12284 строки
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12284 строки
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* $Id$
* Name: gdalmultidim.cpp
* Project: GDAL Core
* Purpose: GDAL Core C++/Private implementation for multidimensional support
* Author: Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
* Copyright (c) 2019, Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <ctype.h> // isalnum
#include "cpl_error_internal.h"
#include "gdal_priv.h"
#include "gdal_pam.h"
#include "gdal_utils.h"
#include "cpl_safemaths.hpp"
#include "ogrsf_frmts.h"
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
/* GetPAM() */
static std::shared_ptr<GDALPamMultiDim>
GetPAM(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent)
auto poPamArray = dynamic_cast<GDALPamMDArray *>(poParent.get());
if (poPamArray)
return poPamArray->GetPAM();
return nullptr;
/* GDALMDArrayUnscaled */
class GDALMDArrayUnscaled final : public GDALPamMDArray
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poParent{};
GDALExtendedDataType m_dt;
bool m_bHasNoData;
double m_adfNoData[2]{std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(),
explicit GDALMDArrayUnscaled(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(std::string(),
"Unscaled view of " + poParent->GetFullName()),
"Unscaled view of " + poParent->GetFullName(),
? GDT_CFloat64
: GDT_Float64)),
m_bHasNoData(m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue() != nullptr)
bool IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const override;
bool IWrite(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer) override;
bool IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const override
return m_poParent->AdviseRead(arrayStartIdx, count, papszOptions);
static std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayUnscaled>
Create(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent)
auto newAr(std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayUnscaled>(
new GDALMDArrayUnscaled(poParent)));
return newAr;
bool IsWritable() const override
return m_poParent->IsWritable();
const std::string &GetFilename() const override
return m_poParent->GetFilename();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GetDimensions() const override
return m_poParent->GetDimensions();
const GDALExtendedDataType &GetDataType() const override
return m_dt;
const std::string &GetUnit() const override
return m_poParent->GetUnit();
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GetSpatialRef() const override
return m_poParent->GetSpatialRef();
const void *GetRawNoDataValue() const override
return m_bHasNoData ? &m_adfNoData[0] : nullptr;
bool SetRawNoDataValue(const void *pRawNoData) override
m_bHasNoData = true;
memcpy(m_adfNoData, pRawNoData, m_dt.GetSize());
return true;
std::vector<GUInt64> GetBlockSize() const override
return m_poParent->GetBlockSize();
GetAttribute(const std::string &osName) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttribute(osName);
GetAttributes(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttributes(papszOptions);
bool SetUnit(const std::string &osUnit) override
return m_poParent->SetUnit(osUnit);
bool SetSpatialRef(const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS) override
return m_poParent->SetSpatialRef(poSRS);
CreateAttribute(const std::string &osName,
const std::vector<GUInt64> &anDimensions,
const GDALExtendedDataType &oDataType,
CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) override
return m_poParent->CreateAttribute(osName, anDimensions, oDataType,
/* ~GDALIHasAttribute() */
GDALIHasAttribute::~GDALIHasAttribute() = default;
/* GetAttribute() */
/** Return an attribute by its name.
* If the attribute does not exist, nullptr should be silently returned.
* @note Driver implementation: this method will fallback to
* GetAttributeFromAttributes() is not explicitly implemented
* Drivers known to implement it for groups and arrays: MEM, netCDF.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetAttribute() or
* GDALMDArrayGetAttribute().
* @param osName Attribute name
* @return the attribute, or nullptr if it does not exist or an error occurred.
GDALIHasAttribute::GetAttribute(const std::string &osName) const
return GetAttributeFromAttributes(osName);
/* GetAttributeFromAttributes() */
/** Possible fallback implementation for GetAttribute() using GetAttributes().
GDALIHasAttribute::GetAttributeFromAttributes(const std::string &osName) const
auto attrs(GetAttributes());
for (const auto &attr : attrs)
if (attr->GetName() == osName)
return attr;
return nullptr;
/* GetAttributes() */
/** Return the list of attributes contained in a GDALMDArray or GDALGroup.
* If the attribute does not exist, nullptr should be silently returned.
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented,
* GetAttribute() should also be implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it for groups and arrays: MEM, netCDF.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetAttributes() or
* GDALMDArrayGetAttributes().
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how attributes
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the attributes.
GDALIHasAttribute::GetAttributes(CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return {};
/* CreateAttribute() */
/** Create an attribute within a GDALMDArray or GDALGroup.
* The attribute might not be "physically" created until a value is written
* into it.
* Optionally implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupCreateAttribute() or
* GDALMDArrayCreateAttribute()
* @param osName Attribute name.
* @param anDimensions List of dimension sizes, ordered from the slowest varying
* dimension first to the fastest varying dimension last.
* Empty for a scalar attribute (common case)
* @param oDataType Attribute data type.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how the attribute.
* should be created.
* @return the new attribute, or nullptr if case of error
std::shared_ptr<GDALAttribute> GDALIHasAttribute::CreateAttribute(
CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName,
CPL_UNUSED const std::vector<GUInt64> &anDimensions,
CPL_UNUSED const GDALExtendedDataType &oDataType,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"CreateAttribute() not implemented");
return nullptr;
/* GDALGroup() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALGroup::GDALGroup(const std::string &osParentName, const std::string &osName)
: m_osName(osParentName.empty() ? "/" : osName),
? ((osParentName == "/" ? "/" : osParentName + "/") + osName)
: "/")
//! @endcond
/* ~GDALGroup() */
GDALGroup::~GDALGroup() = default;
/* GetMDArrayNames() */
/** Return the list of multidimensional array names contained in this group.
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented,
* OpenMDArray() should also be implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetMDArrayNames().
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how arrays
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the array names.
GDALGroup::GetMDArrayNames(CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return {};
/* OpenMDArray() */
/** Open and return a multidimensional array.
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented,
* GetMDArrayNames() should also be implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupOpenMDArray().
* @param osName Array name.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how the array should
* be opened. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the array, or nullptr.
GDALGroup::OpenMDArray(CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return nullptr;
/* GetGroupNames() */
/** Return the list of sub-groups contained in this group.
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented,
* OpenGroup() should also be implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetGroupNames().
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how groups
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the group names.
GDALGroup::GetGroupNames(CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return {};
/* OpenGroup() */
/** Open and return a sub-group.
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented,
* GetGroupNames() should also be implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupOpenGroup().
* @param osName Sub-group name.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how the sub-group
* should be opened. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the group, or nullptr.
GDALGroup::OpenGroup(CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return nullptr;
/* GetVectorLayerNames() */
/** Return the list of layer names contained in this group.
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented,
* OpenVectorLayer() should also be implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: OpenFileGDB, FileGDB
* Other drivers will return an empty list. GDALDataset::GetLayerCount() and
* GDALDataset::GetLayer() should then be used.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetVectorLayerNames().
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how layers
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the vector layer names.
* @since GDAL 3.4
GDALGroup::GetVectorLayerNames(CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return {};
/* OpenVectorLayer() */
/** Open and return a vector layer.
* Due to the historical ownership of OGRLayer* by GDALDataset*, the
* lifetime of the returned OGRLayer* is linked to the one of the owner
* dataset (contrary to the general design of this class where objects can be
* used independently of the object that returned them)
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented. If implemented,
* GetVectorLayerNames() should also be implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupOpenVectorLayer().
* @param osName Vector layer name.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how the layer should
* be opened. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the group, or nullptr.
OGRLayer *GDALGroup::OpenVectorLayer(CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return nullptr;
/* GetDimensions() */
/** Return the list of dimensions contained in this group and used by its
* arrays.
* This is for dimensions that can potentially be used by several arrays.
* Not all drivers might implement this. To retrieve the dimensions used by
* a specific array, use GDALMDArray::GetDimensions().
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetDimensions().
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how groups
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return the dimensions.
GDALGroup::GetDimensions(CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
return {};
/* GetStructuralInfo() */
/** Return structural information on the group.
* This may be the compression, etc..
* The return value should not be freed and is valid until GDALGroup is
* released or this function called again.
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupGetStructuralInfo().
CSLConstList GDALGroup::GetStructuralInfo() const
return nullptr;
/* CreateGroup() */
/** Create a sub-group within a group.
* Optionally implemented by drivers.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupCreateGroup().
* @param osName Sub-group name.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how the sub-group
* should be created.
* @return the new sub-group, or nullptr in case of error.
GDALGroup::CreateGroup(CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "CreateGroup() not implemented");
return nullptr;
/* CreateDimension() */
/** Create a dimension within a group.
* @note Driver implementation: drivers supporting CreateDimension() should
* implement this method, but do not have necessarily to implement
* GDALGroup::GetDimensions().
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupCreateDimension().
* @param osName Dimension name.
* @param osType Dimension type (might be empty, and ignored by drivers)
* @param osDirection Dimension direction (might be empty, and ignored by
* drivers)
* @param nSize Number of values indexed by this dimension. Should be > 0.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how the dimension
* should be created.
* @return the new dimension, or nullptr if case of error
std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension> GDALGroup::CreateDimension(
CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName, CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osType,
CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osDirection, CPL_UNUSED GUInt64 nSize,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"CreateDimension() not implemented");
return nullptr;
/* CreateMDArray() */
/** Create a multidimensional array within a group.
* It is recommended that the GDALDimension objects passed in aoDimensions
* belong to this group, either by retrieving them with GetDimensions()
* or creating a new one with CreateDimension().
* Optionally implemented.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF
* This is the same as the C function GDALGroupCreateMDArray().
* @note Driver implementation: drivers should take into account the possibility
* that GDALDimension object passed in aoDimensions might belong to a different
* group / dataset / driver and act accordingly.
* @param osName Array name.
* @param aoDimensions List of dimensions, ordered from the slowest varying
* dimension first to the fastest varying dimension last.
* Might be empty for a scalar array (if supported by
* driver)
* @param oDataType Array data type.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how the array
* should be created.
* @return the new array, or nullptr if case of error
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> GDALGroup::CreateMDArray(
CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName,
CPL_UNUSED const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &aoDimensions,
CPL_UNUSED const GDALExtendedDataType &oDataType,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "CreateMDArray() not implemented");
return nullptr;
/* GetTotalCopyCost() */
/** Return a total "cost" to copy the group.
* Used as a parameter for CopFrom()
GUInt64 GDALGroup::GetTotalCopyCost() const
GUInt64 nCost = COPY_COST;
nCost += GetAttributes().size() * GDALAttribute::COPY_COST;
auto groupNames = GetGroupNames();
for (const auto &name : groupNames)
auto subGroup = OpenGroup(name);
if (subGroup)
nCost += subGroup->GetTotalCopyCost();
auto arrayNames = GetMDArrayNames();
for (const auto &name : arrayNames)
auto array = OpenMDArray(name);
if (array)
nCost += array->GetTotalCopyCost();
return nCost;
/* CopyFrom() */
/** Copy the content of a group into a new (generally empty) group.
* @param poDstRootGroup Destination root group. Must NOT be nullptr.
* @param poSrcDS Source dataset. Might be nullptr (but for correct behavior
* of some output drivers this is not recommended)
* @param poSrcGroup Source group. Must NOT be nullptr.
* @param bStrict Whether to enable stict mode. In strict mode, any error will
* stop the copy. In relaxed mode, the copy will be attempted to
* be pursued.
* @param nCurCost Should be provided as a variable initially set to 0.
* @param nTotalCost Total cost from GetTotalCopyCost().
* @param pfnProgress Progress callback, or nullptr.
* @param pProgressData Progress user data, or nulptr.
* @param papszOptions Creation options. Currently, only array creation
* options are supported. They must be prefixed with
* "ARRAY:" . The scope may be further restricted to arrays of a certain
* dimension by adding "IF(DIM={ndims}):" after "ARRAY:".
* For example, "ARRAY:IF(DIM=2):BLOCKSIZE=256,256" will
* restrict BLOCKSIZE=256,256 to arrays of dimension 2.
* Restriction to arrays of a given name is done with adding
* "IF(NAME={name}):" after "ARRAY:". {name} can also be
* a full qualified name.
* A non-driver specific ARRAY option, "AUTOSCALE=YES" can
* be used to ask (non indexing) variables of type Float32 or Float64 to be
* scaled to UInt16 with scale and offset values being computed from the minimum
* and maximum of the source array. The integer data type used can be set with
* AUTOSCALE_DATA_TYPE=Byte/UInt16/Int16/UInt32/Int32.
* @return true in case of success (or partial success if bStrict == false).
bool GDALGroup::CopyFrom(const std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> &poDstRootGroup,
GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
const std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> &poSrcGroup,
bool bStrict, GUInt64 &nCurCost,
const GUInt64 nTotalCost, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
void *pProgressData, CSLConstList papszOptions)
if (pfnProgress == nullptr)
pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
if (!(x)) \
{ \
if (bStrict) \
return false; \
continue; \
} \
nCurCost += GDALGroup::COPY_COST;
const auto srcDims = poSrcGroup->GetDimensions();
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>>
std::map<std::string, std::string> mapSrcVariableNameToIndexedDimName;
for (const auto &dim : srcDims)
auto dstDim = CreateDimension(dim->GetName(), dim->GetType(),
dim->GetDirection(), dim->GetSize());
mapExistingDstDims[dim->GetName()] = dstDim;
auto poIndexingVarSrc(dim->GetIndexingVariable());
if (poIndexingVarSrc)
->GetName()] =
auto attrs = poSrcGroup->GetAttributes();
for (const auto &attr : attrs)
auto dstAttr =
CreateAttribute(attr->GetName(), attr->GetDimensionsSize(),
auto raw(attr->ReadAsRaw());
if (!dstAttr->Write(raw.data(), raw.size()) && bStrict)
return false;
if (!attrs.empty())
nCurCost += attrs.size() * GDALAttribute::COPY_COST;
if (!pfnProgress(double(nCurCost) / nTotalCost, "", pProgressData))
return false;
const auto CopyArray =
[this, &poSrcDS, &poDstRootGroup, &mapExistingDstDims,
&mapSrcVariableNameToIndexedDimName, pfnProgress, pProgressData,
papszOptions, bStrict, &nCurCost,
nTotalCost](const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &srcArray)
// Map source dimensions to target dimensions
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> dstArrayDims;
const auto &srcArrayDims(srcArray->GetDimensions());
for (const auto &dim : srcArrayDims)
auto dstDim = poDstRootGroup->OpenDimensionFromFullname(
if (dstDim && dstDim->GetSize() == dim->GetSize())
auto oIter = mapExistingDstDims.find(dim->GetName());
if (oIter != mapExistingDstDims.end() &&
oIter->second->GetSize() == dim->GetSize())
std::string newDimName;
if (oIter == mapExistingDstDims.end())
newDimName = dim->GetName();
std::string newDimNamePrefix(srcArray->GetName() +
'_' + dim->GetName());
newDimName = newDimNamePrefix;
int nIterCount = 2;
while (mapExistingDstDims.find(newDimName) !=
newDimName = newDimNamePrefix +
CPLSPrintf("_%d", nIterCount);
dstDim = CreateDimension(newDimName, dim->GetType(),
if (!dstDim)
return false;
mapExistingDstDims[newDimName] = dstDim;
CPLStringList aosArrayCO;
bool bAutoScale = false;
GDALDataType eAutoScaleType = GDT_UInt16;
for (CSLConstList papszIter = papszOptions; papszIter && *papszIter;
if (STARTS_WITH_CI(*papszIter, "ARRAY:"))
const char *pszOption = *papszIter + strlen("ARRAY:");
if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszOption, "IF(DIM="))
const char *pszNext = strchr(pszOption, ':');
if (pszNext != nullptr)
int nDim = atoi(pszOption + strlen("IF(DIM="));
if (static_cast<size_t>(nDim) ==
pszOption = pszNext + 1;
pszOption = nullptr;
else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszOption, "IF(NAME="))
const char *pszName = pszOption + strlen("IF(NAME=");
const char *pszNext = strchr(pszName, ':');
if (pszNext != nullptr && pszNext > pszName &&
pszNext[-1] == ')')
CPLString osName;
osName.assign(pszName, pszNext - pszName - 1);
if (osName == srcArray->GetName() ||
osName == srcArray->GetFullName())
pszOption = pszNext + 1;
pszOption = nullptr;
if (pszOption)
if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszOption, "AUTOSCALE="))
bAutoScale =
CPLTestBool(pszOption + strlen("AUTOSCALE="));
else if (STARTS_WITH_CI(pszOption,
const char *pszDataType =
pszOption + strlen("AUTOSCALE_DATA_TYPE=");
eAutoScaleType = GDALGetDataTypeByName(pszDataType);
if (GDALDataTypeIsComplex(eAutoScaleType) ||
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Unsupported value for "
return false;
auto oIterDimName =
const auto &srcArrayType = srcArray->GetDataType();
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> dstArray;
// Only autoscale non-indexing variables
bool bHasOffset = false;
bool bHasScale = false;
if (bAutoScale && srcArrayType.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC &&
(srcArrayType.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_Float32 ||
srcArrayType.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_Float64) &&
srcArray->GetOffset(&bHasOffset) == 0.0 && !bHasOffset &&
srcArray->GetScale(&bHasScale) == 1.0 && !bHasScale &&
oIterDimName == mapSrcVariableNameToIndexedDimName.end())
constexpr bool bApproxOK = false;
constexpr bool bForce = true;
double dfMin = 0.0;
double dfMax = 0.0;
if (srcArray->GetStatistics(bApproxOK, bForce, &dfMin, &dfMax,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr) != CE_None)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Could not retrieve statistics for array %s",
return false;
double dfDTMin = 0;
double dfDTMax = 0;
#define setDTMinMax(ctype) \
do \
{ \
dfDTMin = static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<ctype>::min()); \
dfDTMax = static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<ctype>::max()); \
} while (0)
switch (eAutoScaleType)
case GDT_Byte:
case GDT_Int8:
case GDT_UInt16:
case GDT_Int16:
case GDT_UInt32:
case GDT_Int32:
case GDT_UInt64:
case GDT_Int64:
case GDT_Float32:
case GDT_Float64:
case GDT_Unknown:
case GDT_CInt16:
case GDT_CInt32:
case GDT_CFloat32:
case GDT_CFloat64:
case GDT_TypeCount:
dstArray =
CreateMDArray(srcArray->GetName(), dstArrayDims,
if (!dstArray)
return !bStrict;
if (srcArray->GetRawNoDataValue() != nullptr)
// If there's a nodata value in the source array, reserve
// DTMax for that purpose in the target scaled array
if (!dstArray->SetNoDataValue(dfDTMax))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Cannot set nodata value");
return false;
const double dfScale =
dfMax > dfMin ? (dfMax - dfMin) / (dfDTMax - dfDTMin) : 1.0;
const double dfOffset = dfMin - dfDTMin * dfScale;
if (!dstArray->SetOffset(dfOffset) ||
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Cannot set scale/offset");
return false;
auto poUnscaled = dstArray->GetUnscaled();
if (srcArray->GetRawNoDataValue() != nullptr)
// Copy source array into unscaled array
if (!poUnscaled->CopyFrom(poSrcDS, srcArray.get(), bStrict,
nCurCost, nTotalCost, pfnProgress,
return false;
dstArray = CreateMDArray(srcArray->GetName(), dstArrayDims,
srcArrayType, aosArrayCO.List());
if (!dstArray)
return !bStrict;
if (!dstArray->CopyFrom(poSrcDS, srcArray.get(), bStrict,
nCurCost, nTotalCost, pfnProgress,
return false;
// If this array is the indexing variable of a dimension, link them
// together.
if (oIterDimName != mapSrcVariableNameToIndexedDimName.end())
auto oCorrespondingDimIter =
if (oCorrespondingDimIter != mapExistingDstDims.end())
CPLErrorHandlerPusher oHandlerPusher(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
CPLErrorStateBackuper oErrorStateBackuper;
return true;
const auto arrayNames = poSrcGroup->GetMDArrayNames();
// Start by copying arrays that are indexing variables of dimensions
for (const auto &name : arrayNames)
auto srcArray = poSrcGroup->OpenMDArray(name);
const auto oIterDimName =
if (oIterDimName != mapSrcVariableNameToIndexedDimName.end())
if (!CopyArray(srcArray))
return false;
// Then copy regular arrays
for (const auto &name : arrayNames)
auto srcArray = poSrcGroup->OpenMDArray(name);
const auto oIterDimName =
if (oIterDimName == mapSrcVariableNameToIndexedDimName.end())
if (!CopyArray(srcArray))
return false;
const auto groupNames = poSrcGroup->GetGroupNames();
for (const auto &name : groupNames)
auto srcSubGroup = poSrcGroup->OpenGroup(name);
auto dstSubGroup = CreateGroup(name);
if (!dstSubGroup->CopyFrom(
poDstRootGroup, poSrcDS, srcSubGroup, bStrict, nCurCost,
nTotalCost, pfnProgress, pProgressData, papszOptions))
return false;
if (!pfnProgress(double(nCurCost) / nTotalCost, "", pProgressData))
return false;
return true;
catch (const std::exception &e)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", e.what());
return false;
/* GetInnerMostGroup() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
const GDALGroup *
GDALGroup::GetInnerMostGroup(const std::string &osPathOrArrayOrDim,
std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> &curGroupHolder,
std::string &osLastPart) const
if (osPathOrArrayOrDim.empty() || osPathOrArrayOrDim[0] != '/')
return nullptr;
const GDALGroup *poCurGroup = this;
CPLStringList aosTokens(
CSLTokenizeString2(osPathOrArrayOrDim.c_str(), "/", 0));
if (aosTokens.size() == 0)
return nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < aosTokens.size() - 1; i++)
curGroupHolder = poCurGroup->OpenGroup(aosTokens[i], nullptr);
if (!curGroupHolder)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot find group %s",
return nullptr;
poCurGroup = curGroupHolder.get();
osLastPart = aosTokens[aosTokens.size() - 1];
return poCurGroup;
//! @endcond
/* OpenMDArrayFromFullname() */
/** Get an array from its fully qualified name */
GDALGroup::OpenMDArrayFromFullname(const std::string &osFullName,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const
std::string osName;
std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> curGroupHolder;
auto poGroup(GetInnerMostGroup(osFullName, curGroupHolder, osName));
if (poGroup == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return poGroup->OpenMDArray(osName, papszOptions);
/* ResolveMDArray() */
/** Locate an array in a group and its subgroups by name.
* If osName is a fully qualified name, then OpenMDArrayFromFullname() is first
* used
* Otherwise the search will start from the group identified by osStartingPath,
* and an array whose name is osName will be looked for in this group (if
* osStartingPath is empty or "/", then the current group is used). If there
* is no match, then a recursive descendent search will be made in its
* subgroups. If there is no match in the subgroups, then the parent (if
* existing) of the group pointed by osStartingPath will be used as the new
* starting point for the search.
* @param osName name, qualified or not
* @param osStartingPath fully qualified name of the (sub-)group from which
* the search should be started. If this is a non-empty
* string, the group on which this method is called should
* nominally be the root group (otherwise the path will
* be interpreted as from the current group)
* @param papszOptions options to pass to OpenMDArray()
* @since GDAL 3.2
GDALGroup::ResolveMDArray(const std::string &osName,
const std::string &osStartingPath,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const
if (!osName.empty() && osName[0] == '/')
auto poArray = OpenMDArrayFromFullname(osName, papszOptions);
if (poArray)
return poArray;
std::string osPath(osStartingPath);
std::set<std::string> oSetAlreadyVisited;
while (true)
std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> curGroupHolder;
std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> poGroup;
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup>> oQueue;
bool goOn = false;
if (osPath.empty() || osPath == "/")
goOn = true;
std::string osLastPart;
const GDALGroup *poGroupPtr =
GetInnerMostGroup(osPath, curGroupHolder, osLastPart);
if (poGroupPtr)
poGroup = poGroupPtr->OpenGroup(osLastPart);
if (poGroup && oSetAlreadyVisited.find(poGroup->GetFullName()) ==
goOn = true;
if (goOn)
const GDALGroup *groupPtr;
if (!oQueue.empty())
poGroup = oQueue.front();
groupPtr = poGroup.get();
groupPtr = this;
auto poArray = groupPtr->OpenMDArray(osName, papszOptions);
if (poArray)
return poArray;
const auto aosGroupNames = groupPtr->GetGroupNames();
for (const auto &osGroupName : aosGroupNames)
auto poSubGroup = groupPtr->OpenGroup(osGroupName);
if (poSubGroup &&
oSetAlreadyVisited.find(poSubGroup->GetFullName()) ==
} while (!oQueue.empty());
if (osPath.empty() || osPath == "/")
const auto nPos = osPath.rfind('/');
if (nPos == 0)
osPath = "/";
if (nPos == std::string::npos)
return nullptr;
/* OpenGroupFromFullname() */
/** Get a group from its fully qualified name.
* @since GDAL 3.2
GDALGroup::OpenGroupFromFullname(const std::string &osFullName,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const
std::string osName;
std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> curGroupHolder;
auto poGroup(GetInnerMostGroup(osFullName, curGroupHolder, osName));
if (poGroup == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return poGroup->OpenGroup(osName, papszOptions);
/* OpenDimensionFromFullname() */
/** Get a dimension from its fully qualified name */
GDALGroup::OpenDimensionFromFullname(const std::string &osFullName) const
std::string osName;
std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> curGroupHolder;
auto poGroup(GetInnerMostGroup(osFullName, curGroupHolder, osName));
if (poGroup == nullptr)
return nullptr;
auto dims(poGroup->GetDimensions());
for (auto &dim : dims)
if (dim->GetName() == osName)
return dim;
return nullptr;
/* ClearStatistics() */
* \brief Clear statistics.
* @since GDAL 3.4
void GDALGroup::ClearStatistics()
auto groupNames = GetGroupNames();
for (const auto &name : groupNames)
auto subGroup = OpenGroup(name);
if (subGroup)
auto arrayNames = GetMDArrayNames();
for (const auto &name : arrayNames)
auto array = OpenMDArray(name);
if (array)
/* ~GDALAbstractMDArray() */
GDALAbstractMDArray::~GDALAbstractMDArray() = default;
/* GDALAbstractMDArray() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALAbstractMDArray::GDALAbstractMDArray(const std::string &osParentName,
const std::string &osName)
: m_osName(osName),
? ((osParentName == "/" ? "/" : osParentName + "/") + osName)
: osName)
//! @endcond
/* GetDimensions() */
/** \fn GDALAbstractMDArray::GetDimensions() const
* \brief Return the dimensions of an attribute/array.
* This is the same as the C functions GDALMDArrayGetDimensions() and
* similar to GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize().
/* GetDataType() */
/** \fn GDALAbstractMDArray::GetDataType() const
* \brief Return the data type of an attribute/array.
* This is the same as the C functions GDALMDArrayGetDataType() and
* GDALAttributeGetDataType()
/* GetDimensionCount() */
/** Return the number of dimensions.
* Default implementation is GetDimensions().size(), and may be overridden by
* drivers if they have a faster / less expensive implementations.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetDimensionCount() or
* GDALAttributeGetDimensionCount().
size_t GDALAbstractMDArray::GetDimensionCount() const
return GetDimensions().size();
/* CopyValue() */
/** Convert a value from a source type to a destination type.
* If dstType is GEDTC_STRING, the written value will be a pointer to a char*,
* that must be freed with CPLFree().
bool GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(const void *pSrc,
const GDALExtendedDataType &srcType,
void *pDst,
const GDALExtendedDataType &dstType)
if (srcType.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC &&
dstType.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
GDALCopyWords(pSrc, srcType.GetNumericDataType(), 0, pDst,
dstType.GetNumericDataType(), 0, 1);
return true;
if (srcType.GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING &&
dstType.GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING)
const char *srcStrPtr;
memcpy(&srcStrPtr, pSrc, sizeof(const char *));
char *pszDup = srcStrPtr ? CPLStrdup(srcStrPtr) : nullptr;
*reinterpret_cast<void **>(pDst) = pszDup;
return true;
if (srcType.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC &&
dstType.GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING)
const char *str = nullptr;
switch (srcType.GetNumericDataType())
case GDT_Unknown:
case GDT_Byte:
str = CPLSPrintf("%d", *static_cast<const GByte *>(pSrc));
case GDT_Int8:
str = CPLSPrintf("%d", *static_cast<const GInt8 *>(pSrc));
case GDT_UInt16:
str = CPLSPrintf("%d", *static_cast<const GUInt16 *>(pSrc));
case GDT_Int16:
str = CPLSPrintf("%d", *static_cast<const GInt16 *>(pSrc));
case GDT_UInt32:
str = CPLSPrintf("%u", *static_cast<const GUInt32 *>(pSrc));
case GDT_Int32:
str = CPLSPrintf("%d", *static_cast<const GInt32 *>(pSrc));
case GDT_UInt64:
str =
*static_cast<const std::uint64_t *>(pSrc)));
case GDT_Int64:
str = CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GIB,
*static_cast<const std::int64_t *>(pSrc)));
case GDT_Float32:
str = CPLSPrintf("%.9g", *static_cast<const float *>(pSrc));
case GDT_Float64:
str = CPLSPrintf("%.18g", *static_cast<const double *>(pSrc));
case GDT_CInt16:
const GInt16 *src = static_cast<const GInt16 *>(pSrc);
str = CPLSPrintf("%d+%dj", src[0], src[1]);
case GDT_CInt32:
const GInt32 *src = static_cast<const GInt32 *>(pSrc);
str = CPLSPrintf("%d+%dj", src[0], src[1]);
case GDT_CFloat32:
const float *src = static_cast<const float *>(pSrc);
str = CPLSPrintf("%.9g+%.9gj", src[0], src[1]);
case GDT_CFloat64:
const double *src = static_cast<const double *>(pSrc);
str = CPLSPrintf("%.18g+%.18gj", src[0], src[1]);
case GDT_TypeCount:
char *pszDup = str ? CPLStrdup(str) : nullptr;
*reinterpret_cast<void **>(pDst) = pszDup;
return true;
if (srcType.GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING &&
dstType.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
const char *srcStrPtr;
memcpy(&srcStrPtr, pSrc, sizeof(const char *));
if (dstType.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_Int64)
*(static_cast<int64_t *>(pDst)) =
srcStrPtr == nullptr ? 0
: static_cast<int64_t>(atoll(srcStrPtr));
else if (dstType.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_UInt64)
*(static_cast<uint64_t *>(pDst)) =
srcStrPtr == nullptr
? 0
: static_cast<uint64_t>(strtoull(srcStrPtr, nullptr, 10));
const double dfVal = srcStrPtr == nullptr ? 0 : CPLAtof(srcStrPtr);
GDALCopyWords(&dfVal, GDT_Float64, 0, pDst,
dstType.GetNumericDataType(), 0, 1);
return true;
if (srcType.GetClass() == GEDTC_COMPOUND &&
dstType.GetClass() == GEDTC_COMPOUND)
const auto &srcComponents = srcType.GetComponents();
const auto &dstComponents = dstType.GetComponents();
const GByte *pabySrc = static_cast<const GByte *>(pSrc);
GByte *pabyDst = static_cast<GByte *>(pDst);
std::map<std::string, const std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent> *>
for (const auto &srcComp : srcComponents)
srcComponentMap[srcComp->GetName()] = &srcComp;
for (const auto &dstComp : dstComponents)
auto oIter = srcComponentMap.find(dstComp->GetName());
if (oIter == srcComponentMap.end())
return false;
const auto &srcComp = *(oIter->second);
if (!GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(
pabySrc + srcComp->GetOffset(), srcComp->GetType(),
pabyDst + dstComp->GetOffset(), dstComp->GetType()))
return false;
return true;
return false;
/* CopyValues() */
/** Convert severals value from a source type to a destination type.
