
6813 строки
185 KiB

* C-Wrapper for GEOS library
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Sandro Santilli <>
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Refractions Research Inc.
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
* by the Free Software Foundation.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
* Author: Sandro Santilli <>
* Thread Safety modifications: Chuck Thibert <>
#include <geos/geom/Coordinate.h>
#include <geos/geom/Geometry.h>
#include <geos/geom/prep/PreparedGeometry.h>
#include <geos/geom/prep/PreparedGeometryFactory.h>
#include <geos/geom/GeometryCollection.h>
#include <geos/geom/Polygon.h>
#include <geos/geom/Point.h>
#include <geos/geom/MultiPoint.h>
#include <geos/geom/MultiLineString.h>
#include <geos/geom/MultiPolygon.h>
#include <geos/geom/LinearRing.h>
#include <geos/geom/LineSegment.h>
#include <geos/geom/LineString.h>
#include <geos/geom/PrecisionModel.h>
#include <geos/geom/GeometryFactory.h>
#include <geos/geom/CoordinateSequenceFactory.h>
#include <geos/geom/FixedSizeCoordinateSequence.h>
#include <geos/geom/Coordinate.h>
#include <geos/geom/IntersectionMatrix.h>
#include <geos/geom/Envelope.h>
#include <geos/index/strtree/STRtree.h>
#include <geos/index/strtree/GeometryItemDistance.h>
#include <geos/index/ItemVisitor.h>
#include <geos/io/WKTReader.h>
#include <geos/io/WKBReader.h>
#include <geos/io/WKTWriter.h>
#include <geos/io/WKBWriter.h>
#include <geos/algorithm/BoundaryNodeRule.h>
#include <geos/algorithm/MinimumBoundingCircle.h>
#include <geos/algorithm/MinimumDiameter.h>
#include <geos/algorithm/Orientation.h>
#include <geos/algorithm/distance/DiscreteHausdorffDistance.h>
#include <geos/algorithm/distance/DiscreteFrechetDistance.h>
#include <geos/simplify/DouglasPeuckerSimplifier.h>
#include <geos/simplify/TopologyPreservingSimplifier.h>
#include <geos/noding/GeometryNoder.h>
#include <geos/noding/Noder.h>
#include <geos/operation/buffer/BufferBuilder.h>
#include <geos/operation/buffer/BufferOp.h>
#include <geos/operation/buffer/BufferParameters.h>
#include <geos/operation/distance/DistanceOp.h>
#include <geos/operation/distance/IndexedFacetDistance.h>
#include <geos/operation/linemerge/LineMerger.h>
#include <geos/operation/overlay/OverlayOp.h>
#include <geos/operation/overlay/snap/GeometrySnapper.h>
#include <geos/operation/intersection/Rectangle.h>
#include <geos/operation/intersection/RectangleIntersection.h>
#include <geos/operation/polygonize/Polygonizer.h>
#include <geos/operation/polygonize/BuildArea.h>
#include <geos/operation/relate/RelateOp.h>
#include <geos/operation/sharedpaths/SharedPathsOp.h>
#include <geos/operation/union/CascadedPolygonUnion.h>
#include <geos/operation/union/CoverageUnion.h>
#include <geos/operation/valid/IsValidOp.h>
#include <geos/operation/valid/MakeValid.h>
#include <geos/precision/GeometryPrecisionReducer.h>
#include <geos/linearref/LengthIndexedLine.h>
#include <geos/triangulate/DelaunayTriangulationBuilder.h>
#include <geos/triangulate/VoronoiDiagramBuilder.h>
#include <geos/util.h>
#include <geos/util/IllegalArgumentException.h>
#include <geos/util/Interrupt.h>
#include <geos/util/UniqueCoordinateArrayFilter.h>
#include <geos/util/Machine.h>
#include <geos/version.h>
// This should go away
#include <cmath> // finite
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4099)
// Some extra magic to make type declarations in geos_c.h work -
// for cross-checking of types in header.
#define GEOSGeometry geos::geom::Geometry
#define GEOSPreparedGeometry geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry
#define GEOSCoordSequence geos::geom::CoordinateSequence
#define GEOSBufferParams geos::operation::buffer::BufferParameters
#define GEOSSTRtree geos::index::strtree::STRtree
#define GEOSWKTReader_t geos::io::WKTReader
#define GEOSWKTWriter_t geos::io::WKTWriter
#define GEOSWKBReader_t geos::io::WKBReader
#define GEOSWKBWriter_t geos::io::WKBWriter
#include "geos_c.h"
// Intentional, to allow non-standard C elements like C99 functions to be
// imported through C++ headers of C library, like <cmath>.
using namespace std;
/// Define this if you want operations triggering Exceptions to
/// be printed.
/// (will use the NOTIFY channel - only implemented for GEOSUnion so far)
#include <geos/export.h>
#include <geos/precision/MinimumClearance.h>
// import the most frequently used definitions globally
using geos::geom::Geometry;
using geos::geom::LineString;
using geos::geom::LinearRing;
using geos::geom::MultiLineString;
using geos::geom::MultiPolygon;
using geos::geom::Polygon;
using geos::geom::CoordinateSequence;
using geos::geom::GeometryCollection;
using geos::geom::GeometryFactory;
using geos::io::WKTReader;
using geos::io::WKTWriter;
using geos::io::WKBReader;
using geos::io::WKBWriter;
using geos::operation::overlay::OverlayOp;
using geos::operation::overlay::overlayOp;
using geos::operation::geounion::CascadedPolygonUnion;
using geos::operation::distance::IndexedFacetDistance;
using geos::operation::buffer::BufferParameters;
using geos::operation::buffer::BufferBuilder;
using geos::precision::GeometryPrecisionReducer;
using geos::util::IllegalArgumentException;
using geos::algorithm::distance::DiscreteHausdorffDistance;
using geos::algorithm::distance::DiscreteFrechetDistance;
typedef std::unique_ptr<Geometry> GeomPtr;
typedef struct GEOSContextHandle_HS {
const GeometryFactory* geomFactory;
char msgBuffer[1024];
GEOSMessageHandler noticeMessageOld;
GEOSMessageHandler_r noticeMessageNew;
void* noticeData;
GEOSMessageHandler errorMessageOld;
GEOSMessageHandler_r errorMessageNew;
void* errorData;
int WKBOutputDims;
int WKBByteOrder;
int initialized;
memset(msgBuffer, 0, sizeof(msgBuffer));
geomFactory = GeometryFactory::getDefaultInstance();
WKBOutputDims = 2;
WKBByteOrder = getMachineByteOrder();
initialized = 1;
setNoticeHandler(GEOSMessageHandler nf)
GEOSMessageHandler f = noticeMessageOld;
noticeMessageOld = nf;
noticeMessageNew = NULL;
noticeData = NULL;
return f;
setErrorHandler(GEOSMessageHandler nf)
GEOSMessageHandler f = errorMessageOld;
errorMessageOld = nf;
errorMessageNew = NULL;
errorData = NULL;
return f;
setNoticeHandler(GEOSMessageHandler_r nf, void* userData)
GEOSMessageHandler_r f = noticeMessageNew;
noticeMessageOld = NULL;
noticeMessageNew = nf;
noticeData = userData;
return f;
setErrorHandler(GEOSMessageHandler_r ef, void* userData)
GEOSMessageHandler_r f = errorMessageNew;
errorMessageOld = NULL;
errorMessageNew = ef;
errorData = userData;
return f;
NOTICE_MESSAGE(string fmt, ...)
