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197 строки
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Copyright 2016 Esri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Contributors: Thomas Maurer
/* To avoid symbol clashes with external libLerc */
#define lerc_computeCompressedSize gdal_lerc_computeCompressedSize
#define lerc_encode gdal_lerc_encode
#define lerc_computeCompressedSizeForVersion gdal_lerc_computeCompressedSizeForVersion
#define lerc_encodeForVersion gdal_lerc_encodeForVersion
#define lerc_getBlobInfo gdal_lerc_getBlobInfo
#define lerc_decode gdal_lerc_decode
#define lerc_decodeToDouble gdal_lerc_decodeToDouble
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define LERCDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#elif __GNUC__ >= 4
#define LERCDLL_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
//! C-API for LERC library
//! All output buffers must have been allocated by caller.
typedef unsigned int lerc_status;
//! Compute the buffer size in bytes required to hold the compressed input tile. Optional.
//! You can call lerc_encode(...) directly as long as the output buffer is big enough.
//! Order of raw input data is top left corner to lower right corner, row by row. This for each band.
//! Data type is { char = 0, uchar = 1, short = 2, ushort = 3, int = 4, uint = 5, float = 6, double = 7 }, see Lerc_types.h .
//! maxZErr is the max compression error per pixel allowed.
//! The image or mask of valid pixels is optional. Null pointer means all pixels are valid.
//! If not all pixels are valid, set invalid pixel bytes to 0, valid pixel bytes to 1.
//! Size of the valid / invalid pixel image is nCols x nRows.
lerc_status lerc_computeCompressedSize(
const void* pData, // raw image data, row by row, band by band
unsigned int dataType, // char = 0, uchar = 1, short = 2, ushort = 3, int = 4, uint = 5, float = 6, double = 7
int nDim, // number of values per pixel (e.g., 3 for RGB, data is stored as [RGB, RGB, ...])
int nCols, // number of columns
int nRows, // number of rows
int nBands, // number of bands (e.g., 3 for [RRRR ..., GGGG ..., BBBB ...])
const unsigned char* pValidBytes, // null ptr if all pixels are valid; otherwise 1 byte per pixel (1 = valid, 0 = invalid)
double maxZErr, // max coding error per pixel, defines the precision
unsigned int* numBytes); // size of outgoing Lerc blob
//! Encode the input data into a compressed Lerc blob.
lerc_status lerc_encode(
const void* pData, // raw image data, row by row, band by band
unsigned int dataType, // char = 0, uchar = 1, short = 2, ushort = 3, int = 4, uint = 5, float = 6, double = 7
int nDim, // number of values per pixel (e.g., 3 for RGB, data is stored as [RGB, RGB, ...])
int nCols, // number of columns
int nRows, // number of rows
int nBands, // number of bands (e.g., 3 for [RRRR ..., GGGG ..., BBBB ...])
const unsigned char* pValidBytes, // null ptr if all pixels are valid; otherwise 1 byte per pixel (1 = valid, 0 = invalid)
double maxZErr, // max coding error per pixel, defines the precision
unsigned char* pOutBuffer, // buffer to write to, function fails if buffer too small
unsigned int outBufferSize, // size of output buffer
unsigned int* nBytesWritten); // number of bytes written to output buffer
//! Use the 2 functions below to encode to an older version
lerc_status lerc_computeCompressedSizeForVersion(
const void* pData, // raw image data, row by row, band by band
int version, // 2 = v2.2, 3 = v2.3, 4 = v2.4
unsigned int dataType, // char = 0, uchar = 1, short = 2, ushort = 3, int = 4, uint = 5, float = 6, double = 7
int nDim, // number of values per pixel (e.g., 3 for RGB, data is stored as [RGB, RGB, ...])
int nCols, // number of columns
int nRows, // number of rows
int nBands, // number of bands (e.g., 3 for [RRRR ..., GGGG ..., BBBB ...])
