fqrate; /* target data rate for FQ pacing*/
int pacing_timer; /* pacing timer in microseconds */
int burst; /* packets per burst */
int mss; /* for TCP MSS */
int ttl; /* IP TTL option */
int tos; /* type of service bit */
int flowlabel; /* IPv6 flow label */
iperf_size_t bytes; /* number of bytes to send */
iperf_size_t blocks; /* number of blocks (packets) to send */
char unit_format; /* -f */
int num_ostreams; /* SCTP initmsg settings */
int dont_fragment; /* Whether to set IP flag Do-Not_Fragment */
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
char *authtoken; /* Authentication token */
char *client_username;
char *client_password;
EVP_PKEY *client_rsa_pubkey;
#endif // HAVE_SSL
int connect_timeout; /* socket connection timeout, in ms */
int idle_timeout; /* server idle time timeout */
struct iperf_time rcv_timeout; /* Timeout for receiving messages in active mode, in us */
struct iperf_test;
struct iperf_stream
struct iperf_test* test;
/* configurable members */
int local_port;
int remote_port;
int socket;
int id;
int sender;
/* XXX: is settings just a pointer to the same struct in iperf_test? if not,
should it be? */
struct iperf_settings *settings; /* pointer to structure settings */
/* non configurable members */
struct iperf_stream_result *result; /* structure pointer to result */
Timer *send_timer;
int green_light;
int buffer_fd; /* data to send, file descriptor */
char *buffer; /* data to send, mmapped */
int pending_size; /* pending data to send */
int diskfile_fd; /* file to send, file descriptor */
int diskfile_left; /* remaining file data on disk */
* for udp measurements - This can be a structure outside stream, and
* stream can have a pointer to this
int packet_count;
int peer_packet_count;
int omitted_packet_count;
double jitter;
double prev_transit;
int outoforder_packets;
int omitted_outoforder_packets;
int cnt_error;
int omitted_cnt_error;
uint64_t target;
struct sockaddr_storage local_addr;
struct sockaddr_storage remote_addr;
int (*rcv) (struct iperf_stream * stream);
int (*snd) (struct iperf_stream * stream);
/* chained send/receive routines for -F mode */
int (*rcv2) (struct iperf_stream * stream);
int (*snd2) (struct iperf_stream * stream);
// struct iperf_stream *next;
SLIST_ENTRY(iperf_stream) streams;
void *data;
struct protocol {
int id;
char *name;
int (*accept)(struct iperf_test *);
int (*listen)(struct iperf_test *);
int (*connect)(struct iperf_test *);
int (*send)(struct iperf_stream *);
int (*recv)(struct iperf_stream *);
int (*init)(struct iperf_test *);
SLIST_ENTRY(protocol) protocols;
struct iperf_textline {
char *line;
TAILQ_ENTRY(iperf_textline) textlineentries;
struct xbind_entry {
char *name;
struct addrinfo *ai;
TAILQ_ENTRY(xbind_entry) link;
enum iperf_mode {
struct iperf_test
char role; /* 'c' lient or 's' erver */
enum iperf_mode mode;
int sender_has_retransmits;
int other_side_has_retransmits; /* used if mode == BIDIRECTIONAL */
struct protocol *protocol;
signed char state;
char *server_hostname; /* -c option */
char *tmp_template;
char *bind_address; /* first -B option */
char *bind_dev; /* bind to network device */
TAILQ_HEAD(xbind_addrhead, xbind_entry) xbind_addrs; /* all -X opts */
int bind_port; /* --cport option */
int server_port;
int omit; /* duration of omit period (-O flag) */
int duration; /* total duration of test (-t flag) */
char *diskfile_name; /* -F option */
int affinity, server_affinity; /* -A option */
cpuset_t cpumask;
char *title; /* -T option */
char *extra_data; /* --extra-data */
char *congestion; /* -C option */
char *congestion_used; /* what was actually used */
char *remote_congestion_used; /* what the other side used */
char *pidfile; /* -P option */
char *logfile; /* --logfile option */
FILE *outfile;
int ctrl_sck;
int listener;
int prot_listener;
int ctrl_sck_mss; /* MSS for the control channel */
#if defined(HAVE_SSL)
char *server_authorized_users;
EVP_PKEY *server_rsa_private_key;
int server_skew_threshold;
#endif // HAVE_SSL
/* boolean variables for Options */
int daemon; /* -D option */
int one_off; /* -1 option */
int no_delay; /* -N option */