if(NULL == noticeMessageOld && NULL == noticeMessageNew) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
int result = vsnprintf(msgBuffer, sizeof(msgBuffer) - 1, fmt.c_str(), args);
if(result > 0) {
if(noticeMessageOld) {
noticeMessageOld("%s", msgBuffer);
else {
noticeMessageNew(msgBuffer, noticeData);
ERROR_MESSAGE(string fmt, ...)
if(NULL == errorMessageOld && NULL == errorMessageNew) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
int result = vsnprintf(msgBuffer, sizeof(msgBuffer) - 1, fmt.c_str(), args);
if(result > 0) {
if(errorMessageOld) {
errorMessageOld("%s", msgBuffer);
else {
errorMessageNew(msgBuffer, errorData);
} GEOSContextHandleInternal_t;
// CAPI_ItemVisitor is used internally by the CAPI STRtree
// wrappers. It's defined here just to keep it out of the
// extern "C" block.
class CAPI_ItemVisitor : public geos::index::ItemVisitor {
GEOSQueryCallback callback;
void* userdata;
CAPI_ItemVisitor(GEOSQueryCallback cb, void* ud)
: ItemVisitor(), callback(cb), userdata(ud) {}
visitItem(void* item) override
callback(item, userdata);
//## PROTOTYPES #############################################
extern "C" const char GEOS_DLL* GEOSjtsport();
extern "C" char GEOS_DLL* GEOSasText(Geometry* g1);
namespace { // anonymous
gstrdup_s(const char* str, const std::size_t size)
char* out = static_cast<char*>(malloc(size + 1));
if(0 != out) {
// as no strlen call necessary, memcpy may be faster than strcpy
std::memcpy(out, str, size + 1);
assert(0 != out);
// we haven't been checking allocation before ticket #371
if(0 == out) {
throw(std::runtime_error("Failed to allocate memory for duplicate string"));
return out;
gstrdup(std::string const& str)
return gstrdup_s(str.c_str(), str.size());
} // namespace anonymous
extern "C" {
initGEOS_r(GEOSMessageHandler nf, GEOSMessageHandler ef)
GEOSContextHandle_t handle = GEOS_init_r();
if(0 != handle) {
GEOSContext_setNoticeHandler_r(handle, nf);
GEOSContext_setErrorHandler_r(handle, ef);
return handle;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = new GEOSContextHandleInternal_t();
return static_cast<GEOSContextHandle_t>(handle);
GEOSContext_setNoticeHandler_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, GEOSMessageHandler nf)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
return handle->setNoticeHandler(nf);
GEOSContext_setErrorHandler_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, GEOSMessageHandler nf)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
return handle->setErrorHandler(nf);
GEOSContext_setNoticeMessageHandler_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, GEOSMessageHandler_r nf, void* userData)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
return handle->setNoticeHandler(nf, userData);
GEOSContext_setErrorMessageHandler_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, GEOSMessageHandler_r ef, void* userData)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
return handle->setErrorHandler(ef, userData);
finishGEOS_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
// Fix up freeing handle w.r.t. malloc above
delete extHandle;
extHandle = NULL;
GEOS_finish_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
GEOSFree_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, void* buffer)
assert(0 != extHandle);
// relate()-related functions
// return 0 = false, 1 = true, 2 = error occurred
GEOSDisjoint_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(handle->initialized == 0) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->disjoint(g2);
return result;
// TODO: mloskot is going to replace these double-catch block
// with a macro to remove redundant code in this and
// following functions.
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSTouches_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->touches(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSIntersects_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->intersects(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSCrosses_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->crosses(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSWithin_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->within(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
// call g1->contains(g2)
// returns 0 = false
// 1 = true
// 2 = error was trapped
GEOSContains_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->contains(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSOverlaps_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->overlaps(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSCovers_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->covers(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSCoveredBy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->coveredBy(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
// low-level relate functions
GEOSRelatePattern_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, const char* pat)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
std::string s(pat);
bool result = g1->relate(g2, s);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSRelatePatternMatch_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const char* mat,
const char* pat)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
using geos::geom::IntersectionMatrix;
std::string m(mat);
std::string p(pat);
IntersectionMatrix im(m);
bool result = im.matches(p);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSRelate_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::geom::IntersectionMatrix;
auto im = g1->relate(g2);
if(im == nullptr) {
return 0;
char* result = gstrdup(im->toString());
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSRelateBoundaryNodeRule_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, int bnr)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::operation::relate::RelateOp;
using geos::geom::IntersectionMatrix;
using geos::algorithm::BoundaryNodeRule;
std::unique_ptr<IntersectionMatrix> im;
switch(bnr) {
case GEOSRELATE_BNR_MOD2: /* same as OGC */
im = RelateOp::relate(g1, g2,
im = RelateOp::relate(g1, g2,
im = RelateOp::relate(g1, g2,
im = RelateOp::relate(g1, g2,
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Invalid boundary node rule %d", bnr);
return 0;
if(0 == im) {
return 0;
char* result = gstrdup(im->toString());
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
// isValid
GEOSisValid_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
using geos::operation::valid::IsValidOp;
using geos::operation::valid::TopologyValidationError;
IsValidOp ivo(g1);
TopologyValidationError* err = ivo.getValidationError();
if(err) {
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("%s", err->toString().c_str());
return 0;
else {
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSisValidReason_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::operation::valid::IsValidOp;
using geos::operation::valid::TopologyValidationError;
char* result = 0;
char const* const validstr = "Valid Geometry";
IsValidOp ivo(g1);
TopologyValidationError* err = ivo.getValidationError();
if(0 != err) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << err->getCoordinate();
const std::string errloc = ss.str();
std::string errmsg(err->getMessage());
errmsg += "[" + errloc + "]";
result = gstrdup(errmsg);
else {
result = gstrdup(std::string(validstr));
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSisValidDetail_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g,
int flags, char** reason, Geometry** location)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
using geos::operation::valid::IsValidOp;
using geos::operation::valid::TopologyValidationError;
IsValidOp ivo(g);
TopologyValidationError* err = ivo.getValidationError();
if(0 != err) {
if(location) {
*location = handle->geomFactory->createPoint(err->getCoordinate());
if(reason) {
std::string errmsg(err->getMessage());
*reason = gstrdup(errmsg);
return 0;
if(location) {
*location = 0;
if(reason) {
*reason = 0;
return 1; /* valid */
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2; /* exception */
// general purpose
GEOSEquals_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->equals(g2);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSEqualsExact_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, double tolerance)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = g1->equalsExact(g2, tolerance);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSDistance_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, double* dist)
assert(0 != dist);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*dist = g1->distance(g2);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSDistanceIndexed_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, double* dist)
assert(0 != dist);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*dist = IndexedFacetDistance::distance(g1, g2);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSHausdorffDistance_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, double* dist)
assert(0 != dist);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*dist = DiscreteHausdorffDistance::distance(*g1, *g2);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSHausdorffDistanceDensify_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2,
double densifyFrac, double* dist)
assert(0 != dist);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*dist = DiscreteHausdorffDistance::distance(*g1, *g2, densifyFrac);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSFrechetDistance_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, double* dist)
assert(0 != dist);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*dist = DiscreteFrechetDistance::distance(*g1, *g2);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSFrechetDistanceDensify_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2, double densifyFrac,
double* dist)
assert(0 != dist);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*dist = DiscreteFrechetDistance::distance(*g1, *g2, densifyFrac);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSArea_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double* area)
assert(0 != area);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*area = g->getArea();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSLength_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double* length)
assert(0 != length);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*length = g->getLength();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSNearestPoints_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
if(g1->isEmpty() || g2->isEmpty()) {
return 0;
return geos::operation::distance::DistanceOp::nearestPoints(g1, g2).release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeomFromWKT_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const char* wkt)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const std::string wktstring(wkt);
WKTReader r(static_cast<GeometryFactory const*>(handle->geomFactory));
auto g =;
return g.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeomToWKT_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
char* result = gstrdup(g1->toString());
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
// Remember to free the result!
