Make error handling on the control channel more robust.
Этот коммит содержится в:
@ -1676,14 +1676,32 @@ JSON_read(int fd)
uint32_t hsize, nsize;
char *str;
cJSON *json = NULL;
int rc;
* Read a four-byte integer, which is the length of the JSON to follow.
* Then read the JSON into a buffer and parse it. Return a parsed JSON
* structure, NULL if there was an error.
if (Nread(fd, (char*) &nsize, sizeof(nsize), Ptcp) >= 0) {
hsize = ntohl(nsize);
str = (char *) malloc(hsize+1); /* +1 for EOS */
/* Allocate a buffer to hold the JSON */
str = (char *) calloc(sizeof(char), hsize+1); /* +1 for trailing null */
if (str != NULL) {
if (Nread(fd, str, hsize, Ptcp) >= 0) {
str[hsize] = '\0'; /* add the EOS */
json = cJSON_Parse(str);
rc = Nread(fd, str, hsize, Ptcp);
if (rc >= 0) {
* We should be reading in the number of bytes corresponding to the
* length in that 4-byte integer. If we don't the socket might have
* prematurely closed. Only do the JSON parsing if we got the
* correct number of bytes.
if (rc == hsize) {
json = cJSON_Parse(str);
else {
printf("WARNING: Size of data read does not correspond to offered length\n");
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