* If dstType is GEDTC_STRING, the written value will be a pointer to a char*,
* that must be freed with CPLFree().
bool GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValues(const void *pSrc,
const GDALExtendedDataType &srcType,
GPtrDiff_t nSrcStrideInElts, void *pDst,
const GDALExtendedDataType &dstType,
GPtrDiff_t nDstStrideInElts,
size_t nValues)
const auto nSrcStrideInBytes =
nSrcStrideInElts * static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(srcType.GetSize());
const auto nDstStrideInBytes =
nDstStrideInElts * static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(dstType.GetSize());
if (srcType.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC &&
dstType.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC &&
nSrcStrideInBytes >= std::numeric_limits<int>::min() &&
nSrcStrideInBytes <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max() &&
nDstStrideInBytes >= std::numeric_limits<int>::min() &&
nDstStrideInBytes <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
GDALCopyWords64(pSrc, srcType.GetNumericDataType(),
static_cast<int>(nSrcStrideInBytes), pDst,
static_cast<int>(nDstStrideInBytes), nValues);
const GByte *pabySrc = static_cast<const GByte *>(pSrc);
GByte *pabyDst = static_cast<GByte *>(pDst);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nValues; ++i)
if (!CopyValue(pabySrc, srcType, pabyDst, dstType))
return false;
pabySrc += nSrcStrideInBytes;
pabyDst += nDstStrideInBytes;
return true;
/* CheckReadWriteParams() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
bool GDALAbstractMDArray::CheckReadWriteParams(
const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, const GInt64 *&arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *&bufferStride, const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *buffer, const void *buffer_alloc_start,
size_t buffer_alloc_size, std::vector<GInt64> &tmp_arrayStep,
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> &tmp_bufferStride) const
const auto lamda_error = []()
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Not all elements pointed by buffer will fit in "
"[buffer_alloc_start, "
"buffer_alloc_start + buffer_alloc_size[");
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
if (dims.empty())
if (buffer_alloc_start)
const size_t elementSize = bufferDataType.GetSize();
const GByte *paby_buffer = static_cast<const GByte *>(buffer);
const GByte *paby_buffer_alloc_start =
static_cast<const GByte *>(buffer_alloc_start);
const GByte *paby_buffer_alloc_end =
paby_buffer_alloc_start + buffer_alloc_size;
if (paby_buffer < paby_buffer_alloc_start ||
paby_buffer + elementSize > paby_buffer_alloc_end)
return false;
return true;
if (arrayStep == nullptr)
tmp_arrayStep.resize(dims.size(), 1);
arrayStep = tmp_arrayStep.data();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
if (count[i] == 0)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "count[%u] = 0 is invalid",
return false;
bool bufferStride_all_positive = true;
if (bufferStride == nullptr)
GPtrDiff_t stride = 1;
// To compute strides we must proceed from the fastest varying dimension
// (the last one), and then reverse the result
for (size_t i = dims.size(); i != 0;)
GUInt64 newStride = 0;
bool bOK;
newStride = (CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(stride)) *
bOK = static_cast<size_t>(newStride) == newStride &&
newStride < std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2;
catch (...)
bOK = false;
if (!bOK)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory, "Too big count values");
return false;
stride = static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(newStride);
std::reverse(tmp_bufferStride.begin(), tmp_bufferStride.end());
bufferStride = tmp_bufferStride.data();
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
if (bufferStride[i] < 0)
bufferStride_all_positive = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
if (arrayStartIdx[i] >= dims[i]->GetSize())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"arrayStartIdx[%u] = " CPL_FRMT_GUIB " >= " CPL_FRMT_GUIB,
return false;
bool bOverflow;
if (arrayStep[i] >= 0)
bOverflow = (CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(arrayStartIdx[i])) +
CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(count[i] - 1)) *
.v() >= dims[i]->GetSize();
catch (...)
bOverflow = true;
if (bOverflow)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"arrayStartIdx[%u] + (count[%u]-1) * arrayStep[%u] "
static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(i),
return false;
bOverflow =
arrayStartIdx[i] <
(CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(count[i] - 1)) *
CPLSM(arrayStep[i] == std::numeric_limits<GInt64>::min()
? (static_cast<GUInt64>(1) << 63)
: static_cast<GUInt64>(-arrayStep[i])))
catch (...)
bOverflow = true;
if (bOverflow)
CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"arrayStartIdx[%u] + (count[%u]-1) * arrayStep[%u] < 0",
static_cast<unsigned>(i), static_cast<unsigned>(i),
return false;
if (buffer_alloc_start)
const size_t elementSize = bufferDataType.GetSize();
const GByte *paby_buffer = static_cast<const GByte *>(buffer);
const GByte *paby_buffer_alloc_start =
static_cast<const GByte *>(buffer_alloc_start);
const GByte *paby_buffer_alloc_end =
paby_buffer_alloc_start + buffer_alloc_size;
if (bufferStride_all_positive)
if (paby_buffer < paby_buffer_alloc_start)
return false;
GUInt64 nOffset = elementSize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
nOffset = (CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(nOffset)) +
CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(bufferStride[i])) *
CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(count[i] - 1)) *
catch (...)
return false;
if (static_cast<size_t>(nOffset) != nOffset)
return false;
if (paby_buffer + nOffset > paby_buffer_alloc_end)
return false;
else if (dims.size() < 31)
// Check all corners of the hypercube
const unsigned nLoops = 1U << static_cast<unsigned>(dims.size());
for (unsigned iCornerCode = 0; iCornerCode < nLoops; iCornerCode++)
const GByte *paby = paby_buffer;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned>(dims.size());
if (iCornerCode & (1U << i))
// We should check for integer overflows
paby += bufferStride[i] * (count[i] - 1) * elementSize;
if (paby < paby_buffer_alloc_start ||
paby + elementSize > paby_buffer_alloc_end)
return false;
return true;
//! @endcond
/* Read() */
/** Read part or totality of a multidimensional array or attribute.
* This will extract the content of a hyper-rectangle from the array into
* a user supplied buffer.
* If bufferDataType is of type string, the values written in pDstBuffer
* will be char* pointers and the strings should be freed with CPLFree().
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayRead().
* @param arrayStartIdx Values representing the starting index to read
* in each dimension (in [0, aoDims[i].GetSize()-1] range).
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values. Must not be
* nullptr, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
* @param count Values representing the number of values to extract in
* each dimension.
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values. Must not be
* nullptr, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
* @param arrayStep Spacing between values to extract in each dimension.
* The spacing is in number of array elements, not bytes.
* If provided, must contain GetDimensionCount() values.
* If set to nullptr, [1, 1, ... 1] will be used as a
* default to indicate consecutive elements.
* @param bufferStride Spacing between values to store in pDstBuffer.
* The spacing is in number of array elements, not bytes.
* If provided, must contain GetDimensionCount() values.
* Negative values are possible (for example to reorder
* from bottom-to-top to top-to-bottom).
* If set to nullptr, will be set so that pDstBuffer is
* written in a compact way, with elements of the last /
* fastest varying dimension being consecutive.
* @param bufferDataType Data type of values in pDstBuffer.
* @param pDstBuffer User buffer to store the values read. Should be big
* enough to store the number of values indicated by
* count[] and with the spacing of bufferStride[].
* @param pDstBufferAllocStart Optional pointer that can be used to validate the
* validty of pDstBuffer. pDstBufferAllocStart
* should be the pointer returned by the malloc() or equivalent call used to
* allocate the buffer. It will generally be equal to pDstBuffer (when
* bufferStride[] values are all positive), but not necessarily. If specified,
* nDstBufferAllocSize should be also set to the appropriate value. If no
* validation is needed, nullptr can be passed.
* @param nDstBufferAllocSize Optional buffer size, that can be used to
* validate the validty of pDstBuffer. This is the size of the buffer starting
* at pDstBufferAllocStart. If specified, pDstBufferAllocStart should be also
* set to the appropriate value.
* If no validation is needed, 0 can be passed.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAbstractMDArray::Read(
const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, // step in elements
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride, // stride in elements
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType, void *pDstBuffer,
const void *pDstBufferAllocStart, size_t nDstBufferAllocSize) const
if (!GetDataType().CanConvertTo(bufferDataType))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Array data type is not convertible to buffer data type");
return false;
std::vector<GInt64> tmp_arrayStep;
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> tmp_bufferStride;
if (!CheckReadWriteParams(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride,
bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pDstBufferAllocStart,
nDstBufferAllocSize, tmp_arrayStep,
return false;
return IRead(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride, bufferDataType,
/* IWrite() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
bool GDALAbstractMDArray::IWrite(const GUInt64 *, const size_t *,
const GInt64 *, const GPtrDiff_t *,
const GDALExtendedDataType &, const void *)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "IWrite() not implemented");
return false;
//! @endcond
/* Write() */
/** Write part or totality of a multidimensional array or attribute.
* This will set the content of a hyper-rectangle into the array from
* a user supplied buffer.
* If bufferDataType is of type string, the values read from pSrcBuffer
* will be char* pointers.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayWrite().
* @param arrayStartIdx Values representing the starting index to write
* in each dimension (in [0, aoDims[i].GetSize()-1] range).
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values. Must not be
* nullptr, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
* @param count Values representing the number of values to write in
* each dimension.
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values. Must not be
* nullptr, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
* @param arrayStep Spacing between values to write in each dimension.
* The spacing is in number of array elements, not bytes.
* If provided, must contain GetDimensionCount() values.
* If set to nullptr, [1, 1, ... 1] will be used as a
* default to indicate consecutive elements.
* @param bufferStride Spacing between values to read from pSrcBuffer.
* The spacing is in number of array elements, not bytes.
* If provided, must contain GetDimensionCount() values.
* Negative values are possible (for example to reorder
* from bottom-to-top to top-to-bottom).
* If set to nullptr, will be set so that pSrcBuffer is
* written in a compact way, with elements of the last /
* fastest varying dimension being consecutive.
* @param bufferDataType Data type of values in pSrcBuffer.
* @param pSrcBuffer User buffer to read the values from. Should be big
* enough to store the number of values indicated by
* count[] and with the spacing of bufferStride[].
* @param pSrcBufferAllocStart Optional pointer that can be used to validate the
* validty of pSrcBuffer. pSrcBufferAllocStart
* should be the pointer returned by the malloc() or equivalent call used to
* allocate the buffer. It will generally be equal to pSrcBuffer (when
* bufferStride[] values are all positive), but not necessarily. If specified,
* nSrcBufferAllocSize should be also set to the appropriate value. If no
* validation is needed, nullptr can be passed.
* @param nSrcBufferAllocSize Optional buffer size, that can be used to
* validate the validty of pSrcBuffer. This is the size of the buffer starting
* at pSrcBufferAllocStart. If specified, pDstBufferAllocStart should be also
* set to the appropriate value.
* If no validation is needed, 0 can be passed.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAbstractMDArray::Write(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer,
const void *pSrcBufferAllocStart,
size_t nSrcBufferAllocSize)
if (!bufferDataType.CanConvertTo(GetDataType()))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Buffer data type is not convertible to array data type");
return false;
std::vector<GInt64> tmp_arrayStep;
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> tmp_bufferStride;
if (!CheckReadWriteParams(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride,
bufferDataType, pSrcBuffer, pSrcBufferAllocStart,
nSrcBufferAllocSize, tmp_arrayStep,
return false;
return IWrite(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride, bufferDataType,
/* GetTotalElementsCount() */
/** Return the total number of values in the array.
* This is the same as the C functions GDALMDArrayGetTotalElementsCount()
* and GDALAttributeGetTotalElementsCount().
GUInt64 GDALAbstractMDArray::GetTotalElementsCount() const
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
if (dims.empty())
return 1;
GUInt64 nElts = 1;
for (const auto &dim : dims)
nElts = (CPLSM(static_cast<GUInt64>(nElts)) *
catch (...)
return 0;
return nElts;
/* GetBlockSize() */
/** Return the "natural" block size of the array along all dimensions.
* Some drivers might organize the array in tiles/blocks and reading/writing
* aligned on those tile/block boundaries will be more efficient.
* The returned number of elements in the vector is the same as
* GetDimensionCount(). A value of 0 should be interpreted as no hint regarding
* the natural block size along the considered dimension.
* "Flat" arrays will typically return a vector of values set to 0.
* The default implementation will return a vector of values set to 0.
* This method is used by GetProcessingChunkSize().
* Pedantic note: the returned type is GUInt64, so in the highly unlikeley
* theoretical case of a 32-bit platform, this might exceed its size_t
* allocation capabilities.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetBlockSize().
* @return the block size, in number of elements along each dimension.
std::vector<GUInt64> GDALAbstractMDArray::GetBlockSize() const
return std::vector<GUInt64>(GetDimensionCount());
/* GetProcessingChunkSize() */
/** \brief Return an optimal chunk size for read/write operations, given the
* natural block size and memory constraints specified.
* This method will use GetBlockSize() to define a chunk whose dimensions are
* multiple of those returned by GetBlockSize() (unless the block define by
* GetBlockSize() is larger than nMaxChunkMemory, in which case it will be
* returned by this method).
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetProcessingChunkSize().
* @param nMaxChunkMemory Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, to use for the
* chunk.
* @return the chunk size, in number of elements along each dimension.
GDALAbstractMDArray::GetProcessingChunkSize(size_t nMaxChunkMemory) const
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
const auto &nDTSize = GetDataType().GetSize();
std::vector<size_t> anChunkSize;
auto blockSize = GetBlockSize();
CPLAssert(blockSize.size() == dims.size());
size_t nChunkSize = nDTSize;
bool bOverflow = false;
constexpr auto kSIZE_T_MAX = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// Initialize anChunkSize[i] with blockSize[i] by properly clamping in
// [1, min(sizet_max, dim_size[i])]
// Also make sure that the product of all anChunkSize[i]) fits on size_t
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
const auto sizeDimI =
std::min(blockSize[i], dims[i]->GetSize()))));
if (nChunkSize > kSIZE_T_MAX / sizeDimI)
bOverflow = true;
nChunkSize *= sizeDimI;
if (nChunkSize == 0)
return anChunkSize;
// If the product of all anChunkSize[i] does not fit on size_t, then
// set lowest anChunkSize[i] to 1.
if (bOverflow)
nChunkSize = nDTSize;
bOverflow = false;
for (size_t i = dims.size(); i > 0;)
if (bOverflow || nChunkSize > kSIZE_T_MAX / anChunkSize[i])
bOverflow = true;
anChunkSize[i] = 1;
nChunkSize *= anChunkSize[i];
nChunkSize = nDTSize;
std::vector<size_t> anAccBlockSizeFromStart;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
nChunkSize *= anChunkSize[i];
if (nChunkSize <= nMaxChunkMemory / 2)
size_t nVoxelsFromEnd = 1;
for (size_t i = dims.size(); i > 0;)
const auto nCurBlockSize =
anAccBlockSizeFromStart[i] * nVoxelsFromEnd;
const auto nMul = nMaxChunkMemory / nCurBlockSize;
if (nMul >= 2)
const auto nSizeThisDim(dims[i]->GetSize());
const auto nBlocksThisDim =
DIV_ROUND_UP(nSizeThisDim, anChunkSize[i]);
anChunkSize[i] = static_cast<size_t>(std::min(
anChunkSize[i] *
std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(nMul), nBlocksThisDim),
nVoxelsFromEnd *= anChunkSize[i];
return anChunkSize;
/* SetUnit() */
/** Set the variable unit.
* Values should conform as much as possible with those allowed by
* the NetCDF CF conventions:
* http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/cf-conventions.html#units
* but others might be returned.
* Few examples are "meter", "degrees", "second", ...
* Empty value means unknown.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetUnit()
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented.
* @param osUnit unit name.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALMDArray::SetUnit(CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osUnit)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "SetUnit() not implemented");
return false;
/* GetUnit() */
/** Return the array unit.
* Values should conform as much as possible with those allowed by
* the NetCDF CF conventions:
* http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/cf-conventions.html#units
* but others might be returned.
* Few examples are "meter", "degrees", "second", ...
* Empty value means unknown.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetUnit()
const std::string &GDALMDArray::GetUnit() const
static const std::string emptyString;
return emptyString;
/* SetSpatialRef() */
/** Assign a spatial reference system object to the array.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetSpatialRef().
bool GDALMDArray::SetSpatialRef(CPL_UNUSED const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "SetSpatialRef() not implemented");
return false;
/* GetSpatialRef() */
/** Return the spatial reference system object associated with the array.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetSpatialRef().
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GDALMDArray::GetSpatialRef() const
return nullptr;
/* GetRawNoDataValue() */
/** Return the nodata value as a "raw" value.
* The value returned might be nullptr in case of no nodata value. When
* a nodata value is registered, a non-nullptr will be returned whose size in
* bytes is GetDataType().GetSize().
* The returned value should not be modified or freed. It is valid until
* the array is destroyed, or the next call to GetRawNoDataValue() or
* SetRawNoDataValue(), or any similar methods.
* @note Driver implementation: this method shall be implemented if nodata
* is supported.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetRawNoDataValue().
* @return nullptr or a pointer to GetDataType().GetSize() bytes.
const void *GDALMDArray::GetRawNoDataValue() const
return nullptr;
/* GetNoDataValueAsDouble() */
/** Return the nodata value as a double.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsDouble().
* @param pbHasNoData Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true if
* a nodata value exists and can be converted to double. Might be nullptr.
* @return the nodata value as a double. A 0.0 value might also indicate the
* absence of a nodata value or an error in the conversion (*pbHasNoData will be
* set to false then).
double GDALMDArray::GetNoDataValueAsDouble(bool *pbHasNoData) const
const void *pNoData = GetRawNoDataValue();
double dfNoData = 0.0;
const auto &eDT = GetDataType();
const bool ok = pNoData != nullptr && eDT.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC;
if (ok)
GDALCopyWords(pNoData, eDT.GetNumericDataType(), 0, &dfNoData,
GDT_Float64, 0, 1);
if (pbHasNoData)
*pbHasNoData = ok;
return dfNoData;
/* GetNoDataValueAsInt64() */
/** Return the nodata value as a Int64.
* @param pbHasNoData Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true if
* a nodata value exists and can be converted to Int64. Might be nullptr.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsInt64().
* @return the nodata value as a Int64
* @since GDAL 3.5
int64_t GDALMDArray::GetNoDataValueAsInt64(bool *pbHasNoData) const
const void *pNoData = GetRawNoDataValue();
const auto &eDT = GetDataType();
const bool ok = pNoData != nullptr && eDT.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC;
if (ok)
GDALCopyWords(pNoData, eDT.GetNumericDataType(), 0, &nNoData, GDT_Int64,
0, 1);
if (pbHasNoData)
*pbHasNoData = ok;
return nNoData;
/* GetNoDataValueAsUInt64() */
/** Return the nodata value as a UInt64.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsUInt64().
* @param pbHasNoData Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true if
* a nodata value exists and can be converted to UInt64. Might be nullptr.
* @return the nodata value as a UInt64
* @since GDAL 3.5
uint64_t GDALMDArray::GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(bool *pbHasNoData) const
const void *pNoData = GetRawNoDataValue();
const auto &eDT = GetDataType();
const bool ok = pNoData != nullptr && eDT.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC;
if (ok)
GDALCopyWords(pNoData, eDT.GetNumericDataType(), 0, &nNoData,
GDT_UInt64, 0, 1);
if (pbHasNoData)
*pbHasNoData = ok;
return nNoData;
/* SetRawNoDataValue() */
/** Set the nodata value as a "raw" value.
* The value passed might be nullptr in case of no nodata value. When
* a nodata value is registered, a non-nullptr whose size in
* bytes is GetDataType().GetSize() must be passed.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetRawNoDataValue().
* @note Driver implementation: this method shall be implemented if setting
* is supported.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALMDArray::SetRawNoDataValue(CPL_UNUSED const void *pRawNoData)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"SetRawNoDataValue() not implemented");
return false;
/* SetNoDataValue() */
/** Set the nodata value as a double.
* If the natural data type of the attribute/array is not double, type
* conversion will occur to the type returned by GetDataType().
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsDouble().
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALMDArray::SetNoDataValue(double dfNoData)
void *pRawNoData = CPLMalloc(GetDataType().GetSize());
bool bRet = false;
if (GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(
&dfNoData, GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64), pRawNoData,
bRet = SetRawNoDataValue(pRawNoData);
return bRet;
/* SetNoDataValue() */
/** Set the nodata value as a Int64.
* If the natural data type of the attribute/array is not Int64, type conversion
* will occur to the type returned by GetDataType().
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsInt64().
* @return true in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.5
bool GDALMDArray::SetNoDataValue(int64_t nNoData)
void *pRawNoData = CPLMalloc(GetDataType().GetSize());
bool bRet = false;
if (GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&nNoData,
pRawNoData, GetDataType()))
bRet = SetRawNoDataValue(pRawNoData);
return bRet;
/* SetNoDataValue() */
/** Set the nodata value as a Int64.
* If the natural data type of the attribute/array is not Int64, type conversion
* will occur to the type returned by GetDataType().
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsUInt64().
* @return true in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.5
bool GDALMDArray::SetNoDataValue(uint64_t nNoData)
void *pRawNoData = CPLMalloc(GetDataType().GetSize());
bool bRet = false;
if (GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(
&nNoData, GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_UInt64), pRawNoData,
bRet = SetRawNoDataValue(pRawNoData);
return bRet;
/* Resize() */
/** Resize an array to new dimensions.
* Not all drivers may allow this operation, and with restrictions (e.g.
* for netCDF, this is limited to growing of "unlimited" dimensions)
* Resizing a dimension used in other arrays will cause those other arrays
* to be resized.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayResize().
* @param anNewDimSizes Array of GetDimensionCount() values containing the
* new size of each indexing dimension.
* @param papszOptions Options. (Driver specific)
* @return true in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.7
bool GDALMDArray::Resize(CPL_UNUSED const std::vector<GUInt64> &anNewDimSizes,
CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Resize() is not supported for this array");
return false;
/* SetScale() */
/** Set the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetScale() /
* GDALMDArraySetScaleEx().
* @note Driver implementation: this method shall be implemented if setting
* scale is supported.
* @param dfScale scale
* @param eStorageType Data type to which create the potential attribute that
* will store the scale. Added in GDAL 3.3 If let to its GDT_Unknown value, the
* implementation will decide automatically the data type. Note that changing
* the data type after initial setting might not be supported.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALMDArray::SetScale(CPL_UNUSED double dfScale,
CPL_UNUSED GDALDataType eStorageType)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "SetScale() not implemented");
return false;
/* SetOffset) */
/** Set the offset value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetOffset() /
* GDALMDArraySetOffsetEx().
* @note Driver implementation: this method shall be implemented if setting
* offset is supported.
* @param dfOffset Offset
* @param eStorageType Data type to which create the potential attribute that
* will store the offset. Added in GDAL 3.3 If let to its GDT_Unknown value, the
* implementation will decide automatically the data type. Note that changing
* the data type after initial setting might not be supported.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALMDArray::SetOffset(CPL_UNUSED double dfOffset,
CPL_UNUSED GDALDataType eStorageType)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "SetOffset() not implemented");
return false;
/* GetScale() */
/** Get the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetScale().
* @note Driver implementation: this method shall be implemented if gettings
* scale is supported.
* @param pbHasScale Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true if
* a scale value exists. Might be nullptr.
* @param peStorageType Pointer to a output GDALDataType that will be set to
* the storage type of the scale value, when known/relevant. Otherwise will be
* set to GDT_Unknown. Might be nullptr. Since GDAL 3.3
* @return the scale value. A 1.0 value might also indicate the
* absence of a scale value.
double GDALMDArray::GetScale(CPL_UNUSED bool *pbHasScale,
CPL_UNUSED GDALDataType *peStorageType) const
if (pbHasScale)
*pbHasScale = false;
return 1.0;
/* GetOffset() */
/** Get the offset value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetOffset().
* @note Driver implementation: this method shall be implemented if gettings
* offset is supported.
* @param pbHasOffset Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true if
* a offset value exists. Might be nullptr.
* @param peStorageType Pointer to a output GDALDataType that will be set to
* the storage type of the offset value, when known/relevant. Otherwise will be
* set to GDT_Unknown. Might be nullptr. Since GDAL 3.3
* @return the offset value. A 0.0 value might also indicate the
* absence of a offset value.
double GDALMDArray::GetOffset(CPL_UNUSED bool *pbHasOffset,
CPL_UNUSED GDALDataType *peStorageType) const
if (pbHasOffset)
*pbHasOffset = false;
return 0.0;
/* ProcessPerChunk() */
enum class Caller
/** \brief Call a user-provided function to operate on an array chunk by chunk.
* This method is to be used when doing operations on an array, or a subset of
* it, in a chunk by chunk way.
* @param arrayStartIdx Values representing the starting index to use
* in each dimension (in [0, aoDims[i].GetSize()-1] range).
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values. Must not be
* nullptr, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
* @param count Values representing the number of values to use in
* each dimension.
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values. Must not be
* nullptr, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
* @param chunkSize Values representing the chunk size in each dimension.
* Might typically the output of GetProcessingChunkSize().
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values. Must not be
* nullptr, unless for a zero-dimensional array.
* @param pfnFunc User-provided function of type FuncProcessPerChunkType.
* Must NOT be nullptr.
* @param pUserData Pointer to pass as the value of the pUserData argument
* of FuncProcessPerChunkType. Might be nullptr (depends on pfnFunc.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAbstractMDArray::ProcessPerChunk(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const GUInt64 *count,
const size_t *chunkSize,
FuncProcessPerChunkType pfnFunc,
void *pUserData)
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
if (dims.empty())
return pfnFunc(this, nullptr, nullptr, 1, 1, pUserData);
// Sanity check
size_t nTotalChunkSize = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
const auto nSizeThisDim(dims[i]->GetSize());
if (count[i] == 0 || count[i] > nSizeThisDim ||
arrayStartIdx[i] > nSizeThisDim - count[i])
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Inconsistent arrayStartIdx[] / count[] values "
"regarding array size");
return false;
if (chunkSize[i] == 0 || chunkSize[i] > nSizeThisDim ||
chunkSize[i] > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / nTotalChunkSize)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Inconsistent chunkSize[] values");
return false;
nTotalChunkSize *= chunkSize[i];
size_t dimIdx = 0;
std::vector<GUInt64> chunkArrayStartIdx(dims.size());
std::vector<size_t> chunkCount(dims.size());
struct Stack
GUInt64 nBlockCounter = 0;
GUInt64 nBlocksMinusOne = 0;
size_t first_count = 0; // only used if nBlocks > 1
Caller return_point = Caller::CALLER_END_OF_LOOP;
std::vector<Stack> stack(dims.size());
GUInt64 iCurChunk = 0;
GUInt64 nChunkCount = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
const auto nStartBlock = arrayStartIdx[i] / chunkSize[i];
const auto nEndBlock = (arrayStartIdx[i] + count[i] - 1) / chunkSize[i];
stack[i].nBlocksMinusOne = nEndBlock - nStartBlock;
nChunkCount *= 1 + stack[i].nBlocksMinusOne;
if (stack[i].nBlocksMinusOne == 0)
chunkArrayStartIdx[i] = arrayStartIdx[i];
chunkCount[i] = static_cast<size_t>(count[i]);
stack[i].first_count = static_cast<size_t>(
(nStartBlock + 1) * chunkSize[i] - arrayStartIdx[i]);
if (dimIdx == dims.size())
if (!pfnFunc(this, chunkArrayStartIdx.data(), chunkCount.data(),
iCurChunk, nChunkCount, pUserData))
return false;
if (stack[dimIdx].nBlocksMinusOne != 0)
stack[dimIdx].nBlockCounter = stack[dimIdx].nBlocksMinusOne;
chunkArrayStartIdx[dimIdx] = arrayStartIdx[dimIdx];
chunkCount[dimIdx] = stack[dimIdx].first_count;
stack[dimIdx].return_point = Caller::CALLER_IN_LOOP;
while (true)
goto lbl_next_depth;
if (stack[dimIdx].nBlockCounter == 0)
chunkArrayStartIdx[dimIdx] += chunkCount[dimIdx];
chunkCount[dimIdx] = chunkSize[dimIdx];
chunkArrayStartIdx[dimIdx] += chunkCount[dimIdx];
chunkCount[dimIdx] =
static_cast<size_t>(arrayStartIdx[dimIdx] + count[dimIdx] -
stack[dimIdx].return_point = Caller::CALLER_END_OF_LOOP;
goto lbl_next_depth;
if (dimIdx == 0)
goto end;
// cppcheck-suppress negativeContainerIndex
switch (stack[dimIdx].return_point)
case Caller::CALLER_END_OF_LOOP:
goto lbl_return_to_caller_end_of_loop;
case Caller::CALLER_IN_LOOP:
goto lbl_return_to_caller_in_loop;
return true;
/* GDALAttribute() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALAttribute::GDALAttribute(CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osParentName,
CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName)
//! @endcond
/* GetDimensionSize() */
/** Return the size of the dimensions of the attribute.
* This will be an empty array for a scalar (single value) attribute.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize().
std::vector<GUInt64> GDALAttribute::GetDimensionsSize() const
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
std::vector<GUInt64> ret;
for (const auto &dim : dims)
return ret;
/* GDALRawResult() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALRawResult::GDALRawResult(GByte *raw, const GDALExtendedDataType &dt,
size_t nEltCount)
: m_dt(dt), m_nEltCount(nEltCount), m_nSize(nEltCount * dt.GetSize()),
//! @endcond
/* GDALRawResult() */
/** Move constructor. */
GDALRawResult::GDALRawResult(GDALRawResult &&other)
: m_dt(std::move(other.m_dt)), m_nEltCount(other.m_nEltCount),
m_nSize(other.m_nSize), m_raw(other.m_raw)
other.m_nEltCount = 0;
other.m_nSize = 0;
other.m_raw = nullptr;
/* FreeMe() */
void GDALRawResult::FreeMe()
if (m_raw && m_dt.NeedsFreeDynamicMemory())
GByte *pabyPtr = m_raw;
const auto nDTSize(m_dt.GetSize());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nEltCount; ++i)
pabyPtr += nDTSize;
/* operator=() */
/** Move assignment. */
GDALRawResult &GDALRawResult::operator=(GDALRawResult &&other)
m_dt = std::move(other.m_dt);
m_nEltCount = other.m_nEltCount;
m_nSize = other.m_nSize;
m_raw = other.m_raw;
other.m_nEltCount = 0;
other.m_nSize = 0;
other.m_raw = nullptr;
return *this;
/* ~GDALRawResult() */
/** Destructor. */
/* StealData() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
/** Return buffer to caller which becomes owner of it.
* Only to be used by GDALAttributeReadAsRaw().
GByte *GDALRawResult::StealData()
GByte *ret = m_raw;
m_raw = nullptr;
m_nEltCount = 0;
m_nSize = 0;
return ret;
//! @endcond
/* ReadAsRaw() */
/** Return the raw value of an attribute.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeReadAsRaw().
GDALRawResult GDALAttribute::ReadAsRaw() const
const auto nEltCount(GetTotalElementsCount());
const auto dt(GetDataType());
const auto nDTSize(dt.GetSize());
GByte *res = static_cast<GByte *>(
VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(static_cast<size_t>(nEltCount), nDTSize));
if (!res)
return GDALRawResult(nullptr, dt, 0);
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
if (!Read(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr, dt, &res[0],
&res[0], static_cast<size_t>(nEltCount * nDTSize)))
return GDALRawResult(nullptr, dt, 0);
return GDALRawResult(res, dt, static_cast<size_t>(nEltCount));
/* ReadAsString() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as a string.
* The returned string should not be freed, and its lifetime does not
* excess a next call to ReadAsString() on the same object, or the deletion
* of the object itself.
* This function will only return the first element if there are several.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeReadAsString()
* @return a string, or nullptr.
const char *GDALAttribute::ReadAsString() const
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims, 1);
char *szRet = nullptr;
if (!Read(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString(), &szRet, &szRet,
sizeof(szRet)) ||
szRet == nullptr)
return nullptr;
m_osCachedVal = szRet;
return m_osCachedVal.c_str();
/* ReadAsInt() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as a integer.
* This function will only return the first element if there are several.
* It can fail if its value can be converted to integer.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeReadAsInt()
* @return a integer, or INT_MIN in case of error.
int GDALAttribute::ReadAsInt() const
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims, 1);
int nRet = INT_MIN;
Read(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Int32), &nRet, &nRet, sizeof(nRet));
return nRet;
/* ReadAsDouble() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as a double.
* This function will only return the first element if there are several.
* It can fail if its value can be converted to double.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeReadAsInt()
* @return a double value.
double GDALAttribute::ReadAsDouble() const
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims, 1);
double dfRet = 0;
Read(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64), &dfRet, &dfRet,
return dfRet;
/* ReadAsStringArray() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as an array of strings.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeReadAsStringArray()
CPLStringList GDALAttribute::ReadAsStringArray() const
const auto nElts = GetTotalElementsCount();
if (nElts > static_cast<unsigned>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1))
return CPLStringList();
char **papszList = static_cast<char **>(
VSI_CALLOC_VERBOSE(static_cast<int>(nElts) + 1, sizeof(char *)));
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
Read(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString(), papszList, papszList,
sizeof(char *) * static_cast<int>(nElts));
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(nElts); i++)
if (papszList[i] == nullptr)
papszList[i] = CPLStrdup("");
return CPLStringList(papszList);
/* ReadAsIntArray() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as an array of integers.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeReadAsIntArray().
std::vector<int> GDALAttribute::ReadAsIntArray() const
const auto nElts = GetTotalElementsCount();
if (nElts > static_cast<size_t>(nElts))
return {};
std::vector<int> res(static_cast<size_t>(nElts));
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
Read(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Int32), &res[0], res.data(),
res.size() * sizeof(res[0]));
return res;
/* ReadAsDoubleArray() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as an array of double.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeReadAsDoubleArray().
std::vector<double> GDALAttribute::ReadAsDoubleArray() const
const auto nElts = GetTotalElementsCount();
if (nElts > static_cast<size_t>(nElts))
return {};
std::vector<double> res(static_cast<size_t>(nElts));
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
Read(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64), &res[0], res.data(),
res.size() * sizeof(res[0]));
return res;
/* Write() */
/** Write an attribute from raw values expressed in GetDataType()
* The values should be provided in the type of GetDataType() and there should
* be exactly GetTotalElementsCount() of them.
* If GetDataType() is a string, each value should be a char* pointer.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeWriteRaw().
* @param pabyValue Buffer of nLen bytes.
* @param nLen Size of pabyValue in bytes. Should be equal to
* GetTotalElementsCount() * GetDataType().GetSize()
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAttribute::Write(const void *pabyValue, size_t nLen)
if (nLen != GetTotalElementsCount() * GetDataType().GetSize())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Length is not of expected value");
return false;
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
return Write(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr, GetDataType(),
pabyValue, pabyValue, nLen);
/* Write() */
/** Write an attribute from a string value.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains
* multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeWriteString().