const unsigned char* pValidBytes, // null ptr if all pixels are valid; otherwise 1 byte per pixel (1 = valid, 0 = invalid)
double maxZErr, // max coding error per pixel, defines the precision
unsigned int* numBytes); // size of outgoing Lerc blob
lerc_status lerc_encodeForVersion(
const void* pData, // raw image data, row by row, band by band
int version, // 2 = v2.2, 3 = v2.3, 4 = v2.4
unsigned int dataType, // char = 0, uchar = 1, short = 2, ushort = 3, int = 4, uint = 5, float = 6, double = 7
int nDim, // number of values per pixel (e.g., 3 for RGB, data is stored as [RGB, RGB, ...])
int nCols, // number of columns
int nRows, // number of rows
int nBands, // number of bands (e.g., 3 for [RRRR ..., GGGG ..., BBBB ...])
const unsigned char* pValidBytes, // null ptr if all pixels are valid; otherwise 1 byte per pixel (1 = valid, 0 = invalid)
double maxZErr, // max coding error per pixel, defines the precision
unsigned char* pOutBuffer, // buffer to write to, function fails if buffer too small
unsigned int outBufferSize, // size of output buffer
unsigned int* nBytesWritten); // number of bytes written to output buffer
//! Call this to get info about the compressed Lerc blob. Optional.
//! Info returned in infoArray is { version, dataType, nDim, nCols, nRows, nBands, nValidPixels, blobSize }, see Lerc_types.h .
//! Info returned in dataRangeArray is { zMin, zMax, maxZErrorUsed }, see Lerc_types.h .
//! If nDim > 1 or nBands > 1 the data range [zMin, zMax] is over all values.
// Remark on function signature. The arrays to be filled may grow in future versions. In order not to break
// existing code, the function fills these arrays only up to their allocated size.
// Remark on param blobSize. Usually it is known, either the file size of the blob written to disk,
// or the size of the blob transmitted. It should be passed accurately for 2 reasons:
// _ function finds out how many single band Lerc blobs are concatenated, if any
// _ function checks for truncated file or blob
// It is OK to pass blobSize too large as long as there is no other (valid) Lerc blob following next.
// If in doubt, check the code in Lerc::GetLercInfo(...) for the exact logic.
lerc_status lerc_getBlobInfo(
const unsigned char* pLercBlob, // Lerc blob to decode
unsigned int blobSize, // blob size in bytes
unsigned int* infoArray, // info array with all info needed to allocate the outgoing array for calling decode
double* dataRangeArray, // quick access to overall data range [zMin, zMax] without having to decode the data
int infoArraySize, // number of elements of infoArray
int dataRangeArraySize); // number of elements of dataRangeArray
//! Decode the compressed Lerc blob into a raw data array.
//! The data array must have been allocated to size (nDim * nCols * nRows * nBands * sizeof(dataType)).
//! The valid pixels array, if not 0, must have been allocated to size (nCols * nRows).
lerc_status lerc_decode(
const unsigned char* pLercBlob, // Lerc blob to decode
unsigned int blobSize, // blob size in bytes
unsigned char* pValidBytes, // gets filled if not null ptr, even if all valid
int nDim, // number of values per pixel (e.g., 3 for RGB, data is stored as [RGB, RGB, ...])
int nCols, // number of columns
int nRows, // number of rows
int nBands, // number of bands (e.g., 3 for [RRRR ..., GGGG ..., BBBB ...])
unsigned int dataType, // char = 0, uchar = 1, short = 2, ushort = 3, int = 4, uint = 5, float = 6, double = 7
void* pData); // outgoing data array
//! Same as above, but decode into double array independent of compressed data type.
//! Wasteful in memory, but convenient if a caller from C# or Python does not want to deal with
//! data type conversion, templating, or casting.
//! Should this api be extended to new data types that don't fit into a double such as int64,
//! then this function will fail for such compressed data types.
lerc_status lerc_decodeToDouble(
const unsigned char* pLercBlob, // Lerc blob to decode
unsigned int blobSize, // blob size in bytes
unsigned char* pValidBytes, // gets filled if not null ptr, even if all valid
int nDim, // number of values per pixel (e.g., 3 for RGB, data is stored as [RGB, RGB, ...])
int nCols, // number of columns
int nRows, // number of rows
int nBands, // number of bands (e.g., 3 for [RRRR ..., GGGG ..., BBBB ...])
double* pData); // outgoing data array
#ifdef __cplusplus