unsigned char*
GEOSGeomToWKB_buf_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, size_t* size)
assert(0 != size);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
using geos::io::WKBWriter;
try {
int byteOrder = handle->WKBByteOrder;
WKBWriter w(handle->WKBOutputDims, byteOrder);
std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
w.write(*g, os);
std::string wkbstring(os.str());
const std::size_t len = wkbstring.length();
unsigned char* result = 0;
result = static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(len));
if(0 != result) {
std::memcpy(result, wkbstring.c_str(), len);
*size = len;
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeomFromWKB_buf_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const unsigned char* wkb, size_t size)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
using geos::io::WKBReader;
try {
std::string wkbstring(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(wkb), size); // make it binary !
WKBReader r(*(static_cast<GeometryFactory const*>(handle->geomFactory)));
std::istringstream is(std::ios_base::binary);
is.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // rewind reader pointer
auto g =;
return g.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
/* Read/write wkb hex values. Returned geometries are
owned by the caller.*/
unsigned char*
GEOSGeomToHEX_buf_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, size_t* size)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
using geos::io::WKBWriter;
try {
int byteOrder = handle->WKBByteOrder;
WKBWriter w(handle->WKBOutputDims, byteOrder);
std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
w.writeHEX(*g, os);
std::string hexstring(os.str());
char* result = gstrdup(hexstring);
if(0 != result) {
*size = hexstring.length();
return reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(result);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeomFromHEX_buf_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const unsigned char* hex, size_t size)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
using geos::io::WKBReader;
try {
std::string hexstring(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hex), size);
WKBReader r(*(static_cast<GeometryFactory const*>(handle->geomFactory)));
std::istringstream is(std::ios_base::binary);
is.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // rewind reader pointer
auto g = r.readHEX(is);
return g.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSisEmpty_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
return g1->isEmpty();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSisSimple_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
return g1->isSimple();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 2;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSisRing_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g);
if(ls) {
return (ls->isRing());
else {
return 0;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 2;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
//free the result of this
GEOSGeomType_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
std::string s = g1->getGeometryType();
char* result = gstrdup(s);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
// Return postgis geometry type index
GEOSGeomTypeId_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
try {
return g1->getGeometryTypeId();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1;
// GEOS functions that return geometries
GEOSEnvelope_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry* g3 = g1->getEnvelope().release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSIntersection_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry* g3 = g1->intersection(g2).release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSBuffer_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double width, int quadrantsegments)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry* g3 = g1->buffer(width, quadrantsegments).release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSBufferWithStyle_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double width, int quadsegs, int endCapStyle,
int joinStyle, double mitreLimit)
using geos::operation::buffer::BufferParameters;
using geos::operation::buffer::BufferOp;
using geos::util::IllegalArgumentException;
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
BufferParameters bp;
if(endCapStyle > BufferParameters::CAP_SQUARE) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid buffer endCap style");
if(joinStyle > BufferParameters::JOIN_BEVEL) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid buffer join style");
BufferOp op(g1, bp);
Geometry* g3 = op.getResultGeometry(width);
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSOffsetCurve_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double width, int quadsegs, int joinStyle,
double mitreLimit)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
BufferParameters bp;
if(joinStyle > BufferParameters::JOIN_BEVEL) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid buffer join style");
bool isLeftSide = true;
if(width < 0) {
isLeftSide = false;
width = -width;
BufferBuilder bufBuilder(bp);
Geometry* g3 = bufBuilder.bufferLineSingleSided(g1, width, isLeftSide);
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
/* @deprecated in 3.3.0 */
GEOSSingleSidedBuffer_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double width, int quadsegs, int joinStyle,
double mitreLimit, int leftSide)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
BufferParameters bp;
if(joinStyle > BufferParameters::JOIN_BEVEL) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid buffer join style");
bool isLeftSide = leftSide == 0 ? false : true;
BufferBuilder bufBuilder(bp);
Geometry* g3 = bufBuilder.bufferLineSingleSided(g1, width, isLeftSide);
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSConvexHull_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry* g3 = g1->convexHull().release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSMinimumRotatedRectangle_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
geos::algorithm::MinimumDiameter m(g);
Geometry* g3 = m.getMinimumRectangle().release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSMinimumWidth_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
geos::algorithm::MinimumDiameter m(g);
Geometry* g3 = m.getDiameter().release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSMinimumClearanceLine_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
geos::precision::MinimumClearance mc(g);
Geometry *g3 = mc.getLine().release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSMinimumClearance_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double* d)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
geos::precision::MinimumClearance mc(g);
double res = mc.getDistance();
*d = res;
return 0;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSDifference_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry *g3 = g1->difference(g2).release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSBoundary_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry* g3 = g1->getBoundary().release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSSymDifference_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry *g3 = g1->symDifference(g2).release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return NULL;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSUnion_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* g2)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry *g3 = g1->Union(g2).release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "Exception on GEOSUnion_r with following inputs:" << std::endl;
s << "A: " << g1->toString() << std::endl;
s << "B: " << g2->toString() << std::endl;
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("%s", s.str().c_str());
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSCoverageUnion_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry *g3 = geos::operation::geounion::CoverageUnion::Union(g).release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSUnaryUnion_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
GeomPtr g3(g->Union());
return g3.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "Exception on GEOSUnaryUnion_r with following inputs:" << std::endl;
s << "A: " << g1->toString() << std::endl;
s << "B: " << g2->toString() << std::endl;
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("%s", s.str().c_str());
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSNode_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> g3 = geos::noding::GeometryNoder::node(*g);
return g3.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "Exception on GEOSNode_r with following inputs:" << std::endl;
s << "A: " << g1->toString() << std::endl;
s << "B: " << g2->toString() << std::endl;
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("%s", s.str().c_str());
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSUnionCascaded_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const geos::geom::MultiPolygon* p = dynamic_cast<const geos::geom::MultiPolygon*>(g1);
if(! p) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Invalid argument (must be a MultiPolygon)");
return NULL;
using geos::operation::geounion::CascadedPolygonUnion;
Geometry *g3 = CascadedPolygonUnion::Union(p);
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSPointOnSurface_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
auto ret = g1->getInteriorPoint();
if(ret == nullptr) {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
// return an empty point
return gf->createPoint().release();
return ret.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSClipByRect_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::operation::intersection::Rectangle;
using geos::operation::intersection::RectangleIntersection;
Rectangle rect(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> g3 = RectangleIntersection::clip(*g, rect);
return g3.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "Exception on GEOSClipByRect_r with following inputs:" << std::endl;
s << "A: " << g1->toString() << std::endl;
s << "B: " << g2->toString() << std::endl;
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("%s", s.str().c_str());
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
// memory management functions
GEOSGeom_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, Geometry* a)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
// FIXME: mloskot: Does this try-catch around delete means that
// destructors in GEOS may throw? If it does, this is a serious
// violation of "never throw an exception from a destructor" principle
try {
delete a;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSGeom_setUserData_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, Geometry* g, void* userData)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
GEOSSetSRID_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, Geometry* g, int srid)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
GEOSGetNumCoordinates_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
try {
return static_cast<int>(g->getNumPoints());
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1;
* Return -1 on exception, 0 otherwise.