* @param pszValue Pointer to a string.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAttribute::Write(const char *pszValue)
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims, 1);
return Write(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString(), &pszValue, &pszValue,
/* WriteInt() */
/** Write an attribute from a integer value.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains
* multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeWriteInt().
* @param nVal Value.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAttribute::WriteInt(int nVal)
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims, 1);
return Write(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Int32), &nVal, &nVal,
/* Write() */
/** Write an attribute from a double value.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains
* multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeWriteDouble().
* @param dfVal Value.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAttribute::Write(double dfVal)
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims, 1);
return Write(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64), &dfVal, &dfVal,
/* Write() */
/** Write an attribute from an array of strings.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed.
* Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeWriteStringArray().
* @param vals Array of strings.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAttribute::Write(CSLConstList vals)
if (static_cast<size_t>(CSLCount(vals)) != GetTotalElementsCount())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid number of input values");
return false;
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims);
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
return Write(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString(), vals, vals,
static_cast<size_t>(GetTotalElementsCount()) * sizeof(char *));
/* Write() */
/** Write an attribute from an array of double.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed.
* Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
* This is the same as the C function GDALAttributeWriteDoubleArray()
* @param vals Array of double.
* @param nVals Should be equal to GetTotalElementsCount().
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALAttribute::Write(const double *vals, size_t nVals)
if (nVals != GetTotalElementsCount())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid number of input values");
return false;
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> startIdx(1 + nDims, 0);
std::vector<size_t> count(1 + nDims);
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
return Write(startIdx.data(), count.data(), nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64), vals, vals,
static_cast<size_t>(GetTotalElementsCount()) * sizeof(double));
/* GDALMDArray() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALMDArray::GDALMDArray(CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osParentName,
CPL_UNUSED const std::string &osName)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName)
//! @endcond
/* GetTotalCopyCost() */
/** Return a total "cost" to copy the array.
* Used as a parameter for CopyFrom()
GUInt64 GDALMDArray::GetTotalCopyCost() const
return COPY_COST + GetAttributes().size() * GDALAttribute::COPY_COST +
GetTotalElementsCount() * GetDataType().GetSize();
/* CopyFromAllExceptValues() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
bool GDALMDArray::CopyFromAllExceptValues(const GDALMDArray *poSrcArray,
bool bStrict, GUInt64 &nCurCost,
const GUInt64 nTotalCost,
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
void *pProgressData)
const bool bThisIsUnscaledArray =
dynamic_cast<GDALMDArrayUnscaled *>(this) != nullptr;
auto attrs = poSrcArray->GetAttributes();
for (const auto &attr : attrs)
const auto &osAttrName = attr->GetName();
if (bThisIsUnscaledArray)
if (osAttrName == "missing_value" || osAttrName == "_FillValue" ||
osAttrName == "valid_min" || osAttrName == "valid_max" ||
osAttrName == "valid_range")
auto dstAttr = CreateAttribute(osAttrName, attr->GetDimensionsSize(),
if (!dstAttr)
if (bStrict)
return false;
auto raw = attr->ReadAsRaw();
if (!dstAttr->Write(raw.data(), raw.size()) && bStrict)
return false;
if (!attrs.empty())
nCurCost += attrs.size() * GDALAttribute::COPY_COST;
if (pfnProgress &&
!pfnProgress(double(nCurCost) / nTotalCost, "", pProgressData))
return false;
auto srcSRS = poSrcArray->GetSpatialRef();
if (srcSRS)
const void *pNoData = poSrcArray->GetRawNoDataValue();
if (pNoData && poSrcArray->GetDataType() == GetDataType())
const std::string &osUnit(poSrcArray->GetUnit());
if (!osUnit.empty())
bool bGotValue = false;
GDALDataType eOffsetStorageType = GDT_Unknown;
const double dfOffset =
poSrcArray->GetOffset(&bGotValue, &eOffsetStorageType);
if (bGotValue)
SetOffset(dfOffset, eOffsetStorageType);
bGotValue = false;
GDALDataType eScaleStorageType = GDT_Unknown;
const double dfScale = poSrcArray->GetScale(&bGotValue, &eScaleStorageType);
if (bGotValue)
SetScale(dfScale, eScaleStorageType);
return true;
//! @endcond
/* CopyFrom() */
/** Copy the content of an array into a new (generally empty) array.
* @param poSrcDS Source dataset. Might be nullptr (but for correct behavior
* of some output drivers this is not recommended)
* @param poSrcArray Source array. Should NOT be nullptr.
* @param bStrict Whether to enable stict mode. In strict mode, any error will
* stop the copy. In relaxed mode, the copy will be attempted to
* be pursued.
* @param nCurCost Should be provided as a variable initially set to 0.
* @param nTotalCost Total cost from GetTotalCopyCost().
* @param pfnProgress Progress callback, or nullptr.
* @param pProgressData Progress user data, or nulptr.
* @return true in case of success (or partial success if bStrict == false).
bool GDALMDArray::CopyFrom(CPL_UNUSED GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
const GDALMDArray *poSrcArray, bool bStrict,
GUInt64 &nCurCost, const GUInt64 nTotalCost,
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData)
if (pfnProgress == nullptr)
pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
nCurCost += GDALMDArray::COPY_COST;
if (!CopyFromAllExceptValues(poSrcArray, bStrict, nCurCost, nTotalCost,
pfnProgress, pProgressData))
return false;
const auto &dims = poSrcArray->GetDimensions();
const auto nDTSize = poSrcArray->GetDataType().GetSize();
if (dims.empty())
std::vector<GByte> abyTmp(nDTSize);
if (!(poSrcArray->Read(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
GetDataType(), &abyTmp[0]) &&
Write(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, GetDataType(),
&abyTmp[0])) &&
return false;
nCurCost += GetTotalElementsCount() * GetDataType().GetSize();
if (!pfnProgress(double(nCurCost) / nTotalCost, "", pProgressData))
return false;
std::vector<GUInt64> arrayStartIdx(dims.size());
std::vector<GUInt64> count(dims.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(dims[i]->GetSize());
struct CopyFunc
GDALMDArray *poDstArray = nullptr;
std::vector<GByte> abyTmp{};
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress = nullptr;
void *pProgressData = nullptr;
GUInt64 nCurCost = 0;
GUInt64 nTotalCost = 0;
GUInt64 nTotalBytesThisArray = 0;
bool bStop = false;
static bool f(GDALAbstractMDArray *l_poSrcArray,
const GUInt64 *chunkArrayStartIdx,
const size_t *chunkCount, GUInt64 iCurChunk,
GUInt64 nChunkCount, void *pUserData)
const auto dt(l_poSrcArray->GetDataType());
auto data = static_cast<CopyFunc *>(pUserData);
auto poDstArray = data->poDstArray;
if (!l_poSrcArray->Read(chunkArrayStartIdx, chunkCount, nullptr,
nullptr, dt, &data->abyTmp[0]))
return false;
bool bRet =
poDstArray->Write(chunkArrayStartIdx, chunkCount, nullptr,
nullptr, dt, &data->abyTmp[0]);
if (dt.NeedsFreeDynamicMemory())
const auto l_nDTSize = dt.GetSize();
GByte *ptr = &data->abyTmp[0];
const size_t l_nDims(l_poSrcArray->GetDimensionCount());
size_t nEltCount = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < l_nDims; ++i)
nEltCount *= chunkCount[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < nEltCount; i++)
ptr += l_nDTSize;
if (!bRet)
return false;
double dfCurCost =
double(data->nCurCost) + double(iCurChunk) / nChunkCount *
if (!data->pfnProgress(dfCurCost / data->nTotalCost, "",
data->bStop = true;
return false;
return true;
CopyFunc copyFunc;
copyFunc.poDstArray = this;
copyFunc.nCurCost = nCurCost;
copyFunc.nTotalCost = nTotalCost;
copyFunc.nTotalBytesThisArray = GetTotalElementsCount() * nDTSize;
copyFunc.pfnProgress = pfnProgress;
copyFunc.pProgressData = pProgressData;
const char *pszSwathSize =
CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_SWATH_SIZE", nullptr);
const size_t nMaxChunkSize =
? static_cast<size_t>(
std::min(GIntBig(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2),
: static_cast<size_t>(
std::min(GIntBig(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2),
GDALGetCacheMax64() / 4));
const auto anChunkSizes(GetProcessingChunkSize(nMaxChunkSize));
size_t nRealChunkSize = nDTSize;
for (const auto &nChunkSize : anChunkSizes)
nRealChunkSize *= nChunkSize;
catch (const std::exception &)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
"Cannot allocate temporary buffer");
nCurCost += copyFunc.nTotalBytesThisArray;
return false;
if (copyFunc.nTotalBytesThisArray != 0 &&
!const_cast<GDALMDArray *>(poSrcArray)
->ProcessPerChunk(arrayStartIdx.data(), count.data(),
anChunkSizes.data(), CopyFunc::f,
©Func) &&
(bStrict || copyFunc.bStop))
nCurCost += copyFunc.nTotalBytesThisArray;
return false;
nCurCost += copyFunc.nTotalBytesThisArray;
return true;
/* GetStructuralInfo() */
/** Return structural information on the array.
* This may be the compression, etc..
* The return value should not be freed and is valid until GDALMDArray is
* released or this function called again.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetStructuralInfo().
CSLConstList GDALMDArray::GetStructuralInfo() const
return nullptr;
/* AdviseRead() */
/** Advise driver of upcoming read requests.
* Some GDAL drivers operate more efficiently if they know in advance what
* set of upcoming read requests will be made. The AdviseRead() method allows
* an application to notify the driver of the region of interest.
* Many drivers just ignore the AdviseRead() call, but it can dramatically
* accelerate access via some drivers. One such case is when reading through
* a DAP dataset with the netCDF driver (a in-memory cache array is then created
* with the region of interest defined by AdviseRead())
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayAdviseRead().
* @param arrayStartIdx Values representing the starting index to read
* in each dimension (in [0, aoDims[i].GetSize()-1] range).
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values.
* Can be nullptr as a synonymous for [0 for i in
* range(GetDimensionCount() ]
* @param count Values representing the number of values to extract in
* each dimension.
* Array of GetDimensionCount() values.
* Can be nullptr as a synonymous for
* [ aoDims[i].GetSize() - arrayStartIdx[i] for i in
* range(GetDimensionCount() ]
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options, or nullptr. Consult driver
* documentation.
* @return true in case of success (ignoring the advice is a success)
* @since GDAL 3.2
bool GDALMDArray::AdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const
const auto nDimCount = GetDimensionCount();
if (nDimCount == 0)
return true;
std::vector<GUInt64> tmp_arrayStartIdx;
if (arrayStartIdx == nullptr)
arrayStartIdx = tmp_arrayStartIdx.data();
std::vector<size_t> tmp_count;
if (count == nullptr)
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDimCount; i++)
const GUInt64 nSize = dims[i]->GetSize() - arrayStartIdx[i];
if (nSize != static_cast<size_t>(nSize))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Integer overflow");
return false;
tmp_count[i] = static_cast<size_t>(nSize);
count = tmp_count.data();
std::vector<GInt64> tmp_arrayStep;
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> tmp_bufferStride;
const GInt64 *arrayStep = nullptr;
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride = nullptr;
if (!CheckReadWriteParams(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride,
nullptr, nullptr, 0, tmp_arrayStep,
return false;
return IAdviseRead(arrayStartIdx, count, papszOptions);
/* IAdviseRead() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
bool GDALMDArray::IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *, const size_t *,
CSLConstList /* papszOptions*/) const
return true;
//! @endcond
/* MassageName() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
/*static*/ std::string GDALMDArray::MassageName(const std::string &inputName)
std::string ret;
for (const char ch : inputName)
if (!isalnum(ch))
ret += '_';
ret += ch;
return ret;
//! @endcond
/* GetCacheRootGroup() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALMDArray::GetCacheRootGroup(bool bCanCreate,
std::string &osCacheFilenameOut) const
const auto &osFilename = GetFilename();
if (osFilename.empty())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Cannot cache an array with an empty filename");
return nullptr;
osCacheFilenameOut = osFilename + ".gmac";
const char *pszProxy = PamGetProxy(osCacheFilenameOut.c_str());
if (pszProxy != nullptr)
osCacheFilenameOut = pszProxy;
std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset> poDS;
VSIStatBufL sStat;
if (VSIStatL(osCacheFilenameOut.c_str(), &sStat) == 0)
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr));
if (poDS)
CPLDebug("GDAL", "Opening cache %s", osCacheFilenameOut.c_str());
return poDS->GetRootGroup();
if (bCanCreate)
const char *pszDrvName = "netCDF";
GDALDriver *poDrv = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(pszDrvName);
if (poDrv == nullptr)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot get driver %s",
return nullptr;
CPLErrorHandlerPusher oHandlerPusher(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
CPLErrorStateBackuper oErrorStateBackuper;
nullptr, nullptr));
if (!poDS)
pszProxy = PamAllocateProxy(osCacheFilenameOut.c_str());
if (pszProxy)
osCacheFilenameOut = pszProxy;
osCacheFilenameOut.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr));
if (poDS)
CPLDebug("GDAL", "Creating cache %s", osCacheFilenameOut.c_str());
return poDS->GetRootGroup();
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Cannot create %s. Set the GDAL_PAM_PROXY_DIR "
"configuration option to write the cache in "
"another directory",
return nullptr;
//! @endcond
/* Cache() */
/** Cache the content of the array into an auxiliary filename.
* The main purpose of this method is to be able to cache views that are
* expensive to compute, such as transposed arrays.
* The array will be stored in a file whose name is the one of
* GetFilename(), with an extra .gmac extension (stands for GDAL
* Multidimensional Array Cache). The cache is a netCDF dataset.
* If the .gmac file cannot be written next to the dataset, the
* GDAL_PAM_PROXY_DIR will be used, if set, to write the cache file into that
* directory.
* The GDALMDArray::Read() method will automatically use the cache when it
* exists. There is no timestamp checks between the source array and the cached
* array. If the source arrays changes, the cache must be manually deleted.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayCache()
* @note Driver implementation: optionally implemented.
* @param papszOptions List of options, null terminated, or NULL. Currently
* the only option supported is BLOCKSIZE=bs0,bs1,...,bsN
* to specify the block size of the cached array.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALMDArray::Cache(CSLConstList papszOptions) const
std::string osCacheFilename;
auto poRG = GetCacheRootGroup(true, osCacheFilename);
if (!poRG)
return false;
const std::string osCachedArrayName(MassageName(GetFullName()));
if (poRG->OpenMDArray(osCachedArrayName))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"An array with same name %s already exists in %s",
osCachedArrayName.c_str(), osCacheFilename.c_str());
return false;
CPLStringList aosOptions;
aosOptions.SetNameValue("COMPRESS", "DEFLATE");
const auto &aoDims = GetDimensions();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> aoNewDims;
if (!aoDims.empty())
std::string osBlockSize(
CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "BLOCKSIZE", ""));
if (osBlockSize.empty())
const auto anBlockSize = GetBlockSize();
int idxDim = 0;
for (auto nBlockSize : anBlockSize)
if (idxDim > 0)
osBlockSize += ',';
if (nBlockSize == 0)
nBlockSize = 256;
nBlockSize = std::min(nBlockSize, aoDims[idxDim]->GetSize());
osBlockSize +=
aosOptions.SetNameValue("BLOCKSIZE", osBlockSize.c_str());
int idxDim = 0;
for (const auto &poDim : aoDims)
auto poNewDim = poRG->CreateDimension(
osCachedArrayName + '_' + std::to_string(idxDim),
poDim->GetType(), poDim->GetDirection(), poDim->GetSize());
if (!poNewDim)
return false;
auto poCachedArray = poRG->CreateMDArray(osCachedArrayName, aoNewDims,
GetDataType(), aosOptions.List());
if (!poCachedArray)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Cannot create %s in %s",
osCachedArrayName.c_str(), osCacheFilename.c_str());
return false;
GUInt64 nCost = 0;
return poCachedArray->CopyFrom(nullptr, this,
false, // strict
nCost, GetTotalCopyCost(), nullptr, nullptr);
/* Read() */
bool GDALMDArray::Read(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, // step in elements
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride, // stride in elements
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer, const void *pDstBufferAllocStart,
size_t nDstBufferAllocSize) const
if (!m_bHasTriedCachedArray)
m_bHasTriedCachedArray = true;
if (IsCacheable())
const auto &osFilename = GetFilename();
if (!osFilename.empty() &&
!EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(osFilename.c_str()), "gmac"))
std::string osCacheFilename;
auto poRG = GetCacheRootGroup(false, osCacheFilename);
if (poRG)
const std::string osCachedArrayName(
m_poCachedArray = poRG->OpenMDArray(osCachedArrayName);
if (m_poCachedArray)
const auto &dims = GetDimensions();
const auto &cachedDims =
const size_t nDims = dims.size();
bool ok =
m_poCachedArray->GetDataType() == GetDataType() &&
cachedDims.size() == nDims;
for (size_t i = 0; ok && i < nDims; ++i)
ok = dims[i]->GetSize() == cachedDims[i]->GetSize();
if (ok)
CPLDebug("GDAL", "Cached array for %s found in %s",
CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Cached array %s in %s has incompatible "
"characteristics with current array.",
const auto array = m_poCachedArray ? m_poCachedArray.get() : this;
if (!array->GetDataType().CanConvertTo(bufferDataType))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Array data type is not convertible to buffer data type");
return false;
std::vector<GInt64> tmp_arrayStep;
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> tmp_bufferStride;
if (!array->CheckReadWriteParams(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep,
bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer,
pDstBufferAllocStart, nDstBufferAllocSize,
tmp_arrayStep, tmp_bufferStride))
return false;
return array->IRead(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride,
bufferDataType, pDstBuffer);
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
/* IsTransposedRequest() */
bool GDALMDArray::IsTransposedRequest(
const size_t *count,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride) const // stride in elements
For example:
count = [2,3,4]
strides = [12, 4, 1] (2-1)*12+(3-1)*4+(4-1)*1=23 ==> row major
stride [12, 1, 3] (2-1)*12+(3-1)*1+(4-1)*3=23 ==>
(axis[0],axis[2],axis[1]) transposition [1, 8, 2] (2-1)*1+
(3-1)*8+(4-1)*2=23 ==> (axis[2],axis[1],axis[0]) transposition
const size_t nDims(GetDimensionCount());
size_t nCurStrideForRowMajorStrides = 1;
bool bRowMajorStrides = true;
size_t nElts = 1;
size_t nLastIdx = 0;
for (size_t i = nDims; i > 0;)
if (bufferStride[i] < 0)
return false;
if (static_cast<size_t>(bufferStride[i]) !=
bRowMajorStrides = false;
// Integer overflows have already been checked in CheckReadWriteParams()
nCurStrideForRowMajorStrides *= count[i];
nElts *= count[i];
nLastIdx += static_cast<size_t>(bufferStride[i]) * (count[i] - 1);
if (bRowMajorStrides)
return false;
return nLastIdx == nElts - 1;
/* CopyToFinalBufferSameDataType() */
template <size_t N>
void CopyToFinalBufferSameDataType(const void *pSrcBuffer, void *pDstBuffer,
size_t nDims, const size_t *count,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride)
std::vector<size_t> anStackCount(nDims);
std::vector<GByte *> pabyDstBufferStack(nDims + 1);
const GByte *pabySrcBuffer = static_cast<const GByte *>(pSrcBuffer);
pabyDstBufferStack[0] = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
size_t iDim = 0;
if (iDim == nDims - 1)
size_t n = count[iDim];
GByte *pabyDstBuffer = pabyDstBufferStack[iDim];
const auto bufferStrideLastDim = bufferStride[iDim] * N;
while (n > 0)
memcpy(pabyDstBuffer, pabySrcBuffer, N);
pabyDstBuffer += bufferStrideLastDim;
pabySrcBuffer += N;
anStackCount[iDim] = count[iDim];
while (true)
pabyDstBufferStack[iDim] = pabyDstBufferStack[iDim - 1];
goto lbl_next_depth;
if (anStackCount[iDim] == 0)
pabyDstBufferStack[iDim] += bufferStride[iDim] * N;
if (iDim > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller_in_loop;
/* CopyToFinalBuffer() */
static void CopyToFinalBuffer(const void *pSrcBuffer,
const GDALExtendedDataType &eSrcDataType,
void *pDstBuffer,
const GDALExtendedDataType &eDstDataType,
size_t nDims, const size_t *count,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride)
const size_t nSrcDataTypeSize(eSrcDataType.GetSize());
// Use specialized implementation for well-known data types when no
// type conversion is needed
if (eSrcDataType == eDstDataType)
if (nSrcDataTypeSize == 1)
CopyToFinalBufferSameDataType<1>(pSrcBuffer, pDstBuffer, nDims,
count, bufferStride);
else if (nSrcDataTypeSize == 2)
CopyToFinalBufferSameDataType<2>(pSrcBuffer, pDstBuffer, nDims,
count, bufferStride);
else if (nSrcDataTypeSize == 4)
CopyToFinalBufferSameDataType<4>(pSrcBuffer, pDstBuffer, nDims,
count, bufferStride);
else if (nSrcDataTypeSize == 8)
CopyToFinalBufferSameDataType<8>(pSrcBuffer, pDstBuffer, nDims,
count, bufferStride);
const size_t nDstDataTypeSize(eDstDataType.GetSize());
std::vector<size_t> anStackCount(nDims);
std::vector<GByte *> pabyDstBufferStack(nDims + 1);
const GByte *pabySrcBuffer = static_cast<const GByte *>(pSrcBuffer);
pabyDstBufferStack[0] = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
size_t iDim = 0;
if (iDim == nDims - 1)
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValues(pabySrcBuffer, eSrcDataType, 1,
pabyDstBufferStack[iDim], eDstDataType,
bufferStride[iDim], count[iDim]);
pabySrcBuffer += count[iDim] * nSrcDataTypeSize;
anStackCount[iDim] = count[iDim];
while (true)
pabyDstBufferStack[iDim] = pabyDstBufferStack[iDim - 1];
goto lbl_next_depth;
if (anStackCount[iDim] == 0)
pabyDstBufferStack[iDim] += bufferStride[iDim] * nDstDataTypeSize;
if (iDim > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller_in_loop;
/* Transpose2D() */
template <class T>
static void Transpose2D(T *dst, const T *src, size_t src_height,
size_t src_width)
constexpr size_t blocksize = 32;
for (size_t i = 0; i < src_height; i += blocksize)
for (size_t j = 0; j < src_width; j += blocksize)
// transpose the block beginning at [i,j]
const size_t max_k = std::min(i + blocksize, src_height);
for (size_t k = i; k < max_k; ++k)
const size_t max_l = std::min(j + blocksize, src_width);
for (size_t l = j; l < max_l; ++l)
dst[k + l * src_height] = src[l + k * src_width];
/* TransposeLast2Dims() */
static bool TransposeLast2Dims(void *pDstBuffer,
const GDALExtendedDataType &eDT,
const size_t nDims, const size_t *count,
const size_t nEltsNonLast2Dims)
const size_t nEltsLast2Dims = count[nDims - 2] * count[nDims - 1];
const auto nDTSize = eDT.GetSize();
void *pTempBufferForLast2DimsTranspose =
VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nEltsLast2Dims, nDTSize);
if (pTempBufferForLast2DimsTranspose == nullptr)
return false;
GByte *pabyDstBuffer = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nEltsNonLast2Dims; ++i)
if (nDTSize == 1)
static_cast<uint8_t *>(pTempBufferForLast2DimsTranspose),
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(pabyDstBuffer),
count[nDims - 2], count[nDims - 1]);
else if (nDTSize == 2)
static_cast<uint16_t *>(pTempBufferForLast2DimsTranspose),
reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(pabyDstBuffer),
count[nDims - 2], count[nDims - 1]);
else if (nDTSize == 4)
static_cast<uint32_t *>(pTempBufferForLast2DimsTranspose),
reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(pabyDstBuffer),
count[nDims - 2], count[nDims - 1]);
else if (nDTSize == 8)
static_cast<uint64_t *>(pTempBufferForLast2DimsTranspose),
reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t *>(pabyDstBuffer),
count[nDims - 2], count[nDims - 1]);
memcpy(pabyDstBuffer, pTempBufferForLast2DimsTranspose,
nDTSize * nEltsLast2Dims);
pabyDstBuffer += nDTSize * nEltsLast2Dims;
return true;
/* ReadForTransposedRequest() */
// Using the netCDF/HDF5 APIs to read a slice with strides that express a
// transposed view yield to extremely poor/unusable performance. This fixes
// this by using temporary memory to read in a contiguous buffer in a
// row-major order, and then do the transposition to the final buffer.
bool GDALMDArray::ReadForTransposedRequest(
const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride, const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
const size_t nDims(GetDimensionCount());
if (nDims == 0)
return false; // shouldn't happen
size_t nElts = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; ++i)
nElts *= count[i];
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> tmpBufferStrides(nDims);
tmpBufferStrides.back() = 1;
for (size_t i = nDims - 1; i > 0;)
tmpBufferStrides[i] = tmpBufferStrides[i + 1] * count[i + 1];
const auto &eDT = GetDataType();
const auto nDTSize = eDT.GetSize();
if (bufferDataType == eDT && nDims >= 2 && bufferStride[nDims - 2] == 1 &&
static_cast<size_t>(bufferStride[nDims - 1]) == count[nDims - 2] &&
(nDTSize == 1 || nDTSize == 2 || nDTSize == 4 || nDTSize == 8))
// Optimization of the optimization if only the last 2 dims are
// transposed that saves on temporary buffer allocation
const size_t nEltsLast2Dims = count[nDims - 2] * count[nDims - 1];
size_t nCurStrideForRowMajorStrides = nEltsLast2Dims;
bool bRowMajorStridesForNonLast2Dims = true;
size_t nEltsNonLast2Dims = 1;
for (size_t i = nDims - 2; i > 0;)
if (static_cast<size_t>(bufferStride[i]) !=
bRowMajorStridesForNonLast2Dims = false;
// Integer overflows have already been checked in
// CheckReadWriteParams()
nCurStrideForRowMajorStrides *= count[i];
nEltsNonLast2Dims *= count[i];
if (bRowMajorStridesForNonLast2Dims)
// We read in the final buffer!
if (!IRead(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, tmpBufferStrides.data(),
eDT, pDstBuffer))
return false;
return TransposeLast2Dims(pDstBuffer, eDT, nDims, count,
void *pTempBuffer = VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nElts, eDT.GetSize());
if (pTempBuffer == nullptr)
return false;
if (!IRead(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, tmpBufferStrides.data(), eDT,
return false;
CopyToFinalBuffer(pTempBuffer, eDT, pDstBuffer, bufferDataType, nDims,
count, bufferStride);
if (eDT.NeedsFreeDynamicMemory())
GByte *pabyPtr = static_cast<GByte *>(pTempBuffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nElts; ++i)
pabyPtr += nDTSize;
return true;
//! @endcond
/* GDALSlicedMDArray */
class GDALSlicedMDArray final : public GDALPamMDArray
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poParent{};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> m_dims{};
std::vector<size_t> m_mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx{}; // of size m_dims.size()
m_parentRanges{}; // of size m_poParent->GetDimensionCount()
mutable std::vector<GUInt64> m_parentStart;
mutable std::vector<size_t> m_parentCount;
mutable std::vector<GInt64> m_parentStep;
mutable std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> m_parentStride;
void PrepareParentArrays(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride) const;
explicit GDALSlicedMDArray(
const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::string &viewExpr,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &&dims,
std::vector<size_t> &&mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx,
std::vector<Range> &&parentRanges)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(std::string(), "Sliced view of " +
poParent->GetFullName() +
" (" + viewExpr + ")"),
"Sliced view of " + poParent->GetFullName() + " (" +
viewExpr + ")",
m_poParent(std::move(poParent)), m_dims(std::move(dims)),
m_parentCount(m_poParent->GetDimensionCount(), 1),
bool IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const override;
bool IWrite(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer) override;
bool IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const override;
static std::shared_ptr<GDALSlicedMDArray>
Create(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::string &viewExpr,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &&dims,
std::vector<size_t> &&mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx,
std::vector<Range> &&parentRanges)
CPLAssert(dims.size() == mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx.size());
CPLAssert(parentRanges.size() == poParent->GetDimensionCount());
auto newAr(std::shared_ptr<GDALSlicedMDArray>(new GDALSlicedMDArray(
poParent, viewExpr, std::move(dims),
std::move(mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx), std::move(parentRanges))));
return newAr;
bool IsWritable() const override
return m_poParent->IsWritable();
const std::string &GetFilename() const override
return m_poParent->GetFilename();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GetDimensions() const override
return m_dims;
const GDALExtendedDataType &GetDataType() const override
return m_poParent->GetDataType();
const std::string &GetUnit() const override
return m_poParent->GetUnit();
// bool SetUnit(const std::string& osUnit) override { return
// m_poParent->SetUnit(osUnit); }
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GetSpatialRef() const override
auto poSrcSRS = m_poParent->GetSpatialRef();
if (!poSrcSRS)
return nullptr;
auto srcMapping = poSrcSRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
std::vector<int> dstMapping;
for (int srcAxis : srcMapping)
bool bFound = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx.size(); i++)
if (static_cast<int>(m_mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx[i]) ==
srcAxis - 1)
dstMapping.push_back(static_cast<int>(i) + 1);
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
auto poClone(std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference>(poSrcSRS->Clone()));
return poClone;
const void *GetRawNoDataValue() const override
return m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue();
// bool SetRawNoDataValue(const void* pRawNoData) override { return
// m_poParent->SetRawNoDataValue(pRawNoData); }
double GetOffset(bool *pbHasOffset,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetOffset(pbHasOffset, peStorageType);
double GetScale(bool *pbHasScale,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetScale(pbHasScale, peStorageType);
// bool SetOffset(double dfOffset) override { return
// m_poParent->SetOffset(dfOffset); }
// bool SetScale(double dfScale) override { return
// m_poParent->SetScale(dfScale); }
std::vector<GUInt64> GetBlockSize() const override
std::vector<GUInt64> ret(GetDimensionCount());
const auto parentBlockSize(m_poParent->GetBlockSize());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx.size(); ++i)
const auto iOldAxis = m_mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx[i];
if (iOldAxis != static_cast<size_t>(-1))
ret[i] = parentBlockSize[iOldAxis];
return ret;
GetAttribute(const std::string &osName) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttribute(osName);
GetAttributes(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttributes(papszOptions);
/* PrepareParentArrays() */
void GDALSlicedMDArray::PrepareParentArrays(
const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride) const
const size_t nParentDimCount = m_parentRanges.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nParentDimCount; i++)
// For dimensions in parent that have no existence in sliced array
m_parentStart[i] = m_parentRanges[i].m_nStartIdx;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dims.size(); i++)
const auto iParent = m_mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx[i];
if (iParent != static_cast<size_t>(-1))
m_parentStart[iParent] =
m_parentRanges[iParent].m_nIncr >= 0
? m_parentRanges[iParent].m_nStartIdx +
arrayStartIdx[i] * m_parentRanges[iParent].m_nIncr
: m_parentRanges[iParent].m_nStartIdx -
arrayStartIdx[i] *
m_parentCount[iParent] = count[i];
if (arrayStep)
m_parentStep[iParent] =
count[i] == 1 ? 1 :
// other checks should have ensured this does
// not overflow
arrayStep[i] * m_parentRanges[iParent].m_nIncr;
if (bufferStride)
m_parentStride[iParent] = bufferStride[i];
/* IRead() */
bool GDALSlicedMDArray::IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
PrepareParentArrays(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride);
return m_poParent->Read(m_parentStart.data(), m_parentCount.data(),
m_parentStep.data(), m_parentStride.data(),
bufferDataType, pDstBuffer);
/* IWrite() */
bool GDALSlicedMDArray::IWrite(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer)
PrepareParentArrays(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride);
return m_poParent->Write(m_parentStart.data(), m_parentCount.data(),
m_parentStep.data(), m_parentStride.data(),
bufferDataType, pSrcBuffer);
/* IAdviseRead() */
bool GDALSlicedMDArray::IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const
PrepareParentArrays(arrayStartIdx, count, nullptr, nullptr);
return m_poParent->AdviseRead(m_parentStart.data(), m_parentCount.data(),
/* CreateSlicedArray() */
static std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray>
CreateSlicedArray(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &self,
const std::string &viewExpr, const std::string &activeSlice,
bool bRenameDimensions,
std::vector<GDALMDArray::ViewSpec> &viewSpecs)
const auto &srcDims(self->GetDimensions());
if (srcDims.empty())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot slice a 0-d array");
return nullptr;
CPLStringList aosTokens(CSLTokenizeString2(activeSlice.c_str(), ",", 0));
const auto nTokens = static_cast<size_t>(aosTokens.size());
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> newDims;
std::vector<size_t> mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx;
std::vector<GDALSlicedMDArray::Range> parentRanges;
bool bGotEllipsis = false;
size_t nCurSrcDim = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nTokens; i++)
const char *pszIdxSpec = aosTokens[i];
if (EQUAL(pszIdxSpec, "..."))
