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Notes on Preparing a GDAL Source Release
1) Check that the release is ready to go as far as ABI (binary compatibility)
is concerned. This can be checked by comparing the installed headers of the
candidate release with the installed headers of the previous release
(diff -ur $(OLD_INSTALL_DIR)/include $(NEW_INSTALL_DIR)/include). The API
is defined as all functions and classes exported by the CPL_DLL keyword.
- For major and minor releases, there must be no function signature change
for the C API. Only new functions are allowed.
- For major releases, the allowed changes in C++ API should (or must?) be
such that user calling C++ code can still compile against new headers
without modification (existing methods can become virtual, default
arguments can be added, new methods or members can be added)
- For minor releases (1.6.1 versus 1.6.0), the C++ ABI stability must be
preserved : no method signature change, no addition of virtual methods, no
new members. Only non-virtual methods can be added.
It may also be helpful to check:
2) Delete existing fix_typos directory and run scripts/
Process :
1) "make completion" to regenerate scripts/
if new command line switches have been added. scripts/
must also be edited before if new utilities/scripts are added/removed.
2.1) Update the release date, and number information in gcore/
(*NOT* gdal_version.h which is a generated file)
Note: the format of GDAL_RELEASE_DATE should be YYYYMMDD.
2.2) Update two instances of year in CITATION file to the current year.
2.3) Update "version" and "date-released" in CITATION.cff (Note: the DOI does
*not* need to be updated as it is a generic one)
3) Update the VERSION file (if not already done)
3.1) Update the version information in the following files:
- ./swig/python/gdal-utils/osgeo_utils/ (gdal-utils python package)
- ./swig/python/README.rst (libgdal)
4) Update the GDAL_SOVERSION number at top of gdal.cmake according to the
directions given in the comment preceding it.
5) Prepare release overview in the file. For example, to get all changes
from v3.4.0 to current HEAD
git log --reverse -v v3.4.0..HEAD . ":(exclude)autotest" ":(exclude)doc" ":(exclude).github"
For a feature release, e.g 3.6.0, you can use scripts/ to generate a log without commit that went in the previous 3.5.x bugfix releases with:
python3 scripts/
- commit new version to file.
6) If this is a feature release (e.g 3.1), prepare a branch.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b release/3.1
git push origin release/3.1
7) Tag the release with a RC suffix:
git checkout release/3.1
git pull origin release/3.1
git tag -a -m "Create tag v3.1.0RC1" v3.1.0RC1
git push origin v3.1.0RC1
8) Prepare archives
8.0) Ensure you have the following prerequisites (beyond normal build deps):
If make is not GNU make, e.g., export MAKE=gmake
python available as "python", or e.g. export PYTHON=python3.9
python3 available as "python3" in path (export PYTHON=python3.9
partially works, but some scripts under doc have hardcoded python3)
sphinx-build in path, or e.g. export SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build-3.9
breathe extension for sphinx
swig 4 in path as "swig"
md5sum (GNU version) in path (not a POSIX requirement)
8.1) Create the source distributions using the script.
The argument should be the version number (i.e. 1.4.2). As our process involves
doing betas or RCs, use the -rc option so that the filenames include this
information (after promotion to official release, filename renaming will have
to be done)
% ./ 3.1.0 -tag v3.1.0RC1 -rc rc1
For a beta version:
% ./ 3.1.0beta1 -tag v3.1.0beta1
For a version intended for testing packaging (and not for
% ./ 3.4.80 -tag master
It might be useful to compare the content of the generated tarball, with
a previous release (diff -Nur gdal-3.0.1 gdal-3.0.2).
This is more easily doable for a bugfix release.
8.2) Create a snapshot of the documentation (only for feature releases)
0. Potentially refresh (./ from swig/java)
1. cd doc
2. ./build_doc_snapshot 310
This generates
8.3) Publish the resulting files on,
in /osgeo/download/gdal/X.Y.Z (where X.Y.Z is the version number)
with ~/.ssh/config containing:
Host osgeo7-*
ProxyCommand ssh -W $(sed -e "s/^osgeo7-//;s/$/.lxd/" <<< "%h"):%p
9) Announce the release candidate availability to gdal-dev@
10) If new RC is needed, update gcore/ with the new date
and update NEWS,and go to 7)
If no new RC is needed, after a few days, raise a motion to gdal-dev@ for approval
11) Once the vote has positively completed,
11.1) Tag the release as final:
git checkout v3.1.0RC1
git tag -a -m "Create tag v3.1.0" v3.1.0
git push origin v3.1.0
11.2) Log on, go to /osgeo/download/gdal/X.Y.Z
Remove the RC suffixes for the final RC, like:
mv gdal-3.1.0rc1.tar.xz gdal-3.1.0.tar.xz
mv gdal-3.1.0rc1.tar.xz.md5 gdal-3.1.0.tar.xz.md5
mv gdal-3.1.0rc1.tar.gz gdal-3.1.0.tar.gz
mv gdal-3.1.0rc1.tar.gz.md5 gdal-3.1.0.tar.gz.md5
mv gdalautotest-3.1.0rc1.tar.gz gdalautotest-3.1.0.tar.gz
And edit the .md5 file to remove the reference to RC in the names they contain
vim gdal-3.1.0.tar.gz.md5
vim gdal-3.1.0.tar.xz.md5
Check that everything is fine:
md5sum -c *.md5
11.3) In /osgeo/download/gdal, add a symlink from X.Y.Z to CURRENT (except for stable releases in a "old" branch).