* Converts Geometry to normal form (or canonical form).
GEOSNormalize_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, Geometry* g)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
try {
return 0; // SUCCESS
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1;
GEOSGetNumInteriorRings_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
try {
const Polygon* p = dynamic_cast<const Polygon*>(g1);
if(! p) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a Polygon");
return -1;
return static_cast<int>(p->getNumInteriorRing());
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1;
// returns -1 on error and 1 for non-multi geometries
GEOSGetNumGeometries_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
try {
return static_cast<int>(g1->getNumGeometries());
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1;
* Return a pointer to the internal Geometry.
const Geometry*
GEOSGetGeometryN_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, int n)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
return g1->getGeometryN(n);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
* Call only on LINESTRING
* Returns NULL on exception
GEOSGeomGetPointN_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, int n)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::geom::LineString;
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g1);
if(! ls) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a LineString");
return NULL;
return ls->getPointN(n).release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
* Call only on LINESTRING
GEOSGeomGetStartPoint_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::geom::LineString;
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g1);
if(! ls) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a LineString");
return NULL;
return ls->getStartPoint().release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
* Call only on LINESTRING
GEOSGeomGetEndPoint_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::geom::LineString;
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g1);
if(! ls) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a LineString");
return NULL;
return ls->getEndPoint().release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
* return 2 on exception, 1 on true, 0 on false
GEOSisClosed_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
using geos::geom::LineString;
using geos::geom::MultiLineString;
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g1);
if(ls) {
return ls->isClosed();
const MultiLineString* mls = dynamic_cast<const MultiLineString*>(g1);
if(mls) {
return mls->isClosed();
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a LineString or MultiLineString");
return 2;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
* Call only on LINESTRING
* return 0 on exception, otherwise 1
GEOSGeomGetLength_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double* length)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
using geos::geom::LineString;
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g1);
if(! ls) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a LineString");
return 0;
*length = ls->getLength();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
* Call only on LINESTRING
GEOSGeomGetNumPoints_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
try {
using geos::geom::LineString;
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g1);
if(! ls) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a LineString");
return -1;
return static_cast<int>(ls->getNumPoints());
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1;
* returns 0 on exception, otherwise 1
GEOSGeomGetX_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double* x)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
using geos::geom::Point;
const Point* po = dynamic_cast<const Point*>(g1);
if(! po) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a Point");
return 0;
*x = po->getX();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
* returns 0 on exception, otherwise 1
GEOSGeomGetY_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double* y)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
using geos::geom::Point;
const Point* po = dynamic_cast<const Point*>(g1);
if(! po) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a Point");
return 0;
*y = po->getY();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
* returns 0 on exception, otherwise 1
GEOSGeomGetZ_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double* z)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
using geos::geom::Point;
const Point* po = dynamic_cast<const Point*>(g1);
if(! po) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Argument is not a Point");
return 0;
*z = po->getZ();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
* Call only on polygon
* Return a copy of the internal Geometry.
const Geometry*
GEOSGetExteriorRing_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const Polygon* p = dynamic_cast<const Polygon*>(g1);
if(! p) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Invalid argument (must be a Polygon)");
return NULL;
return p->getExteriorRing();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
* Call only on polygon
* Return a pointer to internal storage, do not destroy it.
const Geometry*
GEOSGetInteriorRingN_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, int n)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const Polygon* p = dynamic_cast<const Polygon*>(g1);
if(! p) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Invalid argument (must be a Polygon)");
return NULL;
return p->getInteriorRingN(n);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGetCentroid_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
Geometry* ret = g->getCentroid().release();
if(0 == ret) {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createPoint().release();
return ret;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSMinimumBoundingCircle_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g,
double* radius, Geometry** center)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
geos::algorithm::MinimumBoundingCircle mc(g);
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> ret = mc.getCircle();
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
if(!ret) {
if (center) *center = NULL;
if (radius) *radius = 0.0;
return gf->createPolygon().release();
if (center) *center = static_cast<Geometry*>(gf->createPoint(mc.getCentre()));
if (radius) *radius = mc.getRadius();
return ret.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_createEmptyCollection_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, int type)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
char buf[256];
sprintf(buf, "createCollection: requested type %d", type);
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("%s", buf);// TODO: Can handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE format that directly?
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> g = 0;
switch(type) {
g = gf->createGeometryCollection();
g = gf->createMultiPoint();
g = gf->createMultiLineString();
g = gf->createMultiPolygon();
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unsupported type request for GEOSGeom_createEmptyCollection_r");
g = 0;
return g.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_createCollection_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, int type, Geometry** geoms, unsigned int ngeoms)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
char buf[256];
sprintf(buf, "PostGIS2GEOS_collection: requested type %d, ngeoms: %d",
type, ngeoms);
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("%s", buf);// TODO: Can handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE format that directly?
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
std::vector<Geometry*>* vgeoms = new std::vector<Geometry*>(geoms, geoms + ngeoms);
Geometry* g = 0;
switch(type) {
g = gf->createGeometryCollection(vgeoms);
g = gf->createMultiPoint(vgeoms);
g = gf->createMultiLineString(vgeoms);
g = gf->createMultiPolygon(vgeoms);
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unsupported type request for PostGIS2GEOS_collection");
delete vgeoms;
g = 0;
return g;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSPolygonize_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* const* g, unsigned int ngeoms)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
Geometry* out = 0;
try {
// Polygonize
using geos::operation::polygonize::Polygonizer;
Polygonizer plgnzr;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < ngeoms; ++i) {
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("geometry vector added to polygonizer");
auto polys = plgnzr.getPolygons();
assert(0 != polys);
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("output polygons got");
// We need a vector of Geometry pointers, not Polygon pointers.