if (bGotEllipsis)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Only one single ellipsis is supported");
return nullptr;
bGotEllipsis = true;
const auto nSubstitutionCount = srcDims.size() - (nTokens - 1);
for (size_t j = 0; j < nSubstitutionCount; j++, nCurSrcDim++)
parentRanges.emplace_back(0, 1);
else if (EQUAL(pszIdxSpec, "newaxis") ||
EQUAL(pszIdxSpec, "np.newaxis"))
std::string(), "newaxis", std::string(), std::string(), 1));
else if (CPLGetValueType(pszIdxSpec) == CPL_VALUE_INTEGER)
if (nCurSrcDim >= srcDims.size())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Too many values in %s",
return nullptr;
auto nVal = CPLAtoGIntBig(pszIdxSpec);
GUInt64 nDimSize = srcDims[nCurSrcDim]->GetSize();
if ((nVal >= 0 && static_cast<GUInt64>(nVal) >= nDimSize) ||
(nVal < 0 && nDimSize < static_cast<GUInt64>(-nVal)))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Index " CPL_FRMT_GIB " is out of bounds", nVal);
return nullptr;
if (nVal < 0)
nVal += nDimSize;
parentRanges.emplace_back(nVal, 0);
if (nCurSrcDim >= srcDims.size())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Too many values in %s",
return nullptr;
CPLStringList aosRangeTokens(
CSLTokenizeString2(pszIdxSpec, ":", CSLT_ALLOWEMPTYTOKENS));
int nRangeTokens = aosRangeTokens.size();
if (nRangeTokens > 3)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Too many : in %s",
return nullptr;
if (nRangeTokens <= 1)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid value %s",
return nullptr;
const char *pszStart = aosRangeTokens[0];
const char *pszEnd = aosRangeTokens[1];
const char *pszInc = (nRangeTokens == 3) ? aosRangeTokens[2] : "";
GDALSlicedMDArray::Range range;
const GUInt64 nDimSize(srcDims[nCurSrcDim]->GetSize());
range.m_nIncr = EQUAL(pszInc, "") ? 1 : CPLAtoGIntBig(pszInc);
if (range.m_nIncr == 0 ||
range.m_nIncr == std::numeric_limits<GInt64>::min())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid increment");
return nullptr;
auto startIdx(CPLAtoGIntBig(pszStart));
if (startIdx < 0)
if (nDimSize < static_cast<GUInt64>(-startIdx))
startIdx = 0;
startIdx = nDimSize + startIdx;
const bool bPosIncr = range.m_nIncr > 0;
range.m_nStartIdx = startIdx;
range.m_nStartIdx = EQUAL(pszStart, "")
? (bPosIncr ? 0 : nDimSize - 1)
: range.m_nStartIdx;
if (range.m_nStartIdx >= nDimSize - 1)
range.m_nStartIdx = nDimSize - 1;
auto endIdx(CPLAtoGIntBig(pszEnd));
if (endIdx < 0)
const auto positiveEndIdx = static_cast<GUInt64>(-endIdx);
if (nDimSize < positiveEndIdx)
endIdx = 0;
endIdx = nDimSize - positiveEndIdx;
GUInt64 nEndIdx = endIdx;
nEndIdx = EQUAL(pszEnd, "") ? (!bPosIncr ? 0 : nDimSize) : nEndIdx;
if ((bPosIncr && range.m_nStartIdx >= nEndIdx) ||
(!bPosIncr && range.m_nStartIdx <= nEndIdx))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Output dimension of size 0 is not allowed");
return nullptr;
int inc = (EQUAL(pszEnd, "") && !bPosIncr) ? 1 : 0;
const auto nAbsIncr = std::abs((int)range.m_nIncr);
const GUInt64 newSize =
? DIV_ROUND_UP(nEndIdx - range.m_nStartIdx, nAbsIncr)
: DIV_ROUND_UP(inc + range.m_nStartIdx - nEndIdx, nAbsIncr);
if (range.m_nStartIdx == 0 && range.m_nIncr == 1 &&
newSize == srcDims[nCurSrcDim]->GetSize())
std::string osNewDimName(srcDims[nCurSrcDim]->GetName());
if (bRenameDimensions)
osNewDimName =
"subset_" + srcDims[nCurSrcDim]->GetName() +
std::string(), osNewDimName, srcDims[nCurSrcDim]->GetType(),
range.m_nIncr > 0 ? srcDims[nCurSrcDim]->GetDirection()
: std::string(),
for (; nCurSrcDim < srcDims.size(); nCurSrcDim++)
parentRanges.emplace_back(0, 1);
GDALMDArray::ViewSpec viewSpec;
viewSpec.m_mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx = mapDimIdxToParentDimIdx;
viewSpec.m_parentRanges = parentRanges;
return GDALSlicedMDArray::Create(self, viewExpr, std::move(newDims),
/* GDALExtractFieldMDArray */
class GDALExtractFieldMDArray final : public GDALPamMDArray
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poParent{};
GDALExtendedDataType m_dt;
std::string m_srcCompName;
mutable std::vector<GByte> m_pabyNoData{};
GDALExtractFieldMDArray(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::string &fieldName,
const std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent> &srcComp)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(std::string(), "Extract field " + fieldName +
" of " +
"Extract field " + fieldName + " of " +
m_poParent(poParent), m_dt(srcComp->GetType()),
bool IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const override;
bool IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const override
return m_poParent->AdviseRead(arrayStartIdx, count, papszOptions);
static std::shared_ptr<GDALExtractFieldMDArray>
Create(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::string &fieldName,
const std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent> &srcComp)
auto newAr(std::shared_ptr<GDALExtractFieldMDArray>(
new GDALExtractFieldMDArray(poParent, fieldName, srcComp)));
return newAr;
bool IsWritable() const override
return m_poParent->IsWritable();
const std::string &GetFilename() const override
return m_poParent->GetFilename();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GetDimensions() const override
return m_poParent->GetDimensions();
const GDALExtendedDataType &GetDataType() const override
return m_dt;
const std::string &GetUnit() const override
return m_poParent->GetUnit();
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GetSpatialRef() const override
return m_poParent->GetSpatialRef();
const void *GetRawNoDataValue() const override
const void *parentNoData = m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue();
if (parentNoData == nullptr)
return nullptr;
memset(&m_pabyNoData[0], 0, m_dt.GetSize());
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent>> comps;
new GDALEDTComponent(m_srcCompName, 0, m_dt)));
auto tmpDT(GDALExtendedDataType::Create(std::string(), m_dt.GetSize(),
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(parentNoData, m_poParent->GetDataType(),
&m_pabyNoData[0], tmpDT);
return &m_pabyNoData[0];
double GetOffset(bool *pbHasOffset,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetOffset(pbHasOffset, peStorageType);
double GetScale(bool *pbHasScale,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetScale(pbHasScale, peStorageType);
std::vector<GUInt64> GetBlockSize() const override
return m_poParent->GetBlockSize();
/* IRead() */
bool GDALExtractFieldMDArray::IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent>> comps;
new GDALEDTComponent(m_srcCompName, 0, bufferDataType)));
auto tmpDT(GDALExtendedDataType::Create(
std::string(), bufferDataType.GetSize(), std::move(comps)));
return m_poParent->Read(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride,
tmpDT, pDstBuffer);
/* CreateFieldNameExtractArray() */
static std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray>
CreateFieldNameExtractArray(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &self,
const std::string &fieldName)
CPLAssert(self->GetDataType().GetClass() == GEDTC_COMPOUND);
const std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent> *srcComp = nullptr;
for (const auto &comp : self->GetDataType().GetComponents())
if (comp->GetName() == fieldName)
srcComp = ∁
if (srcComp == nullptr)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot find field %s",
return nullptr;
return GDALExtractFieldMDArray::Create(self, fieldName, *srcComp);
/* GetView() */
/** Return a view of the array using slicing or field access.
* The slice expression uses the same syntax as NumPy basic slicing and
* indexing. See
* https://www.numpy.org/devdocs/reference/arrays.indexing.html#basic-slicing-and-indexing
* Or it can use field access by name. See
* https://www.numpy.org/devdocs/reference/arrays.indexing.html#field-access
* Multiple [] bracket elements can be concatenated, with a slice expression
* or field name inside each.
* For basic slicing and indexing, inside each [] bracket element, a list of
* indexes that apply to successive source dimensions, can be specified, using
* integer indexing (e.g. 1), range indexing (start:stop:step), ellipsis (...)
* or newaxis, using a comma separator.
* Examples with a 2-dimensional array whose content is [[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]].
* <ul>
* <li>GetView("[1][2]"): returns a 0-dimensional/scalar array with the value
* at index 1 in the first dimension, and index 2 in the second dimension
* from the source array. That is 5</li>
* <li>GetView("[1]")->GetView("[2]"): same as above. Above is actually
* implemented internally doing this intermediate slicing approach.</li>
* <li>GetView("[1,2]"): same as above, but a bit more performant.</li>
* <li>GetView("[1]"): returns a 1-dimensional array, sliced at index 1 in the
* first dimension. That is [4,5,6,7].</li>
* <li>GetView("[:,2]"): returns a 1-dimensional array, sliced at index 2 in the
* second dimension. That is [2,6].</li>
* <li>GetView("[:,2:3:]"): returns a 2-dimensional array, sliced at index 2 in
* the second dimension. That is [[2],[6]].</li> <li>GetView("[::,2]"): Same as
* above.</li> <li>GetView("[...,2]"): same as above, in that case, since the
* ellipsis only expands to one dimension here.</li> <li>GetView("[:,::2]"):
* returns a 2-dimensional array, with even-indexed elements of the second
* dimension. That is [[0,2],[4,6]].</li> <li>GetView("[:,1::2]"): returns a
* 2-dimensional array, with odd-indexed elements of the second dimension. That
* is [[1,3],[5,7]].</li> <li>GetView("[:,1:3:]"): returns a 2-dimensional
* array, with elements of the second dimension with index in the range [1,3[.
* That is [[1,2],[5,6]].</li> <li>GetView("[::-1,:]"): returns a 2-dimensional
* array, with the values in first dimension reversed. That is
* [[4,5,6,7],[0,1,2,3]].</li> <li>GetView("[newaxis,...]"): returns a
* 3-dimensional array, with an addditional dimension of size 1 put at the
* beginning. That is [[[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7]]].</li>
* </ul>
* One difference with NumPy behavior is that ranges that would result in
* zero elements are not allowed (dimensions of size 0 not being allowed in the
* GDAL multidimensional model).
* For field access, the syntax to use is ["field_name"] or ['field_name'].
* Multiple field specification is not supported currently.
* Both type of access can be combined, e.g. GetView("[1]['field_name']")
* \note When using the GDAL Python bindings, natural Python syntax can be
* used. That is ar[0,::,1]["foo"] will be internally translated to
* ar.GetView("[0,::,1]['foo']")
* \note When using the C++ API and integer indexing only, you may use the
* at(idx0, idx1, ...) method.
* The returned array holds a reference to the original one, and thus is
* a view of it (not a copy). If the content of the original array changes,
* the content of the view array too. When using basic slicing and indexing,
* the view can be written if the underlying array is writable.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetView()
* @param viewExpr Expression expressing basic slicing and indexing, or field
* access.
* @return a new array, that holds a reference to the original one, and thus is
* a view of it (not a copy), or nullptr in case of error.
GDALMDArray::GetView(const std::string &viewExpr) const
std::vector<ViewSpec> viewSpecs;
return GetView(viewExpr, true, viewSpecs);
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALMDArray::GetView(const std::string &viewExpr, bool bRenameDimensions,
std::vector<ViewSpec> &viewSpecs) const
auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GDALMDArray>(m_pSelf.lock());
if (!self)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Driver implementation issue: m_pSelf not set !");
return nullptr;
std::string curExpr(viewExpr);
while (true)
if (curExpr.empty() || curExpr[0] != '[')
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Slice string should start with ['");
return nullptr;
std::string fieldName;
size_t endExpr;
if (curExpr.size() > 2 && (curExpr[1] == '"' || curExpr[1] == '\''))
if (self->GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_COMPOUND)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Field access not allowed on non-compound data type");
return nullptr;
size_t idx = 2;
for (; idx < curExpr.size(); idx++)
const char ch = curExpr[idx];
if (ch == curExpr[1])
if (ch == '\\' && idx + 1 < curExpr.size())
fieldName += curExpr[idx + 1];
fieldName += ch;
if (idx + 1 >= curExpr.size() || curExpr[idx + 1] != ']')
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Invalid field access specification");
return nullptr;
endExpr = idx + 1;
endExpr = curExpr.find(']');
if (endExpr == std::string::npos)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Missing ]'");
return nullptr;
if (endExpr == 1)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "[] not allowed");
return nullptr;
std::string activeSlice(curExpr.substr(1, endExpr - 1));
if (!fieldName.empty())
ViewSpec viewSpec;
viewSpec.m_osFieldName = fieldName;
auto newArray = !fieldName.empty()
? CreateFieldNameExtractArray(self, fieldName)
: CreateSlicedArray(self, viewExpr, activeSlice,
bRenameDimensions, viewSpecs);
if (endExpr == curExpr.size() - 1)
return newArray;
self = std::move(newArray);
curExpr = curExpr.substr(endExpr + 1);
//! @endcond
GDALMDArray::GetView(const std::vector<GUInt64> &indices) const
std::string osExpr("[");
bool bFirst = true;
for (const auto &idx : indices)
if (!bFirst)
osExpr += ',';
bFirst = false;
osExpr += CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GUIB, static_cast<GUIntBig>(idx));
return GetView(osExpr + ']');
/* operator[] */
/** Return a view of the array using field access
* Equivalent of GetView("['fieldName']")
* \note When operationg on a shared_ptr, use (*array)["fieldName"] syntax.
GDALMDArray::operator[](const std::string &fieldName) const
return GetView(CPLSPrintf("['%s']", CPLString(fieldName)
.replaceAll('\\', "\\\\")
.replaceAll('\'', "\\\'")
/* GDALMDArrayTransposed */
class GDALMDArrayTransposed final : public GDALPamMDArray
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poParent{};
std::vector<int> m_anMapNewAxisToOldAxis{};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> m_dims{};
mutable std::vector<GUInt64> m_parentStart;
mutable std::vector<size_t> m_parentCount;
mutable std::vector<GInt64> m_parentStep;
mutable std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> m_parentStride;
void PrepareParentArrays(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride) const;
static std::string
MappingToStr(const std::vector<int> &anMapNewAxisToOldAxis)
std::string ret;
ret += '[';
for (size_t i = 0; i < anMapNewAxisToOldAxis.size(); ++i)
if (i > 0)
ret += ',';
ret += CPLSPrintf("%d", anMapNewAxisToOldAxis[i]);
ret += ']';
return ret;
GDALMDArrayTransposed(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::vector<int> &anMapNewAxisToOldAxis,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &&dims)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(std::string(),
"Transposed view of " + poParent->GetFullName() +
" along " +
"Transposed view of " + poParent->GetFullName() +
" along " + MappingToStr(anMapNewAxisToOldAxis),
bool IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const override;
bool IWrite(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer) override;
bool IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const override;
static std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayTransposed>
Create(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::vector<int> &anMapNewAxisToOldAxis)
const auto &parentDims(poParent->GetDimensions());
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> dims;
for (const auto iOldAxis : anMapNewAxisToOldAxis)
if (iOldAxis < 0)
std::string(), "newaxis", std::string(), std::string(), 1));
auto newAr(
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayTransposed>(new GDALMDArrayTransposed(
poParent, anMapNewAxisToOldAxis, std::move(dims))));
return newAr;
bool IsWritable() const override
return m_poParent->IsWritable();
const std::string &GetFilename() const override
return m_poParent->GetFilename();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GetDimensions() const override
return m_dims;
const GDALExtendedDataType &GetDataType() const override
return m_poParent->GetDataType();
const std::string &GetUnit() const override
return m_poParent->GetUnit();
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GetSpatialRef() const override
auto poSrcSRS = m_poParent->GetSpatialRef();
if (!poSrcSRS)
return nullptr;
auto srcMapping = poSrcSRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
std::vector<int> dstMapping;
for (int srcAxis : srcMapping)
bool bFound = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_anMapNewAxisToOldAxis.size(); i++)
if (m_anMapNewAxisToOldAxis[i] == srcAxis - 1)
dstMapping.push_back(static_cast<int>(i) + 1);
bFound = true;
if (!bFound)
auto poClone(std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference>(poSrcSRS->Clone()));
return poClone;
const void *GetRawNoDataValue() const override
return m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue();
// bool SetRawNoDataValue(const void* pRawNoData) override { return
// m_poParent->SetRawNoDataValue(pRawNoData); }
double GetOffset(bool *pbHasOffset,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetOffset(pbHasOffset, peStorageType);
double GetScale(bool *pbHasScale,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetScale(pbHasScale, peStorageType);
// bool SetOffset(double dfOffset) override { return
// m_poParent->SetOffset(dfOffset); }
// bool SetScale(double dfScale) override { return
// m_poParent->SetScale(dfScale); }
std::vector<GUInt64> GetBlockSize() const override
std::vector<GUInt64> ret(GetDimensionCount());
const auto parentBlockSize(m_poParent->GetBlockSize());
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_anMapNewAxisToOldAxis.size(); ++i)
const auto iOldAxis = m_anMapNewAxisToOldAxis[i];
if (iOldAxis >= 0)
ret[i] = parentBlockSize[iOldAxis];
return ret;
GetAttribute(const std::string &osName) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttribute(osName);
GetAttributes(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttributes(papszOptions);
/* PrepareParentArrays() */
void GDALMDArrayTransposed::PrepareParentArrays(
const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_anMapNewAxisToOldAxis.size(); ++i)
const auto iOldAxis = m_anMapNewAxisToOldAxis[i];
if (iOldAxis >= 0)
m_parentStart[iOldAxis] = arrayStartIdx[i];
m_parentCount[iOldAxis] = count[i];
if (arrayStep) // only null when called from IAdviseRead()
m_parentStep[iOldAxis] = arrayStep[i];
if (bufferStride) // only null when called from IAdviseRead()
m_parentStride[iOldAxis] = bufferStride[i];
/* IRead() */
bool GDALMDArrayTransposed::IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
PrepareParentArrays(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride);
return m_poParent->Read(m_parentStart.data(), m_parentCount.data(),
m_parentStep.data(), m_parentStride.data(),
bufferDataType, pDstBuffer);
/* IWrite() */
bool GDALMDArrayTransposed::IWrite(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer)
PrepareParentArrays(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride);
return m_poParent->Write(m_parentStart.data(), m_parentCount.data(),
m_parentStep.data(), m_parentStride.data(),
bufferDataType, pSrcBuffer);
/* IAdviseRead() */
bool GDALMDArrayTransposed::IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const
PrepareParentArrays(arrayStartIdx, count, nullptr, nullptr);
return m_poParent->AdviseRead(m_parentStart.data(), m_parentCount.data(),
/* Transpose() */
/** Return a view of the array whose axis have been reordered.
* The anMapNewAxisToOldAxis parameter should contain all the values between 0
* and GetDimensionCount() - 1, and each only once.
* -1 can be used as a special index value to ask for the insertion of a new
* axis of size 1.
* The new array will have anMapNewAxisToOldAxis.size() axis, and if i is the
* index of one of its dimension, it corresponds to the axis of index
* anMapNewAxisToOldAxis[i] from the current array.
* This is similar to the numpy.transpose() method
* The returned array holds a reference to the original one, and thus is
* a view of it (not a copy). If the content of the original array changes,
* the content of the view array too. The view can be written if the underlying
* array is writable.
* Note that I/O performance in such a transposed view might be poor.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayTranspose().
* @return a new array, that holds a reference to the original one, and thus is
* a view of it (not a copy), or nullptr in case of error.
GDALMDArray::Transpose(const std::vector<int> &anMapNewAxisToOldAxis) const
auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GDALMDArray>(m_pSelf.lock());
if (!self)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Driver implementation issue: m_pSelf not set !");
return nullptr;
const int nDims = static_cast<int>(GetDimensionCount());
std::vector<bool> alreadyUsedOldAxis(nDims, false);
int nCountOldAxis = 0;
for (const auto iOldAxis : anMapNewAxisToOldAxis)
if (iOldAxis < -1 || iOldAxis >= nDims)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid axis number");
return nullptr;
if (iOldAxis >= 0)
if (alreadyUsedOldAxis[iOldAxis])
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Axis %d is repeated",
return nullptr;
alreadyUsedOldAxis[iOldAxis] = true;
if (nCountOldAxis != nDims)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"One or several original axis missing");
return nullptr;
return GDALMDArrayTransposed::Create(self, anMapNewAxisToOldAxis);
/* IRead() */
bool GDALMDArrayUnscaled::IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
const double dfScale = m_poParent->GetScale();
const double dfOffset = m_poParent->GetOffset();
const bool bDTIsComplex = m_dt.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_CFloat64;
const size_t nDTSize = m_dt.GetSize();
const bool bTempBufferNeeded = (m_dt != bufferDataType);
double adfSrcNoData[2] = {0, 0};
if (m_bHasNoData)
&adfSrcNoData[0], m_dt);
const auto nDims = GetDimensions().size();
if (nDims == 0)
double adfVal[2];
if (!m_poParent->Read(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride,
m_dt, &adfVal[0]))
return false;
if (!m_bHasNoData || adfVal[0] != adfSrcNoData[0])
adfVal[0] = adfVal[0] * dfScale + dfOffset;
if (bDTIsComplex)
adfVal[1] = adfVal[1] * dfScale + dfOffset;
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&adfVal[0], m_dt, pDstBuffer,
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&m_adfNoData[0], m_dt, pDstBuffer,
return true;
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> actualBufferStrideVector;
const GPtrDiff_t *actualBufferStridePtr = bufferStride;
void *pTempBuffer = pDstBuffer;
if (bTempBufferNeeded)
size_t nElts = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
nElts *= count[i];
actualBufferStrideVector.back() = 1;
for (size_t i = nDims - 1; i > 0;)
actualBufferStrideVector[i] =
actualBufferStrideVector[i + 1] * count[i + 1];
actualBufferStridePtr = actualBufferStrideVector.data();
pTempBuffer = VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nDTSize, nElts);
if (!pTempBuffer)
return false;
if (!m_poParent->Read(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep,
actualBufferStridePtr, m_dt, pTempBuffer))
if (bTempBufferNeeded)
return false;
struct Stack
size_t nIters = 0;
double *src_ptr = nullptr;
GByte *dst_ptr = nullptr;
GPtrDiff_t src_inc_offset = 0;
GPtrDiff_t dst_inc_offset = 0;
std::vector<Stack> stack(nDims);
const size_t nBufferDTSize = bufferDataType.GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
stack[i].src_inc_offset =
actualBufferStridePtr[i] * (bDTIsComplex ? 2 : 1);
stack[i].dst_inc_offset =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(bufferStride[i] * nBufferDTSize);
stack[0].src_ptr = static_cast<double *>(pTempBuffer);
stack[0].dst_ptr = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
size_t dimIdx = 0;
const size_t nDimsMinus1 = nDims - 1;
GByte abyDstNoData[16];
CPLAssert(nBufferDTSize <= sizeof(abyDstNoData));
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&m_adfNoData[0], m_dt, abyDstNoData,
if (dimIdx == nDimsMinus1)
auto nIters = count[dimIdx];
double *padfVal = stack[dimIdx].src_ptr;
GByte *dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr;
while (true)
if (!m_bHasNoData || padfVal[0] != adfSrcNoData[0])
padfVal[0] = padfVal[0] * dfScale + dfOffset;
if (bDTIsComplex)
padfVal[1] = padfVal[1] * dfScale + dfOffset;
if (bTempBufferNeeded)
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&padfVal[0], m_dt, dst_ptr,
memcpy(dst_ptr, abyDstNoData, nBufferDTSize);
if ((--nIters) == 0)
padfVal += stack[dimIdx].src_inc_offset;
dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
stack[dimIdx].nIters = count[dimIdx];
while (true)
stack[dimIdx].src_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].src_ptr;
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].dst_ptr;
goto lbl_next_depth;
if ((--stack[dimIdx].nIters) == 0)
stack[dimIdx].src_ptr += stack[dimIdx].src_inc_offset;
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
if (dimIdx > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller;
if (bTempBufferNeeded)
return true;
/* IWrite() */
bool GDALMDArrayUnscaled::IWrite(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer)
const double dfScale = m_poParent->GetScale();
const double dfOffset = m_poParent->GetOffset();
const bool bDTIsComplex = m_dt.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_CFloat64;
const size_t nDTSize = m_dt.GetSize();
CPLAssert(nDTSize == 8 || nDTSize == 16);
const bool bIsBufferDataTypeNativeDataType = (m_dt == bufferDataType);
const bool bSelfAndParentHaveNoData =
m_bHasNoData && m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue() != nullptr;
double adfSrcNoData[2] = {0, 0};
if (bSelfAndParentHaveNoData)
&adfSrcNoData[0], m_dt);
const auto nDims = GetDimensions().size();
if (nDims == 0)
double adfVal[2];
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(pSrcBuffer, bufferDataType, &adfVal[0],
if (bSelfAndParentHaveNoData &&
(std::isnan(adfVal[0]) || adfVal[0] == m_adfNoData[0]))
return m_poParent->Write(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep,
bufferStride, m_poParent->GetDataType(),
adfVal[0] = (adfVal[0] - dfOffset) / dfScale;
if (bDTIsComplex)
adfVal[1] = (adfVal[1] - dfOffset) / dfScale;
return m_poParent->Write(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep,
bufferStride, m_dt, &adfVal[0]);
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> tmpBufferStrideVector;
size_t nElts = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
nElts *= count[i];
tmpBufferStrideVector.back() = 1;
for (size_t i = nDims - 1; i > 0;)
tmpBufferStrideVector[i] = tmpBufferStrideVector[i + 1] * count[i + 1];
const GPtrDiff_t *tmpBufferStridePtr = tmpBufferStrideVector.data();
void *pTempBuffer = VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nDTSize, nElts);
if (!pTempBuffer)
return false;
struct Stack
size_t nIters = 0;
double *dst_ptr = nullptr;
const GByte *src_ptr = nullptr;
GPtrDiff_t src_inc_offset = 0;
GPtrDiff_t dst_inc_offset = 0;
std::vector<Stack> stack(nDims);
const size_t nBufferDTSize = bufferDataType.GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
stack[i].dst_inc_offset =
tmpBufferStridePtr[i] * (bDTIsComplex ? 2 : 1);
stack[i].src_inc_offset =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(bufferStride[i] * nBufferDTSize);
stack[0].dst_ptr = static_cast<double *>(pTempBuffer);
stack[0].src_ptr = static_cast<const GByte *>(pSrcBuffer);
size_t dimIdx = 0;
const size_t nDimsMinus1 = nDims - 1;
if (dimIdx == nDimsMinus1)
auto nIters = count[dimIdx];
double *dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr;
const GByte *src_ptr = stack[dimIdx].src_ptr;
while (true)
double adfVal[2];
const double *padfSrcVal;
if (bIsBufferDataTypeNativeDataType)
padfSrcVal = reinterpret_cast<const double *>(src_ptr);
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(src_ptr, bufferDataType,
&adfVal[0], m_dt);
padfSrcVal = adfVal;
if (bSelfAndParentHaveNoData &&
(std::isnan(padfSrcVal[0]) || padfSrcVal[0] == m_adfNoData[0]))
dst_ptr[0] = adfSrcNoData[0];
if (bDTIsComplex)
dst_ptr[1] = adfSrcNoData[1];
dst_ptr[0] = (padfSrcVal[0] - dfOffset) / dfScale;
if (bDTIsComplex)
dst_ptr[1] = (padfSrcVal[1] - dfOffset) / dfScale;
if ((--nIters) == 0)
dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
src_ptr += stack[dimIdx].src_inc_offset;
stack[dimIdx].nIters = count[dimIdx];
while (true)
stack[dimIdx].src_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].src_ptr;
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].dst_ptr;
goto lbl_next_depth;
if ((--stack[dimIdx].nIters) == 0)
stack[dimIdx].src_ptr += stack[dimIdx].src_inc_offset;
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
if (dimIdx > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller;
// If the parent array is not double/complex-double, then convert the
// values to it, before calling Write(), as some implementations can be
// very slow when doing the type conversion.
const auto &eParentDT = m_poParent->GetDataType();
const size_t nParentDTSize = eParentDT.GetSize();
if (nParentDTSize <= nDTSize / 2)
// Copy in-place by making sure that source and target do not overlap
const auto eNumericDT = m_dt.GetNumericDataType();
const auto eParentNumericDT = eParentDT.GetNumericDataType();
// Copy first element
std::vector<GByte> abyTemp(nParentDTSize);
GDALCopyWords64(static_cast<GByte *>(pTempBuffer), eNumericDT,
static_cast<int>(nDTSize), &abyTemp[0],
eParentNumericDT, static_cast<int>(nParentDTSize),
memcpy(pTempBuffer, abyTemp.data(), abyTemp.size());
// Remaining elements
for (size_t i = 1; i < nElts; ++i)
GDALCopyWords(static_cast<GByte *>(pTempBuffer) + i * nDTSize,
eNumericDT, 0,
static_cast<GByte *>(pTempBuffer) + i * nParentDTSize,
eParentNumericDT, 0, 1);
const bool ret =
m_poParent->Write(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, tmpBufferStridePtr,
eParentDT, pTempBuffer);
return ret;
/* GetUnscaled() */
/** Return an array that is the unscaled version of the current one.
* That is each value of the unscaled array will be
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* Starting with GDAL 3.3, the Write() method is implemented and will convert
* from unscaled values to raw values.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetUnscaled().
* @return a new array, that holds a reference to the original one, and thus is
* a view of it (not a copy), or nullptr in case of error.