% ln -sf X.Y.Z CURRENT
12) (Removed)
13) Update doc/source/about_no_title.rst and doc/source/download.rst to advertise the new release and link to the release notes
14) Update GitHub to close the release milestone.
Then create a new milestone for the next release.
15) Upload the new Python bindings to Pypi (requires upload rights to
the GDAL package by one of the current owners : HowardB/FrankW/EvenR)
( procedure taken from )
15.1) Prerequisite:
a) Install twine
b) Create a $HOME/.pypirc file :
[distutils] # this tells distutils what package indexes you can push to
index-servers = pypi
[pypi] # authentication details for live PyPI
username: yourlogin
password: yourpassword
[pypitest] # authentication details for test PyPI
username: yourlogin
password: yourpassword
15.2) create gdal sdist and upload to pypi:
a) Create a build directory if not already done. Go to it and run cmake
b) cd $BUILD_DIR/swig/python
c) python3 sdist
d) Check the output:
twine check dist/GDAL-*.gz
e) For trial :
twine upload dist/GDAL-*.gz -r pypitest
f) For real :
twine upload dist/GDAL-*.gz
15.3) create gdal-utils wheel and upload to pypi:
a) cd $BUILD_DIR/swig/python/gdal-utils
b) python3 bdist_wheel
c) Check the output:
twine check dist/gdal_utils-*.whl
c) For trial :
twine upload dist/gdal_utils-*.whl -r pypitest
d) For real :
twine upload dist/gdal_utils-*.whl
16) Generate signed maven artifacts with GPG for Java bindings.
This step is required in order to deploy the
maven artifacts to the central Maven repository. Before this step can
proceed you must set up a signing key as described here:
a) Each developer can use their own signing key although it is usually best to
avoid constantly using a different key for releases as users will need to
import the public key in order to verify the artifacts.
Here are a quick set of steps to generate a signing key key.
gpg --gen-key
gpg --list-keys (and note the key id)
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys <key id>
See the above link for more details.
b) Run CMake with the following variables:
1. GPG_KEY: the identifier for the signing keys
2. GPG_PASS: the passphrase for the signing key (optional)
c) Build the bindings: make java_binding
Upon success you should see a file named "swig/java/build/maven/bundle.jar"
that contains all the maven artifacts with signatures. This file is what
will be uploaded to maven central. See the next step.
17) Deploy maven artifacts to Maven central.
NOTE: Before you can deploy to maven central you must set up an account
in Sonatype JIRA. That can be done here:!default.jspa
Once you have an account set up you must be associated with the gdal
project. Create a ticket here asking to be associated with the project:
The entire deployment process is described in detail here:
The following steps summarize the process.
a) Log into the Sonatype repository manager at Use the
same credentials as your Sonatype JIRA account.
b) Once log in select "Staging Upload" on the left hand side.
c) Select "Artifact Bundle" under "Upload Mode" and then choose the "bundle.jar"
created in the previous Step 22. Finally "Upload Bundle" to start the upload.
d) When the upload has been completed you will be notified that a staging
repository has been created. Note the name of the repository. It should look
something like "orggdal-100x".
e) From the left hand menu navigate to "Staging Repositories". In the search
box look for the staging repository name you noted from the previous section.
Or just search for "gdal". It should be obvious which repository is the
current one.
f) Select the staging repository. If all is well You should see the option to
"Release" (Located as a button near the top of the page). If not it means
there was an issue with the bundle. Consult the "Activity" tab at the bottom
of the page to find out why.
e) Click the "Release" button and that is it! The release should be available in
Maven Central shortly. You can verify this by going to and
searching for "gdal".
18) Create a release on GitHub
Go to
And create a release for the vX.Y.Z tag
Attach the gdal-X.Y.Z.tar.gz, gdal-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.md5,, and files
19) Regenerate Docker images
./docker/ --with-multi-arch --release --tag 3.3.1 --gdal v3.3.1 --proj 8.1.0 --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --push
and update docker/ with the latest release
20) Announce release to :
- major release:,,
- bugfix release:,
- bugfix release:
- feature release:
Note: gdal-announce@ is moderated. Make sure that your email address is approved
('mod' tick disabled in,
or your message manually approved, with an administrator of the list.
21) For a feature release: after it has been done, in the master branch, update
the VERSION to the next one and in gcore/, update
GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR/_MINOR, GDAL_RELEASE_NAME (with a dev suffix, like "3.7.0dev"),
and set GDAL_RELEASE_DATE to a date like {YEAR}9999.
Update swig/python/gdal-utils/osgeo_utils/ to something like (3, 6, 99, 0)
if master is 3.7.0dev