// STL vector doesn't allow transparent upcast of this
// nature, so we explicitly convert.
// (it's just a waste of processor and memory, btw)
// XXX mloskot: Why not to extent GeometryFactory to accept
// vector of polygons or extend Polygonizer to return list of Geometry*
// or add a wrapper which semantic is similar to:
// std::vector<as_polygon<Geometry*> >
std::vector<Geometry*>* polyvec = new std::vector<Geometry*>(polys->size());
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys->size(); ++i) {
(*polyvec)[i] = (*polys)[i].release();
polys = 0;
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
// The below takes ownership of the passed vector,
// so we must *not* delete it
out = gf->createGeometryCollection(polyvec);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return out;
GEOSPolygonize_valid_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* const* g, unsigned int ngeoms)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return nullptr;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = nullptr;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return nullptr;
Geometry* out = nullptr;
try {
// Polygonize
using geos::operation::polygonize::Polygonizer;
Polygonizer plgnzr(true);
int srid = 0;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < ngeoms; ++i) {
srid = g[i]->getSRID();
auto polys = plgnzr.getPolygons();
if (polys->empty()) {
out = handle->geomFactory->createGeometryCollection().release();
} else if (polys->size() == 1) {
out = (*polys)[0].release();
} else {
auto geoms = new std::vector<Geometry *>(polys->size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < polys->size(); i++) {
(*geoms)[i] = (*polys)[i].release();
out = handle->geomFactory->createMultiPolygon(geoms);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return out;
GEOSBuildArea_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return nullptr;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = nullptr;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return nullptr;
Geometry* out = nullptr;
try {
using geos::operation::polygonize::BuildArea;
BuildArea builder;
out =;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return out;
GEOSMakeValid_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return nullptr;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = nullptr;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return nullptr;
Geometry* out = nullptr;
try {
// BuildArea
using geos::operation::valid::MakeValid;
MakeValid makeValid;
out =;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return out;
GEOSPolygonizer_getCutEdges_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* const* g, unsigned int ngeoms)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
Geometry* out = 0;
try {
// Polygonize
using geos::operation::polygonize::Polygonizer;
Polygonizer plgnzr;
int srid = 0;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < ngeoms; ++i) {
srid = g[i]->getSRID();
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("geometry vector added to polygonizer");
const std::vector<const LineString*>& lines = plgnzr.getCutEdges();
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("output polygons got");
// We need a vector of Geometry pointers, not Polygon pointers.
// STL vector doesn't allow transparent upcast of this
// nature, so we explicitly convert.
// (it's just a waste of processor and memory, btw)
// XXX mloskot: See comment for GEOSPolygonize_r
std::vector<Geometry*>* linevec = new std::vector<Geometry*>(lines.size());
for(std::size_t i = 0, n = lines.size(); i < n; ++i) {
(*linevec)[i] = lines[i]->clone().release();
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
// The below takes ownership of the passed vector,
// so we must *not* delete it
out = gf->createGeometryCollection(linevec);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return out;
GEOSPolygonize_full_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g,
Geometry** cuts, Geometry** dangles, Geometry** invalid)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
// Polygonize
using geos::operation::polygonize::Polygonizer;
Polygonizer plgnzr;
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < g->getNumGeometries(); ++i) {
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("geometry vector added to polygonizer");
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
if(cuts) {
const std::vector<const LineString*>& lines = plgnzr.getCutEdges();
std::vector<Geometry*>* linevec = new std::vector<Geometry*>(lines.size());
for(std::size_t i = 0, n = lines.size(); i < n; ++i) {
(*linevec)[i] = lines[i]->clone().release();
// The below takes ownership of the passed vector,
// so we must *not* delete it
*cuts = gf->createGeometryCollection(linevec);
if(dangles) {
const std::vector<const LineString*>& lines = plgnzr.getDangles();
std::vector<Geometry*>* linevec = new std::vector<Geometry*>(lines.size());
for(std::size_t i = 0, n = lines.size(); i < n; ++i) {
(*linevec)[i] = lines[i]->clone().release();
// The below takes ownership of the passed vector,
// so we must *not* delete it
*dangles = gf->createGeometryCollection(linevec);
if(invalid) {
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LineString>>& lines = plgnzr.getInvalidRingLines();
std::vector<Geometry*>* linevec = new std::vector<Geometry*>(lines.size());
for(std::size_t i = 0, n = lines.size(); i < n; ++i) {
(*linevec)[i] = lines[i]->clone().release();
// The below takes ownership of the passed vector,
// so we must *not* delete it
*invalid = gf->createGeometryCollection(linevec);
auto polys = plgnzr.getPolygons();
std::vector<Geometry*>* polyvec = new std::vector<Geometry*>(polys->size());
for(std::size_t i = 0; i < polys->size(); ++i) {
(*polyvec)[i] = (*polys)[i].release();
Geometry* out = gf->createGeometryCollection(polyvec);
return out;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 0;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSLineMerge_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
Geometry* out = 0;
try {
using geos::operation::linemerge::LineMerger;
LineMerger lmrgr;
std::vector<LineString*>* lines = lmrgr.getMergedLineStrings();
assert(0 != lines);
handle->NOTICE_MESSAGE("output lines got");
std::vector<Geometry*>* geoms = new std::vector<Geometry*>(lines->size());
for(std::vector<Geometry*>::size_type i = 0; i < lines->size(); ++i) {
(*geoms)[i] = (*lines)[i];
delete lines;
lines = 0;
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
out = gf->buildGeometry(geoms);
// XXX: old version
//out = gf->createGeometryCollection(geoms);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return out;
GEOSReverse_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return nullptr;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return nullptr;
try {
Geometry* g3 = g->reverse().release();
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return nullptr;
GEOSGeom_getUserData_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
return g->getUserData();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGetSRID_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
return g->getSRID();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
const char* GEOSversion()
static char version[256];
sprintf(version, "%s", GEOS_CAPI_VERSION);
return version;
const char* GEOSjtsport()
GEOSHasZ_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
if(g->isEmpty()) {
return false;
assert(0 != g->getCoordinate());
double az = g->getCoordinate()->z;
//handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("ZCoord: %g", az);
return static_cast<char>(std::isfinite(az));
GEOS_getWKBOutputDims_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
return handle->WKBOutputDims;
GEOS_setWKBOutputDims_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, int newdims)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
if(newdims < 2 || newdims > 3) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("WKB output dimensions out of range 2..3");
const int olddims = handle->WKBOutputDims;
handle->WKBOutputDims = newdims;
return olddims;
GEOS_getWKBByteOrder_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
return handle->WKBByteOrder;
GEOS_setWKBByteOrder_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, int byteOrder)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
const int oldByteOrder = handle->WKBByteOrder;
handle->WKBByteOrder = byteOrder;
return oldByteOrder;
GEOSCoordSeq_create_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, unsigned int size, unsigned int dims)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
switch (size) {
case 1:
return new geos::geom::FixedSizeCoordinateSequence<1>(dims);
case 2:
return new geos::geom::FixedSizeCoordinateSequence<2>(dims);
default: {
const GeometryFactory *gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->getCoordinateSequenceFactory()->create(size, dims).release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSCoordSeq_setOrdinate_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* cs,
unsigned int idx, unsigned int dim, double val)
assert(0 != cs);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
cs->setOrdinate(idx, dim, val);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_setX_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double val)
return GEOSCoordSeq_setOrdinate_r(extHandle, s, idx, 0, val);
GEOSCoordSeq_setY_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double val)
return GEOSCoordSeq_setOrdinate_r(extHandle, s, idx, 1, val);
GEOSCoordSeq_setZ_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double val)
return GEOSCoordSeq_setOrdinate_r(extHandle, s, idx, 2, val);
GEOSCoordSeq_setXY_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* cs, unsigned int idx, double x, double y)
assert(0 != cs);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
cs->setAt({x, y}, idx);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_setXYZ_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* cs, unsigned int idx, double x, double y, double z)
assert(0 != cs);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
cs->setAt({x, y, z}, idx);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_clone_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* cs)
assert(0 != cs);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
return cs->clone().release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSCoordSeq_getOrdinate_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* cs,
unsigned int idx, unsigned int dim, double* val)
assert(0 != cs);
assert(0 != val);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
double d = cs->getOrdinate(idx, dim);
*val = d;
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_getX_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double* val)
return GEOSCoordSeq_getOrdinate_r(extHandle, s, idx, 0, val);
GEOSCoordSeq_getY_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double* val)
return GEOSCoordSeq_getOrdinate_r(extHandle, s, idx, 1, val);
GEOSCoordSeq_getZ_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double* val)
return GEOSCoordSeq_getOrdinate_r(extHandle, s, idx, 2, val);
GEOSCoordSeq_getXY_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* cs, unsigned int idx, double* x, double* y)