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> GDALMDArray::GetUnscaled() const
auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GDALMDArray>(m_pSelf.lock());
if (!self)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Driver implementation issue: m_pSelf not set !");
return nullptr;
if (GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_NUMERIC)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"GetUnscaled() only supports numeric data type");
return nullptr;
const double dfScale = GetScale();
const double dfOffset = GetOffset();
if (dfScale == 1.0 && dfOffset == 0.0)
return self;
return GDALMDArrayUnscaled::Create(self);
/* GDALMDArrayMask */
class GDALMDArrayMask final : public GDALPamMDArray
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poParent{};
GDALExtendedDataType m_dt{GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Byte)};
template <typename Type>
void ReadInternal(const size_t *count, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer, const void *pTempBuffer,
const GDALExtendedDataType &oTmpBufferDT,
const std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> &tmpBufferStrideVector,
bool bHasMissingValue, double dfMissingValue,
bool bHasFillValue, double dfFillValue, bool bHasValidMin,
double dfValidMin, bool bHasValidMax,
double dfValidMax) const;
explicit GDALMDArrayMask(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(std::string(),
"Mask of " + poParent->GetFullName()),
GDALPamMDArray(std::string(), "Mask of " + poParent->GetFullName(),
bool IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const override;
bool IAdviseRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const override
return m_poParent->AdviseRead(arrayStartIdx, count, papszOptions);
static std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayMask>
Create(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent)
auto newAr(
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayMask>(new GDALMDArrayMask(poParent)));
return newAr;
bool IsWritable() const override
return false;
const std::string &GetFilename() const override
return m_poParent->GetFilename();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GetDimensions() const override
return m_poParent->GetDimensions();
const GDALExtendedDataType &GetDataType() const override
return m_dt;
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GetSpatialRef() const override
return m_poParent->GetSpatialRef();
std::vector<GUInt64> GetBlockSize() const override
return m_poParent->GetBlockSize();
/* IRead() */
bool GDALMDArrayMask::IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
size_t nElts = 1;
const size_t nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> tmpBufferStrideVector(nDims);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
nElts *= count[i];
if (nDims > 0)
tmpBufferStrideVector.back() = 1;
for (size_t i = nDims - 1; i > 0;)
tmpBufferStrideVector[i] =
tmpBufferStrideVector[i + 1] * count[i + 1];
const auto GetSingleValNumericAttr =
[this](const char *pszAttrName, bool &bHasVal, double &dfVal)
auto poAttr = m_poParent->GetAttribute(pszAttrName);
if (poAttr && poAttr->GetDataType().GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
const auto anDimSizes = poAttr->GetDimensionsSize();
if (anDimSizes.empty() ||
(anDimSizes.size() == 1 && anDimSizes[0] == 1))
bHasVal = true;
dfVal = poAttr->ReadAsDouble();
double dfMissingValue = 0.0;
bool bHasMissingValue = false;
GetSingleValNumericAttr("missing_value", bHasMissingValue, dfMissingValue);
double dfFillValue = 0.0;
bool bHasFillValue = false;
GetSingleValNumericAttr("_FillValue", bHasFillValue, dfFillValue);
double dfValidMin = 0.0;
bool bHasValidMin = false;
GetSingleValNumericAttr("valid_min", bHasValidMin, dfValidMin);
double dfValidMax = 0.0;
bool bHasValidMax = false;
GetSingleValNumericAttr("valid_max", bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
auto poValidRange = m_poParent->GetAttribute("valid_range");
if (poValidRange && poValidRange->GetDimensionsSize().size() == 1 &&
poValidRange->GetDimensionsSize()[0] == 2 &&
poValidRange->GetDataType().GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
bHasValidMin = true;
bHasValidMax = true;
auto vals = poValidRange->ReadAsDoubleArray();
CPLAssert(vals.size() == 2);
dfValidMin = vals[0];
dfValidMax = vals[1];
/* Optimized case: if we are an integer data type and that there is no */
/* attribute that can be used to set mask = 0, then fill the mask buffer */
/* directly */
if (!bHasMissingValue && !bHasFillValue && !bHasValidMin && !bHasValidMax &&
m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue() == nullptr &&
if (bufferDataType == m_dt) // Byte case
bool bContiguous = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
if (bufferStride[i] != tmpBufferStrideVector[i])
bContiguous = false;
if (bContiguous)
// CPLDebug("GDAL", "GetMask(): contiguous case");
memset(pDstBuffer, 1, nElts);
return true;
struct Stack
size_t nIters = 0;
GByte *dst_ptr = nullptr;
GPtrDiff_t dst_inc_offset = 0;
std::vector<Stack> stack(std::max(static_cast<size_t>(1), nDims));
const size_t nBufferDTSize = bufferDataType.GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
stack[i].dst_inc_offset =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(bufferStride[i] * nBufferDTSize);
stack[0].dst_ptr = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
size_t dimIdx = 0;
const size_t nDimsMinus1 = nDims > 0 ? nDims - 1 : 0;
const bool bBufferDataTypeIsByte = bufferDataType == m_dt;
GByte abyOne[16]; // 16 is sizeof GDT_CFloat64
CPLAssert(nBufferDTSize <= 16);
const GByte flag = 1;
// Coverity misses that m_dt is of type Byte
// coverity[overrun-buffer-val]
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&flag, m_dt, abyOne, bufferDataType);
if (dimIdx == nDimsMinus1)
auto nIters = nDims > 0 ? count[dimIdx] : 1;
GByte *dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr;
while (true)
if (bBufferDataTypeIsByte)
*dst_ptr = flag;
memcpy(dst_ptr, abyOne, nBufferDTSize);
if ((--nIters) == 0)
dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
stack[dimIdx].nIters = count[dimIdx];
while (true)
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].dst_ptr;
goto lbl_next_depth;
if ((--stack[dimIdx].nIters) == 0)
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
if (dimIdx > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller;
return true;
const auto oTmpBufferDT =
? GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64)
: m_poParent->GetDataType();
const size_t nTmpBufferDTSize = oTmpBufferDT.GetSize();
void *pTempBuffer = VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(nTmpBufferDTSize, nElts);
if (!pTempBuffer)
return false;
if (!m_poParent->Read(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep,
tmpBufferStrideVector.data(), oTmpBufferDT,
return false;
switch (oTmpBufferDT.GetNumericDataType())
case GDT_Byte:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_Int8:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_UInt16:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_Int16:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_UInt32:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_Int32:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_UInt64:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_Int64:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_Float32:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_Float64:
count, bufferStride, bufferDataType, pDstBuffer, pTempBuffer,
oTmpBufferDT, tmpBufferStrideVector, bHasMissingValue,
dfMissingValue, bHasFillValue, dfFillValue, bHasValidMin,
dfValidMin, bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
case GDT_Unknown:
case GDT_CInt16:
case GDT_CInt32:
case GDT_CFloat32:
case GDT_CFloat64:
case GDT_TypeCount:
return true;
/* IsValidForDT() */
template <typename Type> static bool IsValidForDT(double dfVal)
if (std::isnan(dfVal))
return false;
if (dfVal < static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<Type>::lowest()))
return false;
if (dfVal > static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<Type>::max()))
return false;
return static_cast<double>(static_cast<Type>(dfVal)) == dfVal;
template <> bool IsValidForDT<double>(double)
return true;
/* IsNan() */
template <typename Type> inline bool IsNan(Type)
return false;
template <> bool IsNan<double>(double val)
return std::isnan(val);
template <> bool IsNan<float>(float val)
return std::isnan(val);
/* ReadInternal() */
template <typename Type>
void GDALMDArrayMask::ReadInternal(
const size_t *count, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType, void *pDstBuffer,
const void *pTempBuffer, const GDALExtendedDataType &oTmpBufferDT,
const std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> &tmpBufferStrideVector, bool bHasMissingValue,
double dfMissingValue, bool bHasFillValue, double dfFillValue,
bool bHasValidMin, double dfValidMin, bool bHasValidMax,
double dfValidMax) const
const size_t nDims = GetDimensionCount();
const auto castValue = [](bool &bHasVal, double dfVal) -> Type
if (bHasVal)
if (IsValidForDT<Type>(dfVal))
return static_cast<Type>(dfVal);
bHasVal = false;
return 0;
const void *pSrcRawNoDataValue = m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue();
bool bHasNodataValue = pSrcRawNoDataValue != nullptr;
const Type nNoDataValue =
castValue(bHasNodataValue, m_poParent->GetNoDataValueAsDouble());
const Type nMissingValue = castValue(bHasMissingValue, dfMissingValue);
const Type nFillValue = castValue(bHasFillValue, dfFillValue);
const Type nValidMin = castValue(bHasValidMin, dfValidMin);
const Type nValidMax = castValue(bHasValidMax, dfValidMax);
#define GET_MASK_FOR_SAMPLE(v) \
static_cast<GByte>(!IsNan(v) && !(bHasNodataValue && v == nNoDataValue) && \
!(bHasMissingValue && v == nMissingValue) && \
!(bHasFillValue && v == nFillValue) && \
!(bHasValidMin && v < nValidMin) && \
!(bHasValidMax && v > nValidMax))
const bool bBufferDataTypeIsByte = bufferDataType == m_dt;
/* Optimized case: Byte output and output buffer is contiguous */
if (bBufferDataTypeIsByte)
bool bContiguous = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
if (bufferStride[i] != tmpBufferStrideVector[i])
bContiguous = false;
if (bContiguous)
size_t nElts = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
nElts *= count[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < nElts; i++)
const Type *pSrc = static_cast<const Type *>(pTempBuffer) + i;
static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer)[i] =
const size_t nTmpBufferDTSize = oTmpBufferDT.GetSize();
struct Stack
size_t nIters = 0;
const GByte *src_ptr = nullptr;
GByte *dst_ptr = nullptr;
GPtrDiff_t src_inc_offset = 0;
GPtrDiff_t dst_inc_offset = 0;
std::vector<Stack> stack(std::max(static_cast<size_t>(1), nDims));
const size_t nBufferDTSize = bufferDataType.GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
stack[i].src_inc_offset = static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(
tmpBufferStrideVector[i] * nTmpBufferDTSize);
stack[i].dst_inc_offset =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(bufferStride[i] * nBufferDTSize);
stack[0].src_ptr = static_cast<const GByte *>(pTempBuffer);
stack[0].dst_ptr = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
size_t dimIdx = 0;
const size_t nDimsMinus1 = nDims > 0 ? nDims - 1 : 0;
GByte abyZeroOrOne[2][16]; // 16 is sizeof GDT_CFloat64
CPLAssert(nBufferDTSize <= 16);
for (GByte flag = 0; flag <= 1; flag++)
// Coverity misses that m_dt is of type Byte
// coverity[overrun-buffer-val]
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&flag, m_dt, abyZeroOrOne[flag],
if (dimIdx == nDimsMinus1)
auto nIters = nDims > 0 ? count[dimIdx] : 1;
const GByte *src_ptr = stack[dimIdx].src_ptr;
GByte *dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr;
while (true)
const Type *pSrc = reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(src_ptr);
const GByte flag = GET_MASK_FOR_SAMPLE(*pSrc);
if (bBufferDataTypeIsByte)
*dst_ptr = flag;
memcpy(dst_ptr, abyZeroOrOne[flag], nBufferDTSize);
if ((--nIters) == 0)
src_ptr += stack[dimIdx].src_inc_offset;
dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
stack[dimIdx].nIters = count[dimIdx];
while (true)
stack[dimIdx].src_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].src_ptr;
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].dst_ptr;
goto lbl_next_depth;
if ((--stack[dimIdx].nIters) == 0)
stack[dimIdx].src_ptr += stack[dimIdx].src_inc_offset;
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
if (dimIdx > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller;
/* GetMask() */
/** Return an array that is a mask for the current array
* This array will be of type Byte, with values set to 0 to indicate invalid
* pixels of the current array, and values set to 1 to indicate valid pixels.
* The generic implementation honours the NoDataValue, as well as various
* netCDF CF attributes: missing_value, _FillValue, valid_min, valid_max
* and valid_range.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetMask().
* @param papszOptions NULL-terminated list of options, or NULL.
* @return a new array, that holds a reference to the original one, and thus is
* a view of it (not a copy), or nullptr in case of error.
GDALMDArray::GetMask(CPL_UNUSED CSLConstList papszOptions) const
auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GDALMDArray>(m_pSelf.lock());
if (!self)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Driver implementation issue: m_pSelf not set !");
return nullptr;
if (GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_NUMERIC)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"GetMask() only supports numeric data type");
return nullptr;
return GDALMDArrayMask::Create(self);
/* IsRegularlySpaced() */
/** Returns whether an array is a 1D regularly spaced array.
* @param[out] dfStart First value in the array
* @param[out] dfIncrement Increment/spacing between consecutive values.
* @return true if the array is regularly spaced.
bool GDALMDArray::IsRegularlySpaced(double &dfStart, double &dfIncrement) const
dfStart = 0;
dfIncrement = 0;
if (GetDimensionCount() != 1 || GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_NUMERIC)
return false;
const auto nSize = GetDimensions()[0]->GetSize();
if (nSize <= 1 || nSize > 10 * 1000 * 1000)
return false;
size_t nCount = static_cast<size_t>(nSize);
std::vector<double> adfTmp;
catch (const std::exception &)
return false;
GUInt64 anStart[1] = {0};
size_t anCount[1] = {nCount};
const auto IsRegularlySpacedInternal =
[&dfStart, &dfIncrement, &anCount, &adfTmp]()
dfStart = adfTmp[0];
dfIncrement = (adfTmp[anCount[0] - 1] - adfTmp[0]) / (anCount[0] - 1);
if (dfIncrement == 0)
return false;
for (size_t i = 1; i < anCount[0]; i++)
if (fabs((adfTmp[i] - adfTmp[i - 1]) - dfIncrement) >
1e-3 * fabs(dfIncrement))
return false;
return true;
// First try with the first block(s). This can avoid excessive processing
// time, for example with Zarr datasets.
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=37636 and
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=39273
const auto nBlockSize = GetBlockSize()[0];
if (nCount >= 5 && nBlockSize <= nCount / 2)
size_t nReducedCount =
std::max<size_t>(3, static_cast<size_t>(nBlockSize));
while (nReducedCount < 256 && nReducedCount <= (nCount - 2) / 2)
nReducedCount *= 2;
anCount[0] = nReducedCount;
if (!Read(anStart, anCount, nullptr, nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64), &adfTmp[0]))
return false;
if (!IsRegularlySpacedInternal())
return false;
// Get next values
anStart[0] = nReducedCount;
anCount[0] = nCount - nReducedCount;
if (!Read(anStart, anCount, nullptr, nullptr,
return false;
return IsRegularlySpacedInternal();
/* GuessGeoTransform() */
/** Returns whether 2 specified dimensions form a geotransform
* @param nDimX Index of the X axis.
* @param nDimY Index of the Y axis.
* @param bPixelIsPoint Whether the geotransform should be returned
* with the pixel-is-point (pixel-center) convention
* (bPixelIsPoint = true), or with the pixel-is-area
* (top left corner convention)
* (bPixelIsPoint = false)
* @param[out] adfGeoTransform Computed geotransform
* @return true if a geotransform could be computed.
bool GDALMDArray::GuessGeoTransform(size_t nDimX, size_t nDimY,
bool bPixelIsPoint,
double adfGeoTransform[6]) const
const auto &dims(GetDimensions());
auto poVarX = dims[nDimX]->GetIndexingVariable();
auto poVarY = dims[nDimY]->GetIndexingVariable();
double dfXStart = 0.0;
double dfXSpacing = 0.0;
double dfYStart = 0.0;
double dfYSpacing = 0.0;
if (poVarX && poVarX->GetDimensionCount() == 1 &&
poVarX->GetDimensions()[0]->GetSize() == dims[nDimX]->GetSize() &&
poVarY && poVarY->GetDimensionCount() == 1 &&
poVarY->GetDimensions()[0]->GetSize() == dims[nDimY]->GetSize() &&
poVarX->IsRegularlySpaced(dfXStart, dfXSpacing) &&
poVarY->IsRegularlySpaced(dfYStart, dfYSpacing))
adfGeoTransform[0] = dfXStart - (bPixelIsPoint ? 0 : dfXSpacing / 2);
adfGeoTransform[1] = dfXSpacing;
adfGeoTransform[2] = 0;
adfGeoTransform[3] = dfYStart - (bPixelIsPoint ? 0 : dfYSpacing / 2);
adfGeoTransform[4] = 0;
adfGeoTransform[5] = dfYSpacing;
return true;
return false;
/* GDALMDArrayResampled */
class GDALMDArrayResampledDataset;
class GDALMDArrayResampledDatasetRasterBand final : public GDALRasterBand
CPLErr IReadBlock(int, int, void *) override;
CPLErr IRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize,
int nYSize, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
GDALDataType eBufType, GSpacing nPixelSpaceBuf,
GSpacing nLineSpaceBuf,
GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) override;
explicit GDALMDArrayResampledDatasetRasterBand(
GDALMDArrayResampledDataset *poDSIn);
double GetNoDataValue(int *pbHasNoData) override;
class GDALMDArrayResampledDataset final : public GDALPamDataset
friend class GDALMDArrayResampled;
friend class GDALMDArrayResampledDatasetRasterBand;
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poArray;
size_t m_iXDim;
size_t m_iYDim;
double m_adfGeoTransform[6]{0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1};
bool m_bHasGT = false;
mutable std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> m_poSRS{};
std::vector<GUInt64> m_anOffset{};
std::vector<size_t> m_anCount{};
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> m_anStride{};
std::string m_osFilenameLong{};
std::string m_osFilenameLat{};
GDALMDArrayResampledDataset(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &array,
size_t iXDim, size_t iYDim)
: m_poArray(array), m_iXDim(iXDim), m_iYDim(iYDim),
m_anOffset(m_poArray->GetDimensionCount(), 0),
m_anCount(m_poArray->GetDimensionCount(), 1),
m_anStride(m_poArray->GetDimensionCount(), 0)
const auto &dims(m_poArray->GetDimensions());
nRasterYSize = static_cast<int>(
std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX), dims[iYDim]->GetSize()));
nRasterXSize = static_cast<int>(
std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX), dims[iXDim]->GetSize()));
m_bHasGT = m_poArray->GuessGeoTransform(m_iXDim, m_iYDim, false,
SetBand(1, new GDALMDArrayResampledDatasetRasterBand(this));
if (!m_osFilenameLong.empty())
if (!m_osFilenameLat.empty())
CPLErr GetGeoTransform(double *padfGeoTransform) override
memcpy(padfGeoTransform, m_adfGeoTransform, 6 * sizeof(double));
return m_bHasGT ? CE_None : CE_Failure;
const OGRSpatialReference *GetSpatialRef() const override
m_poSRS = m_poArray->GetSpatialRef();
if (m_poSRS)
auto axisMapping = m_poSRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
for (auto &m : axisMapping)
if (m == static_cast<int>(m_iXDim) + 1)
m = 1;
else if (m == static_cast<int>(m_iYDim) + 1)
m = 2;
m = 0;
return m_poSRS.get();
void SetGeolocationArray(const std::string &osFilenameLong,
const std::string &osFilenameLat)
m_osFilenameLong = osFilenameLong;
m_osFilenameLat = osFilenameLat;
CPLStringList aosGeoLoc;
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("LINE_OFFSET", "0");
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("LINE_STEP", "1");
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("PIXEL_OFFSET", "0");
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("PIXEL_STEP", "1");
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("SRS", SRS_WKT_WGS84_LAT_LONG); // FIXME?
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("X_BAND", "1");
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("X_DATASET", m_osFilenameLong.c_str());
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("Y_BAND", "1");
aosGeoLoc.SetNameValue("Y_DATASET", m_osFilenameLat.c_str());
SetMetadata(aosGeoLoc.List(), "GEOLOCATION");
/* GDALRasterBandFromArray() */
GDALMDArrayResampledDataset *poDSIn)
const auto &poArray(poDSIn->m_poArray);
const auto blockSize(poArray->GetBlockSize());
nBlockYSize = (blockSize[poDSIn->m_iYDim])
? static_cast<int>(std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX),
: 1;
nBlockXSize = blockSize[poDSIn->m_iXDim]
? static_cast<int>(std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX),
: poDSIn->GetRasterXSize();
eDataType = poArray->GetDataType().GetNumericDataType();
eAccess = poDSIn->eAccess;
/* GetNoDataValue() */
double GDALMDArrayResampledDatasetRasterBand::GetNoDataValue(int *pbHasNoData)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALMDArrayResampledDataset *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
bool bHasNodata = false;
double dfRes = poArray->GetNoDataValueAsDouble(&bHasNodata);
if (pbHasNoData)
*pbHasNoData = bHasNodata;
return dfRes;
/* IReadBlock() */
CPLErr GDALMDArrayResampledDatasetRasterBand::IReadBlock(int nBlockXOff,
int nBlockYOff,
void *pImage)
const int nDTSize(GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDataType));
const int nXOff = nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize;
const int nYOff = nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize;
const int nReqXSize = std::min(nRasterXSize - nXOff, nBlockXSize);
const int nReqYSize = std::min(nRasterYSize - nYOff, nBlockYSize);
GDALRasterIOExtraArg sExtraArg;
return IRasterIO(GF_Read, nXOff, nYOff, nReqXSize, nReqYSize, pImage,
nReqXSize, nReqYSize, eDataType, nDTSize,
nDTSize * nBlockXSize, &sExtraArg);
/* IRasterIO() */
CPLErr GDALMDArrayResampledDatasetRasterBand::IRasterIO(
GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType,
GSpacing nPixelSpaceBuf, GSpacing nLineSpaceBuf,
GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALMDArrayResampledDataset *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
const int nBufferDTSize(GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eBufType));
if (eRWFlag == GF_Read && nXSize == nBufXSize && nYSize == nBufYSize &&
nBufferDTSize > 0 && (nPixelSpaceBuf % nBufferDTSize) == 0 &&
(nLineSpaceBuf % nBufferDTSize) == 0)
l_poDS->m_anOffset[l_poDS->m_iXDim] = static_cast<GUInt64>(nXOff);
l_poDS->m_anCount[l_poDS->m_iXDim] = static_cast<size_t>(nXSize);
l_poDS->m_anStride[l_poDS->m_iXDim] =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nPixelSpaceBuf / nBufferDTSize);
l_poDS->m_anOffset[l_poDS->m_iYDim] = static_cast<GUInt64>(nYOff);
l_poDS->m_anCount[l_poDS->m_iYDim] = static_cast<size_t>(nYSize);
l_poDS->m_anStride[l_poDS->m_iYDim] =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nLineSpaceBuf / nBufferDTSize);
return poArray->Read(l_poDS->m_anOffset.data(),
l_poDS->m_anCount.data(), nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(eBufType), pData)
? CE_None
: CE_Failure;
return GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO(eRWFlag, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eBufType,
nPixelSpaceBuf, nLineSpaceBuf, psExtraArg);
class GDALMDArrayResampled final : public GDALPamMDArray
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poParent{};
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> m_apoDims;
std::vector<GUInt64> m_anBlockSize;
GDALExtendedDataType m_dt;
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> m_poSRS{};
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poVarX{};
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poVarY{};
std::unique_ptr<GDALMDArrayResampledDataset> m_poParentDS{};
std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset> m_poReprojectedDS{};
const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &apoDims,
const std::vector<GUInt64> &anBlockSize)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(std::string(),
"Resampled view of " + poParent->GetFullName()),
"Resampled view of " + poParent->GetFullName(),
m_poParent(std::move(poParent)), m_apoDims(apoDims),
m_anBlockSize(anBlockSize), m_dt(m_poParent->GetDataType())
CPLAssert(apoDims.size() == m_poParent->GetDimensionCount());
CPLAssert(anBlockSize.size() == m_poParent->GetDimensionCount());
bool IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count,
const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const override;
static std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayResampled>
Create(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &apoNewDims,
GDALRIOResampleAlg resampleAlg,
const OGRSpatialReference *poTargetSRS, CSLConstList papszOptions);
// First close the warped VRT
bool IsWritable() const override
return false;
const std::string &GetFilename() const override
return m_poParent->GetFilename();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GetDimensions() const override
return m_apoDims;
const GDALExtendedDataType &GetDataType() const override
return m_dt;
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GetSpatialRef() const override
return m_poSRS;
std::vector<GUInt64> GetBlockSize() const override
return m_anBlockSize;
GetAttribute(const std::string &osName) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttribute(osName);
GetAttributes(CSLConstList papszOptions = nullptr) const override
return m_poParent->GetAttributes(papszOptions);
const std::string &GetUnit() const override
return m_poParent->GetUnit();
const void *GetRawNoDataValue() const override
return m_poParent->GetRawNoDataValue();
double GetOffset(bool *pbHasOffset,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetOffset(pbHasOffset, peStorageType);
double GetScale(bool *pbHasScale,
GDALDataType *peStorageType) const override
return m_poParent->GetScale(pbHasScale, peStorageType);
/* GDALMDArrayResampled::Create() */
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayResampled> GDALMDArrayResampled::Create(
const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poParent,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &apoNewDimsIn,
GDALRIOResampleAlg resampleAlg, const OGRSpatialReference *poTargetSRS,
CSLConstList /* papszOptions */)
const char *pszResampleAlg = "nearest";
bool unsupported = false;
switch (resampleAlg)
case GRIORA_NearestNeighbour:
pszResampleAlg = "nearest";
case GRIORA_Bilinear:
pszResampleAlg = "bilinear";
case GRIORA_Cubic:
pszResampleAlg = "cubic";
case GRIORA_CubicSpline:
pszResampleAlg = "cubicspline";
case GRIORA_Lanczos:
pszResampleAlg = "lanczos";
case GRIORA_Average:
pszResampleAlg = "average";
case GRIORA_Mode:
pszResampleAlg = "mode";
case GRIORA_Gauss:
unsupported = true;
unsupported = true;
unsupported = true;
pszResampleAlg = "rms";
if (unsupported)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Unsupported resample method for GetResampled()");
return nullptr;
if (poParent->GetDimensionCount() < 2)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"GetResampled() only supports 2 dimensions or more");
return nullptr;
const auto &aoParentDims = poParent->GetDimensions();
if (apoNewDimsIn.size() != aoParentDims.size())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"GetResampled(): apoNewDims size should be the same as "
return nullptr;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> apoNewDims;
std::vector<GUInt64> anBlockSize;
const auto &anParentBlockSize = poParent->GetBlockSize();
for (unsigned i = 0; i + 2 < apoNewDimsIn.size(); ++i)
if (apoNewDimsIn[i] == nullptr)
else if (apoNewDimsIn[i]->GetSize() != aoParentDims[i]->GetSize() ||
apoNewDimsIn[i]->GetName() != aoParentDims[i]->GetName())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"GetResampled(): apoNewDims[%u] should be the same "
"as its parent",
return nullptr;
const size_t iYDim = poParent->GetDimensionCount() - 2;
const size_t iXDim = poParent->GetDimensionCount() - 1;
std::unique_ptr<GDALMDArrayResampledDataset> poParentDS(
new GDALMDArrayResampledDataset(poParent, iXDim, iYDim));
double dfXStart = 0.0;
double dfXSpacing = 0.0;
bool gotXSpacing = false;
auto poNewDimX = apoNewDimsIn[iXDim];
if (poNewDimX)
if (poNewDimX->GetSize() > static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Too big size for X dimension");
return nullptr;
auto var = poNewDimX->GetIndexingVariable();
if (var)
if (var->GetDimensionCount() != 1 ||
var->GetDimensions()[0]->GetSize() != poNewDimX->GetSize() ||
!var->IsRegularlySpaced(dfXStart, dfXSpacing))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"New X dimension should be indexed by a regularly "
"spaced variable");
return nullptr;
gotXSpacing = true;
double dfYStart = 0.0;
double dfYSpacing = 0.0;
auto poNewDimY = apoNewDimsIn[iYDim];
bool gotYSpacing = false;
if (poNewDimY)
if (poNewDimY->GetSize() > static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Too big size for Y dimension");
return nullptr;
auto var = poNewDimY->GetIndexingVariable();
if (var)
if (var->GetDimensionCount() != 1 ||
var->GetDimensions()[0]->GetSize() != poNewDimY->GetSize() ||
!var->IsRegularlySpaced(dfYStart, dfYSpacing))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"New Y dimension should be indexed by a regularly "
"spaced variable");
return nullptr;
gotYSpacing = true;
// This limitation could probably be removed
if ((gotXSpacing && !gotYSpacing) || (!gotXSpacing && gotYSpacing))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Either none of new X or Y dimension should have an indexing "
"variable, or both should both should have one.");
return nullptr;
std::string osDstWKT;
if (poTargetSRS)
char *pszDstWKT = nullptr;
if (poTargetSRS->exportToWkt(&pszDstWKT) != OGRERR_NONE)
return nullptr;
osDstWKT = pszDstWKT;
// Use coordinate variables for geolocation array
const auto apoCoordinateVars = poParent->GetCoordinateVariables();
bool useGeolocationArray = false;
if (apoCoordinateVars.size() >= 2)
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> poLongVar;
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> poLatVar;
for (const auto &poCoordVar : apoCoordinateVars)
const auto &osName = poCoordVar->GetName();
const auto poAttr = poCoordVar->GetAttribute("standard_name");
std::string osStandardName;
if (poAttr && poAttr->GetDataType().GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING &&
poAttr->GetDimensionCount() == 0)
const char *pszStandardName = poAttr->ReadAsString();
if (pszStandardName)
osStandardName = pszStandardName;
if (osName == "lon" || osName == "longitude" ||
osName == "Longitude" || osStandardName == "longitude")
poLongVar = poCoordVar;
else if (osName == "lat" || osName == "latitude" ||
osName == "Latitude" || osStandardName == "latitude")
poLatVar = poCoordVar;
if (poLatVar != nullptr && poLongVar != nullptr)
const auto longDimCount = poLongVar->GetDimensionCount();
const auto &longDims = poLongVar->GetDimensions();
const auto latDimCount = poLatVar->GetDimensionCount();
const auto &latDims = poLatVar->GetDimensions();
const auto xDimSize = aoParentDims[iXDim]->GetSize();
const auto yDimSize = aoParentDims[iYDim]->GetSize();
if (longDimCount == 1 && longDims[0]->GetSize() == xDimSize &&
latDimCount == 1 && latDims[0]->GetSize() == yDimSize)
// Geolocation arrays are 1D, and of consistent size with
// the variable
useGeolocationArray = true;
else if ((longDimCount == 2 ||
(longDimCount == 3 && longDims[0]->GetSize() == 1)) &&
longDims[longDimCount - 2]->GetSize() == yDimSize &&
longDims[longDimCount - 1]->GetSize() == xDimSize &&
(latDimCount == 2 ||
(latDimCount == 3 && latDims[0]->GetSize() == 1)) &&
latDims[latDimCount - 2]->GetSize() == yDimSize &&
latDims[latDimCount - 1]->GetSize() == xDimSize)
// Geolocation arrays are 2D (or 3D with first dimension of
// size 1, as found in Sentinel 5P products), and of consistent
// size with the variable
useGeolocationArray = true;
"Longitude and latitude coordinate variables found, "
"but their characteristics are not compatible of using "
"them as geolocation arrays");
if (useGeolocationArray)
"Setting geolocation array from variables %s and %s",
std::string osFilenameLong =
CPLSPrintf("/vsimem/%p/longitude.tif", poParent.get());
std::string osFilenameLat =
CPLSPrintf("/vsimem/%p/latitude.tif", poParent.get());
std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset> poTmpLongDS(
longDimCount == 1
? poLongVar->AsClassicDataset(0, 0)
: poLongVar->AsClassicDataset(longDimCount - 1,
longDimCount - 2));
auto hTIFFLongDS = GDALTranslate(
GDALDataset::ToHandle(poTmpLongDS.get()), nullptr, nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset> poTmpLatDS(
latDimCount == 1 ? poLatVar->AsClassicDataset(0, 0)
: poLatVar->AsClassicDataset(
latDimCount - 1, latDimCount - 2));
auto hTIFFLatDS = GDALTranslate(
GDALDataset::ToHandle(poTmpLatDS.get()), nullptr, nullptr);
const bool bError =
(hTIFFLatDS == nullptr || hTIFFLongDS == nullptr);
if (bError)
return nullptr;
poParentDS->SetGeolocationArray(osFilenameLong, osFilenameLat);
"Coordinate variables available for %s, but "
"longitude and/or latitude variables were not identified",
// Build gdalwarp arguments
CPLStringList aosArgv;
if (!osDstWKT.empty())
if (useGeolocationArray)
if (gotXSpacing && gotYSpacing)
const double dfXMin = dfXStart - dfXSpacing / 2;
const double dfXMax =
dfXMin + dfXSpacing * static_cast<double>(poNewDimX->GetSize());
const double dfYMax = dfYStart - dfYSpacing / 2;
const double dfYMin =
dfYMax + dfYSpacing * static_cast<double>(poNewDimY->GetSize());
aosArgv.AddString(CPLSPrintf("%.18g", dfXMin));
aosArgv.AddString(CPLSPrintf("%.18g", dfYMin));
aosArgv.AddString(CPLSPrintf("%.18g", dfXMax));
aosArgv.AddString(CPLSPrintf("%.18g", dfYMax));
if (poNewDimX && poNewDimY)
CPLSPrintf("%d", static_cast<int>(poNewDimX->GetSize())));
CPLSPrintf("%d", static_cast<int>(poNewDimY->GetSize())));
else if (poNewDimX)
CPLSPrintf("%d", static_cast<int>(poNewDimX->GetSize())));
else if (poNewDimY)
CPLSPrintf("%d", static_cast<int>(poNewDimY->GetSize())));
// Create a warped VRT dataset
GDALWarpAppOptions *psOptions =
GDALWarpAppOptionsNew(aosArgv.List(), nullptr);
GDALDatasetH hSrcDS = GDALDataset::ToHandle(poParentDS.get());
std::unique_ptr<GDALDataset> poReprojectedDS(GDALDataset::FromHandle(
GDALWarp("", nullptr, 1, &hSrcDS, psOptions, nullptr)));
if (poReprojectedDS == nullptr)
return nullptr;
int nBlockXSize;
int nBlockYSize;
poReprojectedDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetBlockSize(&nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize);
double adfGeoTransform[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
CPLErr eErr = poReprojectedDS->GetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform);
CPLAssert(eErr == CE_None);
auto poDimY = std::make_shared<GDALDimensionWeakIndexingVar>(
std::string(), "dimY", GDAL_DIM_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_Y, "NORTH",
auto varY = GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::Create(
std::string(), poDimY->GetName(), poDimY,
adfGeoTransform[3] + adfGeoTransform[5] / 2, adfGeoTransform[5], 0);
auto poDimX = std::make_shared<GDALDimensionWeakIndexingVar>(
std::string(), "dimX", GDAL_DIM_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_X, "EAST",
auto varX = GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::Create(
std::string(), poDimX->GetName(), poDimX,
adfGeoTransform[0] + adfGeoTransform[1] / 2, adfGeoTransform[1], 0);
auto newAr(std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayResampled>(
new GDALMDArrayResampled(poParent, apoNewDims, anBlockSize)));
if (poTargetSRS)
newAr->m_poSRS = poParent->GetSpatialRef();
newAr->m_poVarX = varX;
newAr->m_poVarY = varY;
newAr->m_poReprojectedDS = std::move(poReprojectedDS);
newAr->m_poParentDS = std::move(poParentDS);
return newAr;
/* GDALMDArrayResampled::IRead() */
bool GDALMDArrayResampled::IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
if (bufferDataType.GetClass() != GEDTC_NUMERIC)
return false;
struct Stack
size_t nIters = 0;
GByte *dst_ptr = nullptr;
GPtrDiff_t dst_inc_offset = 0;
const auto nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<Stack> stack(nDims + 1); // +1 to avoid -Wnull-dereference
const size_t nBufferDTSize = bufferDataType.GetSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
stack[i].dst_inc_offset =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(bufferStride[i] * nBufferDTSize);
stack[0].dst_ptr = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
size_t dimIdx = 0;
const size_t iDimY = nDims - 2;
const size_t iDimX = nDims - 1;
// Use an array to avoid a false positive warning from CLang Static
// Analyzer about flushCaches being never read
bool flushCaches[] = {false};
if (dimIdx == iDimY)
if (flushCaches[0])
flushCaches[0] = false;
// When changing of 2D slice, flush GDAL 2D buffers
if (!GDALMDRasterIOFromBand(m_poReprojectedDS->GetRasterBand(1),
GF_Read, iDimX, iDimY, arrayStartIdx, count,
arrayStep, bufferStride, bufferDataType,
return false;
stack[dimIdx].nIters = count[dimIdx];
if (m_poParentDS->m_anOffset[dimIdx] != arrayStartIdx[dimIdx])
flushCaches[0] = true;
m_poParentDS->m_anOffset[dimIdx] = arrayStartIdx[dimIdx];
while (true)
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr = stack[dimIdx - 1].dst_ptr;
goto lbl_next_depth;
if ((--stack[dimIdx].nIters) == 0)
flushCaches[0] = true;
stack[dimIdx].dst_ptr += stack[dimIdx].dst_inc_offset;
if (dimIdx > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller;
return true;
/* GetResampled() */
/** Return an array that is a resampled / reprojected view of the current array
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetResampled().