int reverse; /* -R option */
int bidirectional; /* --bidirectional */
int verbose; /* -V option - verbose mode */
int json_output; /* -J option - JSON output */
int zerocopy; /* -Z option - use sendfile */
int debug; /* -d option - enable debug */
int get_server_output; /* --get-server-output */
int udp_counters_64bit; /* --use-64-bit-udp-counters */
int forceflush; /* --forceflush - flushing output at every interval */
int multisend;
int repeating_payload; /* --repeating-payload */
int timestamps; /* --timestamps */
char *timestamp_format;
char *json_output_string; /* rendered JSON output if json_output is set */
/* Select related parameters */
int max_fd;
fd_set read_set; /* set of read sockets */
fd_set write_set; /* set of write sockets */
/* Interval related members */
int omitting;
double stats_interval;
double reporter_interval;
void (*stats_callback) (struct iperf_test *);
void (*reporter_callback) (struct iperf_test *);
Timer *omit_timer;
Timer *timer;
int done;
Timer *stats_timer;
Timer *reporter_timer;
double cpu_util[3]; /* cpu utilization of the test - total, user, system */
double remote_cpu_util[3]; /* cpu utilization for the remote host/client - total, user, system */
int num_streams; /* total streams in the test (-P) */
iperf_size_t bytes_sent;
iperf_size_t blocks_sent;
iperf_size_t bytes_received;
iperf_size_t blocks_received;
iperf_size_t bitrate_limit_stats_count; /* Number of stats periods accumulated for server's total bitrate average */
iperf_size_t *bitrate_limit_intervals_traffic_bytes; /* Pointer to a cyclic array that includes the last interval's bytes transferred */
iperf_size_t bitrate_limit_last_interval_index; /* Index of the last interval traffic inserted into the cyclic array */
int bitrate_limit_exceeded; /* Set by callback routine when average data rate exceeded the server's bitrate limit */
int server_last_run_rc; /* Save last server run rc for next test */
uint server_forced_idle_restarts_count; /* count number of forced server restarts to make sure it is not stack */
uint server_forced_no_msg_restarts_count; /* count number of forced server restarts to make sure it is not stack */
uint server_test_number; /* count number of tests performed by a server */
char cookie[COOKIE_SIZE];
// struct iperf_stream *streams; /* pointer to list of struct stream */
SLIST_HEAD(slisthead, iperf_stream) streams;
struct iperf_settings *settings;
SLIST_HEAD(plisthead, protocol) protocols;
/* callback functions */
void (*on_new_stream)(struct iperf_stream *);
void (*on_test_start)(struct iperf_test *);
void (*on_connect)(struct iperf_test *);
void (*on_test_finish)(struct iperf_test *);
/* cJSON handles for use when in -J mode */\
cJSON *json_top;
cJSON *json_start;
cJSON *json_connected;
cJSON *json_intervals;
cJSON *json_end;
/* Server output (use on client side only) */
char *server_output_text;
cJSON *json_server_output;
/* Server output (use on server side only) */
TAILQ_HEAD(iperf_textlisthead, iperf_textline) server_output_list;
/* default settings */
#define PORT 5201 /* default port to listen on (don't use the same port as iperf2) */
#define uS_TO_NS 1000
#define mS_TO_US 1000
#define SEC_TO_mS 1000
#define SEC_TO_US 1000000LL
#define UDP_RATE (1024 * 1024) /* 1 Mbps */
#define OMIT 0 /* seconds */
#define DURATION 10 /* seconds */
#define SEC_TO_NS 1000000000LL /* too big for enum/const on some platforms */
#define MAX_RESULT_STRING 4096
#define UDP_BUFFER_EXTRA 1024
/* constants for command line arg sanity checks */
#define MB (1024 * 1024)
#define MAX_TCP_BUFFER (512 * MB)
/* Minimum size UDP send is the size of two 32-bit ints followed by a 64-bit int */
#define MIN_UDP_BLOCKSIZE (4 + 4 + 8)
/* Maximum size UDP send is (64K - 1) - IP and UDP header sizes */
#define MAX_UDP_BLOCKSIZE (65535 - 8 - 20)
#define MIN_INTERVAL 0.1
#define MAX_INTERVAL 60.0
#define MAX_TIME 86400
#define MAX_BURST 1000
#define MAX_MSS (9 * 1024)
#define MAX_STREAMS 128
#define TIMESTAMP_FORMAT "%c "
extern int gerror; /* error value from getaddrinfo(3), for use in internal error handling */
#endif /* !__IPERF_H */