assert(0 != cs);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
auto& c = cs->getAt(idx);
*x = c.x;
*y = c.y;
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_getXYZ_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* cs, unsigned int idx, double* x, double* y, double* z)
assert(0 != cs);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
auto& c = cs->getAt(idx);
*x = c.x;
*y = c.y;
*z = c.z;
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_getSize_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* cs, unsigned int* size)
assert(0 != cs);
assert(0 != size);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
const std::size_t sz = cs->getSize();
*size = static_cast<unsigned int>(sz);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_getDimensions_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* cs, unsigned int* dims)
assert(0 != cs);
assert(0 != dims);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
const std::size_t dim = cs->getDimension();
*dims = static_cast<unsigned int>(dim);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_isCCW_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const CoordinateSequence* cs, char* val)
assert(cs != nullptr);
assert(val != nullptr);
if(extHandle == nullptr) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = nullptr;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
*val = geos::algorithm::Orientation::isCCW(cs);
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSCoordSeq_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* s)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
try {
delete s;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
const CoordinateSequence*
GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
using geos::geom::Point;
const LineString* ls = dynamic_cast<const LineString*>(g);
if(ls) {
return ls->getCoordinatesRO();
const Point* p = dynamic_cast<const Point*>(g);
if(p) {
return p->getCoordinatesRO();
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Geometry must be a Point or LineString");
return 0;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_createEmptyPoint_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createPoint().release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_createPoint_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* cs)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createPoint(cs);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_createPointFromXY_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, double x, double y)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
geos::geom::Coordinate c(x, y);
return gf->createPoint(c);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_createLinearRing_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* cs)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createLinearRing(cs);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_createEmptyLineString_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createLineString().release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_createLineString_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, CoordinateSequence* cs)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createLineString(cs);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_createEmptyPolygon_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createPolygon().release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_createPolygon_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, Geometry* shell, Geometry** holes, unsigned int nholes)
// FIXME: holes must be non-nullptr or may be nullptr?
//assert(0 != holes);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::geom::LinearRing;
auto vholes = geos::detail::make_unique<std::vector<LinearRing*>>(nholes);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nholes; i++) {
(*vholes)[i] = dynamic_cast<LinearRing*>(holes[i]);
if ((*vholes)[i] == nullptr) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Hole is not a LinearRing");
return NULL;
LinearRing* nshell = dynamic_cast<LinearRing*>(shell);
if(! nshell) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Shell is not a LinearRing");
return NULL;
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
return gf->createPolygon(nshell, vholes.release());
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_clone_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
return g->clone().release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_setPrecision_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const GEOSGeometry* g,
double gridSize, int flags)
using namespace geos::geom;
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
const PrecisionModel* pm = g->getPrecisionModel();
double cursize = pm->isFloating() ? 0 : 1.0 / pm->getScale();
std::unique_ptr<PrecisionModel> newpm;
if(gridSize != 0) {
newpm.reset(new PrecisionModel(1.0 / gridSize));
else {
newpm.reset(new PrecisionModel());
GeometryFactory::Ptr gf =
GeometryFactory::create(newpm.get(), g->getSRID());
Geometry* ret;
if(gridSize != 0 && cursize != gridSize) {
// We need to snap the geometry
GeometryPrecisionReducer reducer(*gf);
reducer.setPointwise(flags & GEOS_PREC_NO_TOPO);
reducer.setRemoveCollapsedComponents(!(flags & GEOS_PREC_KEEP_COLLAPSED));
ret = reducer.reduce(*g).release();
else {
// No need or willing to snap, just change the factory
ret = gf->createGeometry(g);
return ret;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSGeom_getPrecision_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const GEOSGeometry* g)
using namespace geos::geom;
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
try {
const PrecisionModel* pm = g->getPrecisionModel();
double cursize = pm->isFloating() ? 0 : 1.0 / pm->getScale();
return cursize;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1;
GEOSGeom_getDimensions_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
return (int) g->getDimension();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_getCoordinateDimension_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
return g->getCoordinateDimension();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_getXMin_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double* value)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
if(g->isEmpty()) {
return 0;
*value = g->getEnvelopeInternal()->getMinX();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_getXMax_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double* value)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
if(g->isEmpty()) {
return 0;
*value = g->getEnvelopeInternal()->getMaxX();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_getYMin_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double* value)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
if(g->isEmpty()) {
return 0;
*value = g->getEnvelopeInternal()->getMinY();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSGeom_getYMax_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double* value)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
if(g->isEmpty()) {
return 0;
*value = g->getEnvelopeInternal()->getMaxY();
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSSimplify_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double tolerance)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using namespace geos::simplify;
Geometry::Ptr g3(DouglasPeuckerSimplifier::simplify(g1, tolerance));
return g3.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSTopologyPreserveSimplify_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double tolerance)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using namespace geos::simplify;
Geometry::Ptr g3(TopologyPreservingSimplifier::simplify(g1, tolerance));
return g3.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
/* WKT Reader */
GEOSWKTReader_create_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::io::WKTReader;
return new WKTReader((GeometryFactory*)handle->geomFactory);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSWKTReader_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTReader* reader)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
try {
delete reader;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSWKTReader_read_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTReader* reader, const char* wkt)
assert(0 != reader);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
const std::string wktstring(wkt);
return reader->read(wktstring).release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
/* WKT Writer */
GEOSWKTWriter_create_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
using geos::io::WKTWriter;
return new WKTWriter();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSWKTWriter_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTWriter* Writer)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
try {
delete Writer;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSWKTWriter_write_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTWriter* writer, const Geometry* geom)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
std::string sgeom(writer->write(geom));
char* result = gstrdup(sgeom);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSWKTWriter_setTrim_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTWriter* writer, char trim)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
writer->setTrim(0 != trim);
GEOSWKTWriter_setRoundingPrecision_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTWriter* writer, int precision)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
GEOSWKTWriter_setOutputDimension_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTWriter* writer, int dim)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
try {
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSWKTWriter_getOutputDimension_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTWriter* writer)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return -1;
int dim = -1;
try {
dim = writer->getOutputDimension();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return dim;
GEOSWKTWriter_setOld3D_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKTWriter* writer, int useOld3D)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
writer->setOld3D(0 != useOld3D);
/* WKB Reader */
GEOSWKBReader_create_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
using geos::io::WKBReader;
try {
return new WKBReader(*(GeometryFactory*)handle->geomFactory);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSWKBReader_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKBReader* reader)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
try {
delete reader;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
struct membuf : public std::streambuf {
membuf(char* s, std::size_t n)
setg(s, s, s + n);
GEOSWKBReader_read_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKBReader* reader, const unsigned char* wkb, size_t size)
assert(0 != reader);
assert(0 != wkb);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
//std::string wkbstring(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(wkb), size); // make it binary !