* Currently this method can only resample along the last 2 dimensions.
* @param apoNewDims New dimensions. Its size should be GetDimensionCount().
* apoNewDims[i] can be NULL to let the method automatically
* determine it.
* @param resampleAlg Resampling algorithm
* @param poTargetSRS Target SRS, or nullptr
* @param papszOptions NULL-terminated list of options, or NULL.
* @return a new array, that holds a reference to the original one, and thus is
* a view of it (not a copy), or nullptr in case of error.
* @since 3.4
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> GDALMDArray::GetResampled(
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &apoNewDims,
GDALRIOResampleAlg resampleAlg, const OGRSpatialReference *poTargetSRS,
CSLConstList papszOptions) const
auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GDALMDArray>(m_pSelf.lock());
if (!self)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Driver implementation issue: m_pSelf not set !");
return nullptr;
if (GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_NUMERIC)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"GetResampled() only supports numeric data type");
return nullptr;
return GDALMDArrayResampled::Create(self, apoNewDims, resampleAlg,
poTargetSRS, papszOptions);
/* GDALDatasetFromArray() */
class GDALDatasetFromArray;
class GDALRasterBandFromArray final : public GDALRasterBand
std::vector<GUInt64> m_anOffset{};
std::vector<size_t> m_anCount{};
std::vector<GPtrDiff_t> m_anStride{};
CPLErr IReadBlock(int, int, void *) override;
CPLErr IWriteBlock(int, int, void *) override;
CPLErr IRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize,
int nYSize, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
GDALDataType eBufType, GSpacing nPixelSpaceBuf,
GSpacing nLineSpaceBuf,
GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) override;
explicit GDALRasterBandFromArray(
GDALDatasetFromArray *poDSIn,
const std::vector<GUInt64> &anOtherDimCoord);
double GetNoDataValue(int *pbHasNoData) override;
int64_t GetNoDataValueAsInt64(int *pbHasNoData) override;
uint64_t GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(int *pbHasNoData) override;
double GetOffset(int *pbHasOffset) override;
double GetScale(int *pbHasScale) override;
const char *GetUnitType() override;
class GDALDatasetFromArray final : public GDALDataset
friend class GDALRasterBandFromArray;
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poArray;
size_t m_iXDim;
size_t m_iYDim;
double m_adfGeoTransform[6]{0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1};
bool m_bHasGT = false;
mutable std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> m_poSRS{};
GDALMultiDomainMetadata m_oMDD{};
GDALDatasetFromArray(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &array,
size_t iXDim, size_t iYDim)
: m_poArray(array), m_iXDim(iXDim), m_iYDim(iYDim)
const auto &dims(m_poArray->GetDimensions());
const auto nDimCount = dims.size();
nRasterYSize =
nDimCount < 2
? 1
: static_cast<int>(std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX),
nRasterXSize = static_cast<int>(
std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX), dims[iXDim]->GetSize()));
eAccess = array->IsWritable() ? GA_Update : GA_ReadOnly;
const size_t nNewDimCount = nDimCount >= 2 ? nDimCount - 2 : 0;
std::vector<GUInt64> anOtherDimCoord(nNewDimCount);
std::vector<GUInt64> anStackIters(nDimCount);
std::vector<size_t> anMapNewToOld(nNewDimCount);
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < nDimCount; ++i)
if (i != iXDim && !(nDimCount >= 2 && i == iYDim))
anMapNewToOld[j] = i;
m_bHasGT = m_poArray->GuessGeoTransform(m_iXDim, m_iYDim, false,
const auto attrs(array->GetAttributes());
for (const auto &attr : attrs)
auto stringArray = attr->ReadAsStringArray();
std::string val;
if (stringArray.size() > 1)
val += '{';
for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.size(); ++i)
if (i > 0)
val += ',';
val += stringArray[i];
if (stringArray.size() > 1)
val += '}';
m_oMDD.SetMetadataItem(attr->GetName().c_str(), val.c_str());
// Instantiate bands by iterating over non-XY variables
size_t iDim = 0;
if (iDim < nNewDimCount)
anStackIters[iDim] = dims[anMapNewToOld[iDim]]->GetSize();
anOtherDimCoord[iDim] = 0;
while (true)
goto lbl_next_depth;
if (anStackIters[iDim] == 0)
SetBand(nBands + 1,
new GDALRasterBandFromArray(this, anOtherDimCoord));
if (iDim > 0)
goto lbl_return_to_caller;
CPLErr GetGeoTransform(double *padfGeoTransform) override
memcpy(padfGeoTransform, m_adfGeoTransform, 6 * sizeof(double));
return m_bHasGT ? CE_None : CE_Failure;
const OGRSpatialReference *GetSpatialRef() const override
if (m_poArray->GetDimensionCount() < 2)
return nullptr;
m_poSRS = m_poArray->GetSpatialRef();
if (m_poSRS)
auto axisMapping = m_poSRS->GetDataAxisToSRSAxisMapping();
for (auto &m : axisMapping)
if (m == static_cast<int>(m_iXDim) + 1)
m = 1;
else if (m == static_cast<int>(m_iYDim) + 1)
m = 2;
m = 0;
return m_poSRS.get();
CPLErr SetMetadata(char **papszMetadata, const char *pszDomain) override
return m_oMDD.SetMetadata(papszMetadata, pszDomain);
char **GetMetadata(const char *pszDomain) override
return m_oMDD.GetMetadata(pszDomain);
const char *GetMetadataItem(const char *pszName,
const char *pszDomain) override
return m_oMDD.GetMetadataItem(pszName, pszDomain);
/* GDALRasterBandFromArray() */
GDALDatasetFromArray *poDSIn, const std::vector<GUInt64> &anOtherDimCoord)
const auto &poArray(poDSIn->m_poArray);
const auto &dims(poArray->GetDimensions());
const auto nDimCount(dims.size());
const auto blockSize(poArray->GetBlockSize());
nBlockYSize = (nDimCount >= 2 && blockSize[poDSIn->m_iYDim])
? static_cast<int>(std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX),
: 1;
nBlockXSize = blockSize[poDSIn->m_iXDim]
? static_cast<int>(std::min(static_cast<GUInt64>(INT_MAX),
: poDSIn->GetRasterXSize();
eDataType = poArray->GetDataType().GetNumericDataType();
eAccess = poDSIn->eAccess;
m_anCount.resize(nDimCount, 1);
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < nDimCount; ++i)
if (i != poDSIn->m_iXDim && !(nDimCount >= 2 && i == poDSIn->m_iYDim))
std::string dimName(dims[i]->GetName());
GUInt64 nIndex = anOtherDimCoord[j];
// Detect subset_{orig_dim_name}_{start}_{incr}_{size} names of
// subsetted dimensions as generated by GetView()
if (STARTS_WITH(dimName.c_str(), "subset_"))
CPLStringList aosTokens(
CSLTokenizeString2(dimName.c_str(), "_", 0));
if (aosTokens.size() == 5)
dimName = aosTokens[1];
const auto nStartDim = static_cast<GUInt64>(CPLScanUIntBig(
aosTokens[2], static_cast<int>(strlen(aosTokens[2]))));
const auto nIncrDim = CPLAtoGIntBig(aosTokens[3]);
nIndex = nIncrDim > 0 ? nStartDim + nIndex * nIncrDim
: nStartDim - (nIndex * -nIncrDim);
CPLSPrintf("DIM_%s_INDEX", dimName.c_str()),
CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GUIB, static_cast<GUIntBig>(nIndex)));
auto indexingVar = dims[i]->GetIndexingVariable();
if (indexingVar && indexingVar->GetDimensionCount() == 1 &&
indexingVar->GetDimensions()[0]->GetSize() ==
size_t nCount = 1;
const auto &dt(indexingVar->GetDataType());
std::vector<GByte> abyTmp(dt.GetSize());
if (indexingVar->Read(&(anOtherDimCoord[j]), &nCount, nullptr,
nullptr, dt, &abyTmp[0]))
char *pszTmp = nullptr;
&abyTmp[0], dt, &pszTmp,
if (pszTmp)
CPLSPrintf("DIM_%s_VALUE", dimName.c_str()),
const auto unit(indexingVar->GetUnit());
if (!unit.empty())
CPLSPrintf("DIM_%s_UNIT", dimName.c_str()),
m_anOffset[i] = anOtherDimCoord[j];
/* GetNoDataValue() */
double GDALRasterBandFromArray::GetNoDataValue(int *pbHasNoData)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALDatasetFromArray *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
bool bHasNodata = false;
const auto res = poArray->GetNoDataValueAsDouble(&bHasNodata);
if (pbHasNoData)
*pbHasNoData = bHasNodata;
return res;
/* GetNoDataValueAsInt64() */
int64_t GDALRasterBandFromArray::GetNoDataValueAsInt64(int *pbHasNoData)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALDatasetFromArray *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
bool bHasNodata = false;
const auto nodata = poArray->GetNoDataValueAsInt64(&bHasNodata);
if (pbHasNoData)
*pbHasNoData = bHasNodata;
return nodata;
/* GetNoDataValueAsUInt64() */
uint64_t GDALRasterBandFromArray::GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(int *pbHasNoData)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALDatasetFromArray *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
bool bHasNodata = false;
const auto nodata = poArray->GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(&bHasNodata);
if (pbHasNoData)
*pbHasNoData = bHasNodata;
return nodata;
/* GetOffset() */
double GDALRasterBandFromArray::GetOffset(int *pbHasOffset)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALDatasetFromArray *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
bool bHasValue = false;
double dfRes = poArray->GetOffset(&bHasValue);
if (pbHasOffset)
*pbHasOffset = bHasValue;
return dfRes;
/* GetUnitType() */
const char *GDALRasterBandFromArray::GetUnitType()
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALDatasetFromArray *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
return poArray->GetUnit().c_str();
/* GetScale() */
double GDALRasterBandFromArray::GetScale(int *pbHasScale)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALDatasetFromArray *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
bool bHasValue = false;
double dfRes = poArray->GetScale(&bHasValue);
if (pbHasScale)
*pbHasScale = bHasValue;
return dfRes;
/* IReadBlock() */
CPLErr GDALRasterBandFromArray::IReadBlock(int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
void *pImage)
const int nDTSize(GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDataType));
const int nXOff = nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize;
const int nYOff = nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize;
const int nReqXSize = std::min(nRasterXSize - nXOff, nBlockXSize);
const int nReqYSize = std::min(nRasterYSize - nYOff, nBlockYSize);
GDALRasterIOExtraArg sExtraArg;
return IRasterIO(GF_Read, nXOff, nYOff, nReqXSize, nReqYSize, pImage,
nReqXSize, nReqYSize, eDataType, nDTSize,
nDTSize * nBlockXSize, &sExtraArg);
/* IWriteBlock() */
CPLErr GDALRasterBandFromArray::IWriteBlock(int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff,
void *pImage)
const int nDTSize(GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eDataType));
const int nXOff = nBlockXOff * nBlockXSize;
const int nYOff = nBlockYOff * nBlockYSize;
const int nReqXSize = std::min(nRasterXSize - nXOff, nBlockXSize);
const int nReqYSize = std::min(nRasterYSize - nYOff, nBlockYSize);
GDALRasterIOExtraArg sExtraArg;
return IRasterIO(GF_Write, nXOff, nYOff, nReqXSize, nReqYSize, pImage,
nReqXSize, nReqYSize, eDataType, nDTSize,
nDTSize * nBlockXSize, &sExtraArg);
/* IRasterIO() */
CPLErr GDALRasterBandFromArray::IRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff,
int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
void *pData, int nBufXSize,
int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType,
GSpacing nPixelSpaceBuf,
GSpacing nLineSpaceBuf,
GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg)
auto l_poDS(cpl::down_cast<GDALDatasetFromArray *>(poDS));
const auto &poArray(l_poDS->m_poArray);
const int nBufferDTSize(GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eBufType));
if (nXSize == nBufXSize && nYSize == nBufYSize && nBufferDTSize > 0 &&
(nPixelSpaceBuf % nBufferDTSize) == 0 &&
(nLineSpaceBuf % nBufferDTSize) == 0)
m_anOffset[l_poDS->m_iXDim] = static_cast<GUInt64>(nXOff);
m_anCount[l_poDS->m_iXDim] = static_cast<size_t>(nXSize);
m_anStride[l_poDS->m_iXDim] =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nPixelSpaceBuf / nBufferDTSize);
if (poArray->GetDimensionCount() >= 2)
m_anOffset[l_poDS->m_iYDim] = static_cast<GUInt64>(nYOff);
m_anCount[l_poDS->m_iYDim] = static_cast<size_t>(nYSize);
m_anStride[l_poDS->m_iYDim] =
static_cast<GPtrDiff_t>(nLineSpaceBuf / nBufferDTSize);
if (eRWFlag == GF_Read)
return poArray->Read(m_anOffset.data(), m_anCount.data(), nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(eBufType), pData)
? CE_None
: CE_Failure;
return poArray->Write(m_anOffset.data(), m_anCount.data(), nullptr,
GDALExtendedDataType::Create(eBufType), pData)
? CE_None
: CE_Failure;
return GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO(eRWFlag, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eBufType,
nPixelSpaceBuf, nLineSpaceBuf, psExtraArg);
/* AsClassicDataset() */
/** Return a view of this array as a "classic" GDALDataset (ie 2D)
* In the case of > 2D arrays, additional dimensions will be represented as
* raster bands.
* The "reverse" method is GDALRasterBand::AsMDArray().
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayAsClassicDataset().
* @param iXDim Index of the dimension that will be used as the X/width axis.
* @param iYDim Index of the dimension that will be used as the Y/height axis.
* Ignored if the dimension count is 1.
* @return a new GDALDataset that must be freed with GDALClose(), or nullptr
GDALDataset *GDALMDArray::AsClassicDataset(size_t iXDim, size_t iYDim) const
auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GDALMDArray>(m_pSelf.lock());
if (!self)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Driver implementation issue: m_pSelf not set !");
return nullptr;
const auto nDimCount(GetDimensionCount());
if (nDimCount == 0)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Unsupported number of dimensions");
return nullptr;
if (GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_NUMERIC ||
GetDataType().GetNumericDataType() == GDT_Unknown)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Only arrays with numeric data types "
"can be exposed as classic GDALDataset");
return nullptr;
if (iXDim >= nDimCount ||
(nDimCount >= 2 && (iYDim >= nDimCount || iXDim == iYDim)))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "Invalid iXDim and/or iYDim");
return nullptr;
GUInt64 nBands = 1;
const auto &dims(GetDimensions());
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDimCount; ++i)
if (i != iXDim && !(nDimCount >= 2 && i == iYDim))
if (dims[i]->GetSize() > 65536 / nBands)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
"Too many bands. Operate on a sliced view");
return nullptr;
nBands *= dims[i]->GetSize();
return new GDALDatasetFromArray(self, iXDim, iYDim);
/* GetStatistics() */
* \brief Fetch statistics.
* Returns the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of all
* pixel values in this array.
* If bForce is FALSE results will only be returned if it can be done
* quickly (i.e. without scanning the data). If bForce is FALSE and
* results cannot be returned efficiently, the method will return CE_Warning
* but no warning will have been issued. This is a non-standard use of
* the CE_Warning return value to indicate "nothing done".
* When cached statistics are not available, and bForce is TRUE,
* ComputeStatistics() is called.
* Note that file formats using PAM (Persistent Auxiliary Metadata) services
* will generally cache statistics in the .aux.xml file allowing fast fetch
* after the first request.
* Cached statistics can be cleared with GDALDataset::ClearStatistics().
* This method is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayGetStatistics().
* @param bApproxOK Currently ignored. In the future, should be set to true
* if statistics on the whole array are wished, or to false if a subset of it
* may be used.
* @param bForce If false statistics will only be returned if it can
* be done without rescanning the image.
* @param pdfMin Location into which to load image minimum (may be NULL).
* @param pdfMax Location into which to load image maximum (may be NULL).-
* @param pdfMean Location into which to load image mean (may be NULL).
* @param pdfStdDev Location into which to load image standard deviation
* (may be NULL).
* @param pnValidCount Number of samples whose value is different from the
* nodata value. (may be NULL)
* @param pfnProgress a function to call to report progress, or NULL.
* @param pProgressData application data to pass to the progress function.
* @return CE_None on success, CE_Warning if no values returned,
* CE_Failure if an error occurs.
* @since GDAL 3.2
CPLErr GDALMDArray::GetStatistics(bool bApproxOK, bool bForce, double *pdfMin,
double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean,
double *pdfStdDev, GUInt64 *pnValidCount,
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
void *pProgressData)
if (!bForce)
return CE_Warning;
return ComputeStatistics(bApproxOK, pdfMin, pdfMax, pdfMean, pdfStdDev,
pnValidCount, pfnProgress, pProgressData)
? CE_None
: CE_Failure;
/* ComputeStatistics() */
* \brief Compute statistics.
* Returns the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of all
* pixel values in this array.
* Pixels taken into account in statistics are those whose mask value
* (as determined by GetMask()) is non-zero.
* Once computed, the statistics will generally be "set" back on the
* owing dataset.
* Cached statistics can be cleared with GDALDataset::ClearStatistics().
* This method is the same as the C function GDALMDArrayComputeStatistics().
* @param bApproxOK Currently ignored. In the future, should be set to true
* if statistics on the whole array are wished, or to false if a subset of it
* may be used.
* @param pdfMin Location into which to load image minimum (may be NULL).
* @param pdfMax Location into which to load image maximum (may be NULL).-
* @param pdfMean Location into which to load image mean (may be NULL).
* @param pdfStdDev Location into which to load image standard deviation
* (may be NULL).
* @param pnValidCount Number of samples whose value is different from the
* nodata value. (may be NULL)
* @param pfnProgress a function to call to report progress, or NULL.
* @param pProgressData application data to pass to the progress function.
* @return true on success
* @since GDAL 3.2
bool GDALMDArray::ComputeStatistics(bool bApproxOK, double *pdfMin,
double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean,
double *pdfStdDev, GUInt64 *pnValidCount,
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
void *pProgressData)
struct StatsPerChunkType
const GDALMDArray *array = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> poMask{};
double dfMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double dfMax = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double dfMean = 0.0;
double dfM2 = 0.0;
GUInt64 nValidCount = 0;
std::vector<GByte> abyData{};
std::vector<double> adfData{};
std::vector<GByte> abyMaskData{};
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress = nullptr;
void *pProgressData = nullptr;
const auto PerChunkFunc = [](GDALAbstractMDArray *,
const GUInt64 *chunkArrayStartIdx,
const size_t *chunkCount, GUInt64 iCurChunk,
GUInt64 nChunkCount, void *pUserData)
StatsPerChunkType *data = static_cast<StatsPerChunkType *>(pUserData);
const GDALMDArray *array = data->array;
const GDALMDArray *poMask = data->poMask.get();
const size_t nDims = array->GetDimensionCount();
size_t nVals = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
nVals *= chunkCount[i];
// Get mask
if (!(poMask->Read(chunkArrayStartIdx, chunkCount, nullptr, nullptr,
poMask->GetDataType(), &data->abyMaskData[0])))
return false;
// Get data
const auto &oType = array->GetDataType();
if (oType.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_Float64)
if (!array->Read(chunkArrayStartIdx, chunkCount, nullptr, nullptr,
oType, &data->adfData[0]))
return false;
data->abyData.resize(nVals * oType.GetSize());
if (!array->Read(chunkArrayStartIdx, chunkCount, nullptr, nullptr,
oType, &data->abyData[0]))
return false;
GDALCopyWords64(&data->abyData[0], oType.GetNumericDataType(),
&data->adfData[0], GDT_Float64,
for (size_t i = 0; i < nVals; i++)
if (data->abyMaskData[i])
const double dfValue = data->adfData[i];
data->dfMin = std::min(data->dfMin, dfValue);
data->dfMax = std::max(data->dfMax, dfValue);
const double dfDelta = dfValue - data->dfMean;
data->dfMean += dfDelta / data->nValidCount;
data->dfM2 += dfDelta * (dfValue - data->dfMean);
if (data->pfnProgress &&
!data->pfnProgress(static_cast<double>(iCurChunk + 1) / nChunkCount,
"", data->pProgressData))
return false;
return true;
const auto &oType = GetDataType();
if (oType.GetClass() != GEDTC_NUMERIC ||
CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"Statistics can only be computed on non-complex numeric data type");
return false;
const size_t nDims = GetDimensionCount();
std::vector<GUInt64> arrayStartIdx(nDims);
std::vector<GUInt64> count(nDims);
const auto &poDims = GetDimensions();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
count[i] = poDims[i]->GetSize();
const char *pszSwathSize = CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_SWATH_SIZE", nullptr);
const size_t nMaxChunkSize =
? static_cast<size_t>(
std::min(GIntBig(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2),
: static_cast<size_t>(
std::min(GIntBig(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2),
GDALGetCacheMax64() / 4));
StatsPerChunkType sData;
sData.array = this;
sData.poMask = GetMask(nullptr);
if (sData.poMask == nullptr)
return false;
sData.pfnProgress = pfnProgress;
sData.pProgressData = pProgressData;
if (!ProcessPerChunk(arrayStartIdx.data(), count.data(),
PerChunkFunc, &sData))
return false;
if (pdfMin)
*pdfMin = sData.dfMin;
if (pdfMax)
*pdfMax = sData.dfMax;
if (pdfMean)
*pdfMean = sData.dfMean;
const double dfStdDev =
sData.nValidCount > 0 ? sqrt(sData.dfM2 / sData.nValidCount) : 0.0;
if (pdfStdDev)
*pdfStdDev = dfStdDev;
if (pnValidCount)
*pnValidCount = sData.nValidCount;
SetStatistics(bApproxOK, sData.dfMin, sData.dfMax, sData.dfMean, dfStdDev,
return true;
/* SetStatistics() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
bool GDALMDArray::SetStatistics(bool /* bApproxStats */, double /* dfMin */,
double /* dfMax */, double /* dfMean */,
double /* dfStdDev */,
GUInt64 /* nValidCount */)
CPLDebug("GDAL", "Cannot save statistics on a non-PAM MDArray");
return false;
//! @endcond
/* ClearStatistics() */
* \brief Clear statistics.
* @since GDAL 3.4
void GDALMDArray::ClearStatistics()
/* GetCoordinateVariables() */
* \brief Return coordinate variables.
* Coordinate variables are an alternate way of indexing an array that can
* be sometimes used. For example, an array collected through remote sensing
* might be indexed by (scanline, pixel). But there can be
* a longitude and latitude arrays alongside that are also both indexed by
* (scanline, pixel), and are referenced from operational arrays for
* reprojection purposes.
* For netCDF, this will return the arrays referenced by the "coordinates"
* attribute.
* This method is the same as the C function
* GDALMDArrayGetCoordinateVariables().
* @return a vector of arrays
* @since GDAL 3.4
GDALMDArray::GetCoordinateVariables() const
return {};
/* ~GDALExtendedDataType() */
GDALExtendedDataType::~GDALExtendedDataType() = default;
/* GDALExtendedDataType() */
GDALExtendedDataType::GDALExtendedDataType(size_t nMaxStringLength,
GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType eSubType)
: m_eClass(GEDTC_STRING), m_eSubType(eSubType), m_nSize(sizeof(char *)),
/* GDALExtendedDataType() */
GDALExtendedDataType::GDALExtendedDataType(GDALDataType eType)
: m_eClass(GEDTC_NUMERIC), m_eNumericDT(eType),
/* GDALExtendedDataType() */
const std::string &osName, size_t nTotalSize,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent>> &&components)
: m_osName(osName), m_eClass(GEDTC_COMPOUND),
m_aoComponents(std::move(components)), m_nSize(nTotalSize)
/* GDALExtendedDataType() */
/** Copy constructor. */
GDALExtendedDataType::GDALExtendedDataType(const GDALExtendedDataType &other)
: m_osName(other.m_osName), m_eClass(other.m_eClass),
m_eSubType(other.m_eSubType), m_eNumericDT(other.m_eNumericDT),
m_nSize(other.m_nSize), m_nMaxStringLength(other.m_nMaxStringLength)
if (m_eClass == GEDTC_COMPOUND)
for (const auto &elt : other.m_aoComponents)
m_aoComponents.emplace_back(new GDALEDTComponent(*elt));
/* operator= () */
/** Move assignment. */
GDALExtendedDataType &
GDALExtendedDataType::operator=(GDALExtendedDataType &&other)
m_osName = std::move(other.m_osName);
m_eClass = other.m_eClass;
m_eSubType = other.m_eSubType;
m_eNumericDT = other.m_eNumericDT;
m_nSize = other.m_nSize;
m_nMaxStringLength = other.m_nMaxStringLength;
m_aoComponents = std::move(other.m_aoComponents);
other.m_eClass = GEDTC_NUMERIC;
other.m_eNumericDT = GDT_Unknown;
other.m_nSize = 0;
other.m_nMaxStringLength = 0;
return *this;
/* Create() */
/** Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_NUMERIC.
* This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataTypeCreate()
* @param eType Numeric data type.
GDALExtendedDataType GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDALDataType eType)
return GDALExtendedDataType(eType);
/* Create() */
/** Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_COMPOUND.
* This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateCompound()
* @param osName Type name.
* @param nTotalSize Total size of the type in bytes.
* Should be large enough to store all components.
* @param components Components of the compound type.
GDALExtendedDataType GDALExtendedDataType::Create(
const std::string &osName, size_t nTotalSize,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent>> &&components)
size_t nLastOffset = 0;
// Some arbitrary threshold to avoid potential integer overflows
if (nTotalSize > static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max() / 2))
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid offset/size");
return GDALExtendedDataType(GDT_Unknown);
for (const auto &comp : components)
// Check alignment too ?
if (comp->GetOffset() < nLastOffset)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid offset/size");
return GDALExtendedDataType(GDT_Unknown);
nLastOffset = comp->GetOffset() + comp->GetType().GetSize();
if (nTotalSize < nLastOffset)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid offset/size");
return GDALExtendedDataType(GDT_Unknown);
if (nTotalSize == 0 || components.empty())
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Empty compound not allowed");
return GDALExtendedDataType(GDT_Unknown);
return GDALExtendedDataType(osName, nTotalSize, std::move(components));
/* Create() */
/** Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_STRING.
* This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateString().
* @param nMaxStringLength maximum length of a string in bytes. 0 if
* unknown/unlimited
* @param eSubType Subtype.
GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString(size_t nMaxStringLength,
GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType eSubType)
return GDALExtendedDataType(nMaxStringLength, eSubType);
/* operator==() */
/** Equality operator.
* This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataTypeEquals().
bool GDALExtendedDataType::operator==(const GDALExtendedDataType &other) const
if (m_eClass != other.m_eClass || m_eSubType != other.m_eSubType ||
m_nSize != other.m_nSize || m_osName != other.m_osName)
return false;
if (m_eClass == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
return m_eNumericDT == other.m_eNumericDT;
if (m_eClass == GEDTC_STRING)
return true;
CPLAssert(m_eClass == GEDTC_COMPOUND);
if (m_aoComponents.size() != other.m_aoComponents.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_aoComponents.size(); i++)
if (!(*m_aoComponents[i] == *other.m_aoComponents[i]))
return false;
return true;
/* CanConvertTo() */
/** Return whether this data type can be converted to the other one.
* This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataTypeCanConvertTo().
* @param other Target data type for the conversion being considered.
bool GDALExtendedDataType::CanConvertTo(const GDALExtendedDataType &other) const
if (m_eClass == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
if (m_eNumericDT == GDT_Unknown)
return false;
if (other.m_eClass == GEDTC_NUMERIC &&
other.m_eNumericDT == GDT_Unknown)
return false;
return other.m_eClass == GEDTC_NUMERIC ||
other.m_eClass == GEDTC_STRING;
if (m_eClass == GEDTC_STRING)
return other.m_eClass == m_eClass;
CPLAssert(m_eClass == GEDTC_COMPOUND);
if (other.m_eClass != GEDTC_COMPOUND)
return false;
std::map<std::string, const std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent> *>
for (const auto &srcComp : m_aoComponents)
srcComponents[srcComp->GetName()] = &srcComp;
for (const auto &dstComp : other.m_aoComponents)
auto oIter = srcComponents.find(dstComp->GetName());
if (oIter == srcComponents.end())
return false;
if (!(*(oIter->second))->GetType().CanConvertTo(dstComp->GetType()))
return false;
return true;
/* NeedsFreeDynamicMemory() */
/** Return whether the data type holds dynamically allocated memory, that
* needs to be freed with FreeDynamicMemory().
bool GDALExtendedDataType::NeedsFreeDynamicMemory() const
switch (m_eClass)
return true;
return false;
for (const auto &comp : m_aoComponents)
if (comp->GetType().NeedsFreeDynamicMemory())
return true;
return false;
/* FreeDynamicMemory() */
/** Release the dynamic memory (strings typically) from a raw value.
* This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataTypeFreeDynamicMemory().
* @param pBuffer Raw buffer of a single element of an attribute or array value.
void GDALExtendedDataType::FreeDynamicMemory(void *pBuffer) const
switch (m_eClass)
char *pszStr;
memcpy(&pszStr, pBuffer, sizeof(char *));
if (pszStr)
GByte *pabyBuffer = static_cast<GByte *>(pBuffer);
for (const auto &comp : m_aoComponents)
comp->GetType().FreeDynamicMemory(pabyBuffer +
/* ~GDALEDTComponent() */
GDALEDTComponent::~GDALEDTComponent() = default;
/* GDALEDTComponent() */
/** constructor of a GDALEDTComponent
* This is the same as the C function GDALEDTComponendCreate()
* @param name Component name
* @param offset Offset in byte of the component in the compound data type.
* In case of nesting of compound data type, this should be
* the offset to the immediate belonging data type, not to the
* higher level one.
* @param type Component data type.
GDALEDTComponent::GDALEDTComponent(const std::string &name, size_t offset,
const GDALExtendedDataType &type)
: m_osName(name), m_nOffset(offset), m_oType(type)
/* GDALEDTComponent() */
/** Copy constructor. */
GDALEDTComponent::GDALEDTComponent(const GDALEDTComponent &) = default;
/* operator==() */
/** Equality operator.
bool GDALEDTComponent::operator==(const GDALEDTComponent &other) const
return m_osName == other.m_osName && m_nOffset == other.m_nOffset &&
m_oType == other.m_oType;
/* ~GDALDimension() */
GDALDimension::~GDALDimension() = default;
/* GDALDimension() */
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
/** Constructor.
* @param osParentName Parent name
* @param osName name
* @param osType type. See GetType().
* @param osDirection direction. See GetDirection().
* @param nSize size.
GDALDimension::GDALDimension(const std::string &osParentName,
const std::string &osName,
const std::string &osType,
const std::string &osDirection, GUInt64 nSize)
: m_osName(osName),
? ((osParentName == "/" ? "/" : osParentName + "/") + osName)
: osName),
m_osType(osType), m_osDirection(osDirection), m_nSize(nSize)
//! @endcond
/* GetIndexingVariable() */
/** Return the variable that is used to index the dimension (if there is one).
* This is the array, typically one-dimensional, describing the values taken
* by the dimension.
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> GDALDimension::GetIndexingVariable() const
return nullptr;
/* SetIndexingVariable() */
/** Set the variable that is used to index the dimension.
* This is the array, typically one-dimensional, describing the values taken
* by the dimension.
* Optionally implemented by drivers.
* Drivers known to implement it: MEM.
* @param poArray Variable to use to index the dimension.
* @return true in case of success.
bool GDALDimension::SetIndexingVariable(
CPL_UNUSED std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> poArray)
CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
"SetIndexingVariable() not implemented");
return false;
/* C API */
struct GDALExtendedDataTypeHS
std::unique_ptr<GDALExtendedDataType> m_poImpl;
explicit GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(GDALExtendedDataType *dt) : m_poImpl(dt)
struct GDALEDTComponentHS
std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent> m_poImpl;
explicit GDALEDTComponentHS(const GDALEDTComponent &component)
: m_poImpl(new GDALEDTComponent(component))
struct GDALGroupHS
std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> m_poImpl;
explicit GDALGroupHS(const std::shared_ptr<GDALGroup> &poGroup)
: m_poImpl(poGroup)
struct GDALMDArrayHS
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> m_poImpl;
explicit GDALMDArrayHS(const std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> &poArray)
: m_poImpl(poArray)
struct GDALAttributeHS
std::shared_ptr<GDALAttribute> m_poImpl;
explicit GDALAttributeHS(const std::shared_ptr<GDALAttribute> &poAttr)
: m_poImpl(poAttr)
struct GDALDimensionHS
std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension> m_poImpl;
explicit GDALDimensionHS(const std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension> &poDim)
: m_poImpl(poDim)
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeCreate() */
/** Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_NUMERIC.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::Create()
* The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
* @param eType Numeric data type.
* @return a new GDALExtendedDataTypeH handle, or nullptr.
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALExtendedDataTypeCreate(GDALDataType eType)
return new GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(
new GDALExtendedDataType(GDALExtendedDataType::Create(eType)));
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateString() */
/** Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_STRING.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString()
* The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
* @return a new GDALExtendedDataTypeH handle, or nullptr.
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateString(size_t nMaxStringLength)
return new GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(new GDALExtendedDataType(
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateStringEx() */
/** Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_STRING.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString()
* The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
* @return a new GDALExtendedDataTypeH handle, or nullptr.
