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Copyright 2015 Esri
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Contributors: Thomas Maurer
#ifndef HUFFMAN_H
#define HUFFMAN_H
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include "Defines.h"
class Huffman
Huffman() : m_maxHistoSize(1 << 15), m_maxNumBitsLUT(12), m_numBitsToSkipInTree(0), m_root(nullptr) {}
~Huffman() { Clear(); }
// Limitation: We limit the max Huffman code length to 32 bit. If this happens, the function ComputeCodes()
// returns false. In that case don't use Huffman coding but Lerc only instead.
// This won't happen easily. For the worst case input maximizing the Huffman code length the counts in the
// histogram have to follow the Fibonacci sequence. Even then, for < 9,227,465 data values, 32 bit is
// the max Huffman code length possible.
bool ComputeCodes(const std::vector<int>& histo); // input histogram, size < 2^15
bool ComputeCompressedSize(const std::vector<int>& histo, int& numBytes, double& avgBpp) const;
// LUT of same size as histogram, each entry has length of Huffman bit code, and the bit code
const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned int> >& GetCodes() const { return m_codeTable; }
bool SetCodes(const std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned int> >& codeTable);
bool WriteCodeTable(Byte** ppByte, int lerc2Version) const;
bool ReadCodeTable(const Byte** ppByte, size_t& nBytesRemaining, int lerc2Version);
bool BuildTreeFromCodes(int& numBitsLUT);
bool DecodeOneValue(const unsigned int** ppSrc, size_t& nBytesRemaining, int& bitPos, int numBitsLUT, int& value) const;
bool DecodeOneValue_NoOverrunCheck(const unsigned int** ppSrc, size_t& nBytesRemaining, int& bitPos, int numBitsLUT, int& value) const;
void Clear();
struct Node
int weight;
short value;
Node *child0, *child1;
Node(short val, int cnt) // new leaf node for val
value = val;
weight = -cnt;
child0 = child1 = nullptr;
Node(Node* c0, Node* c1) // new internal node from children c0 and c1
value = -1;
weight = c0->weight + c1->weight;
child0 = c0;
child1 = c1;
bool operator < (const Node& other) const { return weight < other.weight; }
bool TreeToLUT(unsigned short numBits, unsigned int bits, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned int> >& luTable) const
if (child0)
if (numBits == 32 // the max huffman code length we allow
|| !child0->TreeToLUT(numBits + 1, (bits << 1) + 0, luTable)
|| !child1->TreeToLUT(numBits + 1, (bits << 1) + 1, luTable))
return false;
luTable[value] = std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned int>(numBits, bits);
return true;
void FreeTree(int& n)
if (child0)
delete child0;
child0 = nullptr;
if (child1)
delete child1;
child1 = nullptr;
size_t m_maxHistoSize;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned int> > m_codeTable;
std::vector<std::pair<short, short> > m_decodeLUT;
int m_maxNumBitsLUT;
int m_numBitsToSkipInTree;
Node* m_root;
static int GetIndexWrapAround(int i, int size) { return i - (i < size ? 0 : size); }
bool ComputeNumBytesCodeTable(int& numBytes) const;
bool GetRange(int& i0, int& i1, int& maxCodeLength) const;
bool BitStuffCodes(Byte** ppByte, int i0, int i1) const;
bool BitUnStuffCodes(const Byte** ppByte, size_t& nBytesRemaining, int i0, int i1);
bool ConvertCodesToCanonical();
void ClearTree();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
inline bool Huffman::DecodeOneValue(const unsigned int** ppSrc, size_t& nBytesRemaining, int& bitPos, int numBitsLUT, int& value) const
const size_t sizeUInt = sizeof(unsigned int);
if (!ppSrc || !(*ppSrc) || bitPos < 0 || bitPos >= 32 || nBytesRemaining < sizeUInt)
return false;
// first get the next (up to) 12 bits as a copy
int valTmp = ((**ppSrc) << bitPos) >> (32 - numBitsLUT);
if (32 - bitPos < numBitsLUT)
if (nBytesRemaining < 2 * sizeUInt)
return false;
valTmp |= (*(*ppSrc + 1)) >> (64 - bitPos - numBitsLUT);
if (m_decodeLUT[valTmp].first >= 0) // if there, move the correct number of bits and done
value = m_decodeLUT[valTmp].second;
bitPos += m_decodeLUT[valTmp].first;
if (bitPos >= 32)
bitPos -= 32;
nBytesRemaining -= sizeUInt;
return true;
// if not there, go through the tree (slower)
if (!m_root)
return false;
// skip leading 0 bits before entering the tree
bitPos += m_numBitsToSkipInTree;
if (bitPos >= 32)
bitPos -= 32;
nBytesRemaining -= sizeUInt;
const Node* node = m_root;
value = -1;
while (value < 0 && nBytesRemaining >= sizeUInt)
int bit = ((**ppSrc) << bitPos) >> 31;
if (bitPos == 32)
bitPos = 0;
nBytesRemaining -= sizeUInt;
node = bit ? node->child1 : node->child0;
if (!node)
return false;
if (node->value >= 0) // reached a leaf node
value = node->value;
return (value >= 0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
inline bool Huffman::DecodeOneValue_NoOverrunCheck(const unsigned int** ppSrc, size_t& nBytesRemaining, int& bitPos, int numBitsLUT, int& value) const
const size_t sizeUInt = sizeof(unsigned int);
if (!ppSrc || !(*ppSrc) || bitPos < 0 || bitPos >= 32)
return false;
// first get the next (up to) 12 bits as a copy
int valTmp = ((**ppSrc) << bitPos) >> (32 - numBitsLUT);
if (32 - bitPos < numBitsLUT)
valTmp |= (*(*ppSrc + 1)) >> (64 - bitPos - numBitsLUT);
if (m_decodeLUT[valTmp].first >= 0) // if there, move the correct number of bits and done
value = m_decodeLUT[valTmp].second;
bitPos += m_decodeLUT[valTmp].first;
if (bitPos >= 32)
bitPos -= 32;
nBytesRemaining -= sizeUInt;
return true;
// if not there, go through the tree (slower)
if (!m_root)
return false;
// skip leading 0 bits before entering the tree
bitPos += m_numBitsToSkipInTree;
if (bitPos >= 32)
bitPos -= 32;
nBytesRemaining -= sizeUInt;
const Node* node = m_root;
value = -1;
while (value < 0)
int bit = ((**ppSrc) << bitPos) >> 31;
if (bitPos == 32)
bitPos = 0;
nBytesRemaining -= sizeUInt;
node = bit ? node->child1 : node->child0;
if (!node)
return false;
if (node->value >= 0) // reached a leaf node
value = node->value;
return (value >= 0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;