//std::istringstream is(std::ios_base::binary);
//is.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // rewind reader pointer
membuf mb((char*)wkb, size);
istream is(&mb);
return reader->read(is).release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSWKBReader_readHEX_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKBReader* reader, const unsigned char* hex, size_t size)
assert(0 != reader);
assert(0 != hex);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
std::string hexstring(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hex), size);
std::istringstream is(std::ios_base::binary);
is.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // rewind reader pointer
return reader->readHEX(is).release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
/* WKB Writer */
GEOSWKBWriter_create_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
using geos::io::WKBWriter;
return new WKBWriter();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSWKBWriter_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKBWriter* Writer)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
try {
delete Writer;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
/* The caller owns the result */
unsigned char*
GEOSWKBWriter_write_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKBWriter* writer, const Geometry* geom, size_t* size)
assert(0 != writer);
assert(0 != geom);
assert(0 != size);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
writer->write(*geom, os);
const std::string& wkbstring = os.str();
const std::size_t len = wkbstring.length();
unsigned char* result = NULL;
result = (unsigned char*) malloc(len);
std::memcpy(result, wkbstring.c_str(), len);
*size = len;
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
/* The caller owns the result */
unsigned char*
GEOSWKBWriter_writeHEX_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, WKBWriter* writer, const Geometry* geom, size_t* size)
assert(0 != writer);
assert(0 != geom);
assert(0 != size);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
writer->writeHEX(*geom, os);
std::string wkbstring(os.str());
const std::size_t len = wkbstring.length();
unsigned char* result = NULL;
result = (unsigned char*) malloc(len);
std::memcpy(result, wkbstring.c_str(), len);
*size = len;
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSWKBWriter_getOutputDimension_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const GEOSWKBWriter* writer)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
int ret = 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 != handle->initialized) {
try {
ret = writer->getOutputDimension();
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return ret;
GEOSWKBWriter_setOutputDimension_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, GEOSWKBWriter* writer, int newDimension)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 != handle->initialized) {
try {
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSWKBWriter_getByteOrder_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const GEOSWKBWriter* writer)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
int ret = 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 != handle->initialized) {
try {
ret = writer->getByteOrder();
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return ret;
GEOSWKBWriter_setByteOrder_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, GEOSWKBWriter* writer, int newByteOrder)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 != handle->initialized) {
try {
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSWKBWriter_getIncludeSRID_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const GEOSWKBWriter* writer)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1;
int ret = -1;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 != handle->initialized) {
try {
int srid = writer->getIncludeSRID();
ret = srid;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return static_cast<char>(ret);
GEOSWKBWriter_setIncludeSRID_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, GEOSWKBWriter* writer, const char newIncludeSRID)
assert(0 != writer);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 != handle->initialized) {
try {
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
// Prepared Geometry
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry*
GEOSPrepare_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* prep = 0;
try {
prep = geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometryFactory::prepare(g).release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return prep;
GEOSPreparedGeom_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* a)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
try {
delete a;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSPreparedContains_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->contains(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedContainsProperly_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->containsProperly(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedCoveredBy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->coveredBy(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedCovers_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->covers(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedCrosses_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->crosses(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedDisjoint_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->disjoint(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedIntersects_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->intersects(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedOverlaps_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->overlaps(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedTouches_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->touches(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSPreparedWithin_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const geos::geom::prep::PreparedGeometry* pg, const Geometry* g)
assert(0 != pg);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = pg->within(g);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
// STRtree
GEOSSTRtree_create_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
size_t nodeCapacity)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree = 0;
try {
tree = new geos::index::strtree::STRtree(nodeCapacity);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return tree;
GEOSSTRtree_insert_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree,
const geos::geom::Geometry* g,
void* item)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
assert(tree != 0);
assert(g != 0);
try {
tree->insert(g->getEnvelopeInternal(), item);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSSTRtree_query_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree,
const geos::geom::Geometry* g,
GEOSQueryCallback callback,
void* userdata)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
assert(tree != 0);
assert(g != 0);
assert(callback != 0);
try {
CAPI_ItemVisitor visitor(callback, userdata);
tree->query(g->getEnvelopeInternal(), visitor);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
const GEOSGeometry*
GEOSSTRtree_nearest_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree,
const geos::geom::Geometry* geom)
return (const GEOSGeometry*) GEOSSTRtree_nearest_generic_r(extHandle, tree, geom, geom, nullptr, nullptr);
const void*
GEOSSTRtree_nearest_generic_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree,
const void* item,
const geos::geom::Geometry* itemEnvelope,
GEOSDistanceCallback distancefn,
void* userdata)
using namespace geos::index::strtree;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
struct CustomItemDistance : public ItemDistance {
CustomItemDistance(GEOSDistanceCallback p_distancefn, void* p_userdata)
: m_distancefn(p_distancefn), m_userdata(p_userdata) {}
GEOSDistanceCallback m_distancefn;
void* m_userdata;
distance(const ItemBoundable* item1, const ItemBoundable* item2) override
const void* a = item1->getItem();
const void* b = item2->getItem();
double d;
if(!m_distancefn(a, b, &d, m_userdata)) {
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Failed to compute distance."));
return d;
try {
if(distancefn) {
CustomItemDistance itemDistance(distancefn, userdata);
return tree->nearestNeighbour(itemEnvelope->getEnvelopeInternal(), item, &itemDistance);
else {
GeometryItemDistance itemDistance = GeometryItemDistance();
return tree->nearestNeighbour(itemEnvelope->getEnvelopeInternal(), item, &itemDistance);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSSTRtree_iterate_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree,
GEOSQueryCallback callback,
void* userdata)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
assert(tree != 0);
assert(callback != 0);
try {
CAPI_ItemVisitor visitor(callback, userdata);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSSTRtree_remove_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree,