* @since GDAL 3.4
GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateStringEx(size_t nMaxStringLength,
GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType eSubType)
return new GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(new GDALExtendedDataType(
GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString(nMaxStringLength, eSubType)));
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateCompound() */
/** Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_COMPOUND.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::Create(const
* std::string&, size_t, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent>>&&)
* The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
* @param pszName Type name.
* @param nTotalSize Total size of the type in bytes.
* Should be large enough to store all components.
* @param nComponents Number of components in comps array.
* @param comps Components.
* @return a new GDALExtendedDataTypeH handle, or nullptr.
GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateCompound(const char *pszName, size_t nTotalSize,
size_t nComponents,
const GDALEDTComponentH *comps)
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent>> compsCpp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nComponents; i++)
new GDALEDTComponent(*(comps[i]->m_poImpl.get()))));
auto dt = GDALExtendedDataType::Create(pszName ? pszName : "", nTotalSize,
if (dt.GetClass() != GEDTC_COMPOUND)
return nullptr;
return new GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(new GDALExtendedDataType(dt));
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease() */
/** Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALExtendedDataTypeH.
* Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not
* destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
void GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT)
delete hEDT;
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeGetName() */
/** Return type name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetName()
const char *GDALExtendedDataTypeGetName(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, "");
return hEDT->m_poImpl->GetName().c_str();
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeGetClass() */
/** Return type class.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetClass()
GDALExtendedDataTypeGetClass(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT)
return hEDT->m_poImpl->GetClass();
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeGetNumericDataType() */
/** Return numeric data type (only valid when GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetNumericDataType()
GDALDataType GDALExtendedDataTypeGetNumericDataType(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, GDT_Unknown);
return hEDT->m_poImpl->GetNumericDataType();
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSize() */
/** Return data type size in bytes.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetSize()
size_t GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSize(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, 0);
return hEDT->m_poImpl->GetSize();
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeGetMaxStringLength() */
/** Return the maximum length of a string in bytes.
* 0 indicates unknown/unlimited string.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetMaxStringLength()
size_t GDALExtendedDataTypeGetMaxStringLength(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, 0);
return hEDT->m_poImpl->GetMaxStringLength();
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeCanConvertTo() */
/** Return whether this data type can be converted to the other one.
* This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataType::CanConvertTo()
* @param hSourceEDT Source data type for the conversion being considered.
* @param hTargetEDT Target data type for the conversion being considered.
* @return TRUE if hSourceEDT can be convert to hTargetEDT. FALSE otherwise.
int GDALExtendedDataTypeCanConvertTo(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hSourceEDT,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH hTargetEDT)
return hSourceEDT->m_poImpl->CanConvertTo(*(hTargetEDT->m_poImpl));
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeEquals() */
/** Return whether this data type is equal to another one.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::operator==()
* @param hFirstEDT First data type.
* @param hSecondEDT Second data type.
* @return TRUE if they are equal. FALSE otherwise.
int GDALExtendedDataTypeEquals(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hFirstEDT,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH hSecondEDT)
return *(hFirstEDT->m_poImpl) == *(hSecondEDT->m_poImpl);
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSubType() */
/** Return the subtype of a type.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetSubType()
* @param hEDT Data type.
* @return subtype.
* @since 3.4
GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSubType(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT)
return hEDT->m_poImpl->GetSubType();
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents() */
/** Return the components of the data type (only valid when GetClass() ==
* The returned array and its content must be freed with
* GDALExtendedDataTypeFreeComponents(). If only the array itself needs to be
* freed, CPLFree() should be called (and GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease() on
* individual array members).
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetComponents()
* @param hEDT Data type
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @return an array of *pnCount components.
GDALEDTComponentH *GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents(GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT,
size_t *pnCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
const auto &components = hEDT->m_poImpl->GetComponents();
auto ret = static_cast<GDALEDTComponentH *>(
CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALEDTComponentH) * components.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < components.size(); i++)
ret[i] = new GDALEDTComponentHS(*components[i].get());
*pnCount = components.size();
return ret;
/* GDALExtendedDataTypeFreeComponents() */
/** Free the return of GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents().
* @param components return value of GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents()
* @param nCount *pnCount value returned by GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents()
void GDALExtendedDataTypeFreeComponents(GDALEDTComponentH *components,
size_t nCount)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
delete components[i];
/* GDALEDTComponentCreate() */
/** Create a new GDALEDTComponent.
* The returned value must be freed with GDALEDTComponentRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ constructor GDALEDTComponent::GDALEDTComponent().
GDALEDTComponentH GDALEDTComponentCreate(const char *pszName, size_t nOffset,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH hType)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszName, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hType, __func__, nullptr);
return new GDALEDTComponentHS(
GDALEDTComponent(pszName, nOffset, *(hType->m_poImpl.get())));
/* GDALEDTComponentRelease() */
/** Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALEDTComponentH.
* Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not
* destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
void GDALEDTComponentRelease(GDALEDTComponentH hComp)
delete hComp;
/* GDALEDTComponentGetName() */
/** Return the name.
* The returned pointer is valid until hComp is released.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALEDTComponent::GetName().
const char *GDALEDTComponentGetName(GDALEDTComponentH hComp)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hComp, __func__, nullptr);
return hComp->m_poImpl->GetName().c_str();
/* GDALEDTComponentGetOffset() */
/** Return the offset (in bytes) of the component in the compound data type.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALEDTComponent::GetOffset().
size_t GDALEDTComponentGetOffset(GDALEDTComponentH hComp)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hComp, __func__, 0);
return hComp->m_poImpl->GetOffset();
/* GDALEDTComponentGetType() */
/** Return the data type of the component.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALEDTComponent::GetType().
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALEDTComponentGetType(GDALEDTComponentH hComp)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hComp, __func__, nullptr);
return new GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(
new GDALExtendedDataType(hComp->m_poImpl->GetType()));
/* GDALGroupRelease() */
/** Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALGroupH.
* Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not
* destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
void GDALGroupRelease(GDALGroupH hGroup)
delete hGroup;
/* GDALGroupGetName() */
/** Return the name of the group.
* The returned pointer is valid until hGroup is released.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetName().
const char *GDALGroupGetName(GDALGroupH hGroup)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
return hGroup->m_poImpl->GetName().c_str();
/* GDALGroupGetFullName() */
/** Return the full name of the group.
* The returned pointer is valid until hGroup is released.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetFullName().
const char *GDALGroupGetFullName(GDALGroupH hGroup)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
return hGroup->m_poImpl->GetFullName().c_str();
/* GDALGroupGetMDArrayNames() */
/** Return the list of multidimensional array names contained in this group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetGroupNames().
* @return the array names, to be freed with CSLDestroy()
char **GDALGroupGetMDArrayNames(GDALGroupH hGroup, CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
auto names = hGroup->m_poImpl->GetMDArrayNames(papszOptions);
CPLStringList res;
for (const auto &name : names)
return res.StealList();
/* GDALGroupOpenMDArray() */
/** Open and return a multidimensional array.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::OpenMDArray().
* @return the array, to be freed with GDALMDArrayRelease(), or nullptr.
GDALMDArrayH GDALGroupOpenMDArray(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszMDArrayName,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszMDArrayName, __func__, nullptr);
auto array = hGroup->m_poImpl->OpenMDArray(std::string(pszMDArrayName),
if (!array)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(array);
/* GDALGroupOpenMDArrayFromFullname() */
/** Open and return a multidimensional array from its fully qualified name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::OpenMDArrayFromFullname().
* @return the array, to be freed with GDALMDArrayRelease(), or nullptr.
* @since GDAL 3.2
GDALMDArrayH GDALGroupOpenMDArrayFromFullname(GDALGroupH hGroup,
const char *pszFullname,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszFullname, __func__, nullptr);
auto array = hGroup->m_poImpl->OpenMDArrayFromFullname(
std::string(pszFullname), papszOptions);
if (!array)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(array);
/* GDALGroupResolveMDArray() */
/** Locate an array in a group and its subgroups by name.
* See GDALGroup::ResolveMDArray() for description of the behavior.
* @since GDAL 3.2
GDALMDArrayH GDALGroupResolveMDArray(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName,
const char *pszStartingPoint,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszName, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszStartingPoint, __func__, nullptr);
auto array = hGroup->m_poImpl->ResolveMDArray(
std::string(pszName), std::string(pszStartingPoint), papszOptions);
if (!array)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(array);
/* GDALGroupGetGroupNames() */
/** Return the list of sub-groups contained in this group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetGroupNames().
* @return the group names, to be freed with CSLDestroy()
char **GDALGroupGetGroupNames(GDALGroupH hGroup, CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
auto names = hGroup->m_poImpl->GetGroupNames(papszOptions);
CPLStringList res;
for (const auto &name : names)
return res.StealList();
/* GDALGroupOpenGroup() */
/** Open and return a sub-group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::OpenGroup().
* @return the sub-group, to be freed with GDALGroupRelease(), or nullptr.
GDALGroupH GDALGroupOpenGroup(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszSubGroupName,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszSubGroupName, __func__, nullptr);
auto subGroup =
hGroup->m_poImpl->OpenGroup(std::string(pszSubGroupName), papszOptions);
if (!subGroup)
return nullptr;
return new GDALGroupHS(subGroup);
/* GDALGroupGetVectorLayerNames() */
/** Return the list of layer names contained in this group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetVectorLayerNames().
* @return the group names, to be freed with CSLDestroy()
* @since 3.4
char **GDALGroupGetVectorLayerNames(GDALGroupH hGroup,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
auto names = hGroup->m_poImpl->GetVectorLayerNames(papszOptions);
CPLStringList res;
for (const auto &name : names)
return res.StealList();
/* GDALGroupOpenVectorLayer() */
/** Open and return a vector layer.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::OpenVectorLayer().
* Note that the vector layer is owned by its parent GDALDatasetH, and thus
* the returned handled if only valid while the parent GDALDatasetH is kept
* opened.
* @return the vector layer, or nullptr.
* @since 3.4
OGRLayerH GDALGroupOpenVectorLayer(GDALGroupH hGroup,
const char *pszVectorLayerName,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszVectorLayerName, __func__, nullptr);
return OGRLayer::ToHandle(hGroup->m_poImpl->OpenVectorLayer(
std::string(pszVectorLayerName), papszOptions));
/* GDALGroupOpenMDArrayFromFullname() */
/** Open and return a sub-group from its fully qualified name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::OpenGroupFromFullname().
* @return the sub-group, to be freed with GDALGroupRelease(), or nullptr.
* @since GDAL 3.2
GDALGroupH GDALGroupOpenGroupFromFullname(GDALGroupH hGroup,
const char *pszFullname,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszFullname, __func__, nullptr);
auto subGroup = hGroup->m_poImpl->OpenGroupFromFullname(
std::string(pszFullname), papszOptions);
if (!subGroup)
return nullptr;
return new GDALGroupHS(subGroup);
/* GDALGroupGetDimensions() */
/** Return the list of dimensions contained in this group and used by its
* arrays.
* The returned array must be freed with GDALReleaseDimensions(). If only the
* array itself needs to be freed, CPLFree() should be called (and
* GDALDimensionRelease() on individual array members).
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetDimensions().
* @param hGroup Group.
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how dimensions
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return an array of *pnCount dimensions.
GDALDimensionH *GDALGroupGetDimensions(GDALGroupH hGroup, size_t *pnCount,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
auto dims = hGroup->m_poImpl->GetDimensions(papszOptions);
auto ret = static_cast<GDALDimensionH *>(
CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALDimensionH) * dims.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
ret[i] = new GDALDimensionHS(dims[i]);
*pnCount = dims.size();
return ret;
/* GDALGroupGetAttribute() */
/** Return an attribute by its name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALIHasAttribute::GetAttribute()
* The returned attribute must be freed with GDALAttributeRelease().
GDALAttributeH GDALGroupGetAttribute(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszName, __func__, nullptr);
auto attr = hGroup->m_poImpl->GetAttribute(std::string(pszName));
if (attr)
return new GDALAttributeHS(attr);
return nullptr;
/* GDALGroupGetAttributes() */
/** Return the list of attributes contained in this group.
* The returned array must be freed with GDALReleaseAttributes(). If only the
* array itself needs to be freed, CPLFree() should be called (and
* GDALAttributeRelease() on individual array members).
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetAttributes().
* @param hGroup Group.
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how attributes
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return an array of *pnCount attributes.
GDALAttributeH *GDALGroupGetAttributes(GDALGroupH hGroup, size_t *pnCount,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
auto attrs = hGroup->m_poImpl->GetAttributes(papszOptions);
auto ret = static_cast<GDALAttributeH *>(
CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALAttributeH) * attrs.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < attrs.size(); i++)
ret[i] = new GDALAttributeHS(attrs[i]);
*pnCount = attrs.size();
return ret;
/* GDALGroupGetStructuralInfo() */
/** Return structural information on the group.
* This may be the compression, etc..
* The return value should not be freed and is valid until GDALGroup is
* released or this function called again.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::GetStructuralInfo().
CSLConstList GDALGroupGetStructuralInfo(GDALGroupH hGroup)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
return hGroup->m_poImpl->GetStructuralInfo();
/* GDALReleaseAttributes() */
/** Free the return of GDALGroupGetAttributes() or GDALMDArrayGetAttributes()
* @param attributes return pointer of above methods
* @param nCount *pnCount value returned by above methods
void GDALReleaseAttributes(GDALAttributeH *attributes, size_t nCount)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
delete attributes[i];
/* GDALGroupCreateGroup() */
/** Create a sub-group within a group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::CreateGroup().
* @return the sub-group, to be freed with GDALGroupRelease(), or nullptr.
GDALGroupH GDALGroupCreateGroup(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszSubGroupName,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszSubGroupName, __func__, nullptr);
auto ret = hGroup->m_poImpl->CreateGroup(std::string(pszSubGroupName),
if (!ret)
return nullptr;
return new GDALGroupHS(ret);
/* GDALGroupCreateDimension() */
/** Create a dimension within a group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::CreateDimension().
* @return the dimension, to be freed with GDALDimensionRelease(), or nullptr.
GDALDimensionH GDALGroupCreateDimension(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName,
const char *pszType,
const char *pszDirection, GUInt64 nSize,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszName, __func__, nullptr);
auto ret = hGroup->m_poImpl->CreateDimension(
std::string(pszName), std::string(pszType ? pszType : ""),
std::string(pszDirection ? pszDirection : ""), nSize, papszOptions);
if (!ret)
return nullptr;
return new GDALDimensionHS(ret);
/* GDALGroupCreateMDArray() */
/** Create a multidimensional array within a group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::CreateMDArray().
* @return the array, to be freed with GDALMDArrayRelease(), or nullptr.
GDALMDArrayH GDALGroupCreateMDArray(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName,
size_t nDimensions,
GDALDimensionH *pahDimensions,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszName, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, nullptr);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> dims;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDimensions; i++)
auto ret = hGroup->m_poImpl->CreateMDArray(std::string(pszName), dims,
*(hEDT->m_poImpl), papszOptions);
if (!ret)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(ret);
/* GDALGroupCreateAttribute() */
/** Create a attribute within a group.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALGroup::CreateAttribute().
* @return the attribute, to be freed with GDALAttributeRelease(), or nullptr.
GDALAttributeH GDALGroupCreateAttribute(GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName,
size_t nDimensions,
const GUInt64 *panDimensions,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hGroup, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, nullptr);
std::vector<GUInt64> dims;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDimensions; i++)
auto ret = hGroup->m_poImpl->CreateAttribute(
std::string(pszName), dims, *(hEDT->m_poImpl), papszOptions);
if (!ret)
return nullptr;
return new GDALAttributeHS(ret);
/* GDALMDArrayRelease() */
/** Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALMDArray.
* Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not
* destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
void GDALMDArrayRelease(GDALMDArrayH hMDArray)
delete hMDArray;
/* GDALMDArrayGetName() */
/** Return array name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetName()
const char *GDALMDArrayGetName(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetName().c_str();
/* GDALMDArrayGetFullName() */
/** Return array full name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetFullName()
const char *GDALMDArrayGetFullName(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetFullName().c_str();
/* GDALMDArrayGetName() */
/** Return the total number of values in the array.
* This is the same as the C++ method
* GDALAbstractMDArray::GetTotalElementsCount()
GUInt64 GDALMDArrayGetTotalElementsCount(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetTotalElementsCount();
/* GDALMDArrayGetDimensionCount() */
/** Return the number of dimensions.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::GetDimensionCount()
size_t GDALMDArrayGetDimensionCount(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetDimensionCount();
/* GDALMDArrayGetDimensions() */
/** Return the dimensions of the array
* The returned array must be freed with GDALReleaseDimensions(). If only the
* array itself needs to be freed, CPLFree() should be called (and
* GDALDimensionRelease() on individual array members).
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::GetDimensions()
* @param hArray Array.
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @return an array of *pnCount dimensions.
GDALDimensionH *GDALMDArrayGetDimensions(GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
const auto &dims(hArray->m_poImpl->GetDimensions());
auto ret = static_cast<GDALDimensionH *>(
CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALDimensionH) * dims.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
ret[i] = new GDALDimensionHS(dims[i]);
*pnCount = dims.size();
return ret;
/* GDALReleaseDimensions() */
/** Free the return of GDALGroupGetDimensions() or GDALMDArrayGetDimensions()
* @param dims return pointer of above methods
* @param nCount *pnCount value returned by above methods
void GDALReleaseDimensions(GDALDimensionH *dims, size_t nCount)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
delete dims[i];
/* GDALMDArrayGetDataType() */
/** Return the data type
* The return must be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALMDArrayGetDataType(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
return new GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(
new GDALExtendedDataType(hArray->m_poImpl->GetDataType()));
/* GDALMDArrayRead() */
/** Read part or totality of a multidimensional array.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::Read()
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArrayRead(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH bufferDataType, void *pDstBuffer,
const void *pDstBufferAllocStart,
size_t nDstBufferAllocSize)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
if ((arrayStartIdx == nullptr || count == nullptr) &&
hArray->m_poImpl->GetDimensionCount() > 0)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(arrayStartIdx, __func__, FALSE);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(count, __func__, FALSE);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(bufferDataType, __func__, FALSE);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pDstBuffer, __func__, FALSE);
// coverity[var_deref_model]
return hArray->m_poImpl->Read(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep, bufferStride,
*(bufferDataType->m_poImpl), pDstBuffer,
pDstBufferAllocStart, nDstBufferAllocSize);
/* GDALMDArrayWrite() */
/** Write part or totality of a multidimensional array.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::Write()
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArrayWrite(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH bufferDataType,
const void *pSrcBuffer, const void *pSrcBufferAllocStart,
size_t nSrcBufferAllocSize)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
if ((arrayStartIdx == nullptr || count == nullptr) &&
hArray->m_poImpl->GetDimensionCount() > 0)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(arrayStartIdx, __func__, FALSE);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(count, __func__, FALSE);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(bufferDataType, __func__, FALSE);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pSrcBuffer, __func__, FALSE);
// coverity[var_deref_model]
return hArray->m_poImpl->Write(arrayStartIdx, count, arrayStep,
bufferStride, *(bufferDataType->m_poImpl),
pSrcBuffer, pSrcBufferAllocStart,
/* GDALMDArrayAdviseRead() */
/** Advise driver of upcoming read requests.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::AdviseRead()
* @return TRUE in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.2
int GDALMDArrayAdviseRead(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count)
return GDALMDArrayAdviseReadEx(hArray, arrayStartIdx, count, nullptr);
/* GDALMDArrayAdviseReadEx() */
/** Advise driver of upcoming read requests.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::AdviseRead()
* @return TRUE in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.4
int GDALMDArrayAdviseReadEx(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
// coverity[var_deref_model]
return hArray->m_poImpl->AdviseRead(arrayStartIdx, count, papszOptions);
/* GDALMDArrayGetAttribute() */
/** Return an attribute by its name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALIHasAttribute::GetAttribute()
* The returned attribute must be freed with GDALAttributeRelease().
GDALAttributeH GDALMDArrayGetAttribute(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszName)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszName, __func__, nullptr);
auto attr = hArray->m_poImpl->GetAttribute(std::string(pszName));
if (attr)
return new GDALAttributeHS(attr);
return nullptr;
/* GDALMDArrayGetAttributes() */
/** Return the list of attributes contained in this array.
* The returned array must be freed with GDALReleaseAttributes(). If only the
* array itself needs to be freed, CPLFree() should be called (and
* GDALAttributeRelease() on individual array members).
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetAttributes().
* @param hArray Array.
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @param papszOptions Driver specific options determining how attributes
* should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior.
* @return an array of *pnCount attributes.
GDALAttributeH *GDALMDArrayGetAttributes(GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
auto attrs = hArray->m_poImpl->GetAttributes(papszOptions);
auto ret = static_cast<GDALAttributeH *>(
CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALAttributeH) * attrs.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < attrs.size(); i++)
ret[i] = new GDALAttributeHS(attrs[i]);
*pnCount = attrs.size();
return ret;
/* GDALMDArrayCreateAttribute() */
/** Create a attribute within an array.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::CreateAttribute().
* @return the attribute, to be freed with GDALAttributeRelease(), or nullptr.
GDALAttributeH GDALMDArrayCreateAttribute(GDALMDArrayH hArray,
const char *pszName,
size_t nDimensions,
const GUInt64 *panDimensions,
GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszName, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hEDT, __func__, nullptr);
std::vector<GUInt64> dims;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nDimensions; i++)
auto ret = hArray->m_poImpl->CreateAttribute(
std::string(pszName), dims, *(hEDT->m_poImpl), papszOptions);
if (!ret)
return nullptr;
return new GDALAttributeHS(ret);
/* GDALMDArrayGetRawNoDataValue() */
/** Return the nodata value as a "raw" value.
* The value returned might be nullptr in case of no nodata value. When
* a nodata value is registered, a non-nullptr will be returned whose size in
* bytes is GetDataType().GetSize().
* The returned value should not be modified or freed.
* This is the same as the ++ method GDALMDArray::GetRawNoDataValue().
* @return nullptr or a pointer to GetDataType().GetSize() bytes.
const void *GDALMDArrayGetRawNoDataValue(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetRawNoDataValue();
/* GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsDouble() */
/** Return the nodata value as a double.
* The value returned might be nullptr in case of no nodata value. When
* a nodata value is registered, a non-nullptr will be returned whose size in
* bytes is GetDataType().GetSize().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetNoDataValueAsDouble().
* @param hArray Array handle.
* @param pbHasNoDataValue Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true
* if a nodata value exists and can be converted to double. Might be nullptr.
* @return the nodata value as a double. A 0.0 value might also indicate the
* absence of a nodata value or an error in the conversion (*pbHasNoDataValue
* will be set to false then).
double GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsDouble(GDALMDArrayH hArray,
int *pbHasNoDataValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0);
bool bHasNodataValue = false;
double ret = hArray->m_poImpl->GetNoDataValueAsDouble(&bHasNodataValue);
if (pbHasNoDataValue)
*pbHasNoDataValue = bHasNodataValue;
return ret;
/* GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsInt64() */
/** Return the nodata value as a Int64.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetNoDataValueAsInt64().
* @param hArray Array handle.
* @param pbHasNoDataValue Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true
* if a nodata value exists and can be converted to Int64. Might be nullptr.
* @return the nodata value as a Int64.
* @since GDAL 3.5
int64_t GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsInt64(GDALMDArrayH hArray,
int *pbHasNoDataValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0);
bool bHasNodataValue = false;
const auto ret = hArray->m_poImpl->GetNoDataValueAsInt64(&bHasNodataValue);
if (pbHasNoDataValue)
*pbHasNoDataValue = bHasNodataValue;
return ret;
/* GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsUInt64() */
/** Return the nodata value as a UInt64.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetNoDataValueAsInt64().
* @param hArray Array handle.
* @param pbHasNoDataValue Pointer to a output boolean that will be set to true
* if a nodata value exists and can be converted to UInt64. Might be nullptr.
* @return the nodata value as a UInt64.
* @since GDAL 3.5
uint64_t GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsUInt64(GDALMDArrayH hArray,
int *pbHasNoDataValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0);
bool bHasNodataValue = false;
const auto ret = hArray->m_poImpl->GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(&bHasNodataValue);
if (pbHasNoDataValue)
*pbHasNoDataValue = bHasNodataValue;
return ret;
/* GDALMDArraySetRawNoDataValue() */
/** Set the nodata value as a "raw" value.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetRawNoDataValue(const
* void*).
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArraySetRawNoDataValue(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const void *pNoData)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetRawNoDataValue(pNoData);
/* GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsDouble() */
/** Set the nodata value as a double.
* If the natural data type of the attribute/array is not double, type
* conversion will occur to the type returned by GetDataType().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetNoDataValue(double).
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsDouble(GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfNoDataValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetNoDataValue(dfNoDataValue);
/* GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsInt64() */
/** Set the nodata value as a Int64.
* If the natural data type of the attribute/array is not Int64, type conversion
* will occur to the type returned by GetDataType().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetNoDataValue(int64_t).
* @return TRUE in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.5
int GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsInt64(GDALMDArrayH hArray, int64_t nNoDataValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetNoDataValue(nNoDataValue);
/* GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsUInt64() */
/** Set the nodata value as a UInt64.
* If the natural data type of the attribute/array is not UInt64, type
* conversion will occur to the type returned by GetDataType().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetNoDataValue(uint64_t).
* @return TRUE in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.5
int GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsUInt64(GDALMDArrayH hArray,
uint64_t nNoDataValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetNoDataValue(nNoDataValue);
/* GDALMDArrayResize() */
/** Resize an array to new dimensions.
* Not all drivers may allow this operation, and with restrictions (e.g.
* for netCDF, this is limited to growing of "unlimited" dimensions)
* Resizing a dimension used in other arrays will cause those other arrays
* to be resized.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::Resize().
* @param hArray Array.
* @param panNewDimSizes Array of GetDimensionCount() values containing the
* new size of each indexing dimension.
* @param papszOptions Options. (Driver specific)
* @return true in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.7
bool GDALMDArrayResize(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *panNewDimSizes,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, false);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(panNewDimSizes, __func__, false);
std::vector<GUInt64> anNewDimSizes(hArray->m_poImpl->GetDimensionCount());
for (size_t i = 0; i < anNewDimSizes.size(); ++i)
anNewDimSizes[i] = panNewDimSizes[i];
return hArray->m_poImpl->Resize(anNewDimSizes, papszOptions);
/* GDALMDArraySetScale() */
/** Set the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetScale().
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArraySetScale(GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfScale)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetScale(dfScale);
/* GDALMDArraySetScaleEx() */
/** Set the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetScale().
* @return TRUE in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.3
int GDALMDArraySetScaleEx(GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfScale,
GDALDataType eStorageType)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetScale(dfScale, eStorageType);
/* GDALMDArraySetOffset() */
/** Set the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetOffset().
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArraySetOffset(GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfOffset)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetOffset(dfOffset);
/* GDALMDArraySetOffsetEx() */
/** Set the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetOffset() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetOffset().
* @return TRUE in case of success.
* @since GDAL 3.3
int GDALMDArraySetOffsetEx(GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfOffset,
GDALDataType eStorageType)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetOffset(dfOffset, eStorageType);
/* GDALMDArrayGetScale() */
/** Get the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetScale().
* @return the scale value
double GDALMDArrayGetScale(GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0.0);
bool bHasValue = false;
double dfRet = hArray->m_poImpl->GetScale(&bHasValue);
if (pbHasValue)
*pbHasValue = bHasValue;
return dfRet;
/* GDALMDArrayGetScaleEx() */
/** Get the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetScale()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetScale().
* @return the scale value
* @since GDAL 3.3
double GDALMDArrayGetScaleEx(GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue,
GDALDataType *peStorageType)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0.0);
bool bHasValue = false;
double dfRet = hArray->m_poImpl->GetScale(&bHasValue, peStorageType);
if (pbHasValue)
*pbHasValue = bHasValue;
return dfRet;
/* GDALMDArrayGetOffset() */
/** Get the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetOffset().
* @return the scale value
double GDALMDArrayGetOffset(GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0.0);
bool bHasValue = false;
double dfRet = hArray->m_poImpl->GetOffset(&bHasValue);
if (pbHasValue)
*pbHasValue = bHasValue;
return dfRet;
/* GDALMDArrayGetOffsetEx() */
/** Get the scale value to apply to raw values.
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetOffset().
* @return the scale value
* @since GDAL 3.3
double GDALMDArrayGetOffsetEx(GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue,
GDALDataType *peStorageType)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, 0.0);
bool bHasValue = false;
double dfRet = hArray->m_poImpl->GetOffset(&bHasValue, peStorageType);
if (pbHasValue)
*pbHasValue = bHasValue;
return dfRet;
/* GDALMDArrayGetBlockSize() */
/** Return the "natural" block size of the array along all dimensions.
* Some drivers might organize the array in tiles/blocks and reading/writing
* aligned on those tile/block boundaries will be more efficient.
* The returned number of elements in the vector is the same as
* GetDimensionCount(). A value of 0 should be interpreted as no hint regarding
* the natural block size along the considered dimension.
* "Flat" arrays will typically return a vector of values set to 0.
* The default implementation will return a vector of values set to 0.
* This method is used by GetProcessingChunkSize().
* Pedantic note: the returned type is GUInt64, so in the highly unlikeley
* theoretical case of a 32-bit platform, this might exceed its size_t
* allocation capabilities.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::GetBlockSize().
* @return the block size, in number of elements along each dimension.
GUInt64 *GDALMDArrayGetBlockSize(GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
auto res = hArray->m_poImpl->GetBlockSize();
auto ret = static_cast<GUInt64 *>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(GUInt64) * res.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
ret[i] = res[i];
*pnCount = res.size();
return ret;
/* GDALMDArrayGetProcessingChunkSize() */
/** \brief Return an optimal chunk size for read/write operations, given the
* natural block size and memory constraints specified.
* This method will use GetBlockSize() to define a chunk whose dimensions are
* multiple of those returned by GetBlockSize() (unless the block define by
* GetBlockSize() is larger than nMaxChunkMemory, in which case it will be
* returned by this method).
* This is the same as the C++ method
* GDALAbstractMDArray::GetProcessingChunkSize().
* @param hArray Array.
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @param nMaxChunkMemory Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, to use for the
* chunk.
* @return the chunk size, in number of elements along each dimension.
size_t *GDALMDArrayGetProcessingChunkSize(GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount,
size_t nMaxChunkMemory)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
auto res = hArray->m_poImpl->GetProcessingChunkSize(nMaxChunkMemory);
auto ret = static_cast<size_t *>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(size_t) * res.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
ret[i] = res[i];
*pnCount = res.size();
return ret;
/* GDALMDArrayGetStructuralInfo() */
/** Return structural information on the array.
* This may be the compression, etc..
* The return value should not be freed and is valid until GDALMDArray is
* released or this function called again.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetStructuralInfo().
CSLConstList GDALMDArrayGetStructuralInfo(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetStructuralInfo();
/* GDALMDArrayGetView() */
/** Return a view of the array using slicing or field access.
* The returned object should be released with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetView().
GDALMDArrayH GDALMDArrayGetView(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszViewExpr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszViewExpr, __func__, nullptr);
auto sliced = hArray->m_poImpl->GetView(std::string(pszViewExpr));
if (!sliced)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(sliced);
/* GDALMDArrayTranspose() */
/** Return a view of the array whose axis have been reordered.
* The returned object should be released with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::Transpose().
GDALMDArrayH GDALMDArrayTranspose(GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t nNewAxisCount,
const int *panMapNewAxisToOldAxis)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
std::vector<int> anMapNewAxisToOldAxis(nNewAxisCount);
if (nNewAxisCount)
memcpy(&anMapNewAxisToOldAxis[0], panMapNewAxisToOldAxis,
nNewAxisCount * sizeof(int));
auto reordered = hArray->m_poImpl->Transpose(anMapNewAxisToOldAxis);
if (!reordered)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(reordered);
/* GDALMDArrayGetUnscaled() */
/** Return an array that is the unscaled version of the current one.
* That is each value of the unscaled array will be
* unscaled_value = raw_value * GetScale() + GetOffset()
* Starting with GDAL 3.3, the Write() method is implemented and will convert
* from unscaled values to raw values.
* The returned object should be released with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetUnscaled().
GDALMDArrayH GDALMDArrayGetUnscaled(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
auto unscaled = hArray->m_poImpl->GetUnscaled();
if (!unscaled)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(unscaled);
/* GDALMDArrayGetMask() */
/** Return an array that is a mask for the current array
* This array will be of type Byte, with values set to 0 to indicate invalid
* pixels of the current array, and values set to 1 to indicate valid pixels.
* The returned object should be released with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetMask().
GDALMDArrayH GDALMDArrayGetMask(GDALMDArrayH hArray, CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
auto unscaled = hArray->m_poImpl->GetMask(papszOptions);
if (!unscaled)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(unscaled);
/* GDALMDArrayGetResampled() */
/** Return an array that is a resampled / reprojected view of the current array
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetResampled().
* Currently this method can only resample along the last 2 dimensions.
* The returned object should be released with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* @since 3.4
GDALMDArrayH GDALMDArrayGetResampled(GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t nNewDimCount,
const GDALDimensionH *pahNewDims,
GDALRIOResampleAlg resampleAlg,
OGRSpatialReferenceH hTargetSRS,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pahNewDims, __func__, nullptr);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> apoNewDims(nNewDimCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nNewDimCount; ++i)
if (pahNewDims[i])
apoNewDims[i] = pahNewDims[i]->m_poImpl;
auto poNewArray = hArray->m_poImpl->GetResampled(
apoNewDims, resampleAlg, OGRSpatialReference::FromHandle(hTargetSRS),
if (!poNewArray)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(poNewArray);
/* GDALMDArraySetUnit() */
/** Set the variable unit.
* Values should conform as much as possible with those allowed by
* the NetCDF CF conventions:
* http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/cf-conventions.html#units
* but others might be returned.
* Few examples are "meter", "degrees", "second", ...
* Empty value means unknown.
* This is the same as the C function GDALMDArraySetUnit()
* @param hArray array.
* @param pszUnit unit name.
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArraySetUnit(GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszUnit)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetUnit(pszUnit ? pszUnit : "");
/* GDALMDArrayGetUnit() */
/** Return the array unit.
* Values should conform as much as possible with those allowed by
* the NetCDF CF conventions:
* http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/cf-conventions.html#units
* but others might be returned.
* Few examples are "meter", "degrees", "second", ...
* Empty value means unknown.
* The return value should not be freed and is valid until GDALMDArray is
* released or this function called again.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetUnit().
const char *GDALMDArrayGetUnit(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetUnit().c_str();
/* GDALMDArrayGetSpatialRef() */
/** Assign a spatial reference system object to the array.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::SetSpatialRef().
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALMDArraySetSpatialRef(GDALMDArrayH hArray, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSRS)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->SetSpatialRef(
/* GDALMDArrayGetSpatialRef() */
/** Return the spatial reference system object associated with the array.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetSpatialRef().
* The returned object must be freed with OSRDestroySpatialReference().
OGRSpatialReferenceH GDALMDArrayGetSpatialRef(GDALMDArrayH hArray)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
auto poSRS = hArray->m_poImpl->GetSpatialRef();
return poSRS ? OGRSpatialReference::ToHandle(poSRS->Clone()) : nullptr;
/* GDALMDArrayGetStatistics() */
* \brief Fetch statistics.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetStatistics().
* @since GDAL 3.2
CPLErr GDALMDArrayGetStatistics(GDALMDArrayH hArray, GDALDatasetH /*hDS*/,
int bApproxOK, int bForce, double *pdfMin,
double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean,
double *pdfStdDev, GUInt64 *pnValidCount,
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
void *pProgressData)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, CE_Failure);
return hArray->m_poImpl->GetStatistics(
CPL_TO_BOOL(bApproxOK), CPL_TO_BOOL(bForce), pdfMin, pdfMax, pdfMean,
pdfStdDev, pnValidCount, pfnProgress, pProgressData);
/* GDALMDArrayComputeStatistics() */
* \brief Compute statistics.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::ComputeStatistics().
* @since GDAL 3.2
int GDALMDArrayComputeStatistics(GDALMDArrayH hArray, GDALDatasetH /* hDS */,
int bApproxOK, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax,
double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev,
GUInt64 *pnValidCount,
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
void *pProgressData)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->ComputeStatistics(
CPL_TO_BOOL(bApproxOK), pdfMin, pdfMax, pdfMean, pdfStdDev,
pnValidCount, pfnProgress, pProgressData);
/* GDALMDArrayGetCoordinateVariables() */
/** Return coordinate variables.
* The returned array must be freed with GDALReleaseArrays(). If only the array
* itself needs to be freed, CPLFree() should be called (and
* GDALMDArrayRelease() on individual array members).
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetCoordinateVariables()
* @param hArray Array.
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @return an array of *pnCount arrays.
* @since 3.4
GDALMDArrayH *GDALMDArrayGetCoordinateVariables(GDALMDArrayH hArray,
size_t *pnCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
const auto coordinates(hArray->m_poImpl->GetCoordinateVariables());
auto ret = static_cast<GDALMDArrayH *>(
CPLMalloc(sizeof(GDALMDArrayH) * coordinates.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < coordinates.size(); i++)
ret[i] = new GDALMDArrayHS(coordinates[i]);
*pnCount = coordinates.size();
return ret;
/* GDALMDArrayGetGridded() */
/** Return a gridded array from scattered point data, that is from an array
* whose last dimension is the indexing variable of X and Y arrays.
* The returned object should be released with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::GetGridded().
* @since GDAL 3.7
GDALMDArrayH GDALMDArrayGetGridded(GDALMDArrayH hArray,
const char *pszGridOptions,
GDALMDArrayH hXArray, GDALMDArrayH hYArray,
CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pszGridOptions, __func__, nullptr);
auto gridded = hArray->m_poImpl->GetGridded(
pszGridOptions, hXArray ? hXArray->m_poImpl : nullptr,
hYArray ? hYArray->m_poImpl : nullptr, papszOptions);
if (!gridded)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(gridded);
/* GDALReleaseArrays() */
/** Free the return of GDALMDArrayGetCoordinateVariables()
* @param arrays return pointer of above methods
* @param nCount *pnCount value returned by above methods
void GDALReleaseArrays(GDALMDArrayH *arrays, size_t nCount)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
delete arrays[i];
/* GDALMDArrayCache() */
* \brief Cache the content of the array into an auxiliary filename.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::Cache().
* @since GDAL 3.4
int GDALMDArrayCache(GDALMDArrayH hArray, CSLConstList papszOptions)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, FALSE);
return hArray->m_poImpl->Cache(papszOptions);
/* GDALAttributeRelease() */
/** Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALAttribute.
* Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not
* destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
void GDALAttributeRelease(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
delete hAttr;
/* GDALAttributeGetName() */
/** Return the name of the attribute.
* The returned pointer is valid until hAttr is released.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::GetName().
const char *GDALAttributeGetName(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->GetName().c_str();
/* GDALAttributeGetFullName() */
/** Return the full name of the attribute.
* The returned pointer is valid until hAttr is released.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::GetFullName().
const char *GDALAttributeGetFullName(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->GetFullName().c_str();
/* GDALAttributeGetTotalElementsCount() */
/** Return the total number of values in the attribute.
* This is the same as the C++ method
* GDALAbstractMDArray::GetTotalElementsCount()
GUInt64 GDALAttributeGetTotalElementsCount(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, 0);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->GetTotalElementsCount();
/* GDALAttributeGetDimensionCount() */
/** Return the number of dimensions.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::GetDimensionCount()
size_t GDALAttributeGetDimensionCount(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, 0);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->GetDimensionCount();
/* GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize() */
/** Return the dimension sizes of the attribute.
* The returned array must be freed with CPLFree()
* @param hAttr Attribute.
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @return an array of *pnCount values.
GUInt64 *GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize(GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
const auto &dims = hAttr->m_poImpl->GetDimensions();
auto ret = static_cast<GUInt64 *>(CPLMalloc(sizeof(GUInt64) * dims.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++)
ret[i] = dims[i]->GetSize();
*pnCount = dims.size();
return ret;
/* GDALAttributeGetDataType() */
/** Return the data type
* The return must be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALAttributeGetDataType(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
return new GDALExtendedDataTypeHS(
new GDALExtendedDataType(hAttr->m_poImpl->GetDataType()));
/* GDALAttributeReadAsRaw() */
/** Return the raw value of an attribute.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsRaw().
* The returned buffer must be freed with GDALAttributeFreeRawResult()
* @param hAttr Attribute.
* @param pnSize Pointer to the number of bytes returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @return a buffer of *pnSize bytes.
GByte *GDALAttributeReadAsRaw(GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnSize)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnSize, __func__, nullptr);
auto res(hAttr->m_poImpl->ReadAsRaw());
*pnSize = res.size();
auto ret = res.StealData();
if (!ret)
*pnSize = 0;
return nullptr;
return ret;
/* GDALAttributeFreeRawResult() */
/** Free the return of GDALAttributeAsRaw()
void GDALAttributeFreeRawResult(GDALAttributeH hAttr, GByte *raw,
CPL_UNUSED size_t nSize)
VALIDATE_POINTER0(hAttr, __func__);
if (raw)
const auto dt(hAttr->m_poImpl->GetDataType());
const auto nDTSize(dt.GetSize());
GByte *pabyPtr = raw;
const auto nEltCount(hAttr->m_poImpl->GetTotalElementsCount());
CPLAssert(nSize == nDTSize * nEltCount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nEltCount; ++i)
pabyPtr += nDTSize;
/* GDALAttributeReadAsString() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as a string.
* The returned string should not be freed, and its lifetime does not
* excess a next call to ReadAsString() on the same object, or the deletion
* of the object itself.
* This function will only return the first element if there are several.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsString()
* @return a string, or nullptr.
const char *GDALAttributeReadAsString(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->ReadAsString();
/* GDALAttributeReadAsInt() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as a integer.
* This function will only return the first element if there are several.
* It can fail if its value can be converted to integer.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsInt()
* @return a integer, or INT_MIN in case of error.
int GDALAttributeReadAsInt(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, 0);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->ReadAsInt();
/* GDALAttributeReadAsDouble() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as a double.
* This function will only return the first element if there are several.
* It can fail if its value can be converted to double.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsDoubl()
* @return a double value.
double GDALAttributeReadAsDouble(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, 0);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->ReadAsDouble();
/* GDALAttributeReadAsStringArray() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as an array of strings.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsStringArray()
* The return value must be freed with CSLDestroy().
char **GDALAttributeReadAsStringArray(GDALAttributeH hAttr)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->ReadAsStringArray().StealList();
/* GDALAttributeReadAsIntArray() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as an array of integers.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsIntArray()
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @return array to be freed with CPLFree(), or nullptr.
int *GDALAttributeReadAsIntArray(GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
*pnCount = 0;
auto tmp(hAttr->m_poImpl->ReadAsIntArray());
if (tmp.empty())
return nullptr;
auto ret = static_cast<int *>(VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(tmp.size(), sizeof(int)));
if (!ret)
return nullptr;
memcpy(ret, tmp.data(), tmp.size() * sizeof(int));
*pnCount = tmp.size();
return ret;
/* GDALAttributeReadAsDoubleArray() */
/** Return the value of an attribute as an array of doubles.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsDoubleArray()
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param pnCount Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL.
* @return array to be freed with CPLFree(), or nullptr.
double *GDALAttributeReadAsDoubleArray(GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, nullptr);
VALIDATE_POINTER1(pnCount, __func__, nullptr);
*pnCount = 0;
auto tmp(hAttr->m_poImpl->ReadAsDoubleArray());
if (tmp.empty())
return nullptr;
auto ret =
static_cast<double *>(VSI_MALLOC2_VERBOSE(tmp.size(), sizeof(double)));
if (!ret)
return nullptr;
memcpy(ret, tmp.data(), tmp.size() * sizeof(double));
*pnCount = tmp.size();
return ret;
/* GDALAttributeWriteRaw() */
/** Write an attribute from raw values expressed in GetDataType()
* The values should be provided in the type of GetDataType() and there should
* be exactly GetTotalElementsCount() of them.
* If GetDataType() is a string, each value should be a char* pointer.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const void*, size_t).
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param pabyValue Buffer of nLen bytes.
* @param nLength Size of pabyValue in bytes. Should be equal to
* GetTotalElementsCount() * GetDataType().GetSize()
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALAttributeWriteRaw(GDALAttributeH hAttr, const void *pabyValue,
size_t nLength)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, FALSE);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->Write(pabyValue, nLength);
/* GDALAttributeWriteString() */
/** Write an attribute from a string value.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains
* multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const char*)
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param pszVal Pointer to a string.
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALAttributeWriteString(GDALAttributeH hAttr, const char *pszVal)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, FALSE);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->Write(pszVal);
/* GDALAttributeWriteInt() */
/** Write an attribute from a integer value.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains
* multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::WriteInt()
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param nVal Value.
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALAttributeWriteInt(GDALAttributeH hAttr, int nVal)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, FALSE);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->WriteInt(nVal);
/* GDALAttributeWriteDouble() */
/** Write an attribute from a double value.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains
* multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(double);
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param dfVal Value.
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALAttributeWriteDouble(GDALAttributeH hAttr, double dfVal)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, FALSE);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->Write(dfVal);
/* GDALAttributeWriteStringArray() */
/** Write an attribute from an array of strings.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed.
* Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(CSLConstList)
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param papszValues Array of strings.
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALAttributeWriteStringArray(GDALAttributeH hAttr,
CSLConstList papszValues)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, FALSE);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->Write(papszValues);
/* GDALAttributeWriteDoubleArray() */
/** Write an attribute from an array of double.
* Type conversion will be performed if needed.
* Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const double *,
* size_t)
* @param hAttr Attribute
* @param padfValues Array of double.
* @param nCount Should be equal to GetTotalElementsCount().
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALAttributeWriteDoubleArray(GDALAttributeH hAttr,
const double *padfValues, size_t nCount)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hAttr, __func__, FALSE);
return hAttr->m_poImpl->Write(padfValues, nCount);
/* GDALDimensionRelease() */
/** Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALDimension.
* Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not
* destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
void GDALDimensionRelease(GDALDimensionH hDim)
delete hDim;
/* GDALDimensionGetName() */
/** Return dimension name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetName()
const char *GDALDimensionGetName(GDALDimensionH hDim)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hDim, __func__, nullptr);
return hDim->m_poImpl->GetName().c_str();
/* GDALDimensionGetFullName() */
/** Return dimension full name.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetFullName()
const char *GDALDimensionGetFullName(GDALDimensionH hDim)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hDim, __func__, nullptr);
return hDim->m_poImpl->GetFullName().c_str();
/* GDALDimensionGetType() */
/** Return dimension type.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetType()
const char *GDALDimensionGetType(GDALDimensionH hDim)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hDim, __func__, nullptr);
return hDim->m_poImpl->GetType().c_str();
/* GDALDimensionGetDirection() */
/** Return dimension direction.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetDirection()
const char *GDALDimensionGetDirection(GDALDimensionH hDim)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hDim, __func__, nullptr);
return hDim->m_poImpl->GetDirection().c_str();
/* GDALDimensionGetSize() */
/** Return the size, that is the number of values along the dimension.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetSize()
GUInt64 GDALDimensionGetSize(GDALDimensionH hDim)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hDim, __func__, 0);
return hDim->m_poImpl->GetSize();
/* GDALDimensionGetIndexingVariable() */
/** Return the variable that is used to index the dimension (if there is one).
* This is the array, typically one-dimensional, describing the values taken
* by the dimension.
* The returned value should be freed with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetIndexingVariable()
GDALMDArrayH GDALDimensionGetIndexingVariable(GDALDimensionH hDim)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hDim, __func__, nullptr);
auto var(hDim->m_poImpl->GetIndexingVariable());
if (!var)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(var);
/* GDALDimensionSetIndexingVariable() */
/** Set the variable that is used to index the dimension.
* This is the array, typically one-dimensional, describing the values taken
* by the dimension.
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::SetIndexingVariable()
* @return TRUE in case of success.
int GDALDimensionSetIndexingVariable(GDALDimensionH hDim, GDALMDArrayH hArray)
return hDim->m_poImpl->SetIndexingVariable(hArray ? hArray->m_poImpl
: nullptr);
/* GDALDatasetGetRootGroup() */
/** Return the root GDALGroup of this dataset.
* Only valid for multidimensional datasets.
* The returned value must be freed with GDALGroupRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetRootGroup().
* @since GDAL 3.1
GDALGroupH GDALDatasetGetRootGroup(GDALDatasetH hDS)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hDS, __func__, nullptr);
auto poGroup(GDALDataset::FromHandle(hDS)->GetRootGroup());
return poGroup ? new GDALGroupHS(poGroup) : nullptr;
/* GDALRasterBandAsMDArray() */
/** Return a view of this raster band as a 2D multidimensional GDALMDArray.
* The band must be linked to a GDALDataset. If this dataset is not already
* marked as shared, it will be, so that the returned array holds a reference
* to it.
* If the dataset has a geotransform attached, the X and Y dimensions of the
* returned array will have an associated indexing variable.
* The returned pointer must be released with GDALMDArrayRelease().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterBand::AsMDArray().
* @return a new array, or NULL.
* @since GDAL 3.1
GDALMDArrayH GDALRasterBandAsMDArray(GDALRasterBandH hBand)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hBand, __func__, nullptr);
auto poArray(GDALRasterBand::FromHandle(hBand)->AsMDArray());
if (!poArray)
return nullptr;
return new GDALMDArrayHS(poArray);
/* GDALMDArrayAsClassicDataset() */
/** Return a view of this array as a "classic" GDALDataset (ie 2D)
* Only 2D or more arrays are supported.
* In the case of > 2D arrays, additional dimensions will be represented as
* raster bands.
* The "reverse" method is GDALRasterBand::AsMDArray().
* This is the same as the C++ method GDALMDArray::AsClassicDataset().
* @param hArray Array.
* @param iXDim Index of the dimension that will be used as the X/width axis.
* @param iYDim Index of the dimension that will be used as the Y/height axis.
* @return a new GDALDataset that must be freed with GDALClose(), or nullptr
GDALDatasetH GDALMDArrayAsClassicDataset(GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t iXDim,
size_t iYDim)
VALIDATE_POINTER1(hArray, __func__, nullptr);
return GDALDataset::ToHandle(
hArray->m_poImpl->AsClassicDataset(iXDim, iYDim));
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
GDALAttributeString::GDALAttributeString(const std::string &osParentName,
const std::string &osName,
const std::string &osValue,
GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType eSubType)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName),
GDALAttribute(osParentName, osName),
m_dt(GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString(0, eSubType)), m_osValue(osValue)
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GDALAttributeString::GetDimensions() const
return m_dims;
const GDALExtendedDataType &GDALAttributeString::GetDataType() const
return m_dt;
bool GDALAttributeString::IRead(const GUInt64 *, const size_t *, const GInt64 *,
const GPtrDiff_t *,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
if (bufferDataType.GetClass() != GEDTC_STRING)
return false;
char *pszStr = static_cast<char *>(VSIMalloc(m_osValue.size() + 1));
if (!pszStr)
return false;
memcpy(pszStr, m_osValue.c_str(), m_osValue.size() + 1);
*static_cast<char **>(pDstBuffer) = pszStr;
return true;
GDALAttributeNumeric::GDALAttributeNumeric(const std::string &osParentName,
const std::string &osName,
double dfValue)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName),
GDALAttribute(osParentName, osName),
m_dt(GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Float64)), m_dfValue(dfValue)
GDALAttributeNumeric::GDALAttributeNumeric(const std::string &osParentName,
const std::string &osName,
int nValue)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName),
GDALAttribute(osParentName, osName),
m_dt(GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_Int32)), m_nValue(nValue)
GDALAttributeNumeric::GDALAttributeNumeric(const std::string &osParentName,
const std::string &osName,
const std::vector<GUInt32> &anValues)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName),
GDALAttribute(osParentName, osName),
m_dt(GDALExtendedDataType::Create(GDT_UInt32)), m_anValuesUInt32(anValues)
std::string(), "dim0", std::string(), std::string(),
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GDALAttributeNumeric::GetDimensions() const
return m_dims;
const GDALExtendedDataType &GDALAttributeNumeric::GetDataType() const
return m_dt;
bool GDALAttributeNumeric::IRead(const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx,
const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride,
const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
if (m_dims.empty())
if (m_dt.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_Float64)
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&m_dfValue, m_dt, pDstBuffer,
CPLAssert(m_dt.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_Int32);
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&m_nValue, m_dt, pDstBuffer,
CPLAssert(m_dt.GetNumericDataType() == GDT_UInt32);
GByte *pabyDstBuffer = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count[0]; ++i)
&m_anValuesUInt32[static_cast<size_t>(arrayStartIdx[0] +
i * arrayStep[0])],
m_dt, pabyDstBuffer, bufferDataType);
pabyDstBuffer += bufferDataType.GetSize() * bufferStride[0];
return true;
const std::string &osParentName, const std::string &osName,
const std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension> &poDim, double dfStart,
double dfIncrement, double dfOffsetInIncrement)
: GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName),
GDALMDArray(osParentName, osName), m_dfStart(dfStart),
m_dfOffsetInIncrement(dfOffsetInIncrement), m_dims{poDim}
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced> GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::Create(
const std::string &osParentName, const std::string &osName,
const std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension> &poDim, double dfStart,
double dfIncrement, double dfOffsetInIncrement)
auto poArray = std::make_shared<GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced>(
osParentName, osName, poDim, dfStart, dfIncrement, dfOffsetInIncrement);
return poArray;
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GDALDimension>> &
GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::GetDimensions() const
return m_dims;
const GDALExtendedDataType &GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::GetDataType() const
return m_dt;
GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::GetAttributes(CSLConstList) const
return m_attributes;
void GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::AddAttribute(
const std::shared_ptr<GDALAttribute> &poAttr)
bool GDALMDArrayRegularlySpaced::IRead(
const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep,
const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride, const GDALExtendedDataType &bufferDataType,
void *pDstBuffer) const
GByte *pabyDstBuffer = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstBuffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count[0]; i++)
const double dfVal = m_dfStart + (arrayStartIdx[0] + i * arrayStep[0] +
m_dfOffsetInIncrement) *
GDALExtendedDataType::CopyValue(&dfVal, m_dt, pabyDstBuffer,
pabyDstBuffer += bufferStride[0] * bufferDataType.GetSize();
return true;
const std::string &osParentName, const std::string &osName,
const std::string &osType, const std::string &osDirection, GUInt64 nSize)
: GDALDimension(osParentName, osName, osType, osDirection, nSize)
GDALDimensionWeakIndexingVar::GetIndexingVariable() const
return m_poIndexingVariable.lock();
// cppcheck-suppress passedByValue
bool GDALDimensionWeakIndexingVar::SetIndexingVariable(
std::shared_ptr<GDALMDArray> poIndexingVariable)
m_poIndexingVariable = poIndexingVariable;
return true;
void GDALDimensionWeakIndexingVar::SetSize(GUInt64 nNewSize)
m_nSize = nNewSize;
/* GDALPamMultiDim::Private */
struct GDALPamMultiDim::Private
std::string m_osFilename{};
std::string m_osPamFilename{};
struct Statistics
bool bHasStats = false;
bool bApproxStats = false;
double dfMin = 0;
double dfMax = 0;
double dfMean = 0;
double dfStdDev = 0;
GUInt64 nValidCount = 0;
struct ArrayInfo
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> poSRS{};
// cppcheck-suppress unusedStructMember
Statistics stats{};
std::map<std::string, ArrayInfo> m_oMapArray{};
std::vector<CPLXMLTreeCloser> m_apoOtherNodes{};
bool m_bDirty = false;
bool m_bLoaded = false;
/* GDALPamMultiDim */
GDALPamMultiDim::GDALPamMultiDim(const std::string &osFilename)
: d(new Private())
d->m_osFilename = osFilename;
/* GDALPamMultiDim::~GDALPamMultiDim() */
if (d->m_bDirty)
/* GDALPamMultiDim::Load() */
void GDALPamMultiDim::Load()
if (d->m_bLoaded)
d->m_bLoaded = true;
const char *pszProxyPam = PamGetProxy(d->m_osFilename.c_str());
d->m_osPamFilename =
pszProxyPam ? std::string(pszProxyPam) : d->m_osFilename + ".aux.xml";
CPLXMLTreeCloser oTree(nullptr);
CPLErrorStateBackuper oStateBackuper;
CPLErrorHandlerPusher oErrorHandlerPusher(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
if (!oTree)
const auto poPAMMultiDim = CPLGetXMLNode(oTree.get(), "=PAMDataset");
if (!poPAMMultiDim)
for (CPLXMLNode *psIter = poPAMMultiDim->psChild; psIter;
psIter = psIter->psNext)
if (psIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
strcmp(psIter->pszValue, "Array") == 0)
const char *pszName = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "name", nullptr);
if (!pszName)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Check for an SRS node. */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
const CPLXMLNode *psSRSNode = CPLGetXMLNode(psIter, "SRS");
if (psSRSNode)
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> poSRS =
CPLGetXMLValue(psSRSNode, nullptr, ""),
const char *pszMapping = CPLGetXMLValue(
psSRSNode, "dataAxisToSRSAxisMapping", nullptr);
if (pszMapping)
char **papszTokens =
CSLTokenizeStringComplex(pszMapping, ",", FALSE, FALSE);
std::vector<int> anMapping;
for (int i = 0; papszTokens && papszTokens[i]; i++)
const char *pszCoordinateEpoch =
CPLGetXMLValue(psSRSNode, "coordinateEpoch", nullptr);
if (pszCoordinateEpoch)
d->m_oMapArray[pszName].poSRS = poSRS;
const CPLXMLNode *psStatistics =
CPLGetXMLNode(psIter, "Statistics");
if (psStatistics)
Private::Statistics sStats;
sStats.bHasStats = true;
sStats.bApproxStats = CPLTestBool(
CPLGetXMLValue(psStatistics, "ApproxStats", "false"));
sStats.dfMin =
CPLAtofM(CPLGetXMLValue(psStatistics, "Minimum", "0"));
sStats.dfMax =
CPLAtofM(CPLGetXMLValue(psStatistics, "Maximum", "0"));
sStats.dfMean =
CPLAtofM(CPLGetXMLValue(psStatistics, "Mean", "0"));
sStats.dfStdDev =
CPLAtofM(CPLGetXMLValue(psStatistics, "StdDev", "0"));
sStats.nValidCount = static_cast<GUInt64>(CPLAtoGIntBig(
CPLGetXMLValue(psStatistics, "ValidSampleCount", "0")));
d->m_oMapArray[pszName].stats = sStats;
CPLXMLNode *psNextBackup = psIter->psNext;
psIter->psNext = nullptr;
psIter->psNext = psNextBackup;
/* GDALPamMultiDim::Save() */
void GDALPamMultiDim::Save()
CPLXMLTreeCloser oTree(
CPLCreateXMLNode(nullptr, CXT_Element, "PAMDataset"));
for (const auto &poOtherNode : d->m_apoOtherNodes)
CPLAddXMLChild(oTree.get(), CPLCloneXMLTree(poOtherNode.get()));
for (const auto &kv : d->m_oMapArray)
CPLXMLNode *psArrayNode =
CPLCreateXMLNode(oTree.get(), CXT_Element, "Array");
CPLAddXMLAttributeAndValue(psArrayNode, "name", kv.first.c_str());
if (kv.second.poSRS)
char *pszWKT = nullptr;
CPLErrorStateBackuper oErrorStateBackuper;
CPLErrorHandlerPusher oErrorHandler(CPLQuietErrorHandler);
const char *const apszOptions[] = {"FORMAT=WKT2", nullptr};
kv.second.poSRS->exportToWkt(&pszWKT, apszOptions);
CPLXMLNode *psSRSNode =
CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(psArrayNode, "SRS", pszWKT);
const auto &mapping =
CPLString osMapping;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mapping.size(); ++i)
if (!osMapping.empty())
osMapping += ",";
osMapping += CPLSPrintf("%d", mapping[i]);
CPLAddXMLAttributeAndValue(psSRSNode, "dataAxisToSRSAxisMapping",
const double dfCoordinateEpoch =
if (dfCoordinateEpoch > 0)
std::string osCoordinateEpoch =
CPLSPrintf("%f", dfCoordinateEpoch);
if (osCoordinateEpoch.find('.') != std::string::npos)
while (osCoordinateEpoch.back() == '0')
osCoordinateEpoch.resize(osCoordinateEpoch.size() - 1);
CPLAddXMLAttributeAndValue(psSRSNode, "coordinateEpoch",
if (kv.second.stats.bHasStats)
CPLXMLNode *psMDArray =
CPLCreateXMLNode(psArrayNode, CXT_Element, "Statistics");
CPLCreateXMLElementAndValue(psMDArray, "ApproxStats",
kv.second.stats.bApproxStats ? "1"
: "0");
psMDArray, "Minimum",
CPLSPrintf("%.18g", kv.second.stats.dfMin));
psMDArray, "Maximum",
CPLSPrintf("%.18g", kv.second.stats.dfMax));
psMDArray, "Mean", CPLSPrintf("%.18g", kv.second.stats.dfMean));
psMDArray, "StdDev",
CPLSPrintf("%.18g", kv.second.stats.dfStdDev));
psMDArray, "ValidSampleCount",
CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GUIB, kv.second.stats.nValidCount));
std::vector<CPLErrorHandlerAccumulatorStruct> aoErrors;
const int bSaved =
CPLSerializeXMLTreeToFile(oTree.get(), d->m_osPamFilename.c_str());
const char *pszNewPam = nullptr;
if (!bSaved && PamGetProxy(d->m_osFilename.c_str()) == nullptr &&
((pszNewPam = PamAllocateProxy(d->m_osFilename.c_str())) != nullptr))
CPLSerializeXMLTreeToFile(oTree.get(), pszNewPam);
for (const auto &oError : aoErrors)
CPLError(oError.type, oError.no, "%s", oError.msg.c_str());
/* GDALPamMultiDim::GetSpatialRef() */
GDALPamMultiDim::GetSpatialRef(const std::string &osArrayFullName)
auto oIter = d->m_oMapArray.find(osArrayFullName);
if (oIter != d->m_oMapArray.end())
return oIter->second.poSRS;
return nullptr;
/* GDALPamMultiDim::SetSpatialRef() */
void GDALPamMultiDim::SetSpatialRef(const std::string &osArrayFullName,
const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS)
d->m_bDirty = true;
if (poSRS && !poSRS->IsEmpty())
/* GetStatistics() */
CPLErr GDALPamMultiDim::GetStatistics(const std::string &osArrayFullName,
bool bApproxOK, double *pdfMin,
double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean,
double *pdfStdDev, GUInt64 *pnValidCount)
auto oIter = d->m_oMapArray.find(osArrayFullName);
if (oIter == d->m_oMapArray.end())
return CE_Failure;
const auto &stats = oIter->second.stats;
if (!stats.bHasStats)
return CE_Failure;
if (!bApproxOK && stats.bApproxStats)
return CE_Failure;
if (pdfMin)
*pdfMin = stats.dfMin;
if (pdfMax)
*pdfMax = stats.dfMax;
if (pdfMean)
*pdfMean = stats.dfMean;
if (pdfStdDev)
*pdfStdDev = stats.dfStdDev;
if (pnValidCount)
*pnValidCount = stats.nValidCount;
return CE_None;
/* SetStatistics() */
void GDALPamMultiDim::SetStatistics(const std::string &osArrayFullName,
bool bApproxStats, double dfMin,
double dfMax, double dfMean,
double dfStdDev, GUInt64 nValidCount)
d->m_bDirty = true;
auto &stats = d->m_oMapArray[osArrayFullName].stats;
stats.bHasStats = true;
stats.bApproxStats = bApproxStats;
stats.dfMin = dfMin;
stats.dfMax = dfMax;
stats.dfMean = dfMean;
stats.dfStdDev = dfStdDev;
stats.nValidCount = nValidCount;
/* ClearStatistics() */
void GDALPamMultiDim::ClearStatistics(const std::string &osArrayFullName)
d->m_bDirty = true;
d->m_oMapArray[osArrayFullName].stats.bHasStats = false;
/* ClearStatistics() */
void GDALPamMultiDim::ClearStatistics()
d->m_bDirty = true;
for (auto &kv : d->m_oMapArray)
kv.second.stats.bHasStats = false;
/* GDALPamMDArray */
GDALPamMDArray::GDALPamMDArray(const std::string &osParentName,
const std::string &osName,
const std::shared_ptr<GDALPamMultiDim> &poPam)
GDALAbstractMDArray(osParentName, osName),
GDALMDArray(osParentName, osName), m_poPam(poPam)
/* GDALPamMDArray::SetSpatialRef() */
bool GDALPamMDArray::SetSpatialRef(const OGRSpatialReference *poSRS)
if (!m_poPam)
return false;
m_poPam->SetSpatialRef(GetFullName(), poSRS);
return true;
/* GDALPamMDArray::GetSpatialRef() */
std::shared_ptr<OGRSpatialReference> GDALPamMDArray::GetSpatialRef() const
if (!m_poPam)
return nullptr;
return m_poPam->GetSpatialRef(GetFullName());
/* GetStatistics() */
CPLErr GDALPamMDArray::GetStatistics(bool bApproxOK, bool bForce,
double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax,
double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev,
GUInt64 *pnValidCount,
GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
void *pProgressData)
if (m_poPam &&
m_poPam->GetStatistics(GetFullName(), bApproxOK, pdfMin, pdfMax,
pdfMean, pdfStdDev, pnValidCount) == CE_None)
return CE_None;
if (!bForce)
return CE_Warning;
return GDALMDArray::GetStatistics(bApproxOK, bForce, pdfMin, pdfMax,
pdfMean, pdfStdDev, pnValidCount,
pfnProgress, pProgressData);
/* SetStatistics() */
bool GDALPamMDArray::SetStatistics(bool bApproxStats, double dfMin,
double dfMax, double dfMean, double dfStdDev,
GUInt64 nValidCount)
if (!m_poPam)
return false;
m_poPam->SetStatistics(GetFullName(), bApproxStats, dfMin, dfMax, dfMean,
dfStdDev, nValidCount);
return true;
/* ClearStatistics() */
void GDALPamMDArray::ClearStatistics()
if (!m_poPam)
//! @endcond