const geos::geom::Geometry* g,
void* item)
assert(0 != tree);
assert(0 != g);
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
bool result = tree->remove(g->getEnvelopeInternal(), item);
return result;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSSTRtree_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
geos::index::strtree::STRtree* tree)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
try {
delete tree;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
GEOSProject_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const Geometry* g,
const Geometry* p)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return -1.0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle =
if(handle->initialized == 0) {
return -1.0;
const geos::geom::Point* point = dynamic_cast<const geos::geom::Point*>(p);
if(!point) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("third argument of GEOSProject_r must be Point*");
return -1.0;
const geos::geom::Coordinate* inputPt = p->getCoordinate();
try {
return geos::linearref::LengthIndexedLine(g).project(*inputPt);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return -1.0;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return -1.0;
GEOSInterpolate_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g, double d)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle =
if(handle->initialized == 0) {
return 0;
try {
geos::linearref::LengthIndexedLine lil(g);
geos::geom::Coordinate coord = lil.extractPoint(d);
const GeometryFactory* gf = handle->geomFactory;
Geometry* point = gf->createPoint(coord);
return point;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 0;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSProjectNormalized_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g,
const Geometry* p)
double length;
GEOSLength_r(extHandle, g, &length);
return GEOSProject_r(extHandle, g, p) / length;
GEOSInterpolateNormalized_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g,
double d)
double length;
GEOSLength_r(extHandle, g, &length);
return GEOSInterpolate_r(extHandle, g, d * length);
GEOSGeom_extractUniquePoints_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
const GEOSGeometry* g)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(handle->initialized == 0) {
return 0;
using namespace geos::geom;
using namespace geos::util;
try {
/* 1: extract points */
std::vector<const Coordinate*> coords;
UniqueCoordinateArrayFilter filter(coords);
/* 2: for each point, create a geometry and put into a vector */
std::vector<Geometry*>* points = new std::vector<Geometry*>();
const GeometryFactory* factory = g->getFactory();
for(std::vector<const Coordinate*>::iterator it = coords.begin(),
itE = coords.end();
it != itE; ++it) {
Geometry* point = factory->createPoint(*(*it));
/* 3: create a multipoint */
Geometry* out = factory->createMultiPoint(points);
return out;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 0;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
int GEOSOrientationIndex_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
double Ax, double Ay, double Bx, double By, double Px, double Py)
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
using geos::geom::Coordinate;
using geos::algorithm::Orientation;
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 2;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 2;
try {
Coordinate A(Ax, Ay);
Coordinate B(Bx, By);
Coordinate P(Px, Py);
return Orientation::index(A, B, P);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 2;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 2;
GEOSSharedPaths_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const GEOSGeometry* g1, const GEOSGeometry* g2)
using namespace geos::operation::sharedpaths;
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle =
if(handle->initialized == 0) {
return 0;
SharedPathsOp::PathList forw, back;
try {
SharedPathsOp::sharedPathsOp(*g1, *g2, forw, back);
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 0;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
// Now forw and back have the geoms we want to use to construct
// our output GeometryCollections...
const GeometryFactory* factory = g1->getFactory();
size_t count;
std::unique_ptr< std::vector<Geometry*> > out1(
new std::vector<Geometry*>()
count = forw.size();
for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> out1g(
std::unique_ptr< std::vector<Geometry*> > out2(
new std::vector<Geometry*>()
count = back.size();
for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> out2g(
std::unique_ptr< std::vector<Geometry*> > out(
new std::vector<Geometry*>()
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> outg(
return outg.release();
GEOSSnap_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const GEOSGeometry* g1,
const GEOSGeometry* g2, double tolerance)
using namespace geos::operation::overlay::snap;
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle =
if(handle->initialized == 0) {
return 0;
try {
GeometrySnapper snapper(*g1);
std::unique_ptr<Geometry> ret = snapper.snapTo(*g2, tolerance);
return ret.release();
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
return 0;
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSBufferParams_create_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
BufferParameters* p = new BufferParameters();
return p;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSBufferParams_destroy_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, BufferParameters* p)
delete p;
GEOSBufferParams_setEndCapStyle_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
GEOSBufferParams* p, int style)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
if(style > BufferParameters::CAP_SQUARE) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid buffer endCap style");
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSBufferParams_setJoinStyle_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
GEOSBufferParams* p, int style)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
if(style > BufferParameters::JOIN_BEVEL) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid buffer join style");
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSBufferParams_setMitreLimit_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
GEOSBufferParams* p, double limit)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSBufferParams_setQuadrantSegments_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
GEOSBufferParams* p, int segs)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSBufferParams_setSingleSided_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
GEOSBufferParams* p, int ss)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
p->setSingleSided((ss != 0));
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
GEOSBufferWithParams_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const BufferParameters* bp, double width)
using geos::operation::buffer::BufferOp;
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
try {
BufferOp op(g1, *bp);
Geometry* g3 = op.getResultGeometry(width);
return g3;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSDelaunayTriangulation_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, double tolerance, int onlyEdges)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
using geos::triangulate::DelaunayTriangulationBuilder;
try {
DelaunayTriangulationBuilder builder;
if(onlyEdges) {
Geometry* out = builder.getEdges(*g1->getFactory()).release();
return out;
else {
Geometry* out = builder.getTriangles(*g1->getFactory()).release();
return out;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSVoronoiDiagram_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle, const Geometry* g1, const Geometry* env, double tolerance,
int onlyEdges)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return NULL;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return NULL;
using geos::triangulate::VoronoiDiagramBuilder;
try {
VoronoiDiagramBuilder builder;
if(env) {
if(onlyEdges) {
Geometry* out = builder.getDiagramEdges(*g1->getFactory()).release();
return out;
else {
Geometry* out = builder.getDiagram(*g1->getFactory()).release();
return out;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return NULL;
GEOSSegmentIntersection_r(GEOSContextHandle_t extHandle,
double ax0, double ay0, double ax1, double ay1,
double bx0, double by0, double bx1, double by1,
double* cx, double* cy)
if(nullptr == extHandle) {
return 0;
GEOSContextHandleInternal_t* handle = 0;
handle = reinterpret_cast<GEOSContextHandleInternal_t*>(extHandle);
if(0 == handle->initialized) {
return 0;
try {
geos::geom::LineSegment a(ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1);
geos::geom::LineSegment b(bx0, by0, bx1, by1);
geos::geom::Coordinate isect = a.intersection(b);
if(isect.isNull()) {
return -1;
*cx = isect.x;
*cy = isect.y;
return 1;
catch(const std::exception& e) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("%s", e.what());
catch(...) {
handle->ERROR_MESSAGE("Unknown exception thrown");
return 0;
} /* extern "C" */